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Exercise 3 Understanding the text

A. Write r for true or F for false for each statement.

1. A typical millionaire is easy to recognize by his beautiful house, his

luxury car, and his expensive lifestyle.

2. Most millionaires are the first people in their family to become


3. A typical millionaire is single.

4. A typical millionaire is more likely to enjoy saving and investing
money than spending it.

Exeyg'e, Responding to the text

Write your answers for each question in full sentences. Then discuss
your answers with a partner.

1. tf you met a wealthy individual who matched the description in the passage,
would he/she look rich? Why or why not?

2. Describe the relationship this type of millionaire has with his family. Is it a
positive relationship? Why or why not?

3. work habits does the typical millionaire have? Explain

4. What do you have in common with the typical millionaire?

132 Unit 6: Cause and Effect Essays

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