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1.Topic: The world grows more connected through social networks. Therefore,
many people think that school students should be allowed to use mobile phones in
There’s no denying that technology is changing the face of education. Personal
digital devices like laptops and tablets have unavoidably found their way from
student’s homes to their classroom.Using phones in school is also allowed on some
campuses.However,a smartphone can easily turn from classroom-learning tool into
First and foremost,students can use educational learning gadgets for enriching
knowledge. Cell phones give students access to tools and apps that can help them
complete and stay on top of their class work. Being able to search up facts in just a
few clicks is one of the biggest advantages of using technology. These tools can
also teach students to develop better study habits, like time management and
organization skills.
Second,students will be less stressful and anxious during school.For some
pupils,study somehow is very uninteresting and troublesome. Smartphones allow
video watching, as well as listening to radio, podcasts, or music which help
students to reduce pressure.
Moreover,phones in school increase a sense of safety. Bringing cellphones in
school increases the sense of safety of both students and parents. This is because
there are some instances where they need to contact each other due to
emergencies.Some students also have positioning devices on their phones in order
to help parents identify their locations so that they can ensure if children are safe or
On the other hand,bringing cellphones to school can cause a great deal of
disadvantages.First,it cause distractions and interruptions.When students use their
cell phones to check social media and text their friends in class, it leads to
distractions for those students as well as for their peers. This can cause disruptions
in class, particularly if the teacher is constantly telling students to turn their devices
In addition,cyberbullying can happen.Cell phones can also lead to increased
problems with bullying on the schoolground. Cyberbullying can be harder to see
than other forms of bullying, making it difficult for teachers to identify and stop
when it is happening
Last but not least,it leads to disconnection from face-to-face activities While cell
phones can help encourage participation by offering different channels, this can
also lead to less in-person discussion and fewer learning opportunities. Learning to
work together with others is an important part of students’ education, and can be
lost with too much dependence on cell phones and other digital technology.
In conclusion, although they can be used as a learning tool in the classroom, this
only works as long as students use them effectively. As with all tools, teachers need
to plan ahead to ensure these devices are used appropriately within the classroom.
To many foreigners,VN might look small on the map,but this fascinating country
has enough beauty to fill a continent.From jagged mountain in the North to tropical
beaches in the South,the wealth of history and culture,VN has shown the features of
a country lies in tropical monsoon area.If you have a chance to come here,you had
better not miss Hoi An Ancient Town,which has been recognised as a UNESCO
HERITAGE in 1999
Unlike the dynamic Hanoi or HCM City, Hoi An Old Town seems to aside from
the busy development of the country, remaining its ancient beauty from its roads to
its architectural works.It is is located in Viet Nam’s central Quang Nam
Province, ,about 30km from Da Nang City. Hoi An old town is really a great place
to really get up close with the real Vietnam, her people and past.
Hoi An has such beautiful places that tourists might not want to miss.Cua Dai
Beach with white sands sloping into the turquoise waters which makes it become
one of the most popular beaches in the Hoi An area.Another attraction is Phung
Hung Ancient House-a famous architectural building in Hoi An, considered
cultural heritage of the town. With over 200 years old, the house is a typical
commercial house, reflecting the development and prosperity of Asian architectural
styles in Hoi An in the past centuries. The entire old center of Hoi An is considered
as UNESCO Heritage Site, a melting pot of cultures, architecture, and monuments
in one of the busiest ancient trading ports in Southeast Asia. There are plenty of
places to eat and shop in the Ancient Town, as well as plenty of spots to watch the
sunset falling over the old buildings. Hoi An’s attractiveness lies in it’s vast cuisine
that is undeniably delicious and surprisingly affordable dishes such as Cao Lau,
Com Ga Hoi An, Banh Mi,.. Hoi An people are as gentle and warm as the city. In
this ancient town, the pace of life is a lot more laid back: they don’t rush, and they
don’t necessarily raise voice.
To sum up, Hoi An has been through a few centuries of history but still remains as
in the very first days of its being born. Whoever coming to Vietnam could not deny
that Hoi An old town is so attractive in terms of climate, architecture, religion,
festivals and so on.
Nowadays, many children spend a considerable amount of their time by playing
computer games. While most of the people, especially parents, think that this is a
waste of valuable time and this time should be utilised for learning academic
lessons or taking part in outdoor activities.This has become a concern of many
parents in these years. Overall, I believe this is definitely a negative trend and will
discuss the reasons in the following essay.
Firstly, as education is becoming more demanding for many young people,we can’t
deny the advantages of computer games.They can provide a way of relaxing and
reducing stress. In addition to this, computer games today are very advanced and
can help children develop their thinking skills.
On the other hand, there are also many problems with the increasing popularity of
computer games. Many children become addicted to them and they play for hours,
sometimes through the night. In South Korea, the government has banned children
from playing games after midnight as the problem was so great and the effect on
education was very negative.Because users are constantly given scores, new targets
and frequent rewards to keep them playing.
Second, children have less face-to-face communication with their friends and
families as they are busy with games. Earlier research has found possible negative
effects of video games to include less time spent with friends and social difficulties
among adolescents and young adults.
Furthermore, some children find it difficult to identify what is real and what is
virtual.From that,they will deepen into the unreal world,which takes lots of time
and effects health. Spending too much time on computer games without doing any
physical exercise will cause many diseas as they only sit at home and play games.
This can make children more prone to many health problems, such as obesity when
they grow older.
In conclusion, I personally believe that this trend does more harm than good and
should be prevented to ensure the proper development of children.
Smartphones are the friendly gadgets which have made everything reachable
through a touch. They have occupied such a huge place in our daily lives that it is
no wonder that for most of us, a smartphone is the first thing we look at in the
morning and it is the last thing we see before going to bed. I personally disagree
with the thought, if people think that there are more disadvantages than the
advantages of cell phones and the following essay will discuss this issue in details.
To begin with, it is true that the development of mobile phone technology has
created some problems for human kinds
Mobile phones enable access to information that can help children with school
projects, homework, and other learning tasks. Many schools now offer learning
resources online that specifically cater to this purpose.
Second, Your mobile phone is like having the world's biggest reference library on
hand everywhere you go. You can search for just about anything in any situation as
long as you have a connection.
Moreover, Mobile phones provide the means to communicate with friends, family,
coworkers, and indeed most of the world's population instantly. Unlike previous
communication devices, they can be on hand for the caller at all times and used in
any place where there is a signal.
In addition. As long as you have your mobile phone, there is no reason to get bored.
There is a multitude of games to download and play; you can read an online article
or get involved with social media to pass the time. Smartphones allow video
watching, as well as listening to radio, podcasts, or music. Plus, if you attend a real-
life event, you can often store your ticket on your phone to display at the door.
On the other hand,smart phones have lots of drawbacks.
First, We all know that using mobile phones all the time causes addiction to mobile
phones and addiction to using mobile phones causes a lot of mental disorders in
people. They always tried to use mobile all the time and didn’t want to go outside
and meet with their family members, relatives, and loved ones.
Moreover, addiction is one of the most dangerous effects of using too many mobile
phones daily. People got addicted to using mobile phones all the time.
People also being bullied or stolen personal information and money.
In conclusion,I think that That people have to use mobile phones to a limit and
keep in mind the bad effects of using mobile phones.
There are no doubts citizens who live in a massive city suffer health issues
frequently. I am firmly convinced that the rates of respiratory diseases and
psychological disorders are overgrowing in urban areas.

On the one hand, pollution in big cities is rising, negatively impacting on

respiratory system in humans and other animals. Air contaminants are responsible
for asthma and different kinds of allergic illnesses. Besides, patients who suffer
those problems are far much sensible to get a virus. For example, during the
COVID-19 pandemic, the prevalence has been much higher in polluted places, as
well as the death toll. Summarized, in hectic areas, the poor quality of air by the
pollution is responsible for more respiratory disorders.

On the other hand, people from cities have bad (lousy) work habits, such as having
long workdays and stress. Consequently, phobias and behaviour disorders appear in
cities, and according to health organizations, this trend is directly associated with a
new lifestyle in urban locations. It seems the overpopulation and exigences in job
boost stress in society, and even suicide rates are incredibly high compared to rural
areas. A recent report by the Heaht Ministry in Buenos Aires city showed that
almost fifty per cent of citizens fell weight, whereas the suburbs are far lower.

To conclude, the life quality in terms of the heath is worse in overpopulated places
than in rural. First, air pollution is impacting respiratory function in animals,
including humans, causing respiratory pathologies. Secondly, a new work lifestyle
in cities has been promoting stress in the population. As a result, the level’s anxiety
has grown in cities, allowing mental disorders to be far more frequent in these

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