Yeniffer Ingles

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Hello everyone, my name is Yeniffer Elizabeth Raudales, I am a reporter for the

magazine "El Sazón", here we are in a well-known place in Honduras, many people
from the audience accompany me, and one of them is going to try a very traditional dish
of our Country, what is Yuca with Chicarrón

Its ingredients are: One pound of Yuca.

• Salt and pepper to taste.

• One pound of fried Chicharrón.

• Two tablespoons of yellow butter.

• Two cloves of finely chopped garlic.

• Two rates of striped cabbage.

• Lemon juice.

• Onion and chopped coriander.

After having all the ingredients, we go to the elaboration procedure:

• Cook the cassava in a pot with water and salt, over medium heat until soft.

• Prepare the sauce in a pot, with minced garlic, onion, cilantro, yellow butter, sauté and
add chicken broth and lemon juice and add salt and pepper to taste.

• And finally serve it in an attractive way.

· Why it would be interesting to try this food: because it is a well-known and tasty dish of
our culture, since we have eaten it in our homes since we were children, and wherever
we go we can find it

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