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Company Code

KB / YUA 26892215
Number Page
57816 1 of 1
Earnings Statement
Pink Carrot Boston
115 Salem St Period Starting: 01/14/2022
Boston, MA 02113 Period Ending: 01/20/2022
Pay Date: 01/21/2022

Taxable Filing Status: Single

Exemptions/Allowances: Tax Override: Ever Garcia
Federal: Std W/H Table Federal: 0.00 Addnl
State: 0 State: 128 Wordsworth Street
Local: 0 Local: Apt 1
Social Security Number:XXX-XX-XXXX
Boston, MA 02128

Earnings rate hours/units this period year to date Other Benefits and
Information this period year to date
Regular 19.0000 29.49 560.31 1815.63
Total Hours Worked 29.49 99.23
Gross Pay $560.31 $1,815.63

Statutory Deductions this period year to date account number transit/ABA amount
Federal Income 0.00 82.97 XXXXXX4117 XXXXXXXXX 491.95
Social Security -34.74 112.57
Medicare -8.13 26.33 Important Notes
Massachusetts State Income -23.56 76.91
Massachusetts Paid Medical -1.26 4.07 Basis of pay: Hourly
Massachusetts Paid Family -0.67 2.17

Net Pay $491.95

Your federal taxable wages this period are $560.31

Pink Carrot Boston

115 Salem St
Boston, MA 02113
Pay Date: 01/21/2022

Deposited to the account account number transit/ABA amount

Checking DirectDeposit XXXXXX4117 XXXXXXXXX 491.95

Ever Garcia
128 Wordsworth Street
Apt 1
Boston, MA 02128
Company Code
KB / YUA 26892215
Number Page
45251 1 of 1
Earnings Statement
Pink Carrot Boston
115 Salem St Period Starting: 01/07/2022
Boston, MA 02113 Period Ending: 01/13/2022
Pay Date: 01/14/2022

Taxable Filing Status: Single

Exemptions/Allowances: Tax Override: Ever Garcia
Federal: Std W/H Table Federal: 0.00 Addnl
State: 0 State: 128 Wordsworth Street
Local: 0 Local: Apt 1
Social Security Number:XXX-XX-XXXX
Boston, MA 02128

Earnings rate hours/units this period year to date Other Benefits and
Information this period year to date
Regular 18.0000 38.14 686.52 1255.32
Total Hours Worked 38.14 69.74
Gross Pay $686.52 $1,255.32

Statutory Deductions this period year to date account number transit/ABA amount
Federal Income -48.55 82.97 XXXXXX4117 XXXXXXXXX 553.71
Social Security -42.56 77.83
Medicare -9.95 18.20 Important Notes
Massachusetts State Income -29.39 53.35
Massachusetts Paid Medical -1.54 2.81 Basis of pay: Hourly
Massachusetts Paid Family -0.82 1.50

Net Pay $553.71

Your federal taxable wages this period are $686.52

Pink Carrot Boston

115 Salem St
Boston, MA 02113
Pay Date: 01/14/2022

Deposited to the account account number transit/ABA amount

Checking DirectDeposit XXXXXX4117 XXXXXXXXX 553.71

Ever Garcia
128 Wordsworth Street
Apt 1
Boston, MA 02128
Company Code
KB / YUA 26892215
Number Page
31502 1 of 1
Earnings Statement
Pink Carrot Boston
115 Salem St Period Starting: 12/31/2021
Boston, MA 02113 Period Ending: 01/06/2022
Pay Date: 01/07/2022

Taxable Filing Status: Single

Exemptions/Allowances: Tax Override: Ever Garcia
Federal: Std W/H Table Federal: 0.00 Addnl
State: 0 State: 128 Wordsworth Street
Local: 0 Local: Apt 1
Social Security Number:XXX-XX-XXXX
Boston, MA 02128

Earnings rate hours/units this period year to date Other Benefits and
Information this period year to date
Regular 18.0000 31.60 568.80 568.80
Total Hours Worked 31.60 31.60
Gross Pay $568.80 $568.80

Statutory Deductions this period year to date account number transit/ABA amount
Federal Income -34.42 34.42 XXXXXX4117 XXXXXXXXX 464.95
Social Security -35.27 35.27
Medicare -8.25 8.25 Important Notes
Massachusetts State Income -23.96 23.96
Massachusetts Paid Medical -1.27 1.27 Basis of pay: Hourly
Massachusetts Paid Family -0.68 0.68

Net Pay $464.95

Your federal taxable wages this period are $568.80

Pink Carrot Boston

115 Salem St
Boston, MA 02113
Pay Date: 01/07/2022

Deposited to the account account number transit/ABA amount

Checking DirectDeposit XXXXXX4117 XXXXXXXXX 464.95

Ever Garcia
128 Wordsworth Street
Apt 1
Boston, MA 02128

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