Daily Lesson Log in Practical Research 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IV-A Calabarzon
Kalayaan, Laguna

SCHOOL ID - 342343


Code: (CS_III12-IId-g-3)

LESSON TITLE Statistical Treatment Using Pearson r

CONTENT Reporting and Sharing Findings/ Test of Relationship
The learner demonstrates understanding of:
data collection procedures and skills using varied instruments
data processing, organizing, and analysis.

LEARNING OUTCOME/ The students should be able to use statistical techniques to analyze
OBJECTIVE data—study relationships/correlation limited for bivariate analysis
using Pearson Product Moment Correlation r.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner is able to gather and analyze data with intellectual
honesty, using suitable techniques.
INSTRUCTIONAL Powerpoint Presentation/Music Video
MATERIALS/REFERENCES: Activity Sheets, Laptop, Tape measures
Research and Statistics With Computer by:
Dr. Laurentina Paler-Calmorin pp. 321-324
A. Prayer
B. Checking of Attendance
C. Review
Activity – Analyzing Graphs and Tables

A graph and a table will be presented on the board. The students will analyze them by
completing the verbal interpretation and the textual presentation by filling in the correct scale
and information.
What is the difference between tabular presentation and textual presentation?
The teacher will encourage the students to sing with a music video accompaniment of the song

Analysis: Let the students answer the following questions.

1. What do feel about the song?

2. What is the message of the song?
3. What is the primary contribution of the people to our environment?
4. Is there a significant relationship between the activity of the people and environment?
The teacher will present the topic and the learning objective of the lesson.
Group Activity – “Magsukatan Tayo”
Directions: Divide the class into several groups. Each group will be given task to measure a certain
part of the body that corresponds to another part in each member of the group. Be able to record
the obtained measurements in the answer sheet.

Group 1. Arm span—the distance from the middle fingertip of the left hand to that of the right hand
when stretching out both arms horizontally—to their height.

Group 2. Length of foot to length of forearm.

Group 3. Waist to neck


Ask the following questions:

1. How did you measure the parts of your body assigned to you?
2. What is your observation regarding the measurements of the parts assigned to you?
3. Do you think that there is significant relationship between the parts that you have measured?
4. Can you give scenarios in real life situation/ researchable problems having positive or negative
relationship to each other?

Discuss the following concepts on statistical treatment on test of relationship using
Powerpoint presentation.

Ask the following questions:

1. How will you define correlation?
Correlation is defined as relationship between two sets of variables x and y.
2. In what type of researches does correlation applicable?
Correlation is applicable both descriptive and experimental researches.
3. What are the 3 types of Correlation?
Positive correlation is a relationship between two variables in which both variables move
in tandem. A positive correlation exists when one variable decreases as the other variable
decreases, or one variable increases while the other increases.

Negative correlation is a relationship between two variables in which one variable

increases as the other decreases, and vice versa.

A zero correlation means that there is no significant relationship between two variables.

4. How do you interpret the degree of correlation r between two variables?

Use the following classifications to interpret the correlation r between two variables.

±0.01 to ±0.20 denotes negligible correlation

±0.21 to ±0.40 indicates low or slight relationship
±0.41 to ±0.70 signifies moderate correlation
±0.71 to ±0.90 means high relationship
±0.91 to ±0.99 shows very high relationship
±1.0 gives perfect correlation

5. What is Pearson Product Moment Correlation?

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient rxy is a linear correlation used to determine
the relationship between two sets of variables x and y.

Consider the formula in computing for the value Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient rxy:

Instruct the students to determine the correlation between two variables of the data previously gathered.
Show to the class the manual computation using the given formula and with the use of computer software
office application EXCEL.

Group Activity – Interpret Me!

The teacher will give data on the different correlational research in real life situation with the application of
Pearson Product Moment Correlation.

Based on the given data, the students will compute the results with the use of computer and be able to
interpret the results.

1-5 Identify the word or group of words being describe in each of the given statements.

1. It is a linear correlation used to determine the relationship between two sets of variables
x and y.
2. It means that there is no significant relationship between two variables.
3. It is defined as relationship between two sets of variables x and y.
4. Exists when one variable decreases as the other variable decreases, or one variable
increases while the other increases
5. It refers to a relationship between two variables in which one variable increases as the
other decreases, and vice versa.
6-10 Interpret the following rxy result according to its classifications.
6. rxy = 0.22
7. rxy = 0.79
8. rxy = 0.35
9. rxy = 0.88
10. rxy = 0.54

Create a descriptive correlational quantitative of at least 15 respondents. Write your answer on a sheet of
paper. Compute and interpret the results with the use of computer.

Prepared by:

MasterTeacher II

Checked by:

MasterTeacher II

Noted by:

Principal II,
Computation of Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient on the Achievement
Test Between General Mathematics (x) and English (y) taken by 10 select Grade 11
Students in Barangay Longos SHS.

X y

1 34 23

2 24 16

3 48 37

4 31 27

5 42 35

6 21 19

7 27 23

8 33 31

9 41 38

10 34 36

Computation of Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient on the Number of

Hours of Study in a week (x) and Score in Summative Test (y) in English taken by 10
select Grade 12 Students in Barangay Longos SHS.

X y

1 7 24

2 12 45

3 8 36

4 8 32

5 11 44

6 10 35

7 10 31

8 9 25

9 6 15

10 11 36
Miss X conducted a Correlational study Distance of school from home (in km)and
academic performance of the students in a certain school

X y

1 10 45

2 5 26

3 2 49

4 15 29

5 11 44

6 6 44

7 14 29

8 3 37

9 1 42

10 18 38

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