Kinetic Model For Beer Production: Simulation Under Industrial Opera Tional Conditions

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B . de Andrcs-Toro , J.M. Giron-Sierra , C Femandez-Conde l ,

1. M. Peinado~ and F . Garcia-Ochoa 3

JDept lnformatica y Automatica, 2 Dept. Microbiologia 11/. J Dept lngenieria Qllimica

Universidad Compllllense de Madrid 280-10. Madrid Spain
rei: t 3-1 1 39-1-138{ Fax t 3-11 39-1-1387 J..:-mai/."

A kinetic model for beer production is proposed. The model takes into account five responses: biomass, sugar, ethanol,
diacctyl and ethyl acetate. llUs model segregates biomass into three components: lag, active and dead cells. Experiments were first
perfonned at laboratory scale, isothermal runs were carried out at five temperatures (8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 QC). Fitting of experimental
data was made by non-linear regression. Parameter values calculated were similar to those given in literature. The kinetic model was
able to fit experimental data "ith a very good agreement. Afterwards. experiments were conducted at pilot plant scale, runs were now
carried out changing temperature with time, in the industrial way. The kinetic model. \\ith the parameter values before calculated,
was able to predict with a very high accuracy the non-isothennal experimental data achieved.


Brewing is an important industry in Europe . About 11 .6 · 10 m 3 were produced in Germany in 1994 as
6 3
compared with 23 .7 · 10 m in USA, the world's largest beer producer. The conventional industrial production of
beer is based on a batch fermentation of wort, with no stirring. A temperature profile along fermentation time is
applied in order to obtain the required ethanol level , and the desired properties (such as taste, aroma, etc) .


\ X-Iag~
X-acth' e .... ......... ...~

X-death ...... ~


Figure I. Process scheme considered in the kinetic model

Mathematical models of wort fennentation have been developed to simulate the industrial process in order to
carry out the optimization of operational conditions and even process control and automatization. Some of these
models have been developed from laboratory data Ill, 121, 131, 141 or describing only partially the process 151 or
without taking into account important factors affecting beer quality 161 or they arc so complex that they arc not
useful for control or optimization purposes 171

The aim of this work has been to develop a model for industrial use. The experimental data have been first obtained
canying out batch fermentations, ~ithout stirring, at constant temperature, using industrial wort and yeasts supplied by
Cruzcampo Breweries (Madrid, Spain). Afterwards, in order to check the model, data have been achieved at pilot plant
scale, being the runs now conducted with a temperature profile (in a similar way to that employed in industrial fennentation
processes of breweries).


The kinetic model proposed takes into account five responses biomass (X), substrate (Cs), ethanol (C), diacetyl
(Cdy) and ethyl acetate (C.). Biomass is assumed to be segregated into three different types of cells: lag (X1,J, active (X act )
and dead (~) cells. The biomass behaviour is sho\\n in Figure I. It is also assumed that inoceulum (X IllC ) is composed of
about 50% of death cells, 48% of lag cells and only 2% of active cells
X act (0 ) + X Jag (0) = 0 5 . X mc (0 ) (I)

After inoculation, most of the yeast (Xsusp) become suspended in the vv-ort, that is

X SIIS/ r) = X acJ I) + X Jag ( I ) + X dth ( I ) (2)

and the dead yeast are sedimenting with a rate J.lSD (reaction 2) dccreasing the suspended cells, according to


Experimental data showed that J.lSIJ depends on the density of the wort (proportional to the initial substrate
concentration (C so ) , and on CO~ production that avoids settling. CO~ concentration has been measured as ethanol
concentration (C J

J.1 suo' 0.5 . C so

J.1 sD = _, (4)
0) . (so + C I ) er
Also the lag ycasts became active (reaction I) \\ith a rate given by


We have experimentally detennined that when the activation process starts no fennentation is observed. Thus, it IS
possible to distinguish a lag phase in which only two processes are observed dead cells arc settling dO\m to the bottom and
lag cells are being activated When about 80% of lag cells have been transfonned in active cells, fermentation and growth
start. From this moment these t\vo processes, together with settling and activation proccsst.'S, take place simultaneously .

During the fermentation phase, active yeasts grow, producing new biomass (reaction 3) with a rate given by the first
term in eq . (6) Part of them die (reaction 4). \\;th a ratc givcn by the second teml ofcq. (6), and also the rcmaining lag
ycasts continue their activation \\;th the rate given by the third term of the same equation. Thus, the increase in active yeasts
can be described as follows


In this equation, f.1x have been substituted by an empirical relationship of this variable with substrate and ethanol
concentrations, according to


The rate of sugar consumption has been considered to be given by: dCJf) = _ X () (8)
dl j.J s . QCI f

fls, as usually considered, has been assumed to be a Michaelis-Menten function : (9)

Ethanol production rate has been described as --'---- = j.J. X QC, ( I) (10)
Experimental work showed that ethanol concentration did not vary in a monotonous way during the fermentation
time, but showed a decreasing rate with time . To include this inhibition effect in the model, one inhibition factor, f,
proportional to the maximum amount of ethanol that can be produced, i.e. half the initial sugar concentration, has been

dC.(t)=f o oX (t) (11 )

df 0 j.J. acl

where f = 1- C~(f) and ( 12)

0) C so0

The by-product production rates, diacetyl (Cell) and ethyl acetate (Cc.. ), were also taken into account. Ethyl acetate
concentration changed as predicted by Gee (4), with a constant stoichiometric coefficient acetatclsugar, Yea s

dC ea (f) = Y dC J t ) ( 13)
df ea,s dt

However diacetyl concentration evolution is much more complex. This compound is produced mainly during the first
hours of fermentation process, but part of it is converted afterwards into acetoin and 2,3-butanedioL Therefore, the diacetyl
production rate must take into account both processes . One is the appearance rate, taken as proportional to sugar
concentration. The other is its reduction or disappearance, assumed to be proportional to ethanol concentration, as indicated
by the following equation

dC d).(f) ,
= j.Jd) .CJ f)X <lc,( f) - j.Jab ·C J-..{ tjC
J I) (14)

According to the above description, the model has ten parameters, including nine specific constants of production and
consumption rates and one Michaelis type constant Most of them has been assumed to be affccted by temperature . These
relationships can be described by exponential equations of the Arrhenius type, as

f.J = Aoexp( B RoT) (15)


Experimental set-up

Two experimental set-ups have been employed.

Batch isothermal fermentations have been carried out in a 3 I vessel \\ithout stirring, filled up to 2,5 I \\ith wort and
inoculated \\ith a yeast suspension (I lOO v/v) Temperature was controlled by a PlO controller. Five temperatures were
assayed (8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 ne) Runs were replicated two or three times to improve accuracy of experimental data
Biomass, substrate and ethanol concentrations together with pH was measured with time .


F.nnent.r Control

Experiments have also been run in a pilot plant A scheme of the plant is sho~n in Figure 2. The fennenter, of 100 I
in volume, was filled with XO I of wort, inoculated with yeasts (1 .100 v/v) The fennentation proceeded following the
industrial temperature profile of Figure 3 Biomass was
measured on line by the increase in absorbance detected by a J 6 ~
photocell situated in the middle of the vessel It was also 4 "- J

measured out line by dry weight Ethanol concentration was J ~ E

also estimated on line by the decrease of hydrostatic pressure J "
measured by a pressure sensor at the bottom of the vessel
Five runs were carried out at this level

Analytical methods

Total sugars were determined by HPLC . Ethanol by , ~~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~~--~

IJ ·HI 80 l:!O 160 H o 1J rs ~ (I O
the Scaba method (in the industrial brewery) . Diacetyl was
calculated from previously published data \21.
Figure 3. Temperature industrial profile
The fitting of the experimental data to the proposed
model was carried out by multi-response non-linear regression algorithm. coupled \\ith a numerical integration routine,
because integral data were being analysed .

f.i xo ' exp(108. 31- 3193-1.09 7) f.i m . exp(l30.16-38313 T)

Yeas exp( 89.92 - 26589 T) f.i Sf) O exp(33.82 -10033.28 l)

f.i so .~ exp(--I I. 92 + 1165 -1.6-1 7) f.i eo c exp(3.2 7 -126 7.2-I 7) = exp( 30.72 - 9501.5-1 T) k. - exp(-119.63 + 3-/203.95 7) . = - 6. 13-1-1 . 10 .8 . T 1 + 8.-1266.10 .6 . T -I . 7672 .10 .1

f.i .w " - 9. 138-1 · 10 ·- . T ] " 6.7071 .10 .5 . T - 0. 1251 . 10 .3

Table I. Parameter \'alues calculated by filling experimented data. as functions of temperature


Parameter values determination

According to the method quoted above, the values of the parameters were calculated, and they are shown in
Table I. In this Table the functions of the temperature finally adopted are also given. These values are, in general, of
the same order of magnitude of those previously reported for beer fermentation at laboratory scale [4].

Figure 4 show the fitting of the model to experimental data, corresponding to one fermentation at constant
temperature, 12 "C. At the other four tested temperatures, similar good fittings were obtained, showing the good
predictive performance of the model.

!0 - (B)
(A) 00 J. -'- - -
~ -- ----

•• " ,"

'. 50 ./ . "

",Total suspended biomass

'. (Model ) '"


' I•

• 5 ,~ , -" -'. -. .~
r ..... HO<n
'OD • Tme. Han
100 150

"OI .~I. (C) " (D)

100 ,. ppm
, '

.. O.

"~ . 02

,,- '.
~~~~- '50 0
0 'DD '50
T."... . Hcu-.

Figure 4. Evolution of the concentration with time of (A) Biomass, (B) Ethanol, (C) Total Sugars, and (D) DiacetyL
Stars: experimental points. Solid line: model prediction.

Validation of the model

The kinetic model, with the parameter values achieved by fitting of isothermal data, was used to predict the
experimental results of non-isothermal experimental data, taking into account biomass, substrate and product
concentration evolution , These runs were performed at pilot plant scale, under a temperature profile shown in Figure
3. Again the prediction of the model was very good, as can be observed in Figure 5.

Therefore the model seems to be adequate to perform simulations under different operational conditions, in order
to optimize the process. Also the model can be useful to implement software sensors and model-based control
techniques such as internal model control schemes, and fault diagnosis for autonomous operation.

gil (A ) gll (B)

5 ,-,

4' .:-) '-

" 80 :i

.\3/ . . .. " 60

'-, --, 40
1 0 Cl

0 20
0 50 100 150houn 0 50 100 150 Houn

70 1_2
-, ppm
gIl (C) (0)
60 ) ,~
() / '

" 0,8 / \\




0 ,6

0 ,4

0 ,2 /
/ "-
50 100 150 Hours 0 50 100 Boun 150

Figure 5. Evolution with time of the concentration of (A) Biomass, (B) Total Sugars, (C) Ethanol and (0) OiacetyL
Open circles: Experimental data obtained in the pilot plant run with the temperature profile ofFig.3. Solid line: Prediction of the
model with the parameters calculated from the isothermal experiments.


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