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Patented Sept. 23, 1952 2,611,713
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Alvin G. Glick, Anoka, Minn., assignor to Akona
Chemical Corporation, Anoka, Minn., a corpo
ration of Minnesota
No Drawing. Application June 23, 1950,
Serial No. 10,0
3 Claims, (C. 106-95)
This invention relates to a concrete sealer for is i or a period of not less than twelve
cement Walls. inutes and is then packe pping COI
It has long been a problem in the concrete tainers.
industry to successfully seal the pores with a When the sealer is to be used, water is added
durable substantially permanent sealer to pre to the mixture and the paint formed thereby is
vent moisture from seeping through the wall. Spread on the wall with a wide brush or spray
This is true of poured concrete walls as well as gun. The silica sand can not be used if the
walls constructed of concrete blocks. Formerly, Sealer is to be sprayed because of its deleterious
asphalt was spread over the wall, particularly on effects on the spray gun,
the outside thereof, before the ground was back 0 The Portland cement is used for a bonding
filled around the wall, but after several years base and maintains a permanent bond between
the asphalt hardened and cracked and thus per the concrete surface and the paint. The silica
mitted leakage therethrough. Sand improves the surface hardness and the
It is an object of my invention to provide a durability and insures excellent adhesion be
permanent sealer for concrete, particularly 5 tween the successive coats. The calcium stearate
adapted for use in concrete walls to prevent is water repellent and reduces the amount of
seepage of water therethrough. chipping and cracking and adds workability to
It is another object to provide a sealer in the the paint. The hydrated lime also provides work
form of an easily applied paint mixture which ability and increases the miscibility of the
will dry to form a permanent seal on the cement 20 calcium Stearate and shortens the time for proper
surface and which will securely bond itself to mixing with water and materially increases the
the wall and form a substantially homogeneous durability of the coating when exposed to ex
unit therewith. w
cessive moisture. The zinc sulphate makes the
It is still another object to provide a sealer paint easy to spread and the sodium chloride
paint adapted to be manufactured in a powdered helps keep the paint wet for several days due to
form and mixed with water for use and which its deliquescence and aids in the curing of the
when spread on a concrete surface will penetrate sealer. After application of the sealer to the
a substantial distance into the concrete by a wall it is believed that a chemical reaction takes
suction produced therewith and form a non place between the components of the sealer and
dusting, substantially integral surface with Said also between the sealer and the old wall. It has
30 been found that completion of this reaction takes
concrete. from five to ten days, depending upon the tem
These and other objects of my invention will
be more apparent from the following detailed perature and moisture in the air, and it is im
description. portant that the sealer remains damp during this
After long experimentation and much revision 35
period. Therefore, a deliquescent salt, such as
of formulas, applicant finally arrived at the pre Sodium chloride, which has been found to pro
ferred proportional limits of the component duce the best results, is used to maintain the
parts, moisture content during the curing reaction.
to 12%,to hydratedline
wit: 5% to 85%gortland cement.8%
25%tizzasodium The concrete surface to which the sealer is being
C e;% calcium stearate; 2%% to applied must be free from foreign materials
C. S. e. e found that S 40 which would prevent the suction created from
must be maintained if a waterproof easily mixed drawing the sealer into the pores of the cement.
sealer is to be produced which will not powder The results obtained with this sealer have been
off after completion of the curing reaction. If extremely satisfactory through the extensive
the sealer is to be applied with a brush the fol experiments that have been conducted, and after
lowing proportions have been found to produce 45 a thorough curing a waterproof surface which
the best results: 80% Portland cement; 10% penetrates a substantial distance into the con
hydrated lime; 3% silica sand; 3% sodium chlo Crete is produced which is substantially perma
ride; 1% calcium stearate; 3% zinc sulphate. nent and which will seal the wall against water
The sodium chloride and zinc sulphate are penetration. It should also be noted that my
initially milled and added to the hydrated lime 60 improved sealer can be used on the inside surface,
which in turn is added to the Portland cement and because it will not dust off provides sub
and silica sand, if used. Thereafter, the calcium stantially permanent color paint for inside wall
stearate is added, and if colors are desired pig surfaces which can also be painted with a sub
ments are added to the fixture. When all of Sequent coat of conventional oil paint.
the ingredients have been added, the dry mixture 55
3 4.
It will be seen from the foregoing description calcium stearate, said mixture being adapted to
that I have provided an extremely effective, have water added thereto to produce a sen
easy to apply, permanent sealer for concrete sur liquid paint for application to a concrete surface
faces, particularly adapted for use on concrete to waterproof the same.
walls to seal the same against moisture pene 3. A sealer for cement surfaces comprising as
tration. dry ingredients thereof from 75% to 85%. Port
It will, of course, be understood that various land cement, 8% to 12% hydrated lime, 24% to
changes may be made in the proportions of the 3%% zinc sulphate, and substantially 1% cal
parts without departing from the scope of my cium stearate, said sealer being adapted to have
invention, which, generally stated, consists in the 10 water added thereto for application to a con
matter shown and described, and set forth in the crete surface followed by complete hydration and
appended claims. curing thereof to effect water-proofing of said
What clair is: concrete surface.
1. A sealer for concrete surfaces comprising a AVN G, GCK.
dry mixture consisting in from 75% to 85% Port 15
and cement, 8% to 12% hydrated line, 2% to REFERENCES C TEO
3A% zinc sulphate, 24% to 32% deliquescent The following references are of record in the
chemical composition, and 1% calcium stearate, file of this patent:
said mixture adapted to have Water added there UNITED STATES PATENTS
to to produce a fluid paste for application to a 20
concrete surface to waterproof said surface. Number Name Oate
2. A concrete sealer comprising a dry mixture 1749,923 Reardon ----------- Mar. 11, 1930
consisting in from 75% to 85%. Portland cement, 2,032,071 Scholz ------------ Feb. 25, 1936
8% to 12% hydrated lime, 2%% to 3%% zinc sul 2,246,620 Comeau ----------- June 24, 1941
phate, 2%% to 3%% sodium chloride, and 1% 25

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