9 Divine Truth

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Djwhal Khul assist you to understand what truth is and where it sits within you. He offers
an activation to release the mind form facts and figures and to connect with your lotus
heart which holds your divine truth.

Channel from Djwhal Khul by Ineasa Mabu Ishtar. April 16,

2004. Copyright 2004.

In the temples of truth we have a council with us this day to braid

with this channel to talk to you about truth. Lord Sananda assists
me; Lord Maitreya and Saint Germain and my master and friend
Kuthumi . My heart sits in what is truth. This is what we will speak
of this day. For what is truth? What is this truth of what I speak?
How does one know what is truth for each and every one of you
see truth in many lights dear ones do you not? If we spent the time
to go around circle now asking what is truth it would be different
for each and every one of you, for truth is like the word, you hold
it and then it is gone.

It does not always sit with you forever this truth. For truth changes
indeed based on your own experiences of this and your journey
dear ones does it not? Your truth you hold today may be another
tomorrow. It can be of the experience of the moment. All that you
think you know may change in any given moment. The truth is it
not is about acceptance of the now? What is right now dear ones,
what is right now.

There are many truths as there are many pathways dear ones. This
truth remains in the mind for this is a learning that you experience
dear ones. You do not get it through a book or now on the airways
through your technology for there is much that claims it is truth in
this technology dear ones. There is the truth of the now; there is the
truth of the future; as much as there is the truth of the past dear

We ask you to consider for one moment the truth that you accepted
perhaps 10 years ago in your time dear ones. Is it that to be
considered truth dear ones? Ten or five years ago the truth that you
held fast, that you considered it to be truth the only truth at this
time that you considered. You knew all there was to know at this
time dear ones. And, of course, for you at that time it was truth
was it not? For this is what you knew in your mind, in your
intellect - this is what you expected as your truth.

And we say to you that it is ever changing as is the universe

changing constantly, constantly, constantly changing. But your
truth, what is truth dear ones? Who is to say this moment you hold
your truth? Do you? And another may come to you and say this is
my truth, accept this. How are you to know what is right for you in
this moment dear ones of what is truth for you?

The truth dear ones is right for at this time. There are so many
perceptions of what is truth and it is very confusing for you. We
say to you now dear ones that truth is what is in your heart in this
moment dear ones. Truth is what is in your heart in this moment. It
is for the heart to know what is truth. The truth is not necessarily
fact dear ones. This is hard for your minds to understand, that truth
is not necessarily fact. There are many, many facts dear ones,
especially in the spiritual world of this earth, this planet .

What is fact? A good example of this dear ones is the teachings of

the church, the holy book on which the church sits dear ones. From
these facts come many, many truths do they not dear ones? And
from these facts come the dogma of all the churches and religions
that exist today whether it be from the Holy Bible the Quoran, the
Kabbala, all the many books on spiritual learning that fill this
realm in your search for God connection. But what indeed is truth
from this dear ones? What is it you can consider as truth?

We say to you to sit, sit within your hearts and you will know truth
for truth is what is in your hearts at this time, in this moment that
serves you now. This is not about what serves another or a group
such as this one dear ones. It is about what is in your heart. For you
hear this truth and you may find there is one next to you who does
not hold this same truth right now. But we ask you dear ones to
tarry with this to surrender to this for this is not their truth. That
which you need to sit (???) it is the knowing and the understanding
of your own truth.

There are many, many facts dear ones. Many perceptions and
many experiences, many journeys you have made, which have
created for you many beliefs and understandings but these are held
within the mind and they are not necessarily truth. For truth in all
consciousness dear ones is held within the heart. It is your truth we
ask you to hold fast to, this truth and not to be distracted by facts
and perceptions that are not necessarily truth of your spirit.

There are many, many who walk the spiritual path today our
beloveds but who do not follow the dogma of religion or the
schools of mystery or the ashrams of a guru. They are seeking
information - seeking, seeking, seeking - always seeking. They
receive information and facts and perceptions and understandings
from books, from technology on your airways and from other
beings who speak this information - repeating it also seeking,
seeking, seeking and travelling far, travelling long distances to
find this information, to discover it is but information and the truth
of what they seek is not within the information. And they become
lost within this information. They seem knowledgeable and they
hold much knowledge and facts within their minds but they do not
necessarily hold the truth within their hearts, for they do not know
the truth within their hearts. They have not taken the time to
connect with this truth within their hearts dear ones, to be with it,
to know it, to look at it, to allow the mind to go.

Allow the mind to detach from all of the facts and information that
it holds. To be in the no mind, to let the mind go and be in
detachment, what is called the no mind, what is called detachment.

Calm the mind dear ones. Sit perfectly within the heart in truth in
this space. Peace is created….peace. It is your nirvana… your
place of retreat… your place when you sit within this that you will
understand your truth. This is where your truth remains. It does not
travel, it does not go seeking, it does not sit within a book dear
ones, nor on your airways of technology. It is indeed within your
heart centre, within your being of who you are.

We say to you that if you take the time and attempt to get to know
this being within that holds your truth it is where you will remain.
You will sit within this space in peace and joy dear ones moment
to moment in the now with no mind attachments. We will let the
mind go it will be what is important for you. It will be your all.
Your pathway to ascension sits within your heart in this truth dear
ones. It does not sit between the covers of a book or on your
airways of technology, it sits within the heart of your own
experience, within your being dear ones.

This is your truth. It is where it sits in the lotus flower of your

hearts. We say to you the more you sit with it the more that you
practice with this space, get to know it, become familiar with it,
your own nature and part of who you are. The more indeed dear
ones that you do this the more you will be in peace and joy for you
will understand the truth of now for you in this moment. It is our
truth for you. Facts and figures and information this will not assist
you in the path that you seek. It will only keep your mind busy in
form and your egos in force. It will not assist you to be in perfect
peace in truth. It will not assist you on your path of enlightenment
dear ones.

We do not say to you that you must sit cross legged in a cave, this
is not what we are telling you at this time. But we ask that you get
to know this space of which we talk. Take the time to practice with
it, to sit with it just now with your inner being.

We do not ask you to completely discard the mind for it is essential

for you in the physical plane and there is little you can do without
the mind in this realm.

We ask you to let the mind be free, to let go, to surrender the mind
to the higher dimensions at this time dear ones. Breathing deeply
with us now, breathing deeply with us now going within to your
heart centres now, within to your heart centers within the lotus of
your hearts, within the lotus of your heart, or in any way that suits
you best.

Breathing deeply dear ones, breathing deeply. Bring your energies

now within the lotus dear ones now. Asking for your truth in this
moment, sitting with your truth. It is not knowledge from your
mind this truth, it is the knowing of who you are, your being, your
experience, just allowing this to flow dear ones. Allowing this
experience to flow within you. Understanding this is not
knowledge that will come from your mind - it is a sense of being,
of being through your energy fields. It is easy for you, for you will
sit within the lotus of your hearts and of your being. D o this in
open hearts …through the dimensions of your heart, asking what
dimension you sit within .

With your masters in this space the truth of all that is will be one
with you. This is your truth. It is not another’s that you hold. This
truth is the key to who you are. It is your own, for you may not sit
in the lotus heart of another being dear ones. You will find your
own truth for in this you will find the heart of all that is and sit
within it in oneness with all beings.

In the physical be this and the master that you are here in the
physical dear ones. Being able to walk within the physical holding
this energy of your heart, the open heart within you in all
dimensions dear ones, in all dimensions of your being. For this is
why we are here to manifest this within the physical dear ones. To
manifest the being and you may sit within the one heart of all that
is in all things, in all knowing in your truth.

You will not be able to come to the one heart of all that is through
distortion or illusion or through the mind. Only through the truth of
what is in your hearts, the lotus hearts of your being dear ones,
through lotus hearts of your being.

Blessings to you in the one heart of all that is dear ones. We thank
you for allowing us the privilege of being here with you this night
and allowing us to braid with our channel Ishtar. Namaste to you.

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