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‘Note : This paper contai 1 Paper — II The Supreme Court held in which of the following cases that preamble is not the part of the Constitution of India (A), Berubati case (B) A. K, Gopalan case (C) Balaji Case (D) Minerva Mill's case Article 16(4A) whieh gives power to the State to amake daws, regarding reservation in fayour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was added by the (A) 75" Amendments to “the Constitution of India (B) 76" Amendment 10 the, Constitution of India. (C) 77" Amendment to the ‘Constitution of India. (D) 78" Amendment to the Constitution of India The protection and improvement of environment including forests and wild life of the country is (A) Directive Principle of State Policy (B) Fundamental National Policy (C) Fundamental Duty of a Citizen (D) Both Directive Principle of State Policy and Fundamental Duty of a Citizen Originally the Supreme Court consisted of a Chief Justice and (A). Seven other judges (B) Twelve other judges (©) Thirteen other judges (D) Fifteen other judges 5 6. " fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks each, All questions are compulsory A resolution passed under Clause (1) of Article 249 shall remain in force for such period not exceeding (A) Three months (B) Six months (©) Nine months (D) Twelve months The President's rule under Article 356 of the Constitution of India remains valid in the State for maximum period of (A) One month (B) Three months (C)_ Six months (D) One year The power of the Parliament to a mend the Constitution of India is a constituent power laid down in Article 368 by (A) Twenty Fourth Amendment Act (B)_ Twenty Sixth Amendment Act (©), Forty Second Amendment Act (D) Forty Fourth Amendment Act sTurispmudence is as big as law and bigger’. who said this ? (A) Austin (B) Lloyds (C) Lewellyn (D) Holland “Rousseau i$ a Jamtis Tike figure in the history of national law” + who said this ? (A) Hobbes (B) J.S.Mill (©) Locke (D) Barker wera — 1 fafir fag: ae ye § ware (50) 5¢ - ets ee Foe oe Sat 2) ee oe afrartt 1 gates saa 4 er a a few ed a Frain feet fe sehr sree seers a fer ate (A) Spat ae (Bye. Se aT (©) Sens starr. (D) Beatie sare arpez (Ga) attra st araier mira me area ata Sr oer arm 3 aa aah astirare don &, fara afm Peat rae? (A) att awe a cent el (B) aria aera feanat Sl © age vem = aE lead () wee ae seri clea aS oat cet ae shes aa Taleo arse eee (A) wait Rees er (8) Steet tie (OC) are ar aii eer (D) 7 A fee fe cer ainfea & ifr ae at 4.0 gefee sree re: pe ae se aonfer ot (A) at er ere (B) ARR aT (Q) Wea (D) Fars arene aS 249 Ss (1) & ain he War fried 3 afte arate + fort wan ee (A) tra (B) oe (©) star (D) 3A ama & ae & aqez 350 ania denis wR wed Safer wash aae (A) war (B) trae (©) aR (D) wet ang & Siu a vied eet F1 sae Swan dae ote toot ST 368 FTE (A) Sistaat deter afer arr (B) seis sates atainae act (C) safest Sater aferes ert (D), stafereat dees afters at ‘afegrea fats at ame a ag # aie Bea diagr ae fees sar 7 (Ay atten (B) ase (C) Seton, (D) wae opines fay & sag F Sar (Rousseau) TF SR at Tee AN EaRTT & 1m ae fear aay? (A) a (B) FR fet (© we (D) arr 10. 1. Match List-I (Jurist) with ListT (Assumption) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists List -1 List - 1 LAcquinars (a) Jural postulates Hl. Pound —_(b) Spirit of people UeKelsen —(c) Ground norm IV.Savigny — (d) Reason and will in law Codes = 1onjm iv A ®) @ OPr@ (B) Gb) ge) a) © 6 @ AMP (D) (a) b) pf) (ec) Match List-1 witht List-I and select the correct answer using’ the codes given below the lists List-1 List - 1 1 Law ina (a) Fuller changing society 1. Human Law and Human (b) Friedmann Justice IIL The morality (c) Stone of law IV. Ancient law — (d) Main Codes : 1 on Wow (A) @ © b) @ (B) (c) (a (b) © () @ @ (c) ©) @ @ © Which one of the following schools of Jurisprudence considers that “a reasoned scale of values can be discovered as a basis for legal development (A) Sociological (B) Historical (©) Analytical (D)_ Philosophical 13. 14. 15. According to Salmond, the correlative of liberty is, (A) Duty (B) No rights (C) Subjection ) Di ies Assertion (A) : Customs to have the force of law must be immemorial. Reason (R) : Custom represents. common consciousness of people. Codes + (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not a correct explanation of (A). (©) (Ais true, but (R) is false. (D) (Adis false, but (R) is true. Assertion (A) + International Court of Justice has power to decide cases on the basis of equity Reason (R) : Equity is one of the General Principles of Law recognized by Civilized Nations. Codes (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is comect explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A) (©) (A) istrue, but (R) is false (D) (A)is false, but (RYis tue. 10. u. Wat 1 (eRe a at — 0 eT) & ae fram sited siz afeat Ss fea wa a-1 ai-11 Le GR (#) SRA TR Toss 0) Saacat et eT i et ce) Ae IV. gar @) fafa A ae = a: 1 i” eup iv A Oe ®) Boe ww @ © ® OF Ame OF 8 Mm ® apt <1 at — 9S a eo wife sit qed Se ae eh wean et at ae a | adi-1 ae Laer ae arr § (aH IL ara fa ait @) wea ara a I. fatten =) IV, sisia far @ a I IL atte Iv AA ® & @) Be * @ ® OF ® ® my Om ® @ fe a doa ot oe fats vwoere ae afer ac: air frame & omer eee 8 a a 13. 14. 45. aws $ aR =e F aes ee (A) Te (B) FE ata eT (©) WAT (D) sara afer (a): Sipet at feta ar at wre set & fad sees aT safer | RT (R) : Bie ae HET St ST aT winters Sct F Re (A) Fat (A) ait (R) FAT BER) (A) sae eae ae (B) 2at (A) ate (R) FAT # BIR (R) (A) aa ete ate (©) (Ay ae isa (R) HRT (D) (A) arte ae (R) BATE giver (4): Smide ares oa Feet ATS ser Fatsieaa set at sits atet & 1 prem (R) ae fate ates fart Femi a arse | (A) (A) ait (R) ai a aie (RY (A) Sati aT F (B) (A) Sv (R) AAt ae Ey (R), (A) BET TST AATF (© (Aae FR) TRY (D) (A) 380% TLR) aE 16. 17. 18. Mateh List-1 with List: List -1 List - TT (Subject Matter) (Cases) (a)International (i) S. S. Lotus Custom (France v, Turkey) PCL, Series A, No. 10 (b)Res Judicata (ii) ULN. Administrative Tribunal case, International Law Reports, 1954, P. 310 (c) Legallistatus of (iii) Western General Sahara Case, Assembly Advisory Resolutions Opinion, IC) on Repi, 1975, decolonization —P. 12 and self determination (d)Human (iv) Lawless Case, Rights ‘American Journal of International Law, Vol. 56, 1962, P. 187 Codes = @ & © @ (A) Gi) Gi) Gi) iv) ®) Gi) @ Gi) Gy) (©) Gi) Gi) @) tiv) @) iv) di) Gi) U.N, Commission on Human Rights has been discarded and replaced by (A) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Committee (B) Amnesty International (C) Human Rights Commitee (D) Human Rights Council Which of the following is not a primary source of International Law ? (A) Intemational Treaty (B) Decision of International Court of Justice (C) Intemational Custom (D) General Principle of Law recognized by Civilized Nations 19. 20. 21. Which of the following cases relates to retroactive nature of the act of recognition of government ? (A) Aksionaimoye Obschestro_A. M. Luthar V. James Sagor & Co., (1921) 3K.B. P, 532 (B) Trendiex Trading Corporation V. Central Bank of Nigeria, (1977) B. P. 529 (©) Central_Air Transport Inc. V. Central__Air_ Transport Corporation, (1953) A. C. P. 70 (D) Nicaragua V. U.S.A. ICI Rep., 1984, P. 169. In a case concerning the legality of the Threat or use of Nuclear Weapons, the International Court of Justice gave advisory opinion at the request of : (A) U.N. Security Council (B) U.N. General Assembly (C) World Health Organization (D) United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization Which is not the modern source of Hindu Law ? (A) Equity, Justice Conscience (B) Precedent (©) Sruti (D) Legislation Consider the following propositions andgive the correct answer Ke A.yoid mariage remains valid ‘until @decree annulling it has been passed by a competent cour. IA Void marriage is never a Walid marriage and there is no necessity of any decree annulling it. Ill Avoidable marriage is regarded as_aWalid marriage until a decree annulling it has ‘been passed by a competent court. Codes : (A) I, land ITT ate correct (B) Land Il are correct (C) Mand Il are correct (D)__ Land Il are correct and Good 16.) at 1 tae — ee BBs ai-1 wi- {frexenrch) rm) @ are @) HO Ae igs ore sam Zh tat ont Fer, FT: 10 (b) 7 (i) 7 Re oe, 3 i a art 1975, ¥.12 safeties (@) Sree (iv) Aa SR, sae se ate seria ai, ES 56, 1962, %. 187 ye: f(b) © @) (A) @ Gi) Gi) Gy) (B) Gi) G) Gi) Gy) (©) Gi) Gi) G) Gi) (D) iv) Gi) Git) @) 17, aaa wey Srarfeere sera a wer Feat Ta F Fe are wire fer rate (A) afte, arate ca aiegine 18. 19. 20. 2. faaintad 4 4 Star SET ae aT Herm 34 & ort st yea wee Fae? (A) TERS aieset o om, Et a eT a os (1921) 3K.B.% 5: (B) Bem gen 7 atic de Fe, (1977) QB. F529 (©) 3 aa ae ee ar aaa ay vitae fra, (1953) AC. %70 (D) eS a BAR, ICI Fraié 1984, J, 169, eat 3 Saat ar aie seat sear Seated ame &, setters a foot fee & wee att? (A) RT ae A shea (B) SaaS aa (C) fears et (D) Sant ae Wire ae fap sone ane? A) ae a ae sae (B) Pra © a (D) fare frafatas vinrenat a fer st ait seme a5 Bt Te ? Liye fae ce oe ae ae we HH SEI a fronaiat aan & fort fast aah ‘aiea at art TL eR ee at ae fear et aia fh sa fronted ae a fat Femist aie sraeaaTT ATE | UL yeas fee st ae oe er ‘faere FET ST RS Te TT Ses ase ord ea wet fast oe aT wT TT (A) Last ae 1 (B) Larner (c) Uae sae | (D) Lammas | 23. 26. Assertion (A): Break down of marriage as such is not a ground for Divorce. Reason (R) : It may result into an easy way of dissolution of marriage and shall result into instability in the society. Codes = (Aye Both (A) and (R) are correct. (B), (A), is correct, but (R) is incorrect. ()_ Both (A) and (R) are wrong. (D)(R)y is correct, but (A) is swrong. Dastane. Vs. Dastane is a case decided by the Supreme Court relating to 7 (A) Adultery (B)Dessertion (©) Cruelty (D) None of the above Marriages of all persons who» are citizens of India belonging to various religions should by —_made compulsory registrable in their respective States where the marriage is solemnised. This was held‘by the Supreme Court in the case of : (A) Githa Hariharn Vs. RBI (B) Seema Vs. Ashwani Kumar (C) John Vallamathom_ Vs. Union of India (D) None of the above Assertion (A) : The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 brought changes like prohibition of polygamy and prigamy and permission for inter-caste marriages. Reason (R) : The changes were brought under social pressure. Codes + (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of A. (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). (©) (A) is correct but (R) is false. (D) (A)is false but (R) is true. 27. 28. 29, An agreement made by mistake is (A) Void (B) Voidable (C) Megat (D) Immoral Which of the following statements are true? (i) Minor’s contract’ can be ratified on attaining majority. Gi) Minor’s. contract cannot be ratified on attaining majority. Gii) Minors contract can be ratified jointly by both the parties to the contract, (iv) Minor is not liable under minor's contract, and (iii) (B) (ii) and (iv) (©) Gand Gi) (D) Gi) and Gi) Assertion (A): Damages must be related to damage. Reason (R) : Damage is damaging ‘and damages are compensating. Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are tue, and (R) is comect explanation of (A). (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. (D)y (A) is false, but (R) is true. Axrange the following concepts in sequence in which they appeared. Useithe codes given below (i) Offerby x'to y Gi) Undue influence of x over y Gii) Demand of damages by y from x (iv) Acceptanceof the offer by y. Codes : (A) @) (ii) fii) (iv) (B) (i) iv) (iil) “Gly © @ @ ww wi) ) Gi) Gy @ Gi

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