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Audrey Mahaffey

Your Name
Lesson Subject Area 7th Grade Life Science

Specific Topic Genetics: Pedigrees

Prerequisites Students should be familiar with Punnett squares, genetic traits,

and the difference between genotypes and phenotypes.
Essential Question Why is it important for scientists to be able to track the
inheritance of genetic traits?
Appropriate PA Standards:
Standards being S.7.B.2.2 Explain how a set of genetic instructions determines
addressed inherited traits of organisms.

NGSS Standards:
MS-LS3-1. Develop and use a model to describe why structural
changes to genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect
proteins and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to
the structure and function of an organism.

Instructional Given a blank pedigree chart, students will partner to create a

Objectives pedigree for a 4-generation monster family.

ENGAGE I engage students by asking if they have ever heard of the word
Activities pedigree, and ask what that word means to them. I show them the
first two slides of the Pedigree Presentation (which includes a
(2 minutes) Harry Potter family tree), and ask what they think the different
lines depicted mean.

EXPLORE Ripple effect: Students are asked a question that is projected on

Activities the whiteboard. “Why might it be important to use pedigrees to
track patterns of inheritance?” They are instructed to write down a
(5 minutes) few ideas they may have as to what they think the importance
may be (quick write). After a minute of them writing, they are
instructed to turn to a partner and share their ideas with their
partner and then, in turn, listen to their partners ideas as well
(pair/share). Lastly, we return as the whole, where students are
asked if they’d like to share their responses or ideas with the

EXPLAIN I continue with the slideshow, and distribute the Pedigree Chart
Activities worksheet (see attached) when we reach slide 7, the students then
use the worksheet as they follow along in the presentation.
(8 minutes)
ELABORATE Students complete the rest of the Pedigree worksheet with a
Activities partner to create a pedigree for a 4-genertaion monster family.
(15 minutes) This allows students to collaborate with each other searching for
the best explanation, and analyze pedigree charts. Through work
and conversation, the students are engaging in using pedigree
charts (models) to understand and predict behaviors of biological

EVALUATE Students will be evaluated throughout the lesson by asking

Activities questions about the pedigree in the presentation. “Why is it
(Assessment) important to use pedigrees to track patterns of inheritance?”
Students will also be given an exit ticket to evaluate their
(5 minutes) understanding of the lesson. (See attached).
Differentiation Student partnerships will be pre-planned, in cooperative groups,
grouping students with someone who they work well with. Using
this grouping method, I can ensure that each member of the group
has a role and it will reduce the amount of time students might get
off task and therefore increase the amount of participation.

If a student has difficulty writing or recording information, he or

she, may orally answer the questions to help determine the
genotype of each member in the pedigree chart.

If a group of students is able to create their 4-generation pedigree

before others, they may work ahead to answer the 6 questions
relating to the pedigree in order to further their understanding.
Materials & PowerPoint presentation, whiteboard, Pedigree Chart worksheet,
Equipment exit ticket, video
Handouts (attach) See attached.

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