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LAW Paper ~ II Note ssThis paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All 4 questions are compulsory The*word ‘Secular’ was added in the Preamble to the Constitution of India by (A) First Amendment Act (B) Seventh Amendment Act (C)_ Forty-Second Amendment Act (Dy"Forty-Fourth Amendment Act Article 15(1) prohibits discrimination against any citizen Othe grounds of (A) Religion, race and caste only. (B) Religion, caste and sex only. (©). Religion; caste, sex and place of birth only. (D) Religion, races easte, sex. place of birth or any of them, Match List-I with List-IT and’ select the correct answer using/the codes given below : List- 1 List- IL 1 Deletion of (a) Constitution fundamental (Forty-Second tight to freedom Amendment) to acquire, hold Act. and dispose of property, TL Insertion of the (b) Constitution word ‘integrity’ — (Forty-Fourth to the Preamble Amendment) of the Act. Constitution. Til Inclusion of (c) Constitution right to Eighty-sixth education as Amendment) fundamental Act right under Article 21A IV. Insertion of (d) Constitution Clause(5) in. (Ninety-Third Article 15. Amendment) Act. Codes : Ion mW Ww (A) (b) (@) () a) (B) (a) (b) (c) (dp (C) (b) (a) (d) (ce) (D) (ce) (db) a) a) 4. Which provision of the Constitution imposes a duty on the Union to ensure that the Government of every State is carrying on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution ? (A) Article 352 (B) Article 355 (C) Article 356 (D) Article 360 “Right to life’ under Article 21 of the Constitution does not include ‘right to die’. This observation was made by the Supreme Court in (A) P. Rathinam V. Union of India (B) Gian Kaur V. State of Punjab (C) Both (A) and (B) above. (D) None of the above. A Judge of the Supreme Court can be removed from his office on the ground(s) of (A) Proved incapacity (B) Violation of the Constitution. (C) Both (A) and (B) above (D) None of the above. Parliament has power to legislate with respect fo a matter in the State List, provided it is in the (A). Public interest (B) National interest (Cy) Both (A) and (B) above (D) None of the above Assertion (A) : Ownership is not only a juridical concept, but also social concept and an instuument of social policy. Reason (R) : The right of alienation is not a necessary incident of ownership. Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are te and {R) is correct explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true. but (R) is notethe — correct explanation of (A). (C) (A)is true, but (R) is false. (D) (A) is false, but (R)is trues misbehaviour or fafa wera — 11 ‘Feats ee vers 8 rare (50) seats wee Foe a (2) Fe ee eT FL ft dager iit) wer sa aises at sefer (sitar) F fae art SSL? (A) eee ate @) Sea aa ater (Qeatterisaie ata (D) Saaeet dere at are is) Fraiafen_ ant x anit & sia Seu sat sissies Fea (A) See syst ma st (B) Sac et, stage fer © ac oe ale, ara Te (D) va seria, sia, fr, ee a aT wat ae lat at _ 0 * aati oan oar ee oe WV. aaa 158 wa (5) seat eT | @ sae (rerest aan) 4. aio eS a Wee da or ae fire Prete ae & fe ae ae aT fede wr st rer ee Sart arqEE Sate a AE? (A) ayST352 (B)-ATST355 (C) aSe356 (D) ST 360 alae & APSE 2-H Seti WaT “si am she 3 act at ater ata wat ae afta sae ses fea aract & feat at? (A) 3 are aa ara aa (B) Ra E TS (©) SRF (A) Fat (B) Fat (D) saaer AS at eT Serr ara & area a ae 2S fester sere oe era ST eT (A) faa gern eet eT @) sears sr (CQ) 3 a) Ta Bart (D) Sager a a ae eT wea aah 4 anit frat faa ae FT Sr ieaiaiadk iene kdeeshoad (a) area @B, wakase (C) Se (A) 7a (B) At (D)) Seger a ai a ‘afaarrt (a) : ares Fact oe ahr Sarge a adi air we eee Fee co amie ait a aR HR BIT (Ry): Sea = siae at e sere ene | we (A) (A) 7T (R) Fat HT F AE (R), (A) ae TTF (A) 7a (R) Sat ALY AT (R), (A) BF OT RL (A) FA, TY (R) TATE (A) Tet &, FRY (R) FATE @B) © (D) 9. | Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below List-1 List - 1 (Theory) (Subject) (a) _Retributive 1. Legal Right Theory (b) Sociological I. Source of Theory. Law (©) Theory of) II. Punishment Precedent (@) Theory off TV. Roscoe Property Pond Codes : @ 6) @ @ @~ 1 W tm Bm wv in tt om iui. w oO WV mito. 10. Hypothesis of Grund norm was propounded by (A) Austin (B)_ Diguit (©) Hart (D) Kelson 11. Immanuel Kant is the exponent of (A) Retributive theory of punishment. (B)_Reformative theory of punishment. (C)_ Detterent theory of punishment. (D) Preventive theory of punishment. 12. Who used the word ‘Sociology’ for the first time ? (A) Auguste Comte (B) Herbert Spencer (C) Diguit (D) None of the above 13. 14. 15. Which one of the statements is true ? (A) Animus is necessary for the acquisition or commencement of possession. (B) Corpus is necessary for the acquisition or commencement of possession. (C) Animus and Corpus are not necessary from the acquisition following or commencement — of possession. (D) Animus and Corpus are necessary for the acquisition or commencement of possession. Which of the following statements is true ? 1, An imperfect right may become perfect under certain circumstances. Imperfect right can become a valid defence. 3. Law recognises an imperfect right but not to enforce it. 4, Imperfect right can be reduced as a valid defence. (A) only 1.2.3) (B) only 1.4 (© only2,3,4 (D) only 1,43 Assertion (A) : The United Nations cannot perform peace keeping ‘or peace making operations. Reason (R) : United Nations has no amy. navy or air force of its own, Codes (A) Both (A) and (R),are tme and (R) is the comet explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not they correct explanation of (A). (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. (D) (A)is false, but (R) is trues 10. 1. 2. aSl_l st aei- a gated Fe et ois fee me sts SI weraa @ wet sae arr aet-1 wi-n (fraia) (fava @ vars 1 apt ater frat (b) sarees I, fat an att feat Il. =e I. teat tvs @ ® @ @ (CN ae (BR) WM Wu ot oQm nut w oO Vimt ou ge at qa ae) oT aT wiaaren faa fear? (A) afer @) © we fame O) ar qe sic noe (A) aiserrs ars fart (8) Bree ws frat (©) Fare as fart (D) fresers fear sai ae om eae aa (A) arr Fe (B) aa (©) fe (D) seis Fa aie at freafetan 8 ot at ser Bete? (A) Sst ar afer we Set aT eT BT ART BET SF FONT FET SAT TAT aera F | 8) = a ater ae a eT (QC) 38s ater wis ae et (D) 33 after wie seen at fatten saat ae ee Lowe api ater go fete ade pt afer a aa E | 2 sph sie de gar ae 1 aap ay afar st sem or RAST 4 api ater at ay qa e seam fear oT ae F | (A) F123 (B) Fam14 (©) F572, 3,4 (D) FAI, 4 Shea) te ae aie ae Wat a aia am & ate aT Bale ae ae AST | ara (R)_ tag Te Ht art am Bale Set ar arg BAT AAT aS (A) (A) oT (R) art RTF aH (R), (A) STE | (B) (A) wer (Rat aE (R), (A) 1 aT ETE (©) (A) sate, Tq (RTE ) (Ayre IR EY 16. “The permanent members of Security Couneil have special privilege in the voting procedure of the Security Couneil in as much as the decisions of Security Council on non- procédural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members ingluding the concurring votes of the permanent members.” Above statement is attributed to of the Charter of the United Nations) (A) Article 27, Pata’ (B) Article 27/Para 2 (C) Article26 (D) Article 28: 17. Match List-I with List-Iyand select the correct answer using the’eodes given below : List-1 List (i) Custom (a) P.C) Corbett begins where usage ends, (ii) The Statute of (b) JG. Starke, International Introduction Court of to Inter Justice, Article national Law, 38, Para 1 is P.40 about. (iii) ‘Custom’ (c) Treaty and should be Custom as replaced by sources of word Intemational ‘evidence’ Law. (iv) Law making (4) Brierly, Law treaties. of Nations, P.58 Codes : @ Gi Gi) Gv) Ao © @ @ (B) (c) (b) (a) (dd) (C) (©) (b) @) (@ (D) (a) (b) ) () 18. 19. 20. Assertion (A) : Arbitration is the prceess of resolving, disputes tween States by means of an arbitral tribunal “appointed by the parties . Reason (R) : Disputes are arbitrary. Codes : (A) (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (B) (A) and (R) are tue, but (R) is not the eomrect explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. (D) (Apis false, but (R) is te. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below : List—I List—1 (a) Tomaintain (i) Article | of international the UN peace and Charter security . (b) Principles of (ii) Article 2 of UN the UN | _ Charter (c) Admissionof (iii)Article 12 new members of the UN toUN Charter (a) Limits on (iv)Article 4 of powers of the UN General Charter Assembly in respect of any dispute. Codes = GG) Gi) Gy) Ay fay (b) (ce) (a) (b) (c) (a) (a) (C) (a) (by a) (e) (Dy (ce) (dy (b) fa) StimsOA"S), doctrine of | Non- Recognition is related to (A) Duty of non-recognition of some territorial acquisitions ‘brought about in accordance swith international law. (B) Duty of non-recognition of some territorial acquisitions brought about iff breach of international law. (©) Duty of non-recognition of all territorial acquisitions brought phaut in breach of intermational law. (D) Duty of non-recognition’ of, all territorial acquisitions brought gbout according to ntematonal wv. 17. arch yea stag art fia fae & iqe tt aeet & pers ae, et sae acest & aentnept ste arte & er FL aaa #1” FARR Sy ee Frere (A) SeRSe 27)siews 3 (B) Syee27 Hirer > (C) ser 26 (D) re wi - 1 a at 0 & ae ie wire atte are Fee AE IS ASAT See ae aa GG) Wer ares viet (a) Sa Hae Font wor Barr FTE | (i) Sate (by) Sa Sa, tara Fé eT ate oR werner a, = y40 38, WEE faae faa #1 (ii) eT we (co) saeiecia fafa a ae ears iy) ret aaa | (d) Frreh, or ate FAHY. 58 ate @ Gi) Gi) ivy Ao © @ @ B) ©) ) @ © @ & @ @ oO @ 6 @ © 18. 20. arfirarers (A): eT Te Tat aia * fae caer an BIRR NTO ATT TT TT faarat a freee frat sat #1 Sr (R) sere TE Ae we (A) (A) TR) HF TTR), (A) SSA STETe (B) (A) TR) FALE TR), (A) Ste TST TAF I (©) (ayaa a, sq (RY Tee (D) (ATAT a FR) HF wii a git se free ais a ae See wai-1 = i vit (i) {ore aT mt oer (>) [on & fraie (ii) qe ae aT OQ Rats GigE Aa wat aT 12 (d) feat faa (iv) [oH et aT ht ae 4 sre safest © a (D) Sarda fate ar ori at ae are Teena oi orto 21. 22 23. 24. Prohibited degree and relationship are (A) Mutually exclusive (B) Dependent on each other (©) May overlap each other (D)pNone of the above Spinda In. whith of the following case, the High Court held that “the presence of Qazi" is not necessary at the time of marriage ceremony under the Muslim Law? (A) Qazi) Mohd. Najmuddin Hussain V. State Of A.P. (B) Mohd. Yunus V. Malooki (C) Shamim Ara V.State of U.P. (D) Bai Tahira Vs: Ali Hussain Assertion (A) : Marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is dissoluble, Reason (R) : Marriage is )a sacrosanct union, Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are tte. (B) Both (A) and (R) are false (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true. Which of the following is not condition for a marriage under Section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1985? (A) Neither should have a living spouse. (B) If the bride is below 18, the consent of her guardian has been obtained. (C) They are not within prohibited degrees relationship. (D) Neither should be subject to recurrent attack of insanity. Sources of Muslim Law are (a) TheKoran (b) The Ismaa (©) The Hadis (4) The Kiyas Indicate their correct sequence. (A) (a), (b), (@) and (c) (B) (a), (€), (b) and (d) (©) (a). (@). (6) and (b) (D) None of the above 26. 27. 28. 29, According to Muslim Law, marriage is not solemnised of only for the sexual enjoyment between two spouses, itis an act of Ibadat. (A) True (B) False (©) Partly true, partly false (D) None of the above X invites his friend Y on dinner but later on declined to arrange it on specified day. (A) X is liable for breach of contract. (B) X is liable, if Y goes to the house of X and returns without dinner. (C) X is liable for breach of contract, if Y gets dinner in hotel. (D) X is not liable for breach of contract. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List-1 List - 1 (a) Breachof 1. Impossible to contract perform (b) Revocation 2. Same thing in of offer the same sense () Consent 3. Compensation (d) Frustration 4. Lapse of stipulated time Codes = (a) (hyp (©) @) (a) T gy 2 (B) 2 4 1 3 ©3 1 2 4 O3 4 ww ‘Which one of the following provisions of the Indian Contract, Act deals with the reciprocal promise todo things legal and also other things illegal ? (A) Section 6 (B) (C) Sections’ (D) Section 57 Section 17 21. 23. 24, freer fect ste afare ae E (A) rer ered 8) Swath (C) Ty ae (D) seers a a eT fetter 4 4 fee ae 4 sa ares ae fava frat er we ap at oie dee Sande eves ee? (AQestt Feat TER GT aaa aT TT (8) FRSA Ta (OQ) Wart aa See eT TT (D) se ois ach atfraret (A) fg fare atta, 1955 3 ot Eyer eae Bara ee ara ae (R) | raw ag singer Tea | ae: (A) (A) aie (RE (B) (A) a(R) art eT Fay (C) (Ay Ree, YR) TATE (D) (A) Tare TR) HAF faq faere ofuiran, 1955 Fi UTS opin frafatan F @ sia et free at wd aie? (A) Sat Fa feet oe a ot ere ‘Sifaa set ar safe | B) aris a wae EI (C) Soiree fat Swe Fate (D) 2h 3 feat att oe aad a 4 aed fees arg ein @ ar (o) Fen (ae (d) Fae eae ee ST A) @). (6), @) FC) (B) (a), (©), (b) a (d) (C) (a), (4), (©) aR (b) (D) SeRa Ea at et 27. 28. 29, afer arp & organ, faa Sac aft ae cfr oars if 3 fore at &, ae Werder FI (A) 3H (B) TT (©) aie se 4 ae oie er F a 0) WETtdat at Xam fay ae & aia eT eg ae Prelfte fea we se i aT WaT aa Sana ame | (A) X Shaan aie eee @) Wey, xX aca ewe se fea far oat a cen & tx faster aT | (©) a y aea 4 are at & aX ana fora Peer aT | (D) X SRean ie eer ate me aw Ia apian safe cer aie (a) seers 1 ore are ater ) raat 2. aaa vine area (0) sent 3. (4) eT 4 mere fa) (b) (©) (@ (AL tT 3 4 2 BD 4g 3 (Cy) 3, 1 2 4 M3 4 21 carta Alea afiaa ar Preteen # 4 OS aT Wer fae Sr at eT ge oa sey det stat aa a urate wien o ae Tea F 2 (A) 8RT56 (B)_aRT 57 (Cc) aTs8 (D) wT 17 30. 31. 32. Section 26 of the Indian Contract Act declares the agreement void on the ground of (A) Absolute restraint only (B) Partial restraint only (CPBoth absolute or restraint (DY None of the above ‘No customer in a thousand ever read the conditionsoIf he had stopped to do, hhe would lave missed the train or the boat. This observation was made by (A) Anson (B) Donaldson (©) Lord Denning (D) ‘Pearson When consent iswigiven due to mistake, an agreement will be partial (A) Voidable (B) Legal (©) legal (D) Void A person is responsible in aWof tort, (A) all the consequences@f his ack) (B) all the consequences whichare ‘not remote. (©) all the consequences whi¢h directly flow from his act (D) all the consequences which are reasonably foreseeable. There is a school by the side of the road, Three children of nursery class stray away from the school on to the road. A truck driver, who was driving the truck at a normal speed, notices the children. While trying to save the children, the truck hits a shop and an injury is caused to one person. Which of the following assertions correctly represent the law ? (A) The school management is liable as they are negligent in not keeping the children within the school premises. (B) The truck driver is liable as he did not take proper care. (C) The children are liable as they contributed to the accident (D) None is liable as it is a pure accident 36. Match List-I with List-II. Use the code below to select the right answer. List-1 List a, Donoghue V. 1. Remoteness Stevenson of damages b. InrePolemis 2. Absolute liability c. M.C.MehtaV. — 3. Neighbour Union of India principle Lloyd V. Grace 4, Vicarious Smith & Co. liability Codes : a oboe d (a) 203 4 1 (By) 2 3 1 4 (cy) 3 1 4 2 M3 1 2 4 When an injury is caused by the act of an enterprise engaged in a hazardous or inherently dangerous activity, the enterprise is absolutely liable for the injury because 1. it has not taken reasonable care, 2the enterprise owes an absolute and non-delegable duty to the community to ensure that no harm tesults from the activity. 3/it 1§\considered as a part of the socialeostfor canying on the hazardous orinherently dangerous activity. 4, it is difficult to prove lack of care on the part of enterprise Select the right code : (A) Land 2 are eorreet. (B) Land 4 are corteet! (©) Land 3 are correct. (D) 2and 3 are correct. 30. 31. 32. once afar afafaa st art 26 Fae ai ope aes arch (A) aaa Qi ae} ae (B) aan aie sate & oe (C) wi en ails set ara oe (D) seer Fa a at WS Bae ot sea wat a aT Weer Fy ae ae tar ae & fed ee ore sae mst sem AT EE sath hae er fares fara ar 2 (A) WR By rE () wear 6 0) faa wa feat sae S gamin ag 4 at oe fF, at ae eae aT (A) qaecia (B) © #4 OQ). qepls fat & oral war eta freer ame (A) Sad Sat at Fiat (B) Hah ac & fae at wee a (C) See ae 3 yee ser a aT sia ) eerie ores wr ate, Wee eae ees ee eT dn on ase eet eS | ‘geet, oh ze are nfs Swen wa oT, am Sat an ae F 1 aes at sae Zee an ae ee art oat at om 1 faites 3 a vale an frag arg a aes ae? (A) free aden Peter ¢ aie Ss ae sea at fre we ieee at ca ex cea aT | (BR) 2 gen freer # wife ot aefed seer at act | (C) 35 famien € aie get Sat ware | (D) #8 faster at # sais oe yet | 35. wt — 1 at ats ee ie ifr cer as fer me sats a eT A wats ar air ai atime 1. afratgem aa bo middie 2. gia wastage 3. asta rai sam SET ae a. aiagers 4, sinister afar aa fess rT wie: a oboe d a2 3 4 1 ® 2 3 1 4 ©3 1 4 2 3 12 4 aa fea sis at er eg framers ado feet cara aitrars & feet ard @ fret at ae iz vagact fot sae fore ae wire i fre diet Fae Ly sae ster eet ae at shen a aEE Fe afiea acto ph wt agra artea # fr ser ard SHES Sid ai ES al sta st ar areca wp art art Stier ta & ohh Sa Fer are | 4. ae aaa sear Fier # fe vere area ae tae wa as ya (A) ira ee (B) Lama are (C) irs ae D) 27I3 we 37. 38. D employs a driver Z to drive his car. D speeifically instructs the driver not to drive fast and in no case exceed the speed of 50 kms per hour. Z exceeds the limit and causes the aceident in which P is injured, In an action against D for damages (A) D isnot vicariously liable for the act of the driver because the driver acted against the express instruétions of his master. (B) Dis not liable as the act of the driver was notdone during the course of employment. (©) D is liable as the driver was doing an authorised act in an unauthorised manner (D) D is not liable as there was contract for service between D and the driver. Due to the negligence of the owners of a well, it was filled with poisonous gases and two of the employees were trapped inside the well. B, an expert in disaster management in sueh situation, ‘was called to rescue the two employees. B decided to go inside the well with the help of a rope in order to save the employees trapped in the well. He was wamed of the risk involved. Despite all this B went inside the well and was overcome by the gases. He was taken to hospital where he died. B’s wife sued the owners of the well for compensation. (A) Owners are not liable because maxim volunti non fit injuria applies. B) Owners are not liable because B was ‘an expert and master of his trade. (©) Owners are liable because the act of B was the natural and probable consequence of owner’s negligent act (D) Owners are liable because B died while being engaged by them. 39. 40. 41. 420 Malignantly and maliciously are synonyms. There is only one provision of Indian Penal Code which covers both the aspect. Provide the correct answer : (A) Section 153 (B) Section 270 (C)_ Section 219 (D) Section 220 The Indian Penal Code no more denote a positive evil intent for fixing liability, however there are certain type of act which signifies want of care as culpable resulting out of breach of duty. What it is known as ? (A) Rashly (B) Negligently (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of them Assertion (A) : Common intention implies a pre-arranged plan, prior meeting of minds and prior consultation between all the persons committing the erime. Reason (R) : The law makes no distinction between the persons or the part played by them in doing the criminal act. (A) (A) is true and (R) is false (B) (A) and (R) are both true, but (R) is not the — correct explanation of (A). (C) (A)is false and (R) is true (D) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is most nearest explanation of (A). ‘Assertion (A) : Culpable homicide becomes murder when the act causes death and is done with the intention of causing death. Reason (R) : One of the conditions to, be satisfied for treating it murder provide the injury ‘intended to be inflicted is sufficient “in the ordinary course of nature to cause deat. Codes (A) (A) isitrue, but/(R) isnot the reason (B) (A) and (R) are both tae, but (R) is not the , correct explanation of (A) (C) (A)is false and (R)is true’ (D) Both (A) and (R) arg true"and (R) isthe © reasonable explanation of (A) 37. cot a onet ane aert & fe we great say at fram fear at a gat at ap fate ea 4 free fem fe oe aa i Sos se wan at st ar at oat 50 Feat wit mes aes at ae Sopfest, vit ore at af a ae a a ai gam fret qien @ fart or amet gat |r & foes ania $a + (A) Fee Sad Sie Shh eo a RRR ae ae ge Se ae fees + foes ae faa (B) a) fier ae sai gear 4 ae ard Rotem & cheat fet | (©) at far aerate gear sfiga aa Fi seas ame maT! (D) St Bastar aah aie “st eT gen oan dar FEY aT we Bt Sagal at ore Bate ta me ra cites arenas 4 fretes st set errant 3seR & far ge | ge asad af sen Fa ‘Ba oe eT aman 3 gf a ad wm fms feat sae feist oat Sse ee aT fear eae RE TB Tt vt ar cen sect at wae Saran 3a SRE Te aT eT a Bena | ‘Bw oe a vite & fae gta aire wae feet | (A) ifr faster aft # sie stort sis fee Safer ay ata (B) wire fare vat # aie Be ore sare 8 fade at fag (0) afew freer tte a ot fet aa a aa afaat at armani a dated aioe | (D) aio fee # sais cp at Wawa Sh gee far sen sa TT TTT 39. 40. 41. 2. champ ott fragt yaicaret wee | anda avg sien at we 4 wee St ae am aien Eat sar a ae ST (A) aRT153(B) FT 270 (C) aFT219— (D) aT 220 ante we Siem ae tas at Pati wel & fae were a aM afera vet adi, gefy ade at saaret Fost taut st eet e set a re areca ore & vi aa ed? (A) saree a B) wae (©) SRT A) 7a (B) aH (D) FRA ata after (A) raters onra a i yee ae ae sar fet wee ar SCE TT | (A) (Ayes a(R) TT (B) (A) ARR) ARI AE, TT (A) at (R) HT Sen aE | (©) (Ayre ait R) RAE (D), (A) AR (R) FT FAT # ae (A) = (R) fracas =aren & | afwaer (A): arate ARe ae ae Fave ot A a eae sa eT aq tots a ST Sars & ares & Pear Ta aT I we (R) oe ea Se a fara at ae fae ot ontice att eee EF, ae agi aT eT Faq awin amagete (A) (A) ate, F(R) OTT (B) (A) SR (R) FR Ae RT (A) at (R) ae Se ae I (C) (Aptana (R) AB (D) (A) aR (R) art BAT ar (A) St (R) sae ree 43. 46. ‘An agreement of which either the object or the means employed are illegal, but does not itself constitute an offence is known as (A) Intimidation (B) Conspiracy (@) Abetment (D) Allof them The aet of causing death to a person Who hag committed or attempted to commit house breaking by night is knowns ¥ (A) Marginal exeess’ of right to private defence. (B) Purported exertise of right of self defence. (©) Murder (D) No detached objectivity would be possible fo weigh the culpability, A Seven Judges Bench “of the’ Supreme Court considered the scope of Industry and laid down a Triple Test Formula in one of the following cases : (A) State of Bombay Vs Bombay Hospital Mazdoor Sabha, AIR 1960 SC. (B) Bangalore Water Supply Vs. A. Rajappa, AIR 1978 SC. (C) DN. Baunetji Vs. PR. Mukherjee, AIR 1953 SC. (D) University of Delhi Vs. Ramnath, AIR 1963 SC. Out of the following one of the modes is not a dispute settlement under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947. (A) Conciliation (B) Adjudication (©) Alternate Dispute Resolution (D) Arbitration 47. 48. 49. The qualifications of a person who cannot be appointed as. presiding officer of the Labour Court, (A) He is or has been a Judge of a High Court, (B) He has for a period of not less than three years, been a District Judge or an Additional District Judge. (©) He has been Civil Judge for 2 years. (D) He has held any Judicial Office in India for not less than seven years. The Registrar cannot withdraw or cancel registration of a Trade Union if (A) the application of the Trade Union is in the proper form on verification. (B) the certificate of registration has ‘deen obtained by fraud or mistake. (C) the Trade Union has ceased to exist. (D) the Trade Union has wilfully after a notice from the Registrar contravened the Provisions of the Act. Any person who has attained the following age may be a member of a registered Trade Union. (A) 18 years (B) (C) 16 years (D) 17 years 15 years The workmen are not entitled to lay off \eompensation in one of the following cases (A) An industrial establishment in ‘which less than fifty workmen on an average per working day have been employed. (BYeAn- industrial establishment in which’ less) than one hundred workinen on an average per working day have been employed. (©) An industrial establishment in whieh less lian two hundred and fifty workmen ‘on an average per working day have been employed. (D) An_ industrial establishment in which less than five’ hundred workmen on anwaverage per working day have been employed, 46. cre are amet ef, wo fee Hh aah am 4 ae aid ar as, Sa et (A) af 8) 7 Qoa ) set 7h ar Fae at Sara eet art saat ST eer A aT Ser TF (A) Set gers ster a sae ae | () & Wats aber a aii van Se | © = (0) Stem a ora S ages a ‘Freee aaa a ay Sa ae Ft a et ate a can = ad a ow fer ea git frafatan act Ha we A Peter ‘Seen eer (A) F3e we sar Fat ae ‘FART FHT, TATE SATE 1960 SC (B) ait ae agit sae tT TATE aT 1978 SC (C) San. eet ae ot ak aT Tae SIE 1953 SC (D) feet fee sa oe aE AT 1963 SC frafaie 4S =m moo ota faa afufran, 1947 & avin fare ar frvers eT? a a (B) Sarr (©) sepreh faare were 0) Tee 47. 48. 49. Saar a at & rT wae aie at der carat freee 3 Pear ot aT? (A) 3 ae Se Ses ae ERT TT TATE | (B) ae dm aot a am ei st aah fren eaniie wat at (C) seated & fae faa oo ar a (D) waar aaa ee Pet ae oe aT aT er feel oy da Ho ie at aire sere eae ae aa aE (A) Uae eee oe se cere war aT ae | (B) sheer ar athe sid are areata wre Far wa a | (©) arta eaters A aa #1 (D) tree & cite 8 & ae oh oe aa 4 omamer wt afefrar ‘weer a serie fara eT | aie at ofan fetes 4 4 feet oe ary a Ae Seige ae ae ST aaa (A) is ae (B) (C)\ 16 ae (D) iat 15 ae faaictag 9 3 fs aed 3 afaat at area ar ares a a ata at? (A) tai stele sien fred so 8 ar afte sige saa fea Pa aatiae ay (B) tah stir en Frei 100 F an afte ten wh ae eas far ater il (©) tt state der frei 250 a ee ait stag ait ae Rae & ama | (D) tt state sere sot 3 after atta wit arab fears 3 fore siete a |

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