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Reducing food's environmental impacts through producers and consumers

Article  in  Science · June 2018

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaq0216


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2 authors:

Joseph Poore Thomas Nemecek

University of Oxford Agroscope


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Erratum 22 February 2019. See Erratum.

SUSTAINABILITY environmental impacts at each stage of the sup-

ply chain. For GHG emissions, we further disag-
gregated the farm stage into 20 emission sources.
Reducing food’s environmental We then used the inventory to recalculate all
missing emissions. For nitrate leaching and

impacts through producers aquaculture, we developed new models for this

study (17).
Studies included provided ~1050 estimates
and consumers of postfarm processes. To fill gaps in process-
ing, packaging, or retail, we used additional
J. Poore1,2* and T. Nemecek3
meta-analyses of 153 studies providing 550 ob-
servations. Transport and losses were included
Food’s environmental impacts are created by millions of diverse producers. To identify solutions from global data sets. Each observation was
that are effective under this heterogeneity, we consolidated data covering five environmental weighted by the share of national production it
indicators; 38,700 farms; and 1600 processors, packaging types, and retailers. Impact can vary represents, and each country by its share of
50-fold among producers of the same product, creating substantial mitigation opportunities.
global production. We then used randomiza-
However, mitigation is complicated by trade-offs, multiple ways for producers to achieve low tion to capture variance at all stages of the
impacts, and interactions throughout the supply chain. Producers have limits on how far they can supply chain (17).
reduce impacts. Most strikingly, impacts of the lowest-impact animal products typically exceed
We validated the global representativeness of
those of vegetable substitutes, providing new evidence for the importance of dietary change.
our sample by comparing average and 90th-
percentile yields to Food and Agriculture Or-

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Cumulatively, our findings support an approach where producers monitor their own impacts,
flexibly meet environmental targets by choosing from multiple practices, and communicate their
ganization (FAO) data (4), which reconcile to
impacts to consumers.
within ±10% for most crops. Using FAO food
balance sheets (4), we scaled up our sample data.

Total arable land and freshwater withdrawals
ith current diets and production prac- and predominantly Western European producers reconcile to FAO estimates. Emissions from de-
tices, feeding 7.6 billion people is degrad- (12–16) and have not corrected for important meth- forestation and agricultural methane fall within
ing terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, odological differences between LCAs (12–16). Here, ranges of independent models (17).
depleting water resources, and driving we present a globally reconciled and methodolog-
climate change (1, 2). It is particularly ically harmonized database on the variation in food’s Environmental impacts of the entire
challenging to find solutions that are effective multiple impacts. Our results show the need for food supply chain
across the large and diverse range of producers far-reaching changes in how food’s environmental Today’s food supply chain creates ~13.7 billion
that characterize the agricultural sector. More impacts are managed and communicated. metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq),
than 570 million farms produce in almost all the 26% of anthropogenic GHG emissions. A further
world’s climates and soils (3), each using vastly Building the multi-indicator 2.8 billion metric tons of CO2eq (5%) are caused
different agronomic methods; average farm sizes global database by nonfood agriculture and other drivers of de-
vary from 0.5 ha in Bangladesh to 3000 ha in We derived data from a comprehensive meta- forestation (17). Food production creates ~32%
Australia (3); average mineral fertilizer use ranges analysis, identifying 1530 studies for potential of global terrestrial acidification and ~78% of
from 1 kg of nitrogen per ha in Uganda to 300 kg inclusion, which were supplemented with addi- eutrophication. These emissions can fundamen-
in China (4); and although four crops provide half tional data received from 139 authors. Studies tally alter the species composition of natural
of the world’s food calories (4), more than 2 million were assessed against 11 criteria designed to ecosystems, reducing biodiversity and ecological
distinct varieties are recorded in seed vaults (5). standardize methodology, resulting in 570 suit- resilience (19). The farm stage dominates, rep-
Further, products range from minimally to heavily able studies with a median reference year of resenting 61% of food’s GHG emissions (81%
processed and packaged, with 17 of every 100 kg of 2010 (17). The data set covers ~38,700 commer- including deforestation), 79% of acidification,
food produced transported internationally, increas- cially viable farms in 119 countries (fig. S2) and and 95% of eutrophication (table S17).
ing to 50 kg for nuts and 56 kg for oils (4). 40 products representing ~90% of global pro- Today’s agricultural system is also incredibly
Previous studies have assessed aspects of this tein and calorie consumption. It covers five im- resource intensive, covering ~43% of the world’s
heterogeneity by using geospatial data sets (6–8), portant environmental impact indicators (18): ice- and desert-free land. Of this land, ~87% is
but global assessments using the inputs, outputs, land use; freshwater withdrawals weighted by for food and 13% is for biofuels and textile crops
and practices of actual producers have been lim- local water scarcity; and GHG, acidifying, and or is allocated to nonfood uses such as wool and
ited by data. The recent rapid expansion of the eutrophying emissions. For crops, yield repre- leather. We estimate that two-thirds of freshwater
life cycle assessment (LCA) literature is providing sents output for a single harvest. Land use in- withdrawals are for irrigation. However, irriga-
this information by surveying producers around cludes multicropping (up to four harvests per tion returns less water to rivers and groundwater
the world. LCA then uses models to translate pro- year), fallow phases (uncultivated periods be- than industrial and municipal uses and pre-
ducer data into environmental impacts with suf- tween crops), and economic allocation to crop dominates in water-scarce areas and times of
ficient accuracy for most decision-making (9–11). coproducts such as straw. This makes it a stron- the year, driving 90 to 95% of global scarcity-
To date, efforts to consolidate these data or build ger indicator of both farm productivity and weighted water use (17).
new large-scale data sets have covered greenhouse food security than yield.
gas (GHG) emissions only (8, 12, 13), agriculture The system we assess begins with inputs (the Highly variable and skewed
only (13–16), small numbers of products (8, 14–16), initial effect of producer choice) and ends at re- environmental impacts
tail (the point of consumer choice) (fig. S1). For We now group products by their primary dietary
each study, we recorded the inventory of out- role and express impacts per unit of primary
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, New Radcliffe puts and inputs (including fertilizer quantity nutritional benefit (Fig. 1 and fig. S3). Immedi-
House, Oxford OX2 6GG, UK. 2School of Geography and the and type, irrigation use, soil, and climatic con- ately apparent in our results is the high variation
Environment, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford
OX1 3QY, UK. 3Agroscope, Agroecology and Environment Research
ditions). Where data were not reported, for ex- in impact among both products and producers.
Division, LCA Research Group, CH-8046 Zürich, Switzerland. ample, on climate, we used study coordinates Ninetieth-percentile GHG emissions of beef
*Corresponding author. Email: and spatial data sets to fill gaps. We recorded are 105 kg of CO2 eq per 100 g of protein, and

Poore et al., Science 360, 987–992 (2018) 1 June 2018 1 of 6

Erratum 22 February 2019. See Erratum.

GHG Emissions Land Use Acid. Eutroph. Scty. Water land use (area multiplied by years occupied) is
(kg CO2eq) 10th
(m2year) 10th
(g SO2eq) (g PO43–eq) (kL eq) 370 m2·year. These values are 12 and 50 times
A 100g protein n 0 25 50 75 Pc Mean 0 100 200 300 Pc Mean 0 75 150 0 75 150 0 50 100 greater than 10th-percentile dairy beef impacts
Beef (beef herd) 724 20 50 42 164 (which we report separately given that its pro-
Lamb & Mutton 757 12 20 30 185 duction is tied to milk demand). Tenth-percentile
Beef (dairy herd) 490 9.1 17 7.3 22 GHG emissions and land use of dairy beef are
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 75 150 0 75 150 0 50 100
then 36 and 6 times greater than those of peas.
Crustaceans (farmed) 1.0k 5.4 18 0.4 2.0
High variation within and between protein-rich
Cheese 1.9k 5.1 11 4.4 41
products is also manifest in acidification, eutro-
Pig Meat 116 4.6 7.6 4.8 11
phication, and water use.
Fish (farmed) 612 2.5 6.0 0.4 3.7
Within the major crops wheat, maize, and rice,
Poultry Meat 326 2.4 5.7 3.8 7.1 90th-percentile impacts are more than three times
Eggs 100 2.6 4.2 4.0 5.7 greater than 10th-percentile impacts on all five
Tofu 354 1.0 2.0 1.1 2.2 indicators. Within major growing areas for these
Groundnuts 100 0.6 1.2 1.8 3.5 crops (the Australian wheat belt, the U.S. corn
Other Pulses 115 10th pctl. 0.5 0.8 4.6 7.3 belt, and the Yangtze river basin), land use be-
Peas 438 meat 0.3 0.4 1.2 3.4 comes less variable, but we observe the same
Nuts 199 -2.2 0.3 2.7 7.9 high levels of variation in all other indicators.
Grains 23k 1.0 2.7 1.7 4.6 This variability, even among producers in similar
geographic regions, implies substantial potential
B 1 liter 0 2 4 6 0 3 6 9 0 15 30 0 10 20 0 50 100
to reduce environmental impacts and enhance

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Milk 1.8k 1.7 3.2 1.1 8.9
Soymilk 354 0.6 1.0 0.3 0.7
productivity in the food system.
For many products, impacts are skewed by
C 1000 kcal 0 1 2 3 0 2 4 6 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 20 40
producers with particularly high impacts. This
Cassava 288 0.4 1.4 0.8 1.9
creates opportunities for targeted mitigation,
Rice (flooded) 7.8k 0.4 1.2 0.3 0.8
making an immense problem more manageable.
Oatmeal 139 0.3 0.9 1.1 2.9
For example, for beef originating from beef herds,
Potatoes 604 0.2 0.6 0.6 1.2
the highest-impact 25% of producers represent
Wheat & Rye (Bread) 8.8k 0.3 0.6 0.4 1.4
56% of the beef herd’s GHG emissions and 61% of
Maize (Meal) 6.2k 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.7
the land use (an estimated 1.3 billion metric tons
D 1 liter 0 5 10 15 0 10 20 30 0 30 60 0 30 60 0 100 200 of CO2 eq and 950 million ha of land, primarily
Palm Oil 220 3.6 7.3 1.7 2.4 pasture). Across all products, 25% of producers
Soybean Oil 497 2.4 6.3 5.3 11 contribute on average 53% of each product’s envi-
Olive Oil 411 2.9 5.4 7.9 26 ronmental impact (fig. S3). For scarcity-weighted
Rapeseed Oil 1.8k 2.5 3.8 5.2 11 freshwater withdrawals, the skew is particular-
Sunflower Oil 519 2.5 3.6 8.4 18 ly pronounced: Producing just 5% of the world’s
food calories creates ~40% of the environmental
E 1kg 0 1 2 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
burden. We will now explore how to access these
Tomatoes 855 0.4 2.1 0.1 0.8
Brassicas 40 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.6 mitigation opportunities through heterogenous
Onions & Leeks 37 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.4 producers.
Root Vegetables 43 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3
Mitigation through producers
F 1kg 0 1 2 3 0 2 4 6 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 30 60
Enable producers to monitor
Berries 183 0.8 1.5 0.3 2.4 multiple impacts
Bananas 246 0.6 0.9 0.3 1.9
The first step in mitigation is estimating pro-
Apples 125 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.6
ducer impacts. Prior research [e.g., (7, 8, 14)] has
Citrus 377 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.9
suggested that readily measurable proxies pre-
G 1kg 0 2 4 6 0 1 2 3 4 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40
dict farm-stage impacts, avoiding the need for
Cane Sugar 116 0.9 3.2 1.2 2.0 detailed assessment. From our larger data set,
Beet Sugar 209 1.2 1.8 1.2 1.8 which includes more practices and geographies
than prior studies, we assess the predictive power
H 1 unit 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 1 2 0 0.5 1 0 0.1 0.2
of common proxies, including crop yield, nitro-
Beer (5% ABV) 695 0.14 0.24 0.05 0.22
Wine (12.5% ABV) 154 0.07 0.14 0.07 0.14 gen use efficiency, milk yield per cow, liveweight
gain, pasture area, and feed conversion ratios.
I 1 serving
0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9 0 5 10 0 10 20 0 0.1 0.2
Although most proxies significantly covary with
Dark Chocolate (50g) 162 -0.01 2.3 1.7 3.4
impact, they make poor predictors when used
Coffee (15g, 1 cup) 346 0.08 0.4 0.13 0.3
alone, explaining little of the variation among
Median Mean farms (coefficient of determination R2 = 0 to 27%
10th percentile 90th percentile in 47 of 48 proxy-impact combinations assessed)
(fig. S4).
Fig. 1. Estimated global variation in GHG emissions, land use, terrestrial acidification, Prior research has also suggested using one
eutrophication, and scarcity-weighted freshwater withdrawals, within and between impact indicator to predict others (20). We find
40 major foods. (A) Protein-rich products. Grains are also shown here given that they weakly positive and sometimes negative relation-
contribute 41% of global protein intake, despite lower protein content. (B) Milks. ships between indicators. For similar products
(C) Starch-rich products. (D) Oils. (E) Vegetables. (F) Fruits. (G) Sugars. (H) Alcoholic globally, correlations between indicators are low
beverages (1 unit = 10 ml of alcohol; ABV, alcohol by volume). (I) Stimulants. n = farm (R2 = 0 to 30% in 26 of 32 impact-impact com-
or regional inventories. Pc and pctl., percentile; scty., scarcity. binations assessed) (fig. S4). Pork, poultry meat,

Poore et al., Science 360, 987–992 (2018) 1 June 2018 2 of 6

Erratum 22 February 2019. See Erratum.

and milk show higher correlations between acid- A C

Contribution of each source to farm-stage GHG emissions

Wheat farms Below median GHG emissions wheat farms
ification and eutrophication (R2 ≤ 54%), explained Seed 100%

by the dominant role of manure in these impacts, Fertilizer & Pesticide

but this does not generalize to other products or Equipment
indicators. The same conclusion holds for farms Electricity & Fuel
in similar geographies or systems (fig. S5). Direct Synthetic
Monitoring multiple impacts and avoiding Indirect (N2O)
proxies supports far better decisions and helps Organic Fertilizer (N2O)
prevent harmful, unintended consequences. How- Crop Residue
ever, two recent studies suggest that data on Urea (CO2)
practices and geography, required to quantify Lime (CO2)
impacts, must come directly from producers Residue Burning
(11, 21), that quantifying impacts with the use Drying
of satellite or census data misses much of the 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Australia, Australia, Cyprus, Germany, Nepal,
Contribution of each source to farm- conventional no-till, irrigated organic raised beds
variation among farms. stage GHG emissions residue burnt

Set and incentivize mitigation targets 10th 90th

Distribution Percentiles
When land use or emissions are low, we find B Beef farms
Concentrate Feed (incl.
D Below median GHG emissions beef farms
trade-offs between indicators for many crops 100%

Contribution of each source

land use change)
(fig. S5). This reflects diminishing marginal yield Pasture Management
with increasing inputs as crops tend toward their

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maximum yields (22). For example, for already Enteric Fermentation (CH4) 50%
low-emission Northern European barley farms, Manure Management (CH4)
halving land use can increase GHG emissions per Direct Manure 25%
kilogram of grain by 2.5 times and acidification Indirect (N2O)
by 3.7 times. To explore trade-offs further, we pair 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark,
observations from the same study, location, and Contribution of each source to farm- grass-fed improved feedlot confinement dairy, 9mo
stage GHG emissions pasture with implants dairy at slaughter
year that assess a practice change (fig. S6). Of the
nine changes assessed, only two (changing from Fig. 2. Contributions of emission sources to total farm-stage GHG emissions. (A and B) Gray
monoculture to diversified cropping and improv- bars show 10th- and 90th-percentile contributions. Shaded bars represent the distribution. For
ing degraded pasture) deliver statistically significant example, the 90th-percentile contribution of organic fertilizer N2O to farm-stage emissions is
reductions in both land use and GHG emissions. 16%, but for most wheat producers the contribution is near 0%. Density is estimated using a
Geography influences these trade-offs. For ex- Gaussian kernel with bandwidth selection performed with biased cross-validation. (C and D)
ample, in the Australian wheat belt, where farmers Contributions of emission sources for example producers with below-median GHG emissions.
practice low-rainfall, low-input farming, we find
that both output per hectare and GHG emissions these emissions represent less than 5% of farm- in dairy cows creates ~30 to 400 g per kg of live-
are in the bottom 15% globally. The environmental stage GHGs. It may be the case that low-impact weight). Of this variation, a third is explained by
and social importance of different impacts also farms have similar impact drivers. We again find temperature (17), which accelerates methano-
varies locally, given land scarcity, endemic bio- variable sources of impact, even for low-impact genesis and net primary production. Improving
diversity, and water quality, among other factors. farms (Fig. 2, C and D). Reducing impacts means aeration and limiting addition of surplus feed
Setting regional and sector-specific targets will focusing on different areas for different producers to ponds can abate these emissions, particularly
help producers navigate trade-offs and make and, by implication, adopting different practices. important in warm countries. Further, for every
choices that align with local and global priorities. To explore this further, we use sensitivity analysis kilogram of nitrogen applied to crops, between
(26) to decompose the variance in each product’s 60 and 400 g is lost in reactive forms. Of this
Meet targets by choosing from multiple impact into its sources. Numerous sources con- wide range, ~40% is explained by site conditions,
practice changes tribute to variance (fig. S10). Most notably, for all including soil pH, temperature, and drainage
To meet these targets, policy might encourage wide- crop calorie production globally, differences in fal- (17). Prior research has also found that the po-
spread adoption of certain practices. However, the low duration and multiple cropping drive 40% of tential of soil to store carbon varies significantly
environmental outcomes of many practices, such as the variance in land use. This is important as most with soil properties, slope, and prior practice (29).
conservation agriculture (23), organic farming (fig. strategies to increase productivity are focused on Providing producers with multiple ways to
S6), and even integrated systems of best practice increasing single crop yields (27). But for many reduce their environmental impacts recognizes
(24), are highly variable. Using our data set, we can producers, increasing cropping intensity through the variability in sources and drivers of impact
generalize these findings. To do this, we disaggre- the use of early-maturing varieties, intercropping, but requires a step change in thinking: that prac-
gate each environmental indicator into its sources catch crops, and enhanced irrigation can provide tices such as conservation agriculture or organic
or drivers. We consider practice change as a pack- more economically viable and trade-off–free ways farming are not environmental solutions in them-
age of measures that targets one or more of these to boost productivity and reduce impacts (27). selves but options that producers choose from
sources. If producers have different impact sources, Geography plays a major role in this variation to achieve environmental targets.
the effects of practice change will be variable. and affects the economic and environmental However, some practice changes can be pur-
We find that sources of impact vary consider- desirability of different practices (28). However, sued across all producers. Methane from flooded
ably among farms producing the same product at the heart of agriculture is changing site con- rice, enteric methane from ruminants, and con-
(Fig. 2 and figs. S7 to S9). Priority areas for ditions to enhance productivity (such as liming, centrate feed for pigs and poultry are sizeable
reducing impact for one farm may be immaterial terracing, or installing drainage), meaning that globally, representing 30% of food’s GHG emis-
for another. For example, measures to reduce di- statements on the importance of geography have sions; are material for all producers, contributing
rect nitrous oxide emissions from synthetic and limitations. Nevertheless, some impact sources at least 17% of farm-stage emissions (Fig. 2B and
organic fertilizer, such as biochar application, are stand out. We find that freshwater aquaculture fig. S7); and can be mitigated with relatively trade-
included in many mitigation estimates (25). How- ponds create 0 to 450 g of methane per kg of off–free approaches such as shorter and shallower
ever, for a third of global crop calorie production, liveweight (for context, enteric fermentation rice flooding (30), improving degraded pasture

Poore et al., Science 360, 987–992 (2018) 1 June 2018 3 of 6

Erratum 22 February 2019. See Erratum.

GHG Emissions (kg CO2eq 100g protein–1) GHG Emiss. 52% of U.S. grocery sales and 15% of global sales
(kg CO2eq L–1) (32). This sometimes means that standards
A Land Use Change
0.5 achieve market transformation (33), where vir-
2.1 2.1
Avg. veg. proteins tually all producers adhere to gain market access.
(excluding nuts) A fourth strategy for producers is setting en-
1.3 vironmental standards. These are particularly
0.20 important: Although many environmental issues
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 can be monitored and mitigated in a flexible
0.2 0.1 0.2
way, issues such as harmful pesticide usage and
deforestation require strict controls, and issues
-0.2 such as on-farm biodiversity are hard to quantify
10th pctl. (28). Procurement, farming organizations, and in-
B Crop Production & Feed Transport veg. proteins Avg. veg.
proteins ternational policy-makers must come together to
2.7 2.7
0.2 implement a safety net for global agriculture—
2.1 2.0 comprehensive standards to manage the worst
1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6 1.7
1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 and hardest-to-quantify environmental issues,
0.8 0.11
extending the successes of existing schemes and
0.5 0.6
0.77 0.09 enabling a flexible mitigation approach to op-
0.54 erate effectively.

Producer mitigation limits and the role

C Livestock & Aquaculture

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28 of consumers
1.5 Though producers are a vital part of the solu-
11 tion, their ability to reduce environmental impacts
9.0 is limited. These limits can mean that a product
6.0 6.0 has higher impacts than another nutritionally
3.7 3.5
1.9 1.5 1.0 1.2 0.4
equivalent product, however it is produced.
0.9 0.5 0.5
In particular, the impacts of animal products
Beef Lamb & Beef Crustaceans Cheese Pig Meat Fish Poultry Eggs Milk can markedly exceed those of vegetable substitutes
(beef herd) Mutton (dairy herd) (farmed) (farmed) Meat
(Fig. 1), to such a degree that meat, aquaculture,
Mean (light shaded box) 10th Percentile (dark shaded box) eggs, and dairy use ~83% of the world’s farmland
and contribute 56 to 58% of food’s different emis-
Fig. 3. Mean and 10th-percentile GHG emissions of protein-rich products across three major sions, despite providing only 37% of our protein and
production stages. (A to C) Red lines represent average vegetable protein emissions, and blue 18% of our calories. Can animal products be pro-
lines represent 10th-percentile emissions. The gray line represents average emissions excluding duced with sufficiently low impacts to redress this
nuts, which can temporarily sequester carbon if grown on cropland or pasture. To calculate vast imbalance? Or will reducing animal product
10th-percentile emissions by stage, we averaged across farms that have total emissions between consumption deliver greater environmental benefits?
the 5th and 15th percentiles, controlling for burden shifting between stages. We find that the impacts of the lowest-impact
animal products exceed average impacts of sub-
(fig. S6), and improving lifetime animal produc- them to reduce waste where it matters most. stitute vegetable proteins across GHG emissions,
tivity (8). Further, emissions from deforestation For products such as beef, distribution and retail eutrophication, acidification (excluding nuts), and
and cultivated organic soils drive on average losses contribute 12 to 15% of emissions (fig. S13), frequently land use (Fig. 1 and data S2). These
42% of the variance in each product’s agricul- whereas the sum of emissions from packaging, stark differences are not apparent in any product
tural GHG emissions (fig. S10) and dominate transport, and retail contributes just 1 to 9%. groups except protein-rich products and milk.
the highest-impact producers’ emissions (fig. S11), Here, reducing losses is a clear priority. Although tree crops can temporarily sequester
further justifying ongoing efforts to curb forest As a third strategy, procurement could source carbon and reduce nutrient leaching, the impact
loss and limit cultivation on peatlands. from low-impact farms. Although this strategy is of nuts is dominated by low-yielding cashews
important, and possible only with information and water-, fertilizer-, and pesticide-intensive
Communicate impacts up the about the impacts of providers, it has clear limita- almonds. Production of nuts doubled between
supply chain tions. To be effective, it relies on high-impact 2000 and 2015 (4), and more work is required to
Processors, distributors, and retailers can substan- production not simply being purchased elsewhere improve their resource use efficiency. Although
tially reduce their own impacts. For any product, in the market. The case of the Roundtable on aquaculture can have low land requirements, in
90th-percentile postfarm emissions are 2 to 140 Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) shows that this is part by converting by-products into edible pro-
times larger than 10th-percentile emissions, indi- hard to achieve: despite one-fifth of 2017 palm oil tein, the lowest-impact aquaculture systems still
cating large mitigation potential (fig. S12). For production being certified, there remains virtu- exceed emissions of vegetable proteins. This chal-
example, returnable stainless steel kegs create just ally no demand in China, India, and Indonesia lenges recommendations to expand aquaculture
20 g of CO2eq per liter of beer, but recycled glass (31). Alternatively, this strategy would be ef- (1) without major innovation in production prac-
bottles create 300 to 750 g of CO2eq, and bottles fective if higher prices for sustainable produc- tices first. Further, though ruminants convert
sent to landfills create 450 to 2500 g of CO2eq. tion incentivized low-impact producers to increase ~2.7 billion metric tons of grass dry matter, of
Processing, more durable packaging, and output or high-impact producers to change prac- which 65% grows on land unsuitable for crops
greater usage of coproducts can also reduce food tices. The case of organic food shows how passing (34), into human-edible protein each year, the
waste. For example, wastage of processed fruit premiums to consumers limits total market size environmental impacts of this conversion are
and vegetables is ~14% lower than that of fresh and widespread practice change. immense under any production method prac-
fruit and vegetables, and wastage of processed However, processors and retailers routinely ticed today.
fish and seafood is ~8% lower (24). Providing demand that products meet taste, quality, and Using GHG emissions (Fig. 3), we identified five
processors and retailers with information about food safety standards. These markets are con- primarily biophysical reasons for these results.
the impacts of their providers could encourage centrated, with just 10 retailers representing These reasons suggest that the differences between

Poore et al., Science 360, 987–992 (2018) 1 June 2018 4 of 6

Erratum 22 February 2019. See Erratum.

Farms Processors & Retailers Consumers or certified independently. In the United States
these tools have already been integrated with ex-
isting farm software (31); in Africa and South Asia
they are in trials with 2G mobile phones (37); and
in China they have been operated by extension
Validate and Monitor multiple Validate and services with extremely successful results (24).
Monitor multiple
communicate impacts using communicate Second, policy-makers would set targets on
impacts supply-chain data impacts
environmental indicators and incentivize them
by providing producers with credit or tax breaks
Meet targets by sustainability Meet targets or by reallocating agricultural subsidies that now
choosing from standards exceed half a trillion dollars a year worldwide
multiple practice Policy
changes (38). Third, the assessment tools would provide
Set and incentivize mitigation targets Incentivize multiple mitigation and productivity enhancement
Define and regulate sustainability standards consumption options to producers. Ideally these tools would be-
come platforms that consolidate the vast amounts
Provide multiple mitigation options of research conducted by scientists around the
world, while also sharing producer best practices.
Fig. 4. Graphical representation of the mitigation framework. In particular, practice sharing offers a very effec-
tive way to engage producers (24). Maximum
flexibility also ensures least-cost mitigation (39)
animal and vegetable proteins will hold into the tons of CO2 from the atmosphere each year over and supports producer-led innovation (24).

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future unless major technological changes dispro- 100 years as natural vegetation reestablishes and Finally, impacts would be communicated up the
portionately target animal products. First, emissions soil carbon re-accumulates, based on simulations supply chain and through to consumers. For com-
from feed production typically exceed emissions of conducted in the IMAGE integrated assessment modity crops that are hard to trace (31), this may
vegetable protein farming. This is because feed– model (17). For the United States, where per capita not be feasible and mitigation efforts may have to
to–edible protein conversion ratios are greater than meat consumption is three times the global av- focus on producers. For animal products, stringent
2 for most animals (13, 34); because high usage of erage, dietary change has the potential for a far traceability is already required in many countries
low-impact by-products is typically offset by low greater effect on food’s different emissions, reduc- (40), suggesting that communicating impacts is
digestibility and growth; and because additional ing them by 61 to 73% [see supplementary text (17) most feasible where it matters the most. Commu-
transport is required to take feed to livestock. Sec- for diet compositions and sensitivity analyses nication could occur through a combination of en-
ond, we find that deforestation for agriculture is and fig. S14 for alternative scenarios]. vironmental labels, taxes or subsidies designed to
dominated (67%) by feed, particularly soy, maize, Consumers can play another important role by reflect environmental costs in product prices (35),
and pasture, resulting in losses of above- and below- avoiding high-impact producers. We consider a and broader education on the true cost of food.
ground carbon. Improved pasture management second scenario where consumption of each ani- We have consolidated information on the prac-
can temporarily sequester carbon (25), but it re- mal product is halved by replacing production tices and impacts of a wide range of producers.
duces life-cycle ruminant emissions by a maximum with above-median GHG emissions with vegeta- From this research, we have provided a unified
of 22%, with greater sequestration requiring more ble equivalents. This achieves 71% of the previous exposition of the environmental science for mak-
land. Third, animals create additional emissions scenario’s GHG reduction (a reduction of ~10.4 ing major changes to the food system. We hope
from enteric fermentation, manure, and aquaculture billion metric tons of CO2 eq per year, including this stimulates progress in this crucially impor-
ponds. For these emissions alone, 10th-percentile atmospheric CO2 removal by regrowing vege- tant area.
values are 0.4 to 15 kg of CO2eq per 100 g of pro- tation) and 67, 64, and 55% of the land use, acid-
tein. Fourth, emissions from processing, particu- ification, and eutrophication reductions. Further,
larly emissions from slaughterhouse effluent, add lowering consumption of more discretionary REFERENCES AND NOTES
a further 0.3 to 1.1 kg of CO2eq, which is greater products (oils, sugar, alcohol, and stimulants) 1. H. C. J. Godfray et al., Science 327, 812–818 (2010).
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are 31 to 46%, and for scarcity-weighted fresh-
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Today, and probably into the future, dietary Communicating average product impacts to 8. P. J. Gerber, H. Steinfeld, B. Henderson, A. Mottet, C. Opio,
change can deliver environmental benefits on consumers enables dietary change and should J. Dijkman, A. Falcucci, G. Tempio, “Tackling climate change
through livestock: A global assessment of emissions and
a scale not achievable by producers. Moving from be pursued. Though dietary change is realistic mitigation opportunities” (FAO, 2013).
current diets to a diet that excludes animal pro- for any individual, widespread behavioral change 9. European Commission, “Recommendation 2013/179/EU on the
ducts (table S13) (35) has transformative potential, will be hard to achieve in the narrow timeframe use of common methods to measure and communicate the life
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(a 76% reduction), including a 19% reduction further, irreversible biodiversity loss. Communi- 10. S. Hellweg, L. Milà i Canals, Science 344, 1109–1113 (2014).
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7.4) billion metric tons of CO2eq (a 49% reduction); second scenario, which multiplies the effects of 12. S. Clune, E. Crossin, K. Verghese, J. Clean. Prod. 140, 766–783
acidification by 50% (45 to 54%); eutrophication by smaller consumer changes. 13. D. Tilman, M. Clark, Nature 515, 518–522 (2014).
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and 90th-percentile impacts of existing produc- ing policy (9). First, producers would monitor 18. W. Steffen et al., Science 347, 1259855 (2015).
19. A. F. Bouwman, D. P. Van Vuuren, R. G. Derwent, M. Posch,
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21. E. Beza, J. V. Silva, L. Kooistra, P. Reidsma, . Eur. J. Agron. 82, 35. M. Springmann et al., Nat. Clim. Change 7, 69–74 (2016). on the manuscript and Tyana for illustrations. Funding: This work
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22. Z. Cui et al., Biogeosciences 11, 2287–2294 (2014). “Report of greenhouse gas accounting tools for agriculture and and wrote the manuscript. J.P. and T.N. contributed to the study
23. J. K. Ladha et al., Global Change Biol. 22, 1054–1074 forestry sectors” (Interim report to U.S. Department of design and data interpretation and reviewed the manuscript.
(2016). Agriculture under contract no. GS23F8182H, ICF International, Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests.
24. Z. Cui et al., Nature 555, 363–366 (2018). 2012). Data and materials availability: A Microsoft Excel file allowing full
25. P. Smith et al., in Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate 37. GSM Association (GSMA), “Creating scalable, engaging mobile replication of this analysis, containing all original and recalculated
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26. E. Song, B. L. Nelson, J. Staum, SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. 38. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (
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30. P. Smith et al., Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 118, 6–28 Supplementary Text
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[Regulation (EU) 1308/2013, European Union, 2013].
31. K. B. Waldman, J. M. Kerr, Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ. 6, 429–449 Tables S1 to S17
(2014). References (41–151)
32. Euromonitor; Data S1 and S2
33. D. C. Nepstad, W. Boyd, C. M. Stickler, T. Bezerra, We thank the many researchers who provided us with additional
A. A. Azevedo, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B 368, data, acknowledged in data S1. We are grateful to R. Grenyer, 5 October 2017; resubmitted 8 December 2017
20120167 (2013). P. Smith, E. J. Milner-Gulland, C. Godfray, G. Gaillard, L. de Baan, Accepted 17 April 2018
34. A. Mottet et al., Global Food Sec. 14, 1–8 (2017). Y. Malhi, D. Thomas, K. Javanaud, and K. Afemikhe for comments 10.1126/science.aaq0216

Downloaded from on February 26, 2019

Poore et al., Science 360, 987–992 (2018) 1 June 2018 6 of 6

Reducing food's environmental impacts through producers and consumers
J. Poore and T. Nemecek

Science 360 (6392), 987-992.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaq0216originally published online May 31, 2018

The global impacts of food production

Food is produced and processed by millions of farmers and intermediaries globally, with substantial associated
environmental costs. Given the heterogeneity of producers, what is the best way to reduce food's environmental
impacts? Poore and Nemecek consolidated data on the multiple environmental impacts of ∼38,000 farms producing 40
different agricultural goods around the world in a meta-analysis comparing various types of food production systems. The

Downloaded from on February 26, 2019

environmental cost of producing the same goods can be highly variable. However, this heterogeneity creates
opportunities to target the small numbers of producers that have the most impact.
Science, this issue p. 987



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Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers
J. Poore and T. Nemecek
Science 360, 987–992 (2018)

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