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English IV


Mayra Gaudalupe Jacome Ruiz


Homework #1-II Partial


Yeniffer Elizabeth Raudales Torres

Account Number:


El Progreso, Yoro February 2022

Effects of Covid-19 on education

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the greatest disruption education has ever
experienced. Education is the key to personal development and the future of societies.
It opens opportunities and reduces inequalities. It forms the foundation of informed and
tolerant societies and is a fundamental driver of sustainable development. The COVID-
19 pandemic has caused the greatest disruption education has ever experienced. In
mid-July, schools remained closed in more than 160 countries, something that affects
more than 1,000 million students. At least 40 million children around the world have
missed instructional time in their first year of preschool, a critical year. And parents,
especially women, have been forced to shoulder heavy caregiving burdens at home.
Despite radio, television and online classes, and the best efforts of teachers and
parents, there are still many students who have not been reached. Students with
disabilities, those from minority or disadvantaged communities, the displaced and
refugees, and those in remote areas are most at risk of being left behind. Even for those
who have access to distance education, good results depend on their living conditions,
including the fair distribution of housework. Even before the pandemic, we were
suffering from an education crisis.

The repercussions that this will have, among other areas, on child nutrition, child
marriage and gender equality are deeply worrying. We live in a defining moment for
children and young people around the world. The decisions that governments and
partners make now will have a lasting effect on hundreds of millions of young people, as
well as on the development prospects of countries for decades to come. The prolonged
closure of educational centers will have negative effects on the learning achieved,
schooling on time, desertion and promotion. This will further affect poor and vulnerable
middle-class students, as well as indigenous, migrant and special needs students. In
addition, repeating and overage students, as well as those who are in critical grades
and ages, are at greater risk of being expelled by the system. This situation may be
further aggravated in educational systems that do not have effective distance education
mechanisms in accordance with the characteristics of the households, which may
further widen the gaps that exist between students with more or less access to them.

• Study at your own pace: Most online courses can be taken when needed, they have a
modular structure, which allows the student to assimilate knowledge through smaller
pieces of information that can be studied, reviewed and absorbed for a certain time
before continuing with the rest of the program.

• Study faster: Online courses allow students to progress up to 50 percent faster than
traditional courses. The main reason is that the individualized approach allows students
to pass the material they already know and understand, and fully devote more time and
effort to the content than if they need training.

• Consistent teaching is offered: Online education eliminates the problems associated

with instructors and the use of different teaching materials to teach classes on the same
topic. Online courses are designed following certain didactic and quality standards in
order to provide a homogeneous and unique experience to students. Consequently,
students receive a much more comprehensive and effective training on the study

• You can study from anywhere and at any time: Online education makes it possible for
students to access course content from anywhere and at any time. Online education
technology today allows people to have the flexibility to learn what they really need
regardless of place and time.

• Leads to greater retention and stronger understanding of the topics: This is because
online education allows combining multiple resources and didactic elements such as
video, audio, quizzes, interaction, forums, chat and exams, in order to reinforce the
message, you want to convey to students. There is also the ability to review and replay
the content of the topics as many times as necessary until the student has learned all
the content.

• Too much time in front of a computer screen One of the great disadvantages of online
learning, in my opinion, is the number of hours you have to spend in front of the
computer to learn. This exercise, if carried out continuously, can lead to visual or
physical health problems such as muscle problems.

• Self-discipline is required: In traditional teaching just by going to class it seems that we

are already fulfilling that requirement, however in this type of learning modality you do
not have to get up to go to class. That is, you have nothing or no one to motivate you
and "force" you to connect in that sense.

• Possible lack of control: On many occasions, teachers keep a lot of material and even
many tools that we believe may be useful for our students in terms of resolving doubts
or expanding information. However, they never get to click on these, instead they walk
right past them.

• Possible technical failures We all know what we mean when we talk about the
possibility of technical problems. These can be transferred from complications with our
laptop or with the internet connection, to failures in the platform itself or in the content
that teachers have uploaded to it.

• Requires a laptop and internet connection: On the other hand, it can also happen at
any given time that our laptop stops working or has a problem with the internet
connection that prevents us from accessing our course.
Experience on the online courses

The change from face-to-face to virtual classes was something very sudden and drastic
for me, however, the speed and skill of the people on the University platform allowed
the adaptation, both for us and for the professors, to be easy and fluid. to receive our
classes. I believe that they had the solutions ready to implement them as soon as they
were needed. And that allowed for a friendly and enjoyable experience of receiving
online classes. In addition to that, if the campus environment was missed, however, we
felt the closeness with our colleagues and professors. Through the zoom and e-learning
platforms, this virtual communication has been maintained, which was very positive. I
consider that the response of the Technological University of Honduras was perfect and
appropriate. We thank everyone who works on the systems and online training of the
Technological University of Honduras.

At first, like most human beings, one is reluctant to accept what was happening, and
admit that change. We have grown with the face-to-face modality system accompanied
by students and teachers. I think that breaking that relationship from one moment to
another was something very difficult, however, I had to adapt and I did it. Now I can say
that this change was very satisfying for me. My learning has been very good, even
though it is through Zoom, I am a student who does not remain silent, and I like to ask
questions and participate. It has been a challenge, because over time, I have realized
that it is important that we have an established place in our room, or in our living room,
where one feels comfortable and there are no distractions.

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