Budgeting Basics Module2

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What are my own income and expenses?

Now that you’ve learned about David’s earning and spending habits it’s time to
learn about your own. Use the table on the next page to keep track of your income
and expenses for a period of one month.

Real World Math authors Donna Guthrie and Jan Stiles, suggest the following key
steps for tracking your income and spending.

1. Include all sources of income.

Identify where you get your money - allowance, part-time jobs, gifts, etc.
What you make may vary from month to month so try to look for trends. For
example, you may have more income on the month of your birthday or
around special holidays.

2. Don’t forget about taxes!

Make sure you base your earnings on the money that you actually take home
(net salary) and not on your total salary (gross salary). Don't forget that
income taxes and Social Security taxes are deducted from what you earn. If
you like to learn more about taxes and how it affects your earnings refer to
the resources section at the end of this chapter.

3. Keep track of everything you spend.

Keep tabs on everything you spend - even the littlest things. Keeping an
accurate record of your spending habits will go a long way towards helping
you understand where your money is going. Also, be sure to save your
receipts for everything you buy. This will also help you to keep better track of
your expenses.
My Income & Expenses for the Month of

Running the store
to walk dogs
working on the internet
TOTAL INCOME: $610.000


to buy clothes
pay for electricity
pay for water
buy a bike
a haircut
buy new shoes
pay the internet bill
eating ice cream

(Income minus Expenses, or Net Income)
What was your total income for the month?

total income was 610.000

What were your total expenses for the month?

the expenses are 682.000

What was your net income? (Net income is income minus expenses.)

net income -($72.000)

Was your net income more than, less than, or equal to your expenses for the month?

less than my expenses

If your expenses were greater than your income, what expenses do you think you
could reduce or eliminate? Why?

travel, buy a bike, eating ice cream

why they are unnecessary

What expense should you most likely not reduce or eliminate? Why?

Groceries, pay for water, pay for electricity, pay the internet bill

why are the things i need the most

Understanding my needs and wants

An important concept in budgeting and money management is to understand the

difference between things that you need and things that you want.

Needs are things you must have for survival. Examples include food, water, your
home, and clothing. Without food, you would not be able to live. Needs can also
represent things that are key for helping you succeed at something that is important
to you. One example may be having baseball cleats for playing on your high
school varsity team. Wants are something that you would like to have, but are not
necessary. Wants are things you could put off having right away or you could do
without completely. Some examples of wants would be a video game, music
player, or the latest cell phone.

Sometimes a need seems like a want, and a want seems

like a need

Needs and wants may sometimes seem to overlap. For example, although cake is a
food, it is a want and not a need. In general, you need a basic diet to survive, but
that diet does not need to include cake.
Either on your own or with your classmates, decide which item you think is a
need or want by circling one of the words for each item shown. Remember,
something you need usually means you must have it for your survival, personal
health and safety, or personal success. Something you want is not necessary to
have right away or at all.

1. 2. 3. 4.
Skateboard Eyeglasses Music Player Lunch

Need Want Need Want Need Want Need Want

5. 6. 7. 8.
Winter Clothing Cell Phone Video Game School Supplies

Need Want Need Want Need Want Need Want

9. 10. 11. 12.

Diamond Ring Ice Cream Cone Watch Umbrella

Need Want Need Want Need Want Need Want

color yellow is need

color red is want
Use the table below to list some things that you believe are needs and wants.
Then explain briefly why you feel that way.

Need Wan Why

s ts
Eyeglasses Skateboard Why many people need
glasses to see better
Lunch Music Player Why food is essential for
Winter Clothing Cell Phone Why people need to wear
Umbrella Ice Cream Cone Why the umbrella protects
us from the sun or rain
School Supplies Watch Why so many of us need
school failures

light Video Game Why light is so essential to

many things

water Diamond Ring Why water is something

that if we don't have we
wouldn't live
internet sunglasses The Internet is important
because it helps us with so
many things
motorcycle bicycle The bike is important
because it transports us to
other places


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