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LAW Paper — II ‘Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks. Attempt all the questions. 1. The words ‘Socialist’ and ‘Secular’ 4. Which one of the following ‘weresnserted in the Preamble by authorities is competent to seek the (A)1%) Amendment of the advisory opinion of the Supreme ‘Constitution Court of India ? (By 24" Amendment of the (A) The Parliament of India pie (B) The Governor of a State (Cc) 44 Amendment of — the Constitution (©) The Council of Ministers (D) 42" Amendment’ of — the (D) The President of India Constitution, 2. The expression ‘niffiority’ Yin Article 5. The Supreme Court observed that, 30 of the Constitution, of India Parliamentary privileges are not means any community:which is subject to Fundamental Rights in (A) Less than 50%) of the (A) Ganapati Reddy V. Nafisul population of a particular State i fasan asa whole (B) Less than 40% “of othe (B)_M.S.M. Sharma V. Sri Krishna population of a particulat State Sinha as a whole (©) Keshav Singh V. The Speaker, (C)__Itis determined on the basis of uP the entire population of the ae cuir (D)_S.P. Mittal V. Union of India (D) It is determined on the basis of Census 609 ArtiGle 360 of the Constitution of a a India relates to 3. A writ of certiorari can be issued Against (A) oOiMinance making power (A) A Lower Cour/Tribunal 10 (&) Amentiment Prevent it from proceeding (C)Bleetion Commission (B) Parliament 10 stop the (D) Financial Emergency proceedings taking place in the House. . 3 “ (©) Lower Courts to remit all the | 7 “Rights spring fromRight documents to the writ court for (A) Allen verification, ©®) Ketsen (D) To give direction to the executive to perform their (©) Salmond duties. (D) Hart . wera - I fafa sige va wer a ware 50) ap femta wee andere act) sir ae eae a Sae ET? @y ster & vo eee a (8) Sear F244 Fas (C) Baa eyed ates a (D) Sa F428 sat FI 2. ands See apes 30 & ari aoe Fae saa a FT (A) fet ee oe at at satan # saat fet so shea aa (B) fet fie we at ot Sraen & sae frat 40 Fre, aaa | (©) Fran Freie a sh get ate FTI TT ATE | (D) ear Pein arate & are want | 3.0 Sora cia fie fea fees aT ST aT wate? (A) fractt are / ape & fae aie se art st anand act a Tar IT | dae & fees ofr dee So ont ‘Starter at Tar oT ae | fracit orem & fae of at wa owm fe ae mit caer em & fey fe aa at I artateat % fre ote tare aoat ar iden =e 1 (B) © (D) 4 faaintad 4 3 sa at ahah sate Sree Sere Far eT eT free > (A) arn ar sae (B) © ) Taw TT aah are oes weer sre 4 few act # feomtt (A) coef gt sere eae aT (B) TRA wat ae a FT frat (©) aie ae sien set (D) wast are sar ae ee ana & afew ayes 300 FT z (A), (8) ais (© faetaa ara (D)qefarta ara ‘ater ater a dt aoe ae faaar a BP (A) (B) Fer (© wr (D) FE we 10. uu. 12. “Natural law’ theory may be broadly divided into (A) Five Classes (B) Four Classes (C) Three Classes (Dy Pwo Classes “Social Solidarity’ principle was propotinded by (A) Maine (B) Duguit, (C) Austin (D) Bodin “Vienna Schoo!” of law is kiownlas (A) ‘Systematic Theory of Law? (B) ‘Private Theory of Law* (©) ‘Pure Theory of Law* (D) ‘Old Theory of Law’ Expiatory Theory of Punishment linked with the following : (A) Preventive Theory (B)_ Reformative Theory (©) Retributive Theory (D) Deterrent Theory The physical element of possession is also called as (A) Ratio decidendi (B) Corpus decidendi (C)_ Corpus possessionis (D) Animus possidendi 13. 14. 15. In which of the following cases the Court said that the distinction between de facto and de jure recognition is political, rather than legal ? (A). The S.S. Christina Ca (B) The Arantraju Mendi Case (C) The Tinaco Arbitration Case (D) Mighell V. Sultan of Jahore Which of the following are essential elements of a valid international custom ? 1, Constant and uniform State practice Generality of practice Jus cogens Opinio juris Codes : (A) Lalone (B) 3and4 (©) 1,2and4 (D) 1,2,3and4 REN Match List — I with List — II using the codes given below : List -1 List - 11 (Theme) (Judicial decisions) (a)elnternational 1. The Visaka Case custom (by Human 2. Indian rights Gramophone Co. Case (©) United 3. The $.S. Lotus Nations Case (@) Statusof 4. The Reparations international — Case law in India Codes : @ 6) @ @ A 2 4 103 3 1 442 @©3 24 1 M1 4 2 3 10. 1. 2. ftom (A) ta atria B) wean se (OC) Ar atest (Dy snatrat + ‘amie maar fears at aiaee fear fet? (A) 8) wre () ar (D) aie fafa & faarn a PS oT (A) anatase feet (B) fate ar fast frat (©) fires fart (D) fat ange frat we & waver frat an faster Ha fad eee? (A) Farsi (B) Rare fart (C) siete frat (D) settee Feet (B) « (D) Fam wat a aera (oie 14. faaintad 4 3 fee ae a ae a ae am fe aay we fae: ara a are Tali &, Stirs et 2 (A) Wane, sea a (B) seRMyssas (C) Fart aren ae ) tae s a fainted 3 a a wm oer aie wr afrard Te? 1 wast freer ae wait vai aT Wa aa se wine aie eae far wea ge aT sir wi-1 wie (fee) (Fria) (@) Sera. fer ar sat (b) Fes, 2. TSR oS ae cos OFS 3. we ae (d) Ae = orn fat ae a: @ ©) @ @ A 2 4 13 ®) 3 1 442 @©3 24 7 M1 4 23 16. 7. 18. Assertion (A) : General principles of law recognized by civilized nations enable. the International Court to develop rules of International Law. Reason (R) : The meaning and scope of general principles of ‘Taw are unclear. Codes = (A). Both (A) and (R) are correct and /(R) is the correct ‘explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) aiid’ (R) are correct, but (Rysfis fot the correct explanation of (A). (©) (A)is trugybut (Rpis false. (D)_(A)is false, but (R) is true. In the S. S, Lotus ca8ethe pertitanent Court of International Justice held that in the case of collision of two foreign ships. (A) France has jurisdiction (B) Turkey has jurisdiction (C) European Unity has jurisdiction (D) Assembly of the League of Nations has jurisdiction Consider the following judicial decisions : (1) Luther V. Sagar (2) S.S. Lotus Case (3) Mavro-mmatis Palestine Concessions Case (4) Morhensen V. Peters The chronological order in which these decisions were delivered : Codes : (A) 4,3, Land 2 (B) 2,4, band 3 (©) 2,3,4and 1 (D) 1,2,3and4 Read Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and with the help of codes given below, point ‘ut the correct explanation 19. 20. 21. 2. Assertion (A) : Sapinda relationship extends upto five degrees on the paternal side and three degrees on the maternal side. Reason (R) : Rules relating to Sapinda relationship are based on principle of exogamy. Codes : (A) (A) is conrect, (R) is false. (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct. (C) (R) is comect, but (A) is wrong. (D)_ Neither (A) nor (R) is correct. A Muslim man cannot marry (A) aJew (B) a Christian (©) an idolatress or a fire worshipper (D) both (A) and (B) Giiilt Theory of Divorce implies (A) Both parties to the marriage to be guilty. (B) One guilty party and other Party to be innocent (C)y, Both (A) and (B). (D) Neither (AVinor (B). Adoption of, childrenvis*tecognised under the (A) Muslim Law (B) Parsi Law © tu law (D) Christian Law

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