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Punta di Gaij (E). . . . . . . 11,887 Roche Chevriere (W) . . . . .


than woods and forests--but especially the barren lands

grounds to resist the conclusion that Florideae present the

lead until the Achaean conquest. All the ancient dynasties

example of its successful application has been the theory of

paper Liberty (1892 sqq.); Instead of a Book, by one too

or 6-oxypurin, xanthin or 2.6-dioxypurin, adenine or 6

Passo di San Pellegrino (Moena to Cencenighe), small carriage, path . .6,267

stopped. The result is that although the forms of apparatus

translations. The making of these began about the 11th

king. But his Whig friends were already tottering in their

Macedonians broke out on the way at Opis on the Tigris. It

and is placed over the magazine, the cartridges being

into wildechemes which never took effect but caused immense

State, Griqualand West was annexed to the Cape in 1880,

itself, which he built in A.D. 1424, with its three hundred

FIG. 2.--Hot-wire Ammeter.

Squamariaceae nnd Corallinaceae grow attached through their

physical science must not be exalted into universal rules of

complete, and the fine houses were eagerly sought after by

Oxus river, a great part of which is covered with modern aerial

of civilized states were accustomed to employ in matters

a special study of German philosophy in Berlin. In 1849

Theatre. There he produced a number of successful plays, notably

and that if the discharge continue the chemical action will

numerous also northward in the province, until in the region

philosopher, the son of an advocate who had left his native

A. Dumas converted acetic acid into trichloracetic acid,

Jan Six (d. 1702), the friend and patron of Rembrandt, was

Europe and the disturber of the world's peace,'' Alexander

are too often stained with deep and degrading debauchery.

Hope in 1498, nearly ruined its commerce; the canal, which

woman. To avoid the disgrace of perishing by a woman's hand,

indifference and a disinclination to bear the burden of

The operations of the accountant-general are now conducted

Esq. (1756 and 1766). Both books are an extraordinary mixture

Theodore's quarrel with great Britain

students. Alexandria is a distributing and jobbing centre for

Hellene, who yet had personal sympathy with Jewish primitive

Nietzsche, Emerson, W. Lloyd Garrison, Thoreau, Alexander

Albanians. The Via Egnatia, which Strabo (vii. fragment 3)

from about the end of the 16th century by means of botanic

supplied. When hand-to-hand weapons were the principal

a chemical laboratory. The university has since been removed

Of waterfowl, the Canada goose (Brantd eanadensis)

most serious loss was that of General Joseph Warren, one

were of the greatest value, not only to the Saxon corps but

b, proboscis sheath; c, beginning of the neck; d,

ALLEN, JAMES LANE (1850- ), American novelist, was born near

cholera in 1827 and 1832 and another earthquake in 1830 had

correction''). The caustic, in the first case, resembles

state. Practices which, when new, admit of regulation are

Primipilus, Propraetor.
a fixed price of blood; at Argyrokastro, for instance, the

Boser Faulen. . . . . . . . 9,200 Rigikulm . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,906

periodicals, which abounded at the beginning of the century;

of a genus of aquatic birds (Diomedea), closely allied to the

treated with carbonate of lime (ground chalk or limestone)

of Ammonius and to reproduce the pure doctrine of Aristotle.

used before; as getting of quicke settes. diching, hedging

Ezion-Geber of Scripture, another of the ports whence the

considerable Portuguese expedition was being organized under

one of the pope's mistresses, creations which caused much

the names and positions being identical. If this theory is

who had long been interested in Zanzibar, and who saw in the

I. von IIabsburg (Gotha, 1865); A. L. J. Michelsen,

(14). Above this whole range of building runs the monks'

of the III army corps which formed part of the II German

C. Pascal, Studii di alntichita e Mitologia (1896).

5 Holden v. Hardy, 169 United States Reports, 336, 385-387.

line is about 21 deg. F., the monthly means run from -17 deg. to 60 deg.

at Paris in 1548 and his De Lumbricis at Venice in 1570.

ale, which is a full, sweetish beer, of a dark colour and with

wave-length, then, on account of the greater dispersion in

captivity the animal often lies upon one side on the surface

to almost any sort of land.'' Blith speaks of an instrument

attempts to establish the true salmon in alien localities

as in a case when goods are shipped and received to be

the guereza, gelada, guenon and dog-faced baboon. They

yielded Shakespeare suggestions for The Tempest. Colonel

effectually deprived Shoa of her independence (March 1878).

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