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First Certificate


Mary Spratt
Bob Obee
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© Cambridge University Press 2001

This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and

to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the
written permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2001

Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

Designed and produced by Pentacor plc, UK

Typeface Bliss 10.5pt on 13pt leading

System QuarkXPress®

ISBN 0 521 65416 5 Student’s Book

ISBN 0 521 65415 7 Teacher’s Book
ISBN 0 521 65413 0 Class Cassette Set
ISBN 0 521 65414 9 Workbook
ISBN 0 521 79939 2 Workbook With Answers
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Thanks 4
Acknowledgements 5
Introduction for students 6

Unit 1 People 8
Unit 2 Health matters 14
Unit 3 Entertainment 20
Unit 4 Science and technology 26
Unit 5 Travel and tourism 32
Unit 6 Learning 38
Unit 7 Places 44
Unit 8 Working 50
Unit 9 Shopping and services 56
Unit 10 Crime 62
Unit 11 Transport 68
Unit 12 The media 74
Unit 13 Lifestyles 80
Unit 14 Planet matters 86

Dealing with the FCE exam 92

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Introduction for students

What is the aim of the
First Certificate Direct Workbook?
This Workbook aims to give you extra opportunities to practise your English,
and revise and consolidate the things you have learnt in the Student’s Book of
First Certificate Direct. It will help you develop your general English, the English
you need for the FCE exam and your exam techniques.

The Workbook also aims to provide you with materials that you can easily work
with outside class – by yourself or with friends. This allows you to work at your
own pace, and to choose to concentrate on those things you feel you most need.

What does the

First Certificate Direct Workbook contain?
● The Workbook contains 14 units, which cover the same topics as the units
in the Student’s Book, looked at from different points of view – so you meet
new language and new themes.
● Each unit has these six sections:
Preparation for speaking
Exam focus
● The sections develop the language, the language skills and the exam skills
practised in the same unit of the Student’s Book.
● ‘Dealing with the FCE exam’ (see page 92) includes an overview of the exam,
information on the content and marking of each paper, and useful tips for
how to approach each part of the exam.

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What is the best way to use the

First Certificate Direct Workbook?
● The activities in the Workbook are designed so that you can do them outside
class – by yourself or with friends.
● Your teacher may ask you to do some of the Workbook activities in or outside
class. You could also choose activities yourself to work on outside class, selecting
those activities you feel you need to work on most. Use the Map of the book in
the Student’s Book and the Section list opposite to help you make your choices.
● As the topics and activities in the Workbook follow those in the same unit of the
Student’s Book, it is a good idea to do the Workbook activities after you have done
the corresponding work in the Student’s Book.
● exam You will see that many of the Workbook activities are exam tasks. This is
task to give you extra practice for the exam and to build up your confidence
in handling exam tasks. They have the same symbol as the Student’s Book.
● The ‘Preparation for speaking’ sections give you activities to carry out that will
help you to improve your speaking. They ask you to plan and think about what you
would say, for example, or choose suitable language, or practise your pronunciation.
These are a very useful way of improving your speaking by yourself.
● When you use the Workbook, make sure you use a good dictionary too. We suggest:
Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge International Dictionary of
English CD-ROM, or Cambridge Dictionaries Online:
● You could also refer to a good grammar reference book. We suggest: English Grammar
in Use by Raymond Murphy, published by Cambridge University Press.
● Keep notes in a file. Organise your file into different sections, e.g. Grammar, Vocabulary.
In the grammar section you could note down any new or interesting grammatical
structures you come across. In the vocabulary section, you could write down a list of
new words and expressions and their meanings. You could then test yourself or your
friends from time to time, to see if you remember the words and their meanings.
You can also play games with the words, e.g. word bingo or associations.
● Some students prefer working by themselves while others like to work with a friend.
Decide which is best for you when using this Workbook.

We hope you enjoy working with the First Certificate Direct Workbook and find it useful
for your studies. Good luck with your English, with your studies and with the exam!

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