Math Centers Lesson Plan 2-18

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Beaver Falls, PA


Name: McKayla Jacobs Date: February 18, 2022

Subject: Math Grade Level: 3rd

I. Topic
Math Centers: The students will move around stations to work on the concepts of Telling Time, Quadrilaterals,
Measurement, and Multiplication.

II. PA or Common Core Standards

Telling Time:
CC.2.4.3.A.2 Tell and write time to the nearest minute and solve problems by calculating time intervals.
CC.2.3.3.A.1 Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes.
CC.2.4.3.A.1 Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or
CC.2.2.3.A.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

III. Learning Objectives: Objectives must be written using observable verbs

Center 1:
TSWBAT practice recommended concepts of math on IXL.
Center 2:
TSWBAT determine the time on an analog clock and write it in digital form.
Center 3:
TSWBAT determine whether a given shape is a quadrilateral based on it’s attributes.
Center 4:
TSWBAT identify the measurement of a shoe to the nearest half inch.
Teacher-Led Center (one-to-one)
TSWBAT practice multiplication facts with the teacher.

IV. Materials
Center 1:
Center 2:
Let’s Get Digital Sheets
Kitty Cat Time Sheets
Center 3:
Shape Cards
Quadrilateral Chart Sheets
Center 4:
Measurement Task Cards
Measuring to the Nearest Half Inch Sheets
Teacher-Led Center (one-to-one)
Sharks Can Multiply Sheets
Array Match Cards

V. Lesson Development
a. Introduction
To begin the lesson, the teacher will split the class into the created groups based on ability.
Once all groups have been assigned, the teacher will go around and explain the directions for each
center and show the students where they will be working while at this center.
For Center 1, the teacher will say, “At this center, you will be working on IXL math on your
iPads. You will stay at your own desks and work independently.” For Center 2, the teacher will say,
“At this center, you will be working on telling time. You will start with the Let’s Get Digital paper and
if you finish you can play the Kitty Cat Time game as a group. There are full directions here [show
directions sheet].” For Center 3, the teacher will say, “At this center, you will be working on attributes
of shapes and quadrilaterals. You will look at each lettered shape and decide how many right angles
it has, how many sides it has, and if it is a quadrilateral.” For Center 4, the teacher will say, “At this
center, you will be working on measurement. You will look at each task card and determine the
measurement to the nearest inch of each shoe.” After going through each center, the teacher will
then say, “I will also be pulling some of you one at a time to practice multiplication facts or test for
your banana split reward.”

b. Lesson development (activities, procedures)

Each center will be given 15 minutes to complete the given work. Specific directions will be placed at
each center to explain activities. The teacher will pull students one-by-one to work on multiplication
facts and test for their reward.
The teacher will set a timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off, the students will all switch to the
next center in clockwise direction (to the right). Once all students have moved, the teacher will restart
the timer. This will repeat until each student has been to all four centers.

c. Evidence of differentiated instruction (content, process, product, or learning environment)

Learning Environment: The students will be able to work together to solve the problems/questions in
each center aside from Center 1.
Content: The teacher will use center-based learning to review multiple concepts in one day.

d. Closure (summary)
To close the lesson, the teacher will collect all worksheets from students and ask the students a
series of questions about their feelings toward centers. (This is their first time doing centers, so
feedback will be helpful to know if we can do this again.)

VI. Assessment/evaluation
Center 1:
The students will be informally assessed by their ability to work quietly and independently.
Center 2:
The students will be informally assessed by their ability to determine the time on the analog clock.
Center 3:
The students will be informally assessed by their ability to determine whether the shape is a quadrilateral
based on it’s attributes.
Center 4:
The students will be formally assessed by their ability to measure the shoes correctly to the nearest half inch.
This will be used as a math grade.
Teacher-Led Center (one-to-one)
The students will be informally assessed by their ability to solve multiplication problems.
The students will be formally assessed by their ability to have multiplication facts memorized for their banana
split reward.

VII. Modifications or accommodations

The students will be grouped according to ability level.
Some students will finish more than others, so some centers will have extra work for those who finish.

VIII. Self-evaluation
My students and I both loved the idea of centers and I think it went really well. I decided to not have a
teacher-led center in order to be able to watch my students interact with each other and gain an insight into
their abilities in math since this was my first week teaching math. My students did not do very well with the
Quadrilateral practice and some struggled with the measurement practice. Therefore, I plan to review these in
class and create centers based on these concepts again.

Cooperating Teacher Approval ________________________________________

Date ___________________

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