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Institución Educativa Magdalena

“Educando con amor, para un futuro mejor”

GRADES 10 A-B -11 A- B 3 English guide IIVI Period
Docente: Nayibe Pilar Siachoque Cárdenas Fecha: nov- 4th - Curso:
2020 : 10 A- B 11 A-B
Buen día queridos estudiantes

Topic: voz pasiva

La “passive voice”sirve para resaltar el sujeto que realiza la acción. es decir, la persona o el objeto pasa a
ser protagonista de la frase y el que realiza la acción.

Voz activa (Active voice) Voz pasiva (Pasive voice)

The teacher corrects exams in may Exam are corrected by the teacher in may
Sujeto + verbo + objeto + complement Objeto + verbo to be+ participio pasado +sujeto
+ complemento
1. Rellena los espacios con las palabras para completar la pasiva de cada una
de las frases en presente simple. No hace falta la preposición by.
They close the market on Mondays.
The market is closed            on Mondays.

1) The police catch a lot of criminals in London.

A lot of criminals   in London.

2) The gardener waters the flowers every day.

The flowers   every day.

3) We always leave our boots by the door.

Our boots   by the door.

4) You switch on the machine at the wall.

The machine   at the wall.

5) They don't rent cars there.

Cars   there.

6) Somebody follows me home every evening.

Every evening   home.

7) Do you switch the PC on first?


8) Some person leaves the lights on all night.

The lights   all night.

9) We usually leave a saucer of milk for the cat.

A saucer of milk   for the cat.

10) People see foxes in their gardens at night.

Foxes   in people's gardens at night.

2. Pasar las siguientes oraciones a voz activa

1. Pictures were taken by the tourist around parís

2. The window has been broken by sally
3. Photos are taken by her

4. The mouse is eaten by the cat

A book is given to Mary by John
5. _____________________________________
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