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Dakota State University

College of Education  


**Be sure to reference the Lesson Plan Rubric for prompts and guidance for each section!**

Name: Carly Woodring

Grade Level: 4th
School: Clark Elementary School
Date: 2/23/22
Time: 45 min.
Reflection from prior lesson (Even if you did not teach the previous lesson, what did you observe that will
help you prepare and teach this lesson?Were prior objectives met? Were students engaged? How will you
remediate any problems?)
● Student did well during his last lesson. He learned the new vocabulary words and was able to identify
them while reading by the end of the week. Student did well with his phonics skills and sequencing
while reading. Student was engaged during the lesson.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

● 5.RF.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Use combined
knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and
affixes) to accurately read unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of context.
● 5.RL.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry,
at the high end of the grades 4-5 text complexity band independently and proficiently. a. Read and
comprehend proficiently at grade level with increasing challenge in text difficulty and complexity (e.g.
layout text structure, language/literary features, knowledge demands). b. With guidance and support,
self-select texts for personal enjoyment, interest, and academic tasks
Lesson Objective(s) - (please list corresponding assessment used)

● Student will be able to identify new vocabulary words while reading with 90% accuracy.
● Student will be able to break apart and identify words with the consonant + le syllable with 100%

Materials Needed 
●  Practice Book p. 70
● Student book Level D

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics (Eg. How many boys vs. girls, students on IEPs, ELLs (English
Language Learners), students on behavior plans, characteristics of the class such as talkative, high-poverty,
● One student in class
● Listens well to instruction
● Likes to please
● Likes to get off task
● Talkative
● IEP for reading and writing
Connection(s) to Research & Theory: Core Reading: Reading Street

A.  The Lesson 

● Introduction (3 minutes)  
○ getting attention:
○ Check his reading card. If he read last night and his mom signed, have him put his stick on his
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge:
○ Review new vocabulary words for the week.
○ sharing objective, in general terms:
○ “Today we are going to learn about words with consonant + le syllables. You have seen many of
these words before. Once we have reviewed this we will read another story about secret codes.”
● Content Delivery (40 minutes)  
○ “How many syllables are in the word stumble?”
○ Have the word written on a small white board.
○ “What does the last syllable end in?” (-le)
○ “What starts the last syllable?” (b)
○ “I got taught that -le doesn’t like to be alone, ever. So we are going to box -ble. This is our final
syllable in the word stumble. Knowing how to break words apart like this helps up become better
readers and writers.”
○ Have the list of words in the big white board: ripple, crackle, stable, giggle, noble, cradle, uncle,
middle, cable, tumble, babble, bugle, single, twinkle.
○ Have student read the list of words then have him box the final syllables.
○ “Today you will read about secret codes that you can use. As you read, compare and contrast the
different codes they use. For example, yesterday I showed you a silent code I use with my kids. I
put my finger to my month to show them to be quiet. If someone gave me a thumbs up, I could say
that our codes are similar because they both involve using their hands.”
○ Reread: page 66-67
○ Read “Codes for Kids” p. 64-67
i. Questions to ask; what is one of the easiest secret codes to make? (a code in which all the
words are written backward)
ii. What is the secret message shown on the route cipher? (tina, look under the back porch)
iii. What do you think the rest of the article with be about? (be about more secret codes kids will
○ Reread: pages 66-67
○ Have the student complete practice book page 70 on his own.
○ If time read together AR book for student to take home and re-read.

● Closure (15 minutes)  

○ Work on his writing folder.
i. I will help the student to ensure that he is using complete sentences and other writing
○ The student gets the last 5 minutes of class to have free time as long as he gets all of his work

B. Assessments Used
- Observation- I will observe the student working individually to determine his understanding and
mastery of the day’s concept.
- Questioning- As I’m observing I will question the student if he seems to be struggling regarding their
thinking in relation to the day’s concept.
- Post-Assessment-The student will complete a worksheet relating to the new phonics skill.
- Formative Assessment: I will collect information on his progress throughout the week and adjust my
instruction based on my information.
C. Differentiated Instruction
● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations
○ While the student is working I will continue to work one on one with him.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ If the student seems to be understanding the concept quickly I will move to asking more in depth
questions to strengthen understanding of the concept.
● Language Support (IF you have ELLs (English Language Learners)
- A majority of the instruction in this lesson will be verbal.
- I will support the student by reading the instructions to them one-on-one as well as explaining
the day's task or activity.

D.  Resources
- MySideWalks Reading Street Level D

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