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Dakota State University

College of Education  


**Be sure to reference the Lesson Plan Rubric for prompts and guidance for each section!**

Name: Carly Woodring

Grade Level: 2nd grade (SPED)
School: Clark School District
Date: 1/27/2022
Time: 8:20 am-8:40 am
Reflection from prior lesson (Even if you did not teach the previous lesson, what did you observe that will
help you prepare and teach this lesson?Were prior objectives met? Were students engaged? How will you
remediate any problems?)
● From previous lessons I have observed that this student needs a fast paced lesson with little down time
for her. She is struggling to retain information and stay engaged/motivated. I will remediate any
problems by having her move around throughout the lesson if she gets tired and keep my tone through
the lesson exciting.
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 
● K.RF.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
● K.RF.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Lesson Objective(s) - (please list corresponding assessment used)

● The student will be able to identify letters names and letter sounds to apply that knowledge to decoding
CVC words. I will assess using observation.
Materials Needed 
● Alphabet cards
● -an booklet
● -an packet
● -an story
● -an family worksheet
● Letter tiles
● CVC mat
● Picture cards
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics (Eg. How many boys vs. girls, students on IEPs, ELLs (English
Language Learners), students on behavior plans, characteristics of the class such as talkative, high-poverty,
● 1 girl
● Student is on an IEP
● Student closes her eyes when she doesn’t want to work
● Student has seizures that can make her tired (hasn’t had a major seizure in school)
● High-poverty
● Very immature for her age
● Foster-care
Connection(s) to Research & Theory CORE Reading

A.  The Lesson 

● Introduction (2 minutes)  
○ getting attention:
○ Time to review our letters!
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: “
○ Yesterday we reviewed our -at words and started working on our -an words.”
○ creating a need to know:
○ “Learning these letters will help us read more words and decode other words!”
○ sharing objective, in general terms:
○ “Okay, Sarah, today we are going to learn some words that end with -an. You are going to be
able to read and write these new words!”
● Content Delivery (15 minutes, explicit instruction)
○ Have Sarah start with -an letter building
○ Once finished have her work on the -an packet to introduce her to the words in the story
○ Read “Jan and Dan”

● Closure ( 2 minutes)  
○ “So today we worked on words that end in -an. You had previously learned words that end with -at.
Let’s review some as we read this story (decodable reader if time)!”
○ Send story to read with Grace (sister) at home

B. Assessments Used
- Observation- I will observe the student working individually to determine her understanding and
mastery of the -an word family.
- Questioning- As I’m observing I will question the student if she seems to be struggling regarding their
thinking in relation to the -at family.
- Post-Assessment- I will give the student a word list to read pertaining to the -an family
- Formative Assessment: I will collect information on her progress throughout the week and adjust my
instruction or move onto another word family.
C. Differentiated Instruction

● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations

○ While the student is working I will continue to work one on one with her. I will follow her IEP.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ If the student seems to be understanding the concept quickly I will move on the the next word
● Language Support (IF you have ELLs (English Language Learners)
- A majority of the instruction in this lesson will be verbal.
- I will support the students by reading the instructions to them one-on-one as well as explaining
the day's task or activity.

D.  Resources
Heggerty Phonemic awareness

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