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m4. 25. afm (A); faene at ZT Te ST FTE ETE | BIT (R) : oe ae aT we a siag a sad @ ar war a afer ar afer aT | ee 2 re (Aye) 3 (R) aH aE (B) (A) sate, (RY TTF (C) (A) SR (R) A ee (Dy) (R) HATH, RT (A) TT Sareea are facie feet cer at feet aaa F? (A) Tei (B) ae © mA ) eas Hh sateeet, st aa aie, faite ae a & & faa & saa a ae wet 3 oni fae pe ata waa fer ao oi fee aac Fo astes vores 4 Pavia fea? (A) Ter efter sae anes fet (8) da aam arent gar (©) Sit Semein sa ara Fa (D) FER aa Set afmert (a): fez fae attics, 055 3 agar ait fafa aT Farr sacra far st arate Fe afters or ad BRT (R) AME care He aT fears ary fea 7a 1 (A) (a) aR (R) FAT EF TR), (a) rae aren FI (B) (A) ARR) ATE FET RB), (a) sat eer aE (©) (Aas FIR Ae (D) (A) SHRTR, F(R) AE 2. 29, agra fara rar sae (A) wrenes (B) qaeota at | (C) searmTe | (D) aires frafatad 4 sim a een ase G) saree aes at eT OT ae veo fet st eT Gi) sere aes a aT eT wor ara ow feo waTe | vai at aga =a @ arya fear on Baez | Gv) seer Hee F ait sae faster set aime a 4 (A) (i) STF (iii) (B) (ii) SR (iv) © WRG DW Fai) afters (a) : qeart af & ate ar aie | RT (R) : aft TRAN & Se eat aan ta# ee (A) (A) SRR) FAT Te TTR), (A) ST eT Sar eT (B) (A) i (R) AAT aT F aR), (A) #1 Fat eT F 1 (C) (Ay Fae TTR) ese (D) (A) Fae WR) Freintag aroma at sae wae a rye F Sata at ois fea get ar ‘sean se (i) x@Rry ave Gi) yw EEE Gi) y FT TT A, (iv) y FT Tere aT RE A) @ Gi) Gi) Gv) (B) (i) ivy Gi) © Gi) @ Gy Gi) ) Gi) Gy) @ Gi 31. 32. 33. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ? (A) In India, consideration must follow. ....ftom promisee only. (B)_ In India, consideration. must follow......from only promisor or only promise, (C)_In India, consideration must follow......from_promisor_or any other person, (D) In) India, consideration must follow.,...promisee or any other person Assertion (A) 92 traisactions to agreements are yalid. Reason (R) 7 Only wagering agreements are@eclared void under Sectign 30 of the Indian Contract Act. Codes = (A). (A) is true, but (R) is false. (B) (A)is false, but (R) is true, (C) Both (A) and (R) are tale, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A). (D) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A). Collateral wagering Liability in torts depends on (A) quantum of damages suffered (B) involvement of intention (C)_ infringement of legal right (D) effect of public interest Which of the following. ingredients are essential to make master liable for the acts of the servant ? (1) Tort was committed by the servant (2) Tort was committed in the course of employment. (3) _ Express authority was given by master. (4) Master has knowledge of all constituent offers of tort. Codes : A) 12.3 B) 1.24 © 34 @) 12 Which of the following is an ‘ntial constituent of negligence ? Defendant was under or legal duty to exercise due care (2) This duty was owed to plantiff (3) Defendant committed breach of such duty (4) That the breach of such duty was the direct and proximate cause of the damage alleged. Codes “1 ‘B) 1. © 2 (D) 1 Which one of the following is not a good defence in suits for damages or negligence ? (A) Contributory Negligence (B) Express contract with plantiff (C) Express contract where statute prohibits (D) Voluntary assumptions of risk Match List -I with List — I and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists List-1 List - I (a) Rayland Vs 1, Compensation Fletcher for pain and suffering () Donoghue V2. Loss caused by Stevenson Compet business 3, Strict liability ion in ‘School Case (d) Roses. 4. Liability of Ford minor for tests 5. Liability for negligence Codes : @ &) (© @ A 1 2 32 4 (B) 2 3 45 © 3 5 2 1 © 3 4 2 49 3. 32. fainter ta ae age ah gia (A) ane 8 oie — ae see Sa arate | XB) ann 4 fae - dem eee om San wei Foor sft | (Goma & vite — serena ar at afeafar Sat ad | (O) Bee a aie — aera feateractin & ore ard | afreea (A) apt = ar + as seer ae | are (R) an ane ae at seq ahaa aipert 30 = aievis ops wife Fes Tee a (A) (A) ae TR) Ae (B) A FTE RATE (C) (A) SRR) aT ae, TR), (a) #1 at are Fate (D) (A) a(R) AAT aS FAR), (A) Bae SET arrgee t afar frit ae (A) St Gare eon Saat a (B) WER eae aga (©) argh afvere & aterm we (D) ae efs rae ee ax & gai & fad aie at at San & fa Se a does aeart t (1) atagpra ater art fear rar QQ) sage tet & shee fear rat QG) aie a seat @) aie st ave TART ‘aaah a a oT id A (@B) 12,4 © 34 (D) 1,2 35. sae & afta wes att FF? (1) sitar ar apt acter on far aeart aed Q) aed at at aren (3) Weare 4 Ga ater a a Pea 4) wa ade st saa carafe [ean ow fecm wa wet aro eT | i - (A) 1,283 (© 2334 (B)1, 2,3 a4 apart or aaa Sam wire eT E> (A) avert sree (By ae are Aer aera ST (C) at sae fae ao Fat (D) Sern Shee are qe s at — eae qe st att faa tS fae me get a wat ate ae oe SPT wet @ Te () eS wm ea eT () shia) arta A et Saal are ay aa (Qi AISSRT (3) FEN TT Paene dal aaa @ Tye 4 wet OF we ied sere aT afar @) ert = fea aia a @ 6) © @ m1 23 4 (B) 2 3 Bees @ 3 5 201 3 4 2 @ 38. Assertion (A) : Tort is a civil wrong redressible by an action for unliquidated damages only. Reason (R) : Law does not provide compensation in the nature of liquidated damages Codes = (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and {R) is correct explanation of (A). (B),, Both (A) and (R) are true but AR) is not the correct explanation of (A). (GP (Adis true but (R) is False. (D) (A)is false but (R) is true. °Z’ while walking, along a deserted road at night during winter saw a just bom baby abandoned.on a side. For a moment be realized that he could save the baby awithout_appreciable trouble, expense ot:loss\of his time and also felt that if the baby is left over unprotected, it might die. But he did nothing and went away. “P’ another person ~ also» ‘passed through that road and. saw the baby and acted just like “2” and went away. Next moming the infant/baby died of exposure. Decide who is tesponsibl (A) Only °Z? who saw first (B) ‘P for omitting tobe compassionate (C) Both ‘2’ and :P* for negti (D) Neither °Z° nor responsible Decide on whom criminal liabilit gan be fixed on the folowing The accused “P” caught hold of the vietim and exhorted on the mai accused “L’ to strike the victin upon which he inflicted a kirpan wound and consequently the victim died. Assertions : (i) ‘P°is liable for punishment. (ii) “P* and *L’ are both liable for common intention. Gi) “P’and “Lae both responsible for vietims death for having common object. (ivy "Pris not liable” for’ any offence Reasons : (A) (i) is quite possible (B) (ii) is reasonable (C) Gi) is as occasion demands (D)_ Gv) is most accurate 41. 43. a quack, an uneducated in matters of surgery, had performed an operation on a man for internal piles with the help of ordinary Knife, unlike previous occasions, for which the man died due to haemorrhage. Decide on ‘Ms liability. (i) Mis a recog hence not liable. (ii) ‘M"s profession is not legally acceptable hence liable. Gili) “M’ is not liable because the man consented for such operation. (iv) “M’ is not liable because it was & post - operational syndrome The probable answer is : (A) Statement (i) is correct (B) Statement (i) is correct (C)_ Statement (iii) is correct (D) Statement (ii) and (iv) are correct Fill in the gap. in support of a just claim of *Q’ has stated against °Z’, for a sum of Rupees one thousand and falsely sweared on a trial that he heard *Z* admitted as to the just claim of *Q” The court decides that it was an affirmation of | ‘ (A), Statement of truth (B) False evidence (Cy Making a declaration (D) None of them One OF theséssentials of holding a person zesponsible for dowry death is (A) subjected to haaissment by peer groups/ (B) subjected to harassment for dowry (©) subjected to harassment under suspicious circumstanees (D) All of them 39. afar (A): Ags Ts aT FT aaa ontieita Geet aa age aime | aor (R) » a aRfeuter aa at wei & single set wart eee ae . sc (A)_(A) A (R) SAT a aR), (Aaa are (8) \a) ae ) FA ATE TTR), (A) Ft et are Fate (CO) (a) sa FIR) ATF (D) (A) SRE REE ‘2a Seat F Hlgeatr aEe T See ar oe fee or aan a aor arated setae feat rg, i fen feat Seer reer are a feat sa Fea # seas shar eae oy at fern wre ots, aise ee ArT Se sat go oe fear sts eT | roasts meee IE a fey st tor aA fot ot So Oy 1 Sener aa heer? @) Pwseae Gi) PL aL aa we Fa aida Gil) “PARAL ant were ees aren ane afar at aR oe eet fair | (iv) “P Peet ome St eet ate aareoT (A) Qa eae (B) Gi) FEAF | (C) (ii) aR ATA ATE (D) (iv) Tater SRT AL. 42. 43. Mee ae ree ee ae a ater & set araret gt & ae aint oat arin) 3 aT sive fem ait fred apt = fawn aa aC arTe & RT SeR Uae eae Satara a eer at @ oe ae me ae ot waad acta Gi) Me ar den agi aie we id sete are at arte Git) OM we sete athe se at Fa simian & fea oe weit tet (iv) OM ae adi eae ae sister Saiter aoreTT F | alan sere (A) stra (i) ae | (B) afr (ii) FATE (C) after (iii) HAF I (D) afar (iii) SR (iv) HF 1 fan an aT ‘Poa Qe ae Ta Fae, Wen aH & fad ‘2 a ea ao fen aft aie farm & sie at we a az aoe aunt ad at seed ame Aras 3 San fem fae at Yee (A) aa aie (By) ear qeat Q aa (D) 0aat Ha ais eT waiae state ary & fore Seer ce oh ated rat (A) Fase ah & ae a eT fer (B) were fra ares fe ae (C) Tens eis car fear | 0) sew 44. 4. Fill in the gap An act of grievous hurt is always inferred through enormity — to and not merely a slight nore than a frolic. (A), Murder 4B)” Bodily injury (©) Amputation (D)Allof them Assertion (A) : Before Bangalore Water Supply case educational institutions were excluded from the «definition of an industry. Reason (R).: Main purpose of such institutions isto impart education, andynot to run business or trade. Codes : (A) Both (A) and\(Ryvare true and (R) is the correct explanation. (B) Both (A) and (Ryyare true but (R) is not the correct explanation. (©) (Apistrue but (R) is false, (D)_ (A)is false but (R) is true An individual dispute becomes industrial dispute when it is taken up by (A) Union only. (B) Union or substantial number of workmen, (©) Continuous support of union (D) Subsequent support of union. Which of the following. statements are true? 1. Allemployees are workmen. IL All employees are not workmen, IIL. All workmen are employees. TV, All. managerial staff are workmen, Codes : (A) Land IL (B) Wand I (C) Wand Iv (D) Tand I 48. 49, 50, In which of the following cases the Supreme Court held that medical representative is not workman ? (A) Standard Vacuum Oil Company V. Commissioner of Labour (B) Anand Bazar Patrika V. Its Workmen (C) Workmen V. Greaves Cotton &Co. (D) J & J Dechane V. State of Kerala Which one of the following statement is true ? (A) The general funds of a registered trade union shall not be spent on the payment of salaries. (B) A registered Trade union may constitute a separate fund for the promotion of the civic and political interests. (C) No appeal lies against the order of refusal of _ the Registrar to register a Trade union. (D) Every registered Trade Union shall not be a body corporate. Match List — I with List — Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below : List —1 List - 1 (Subject) (Provisions of ‘Trade Union Act, 1926) (i) Appointment 1. Section 24 of Registrar Gi) Appeal 2. Section 10 ii) Amalgdimation 3. Section 3 of Trade Unions (iv) Cancellation _.4s#Section 11 of registration Codes : @ Gi) Gi) Gy A 2 4 hk 3 B® 4 1 3% © 3 4 1 2 ® 1 3 2 4 4. 41. uaez eee sm 3 anor & sia aren amt # ait Sat Som We BT Sa a ST TTF I (A) (B) wits iz (QuaTts (D)\ 33490 it after Ao Scie set Sa ST Sea veins densi a se st ‘GT > See TST TAT | ad (m) . tetera aveger weir fae @r & gana fe arta ar SR FT | ge: (A) (A) TR) Fat AE TTR) ae art FT (B) (A) &) Tt ae FR) we eine eT (© (ay aee, FR) TARE (D) (Ay Tate, Fa R) wT we aaa fae seit faa aa Se rs we Sere TET (A) Fa AT | (B) 3a 7 ae ae ser m7 (QC) Sas oer wea AT | (D) SaaS sea ae frend a ate a ae ae? Loo witastert ata | I wiser ada ate WL wera aart #1 IV. wiwsest eis tare ae (A) Ve (B) ta Or (© may (D) iim 49, fre aaria a fed ies area ater wet? (A) 33 35m stan set oe aaa | (B) are sar wet a Har | (© wer sm sigt sit we at (D) SS tae a es fr 8 a a ae TE? (A) Sige Saas ae ar aS ST Sen & era Sad ai ear a wae | (8) ariee wt aarine fen aad & fed wo hign ceed ae FO a TH TF (©) we aaa ay & toe st cesar Se SE eT & fies onic val ei 2 (D) Was Stee Sees ae eT ‘Frere set aie FI apt — 1st qa — nS gies sie er arate gz a weit ere Tat Sa Ua ie aai-1 at wr , 1926 eure) G) gree at 1, SRT 24 fala i, ter 2. eT10 Gil) aR Aa 3. TTS RE (iv) TAT de IT LL mat ae: ® @ Gi) Gy A 2 4 ho3 ® 4 1 3% @ 3 4 1 2 © 1 3 2 @

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