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A Lawyer Essay

A lawyer is a person who studies law, to be an attorney or lawyer. Lawyers represent the

parties in a criminal or civil trial by presenting evidence and arguing in support of their client.

Lawyers have the responsibility to conduct research and analyze the legal problem. They must

interpret the laws, rulings, and regulations for individuals and business. A lawyer argues on

behalf of their clients, while presenting facts in writing and verbally to their clients and others. A

lawyer must be prepared and file legal documents.

With being a lawyer comes great responsibility. To become a lawyer there are many skills

and abilities you need. A lawyer needs to persuade people. Persuading is a big part of being a

lawyer, you must show others what you see and believe. A lawyer must also influence and

protect others. Lawyers need to solve difficult situations. As a lawyer there are many difficult

problems you are going to face everyday and each case. A lawyer works with social justice.

There are many colleges for lawyers. The one being Yale Law School, this offers the best

education for being a lawyer. The second one being Harvard Law school. There are other schools

for law such as Stanford, Columbia, Arizona, Berkeley, Northwestern, and Vanderbilt University.

To train for a lawyer, 7 years of schooling is needed. You will need 4 years of undergraduate

study, followed by 3 years of law school. Lawyers need a professional degree. The

courses/majors that go with law are economics, political science, history, business, philosophy,

and english. As for the salary, the average for a lawyer is around 153,010 per year. For the

benefits, a lawyer has medical and dental plans, life insurance, 401k retirement savings plan, and

domestic partner benefits.

There are many careers related to a lawyer but not entirely the same. Jobs like a realtor,

fund manager, mediator, investment consultant, paralegal, and investigator. Although these jobs

are quite similar to a lawyer, they somewhat differ. For example, an investigator carries out

investigations, undercover. Both fields are examiner, researcher, inspector, monitor. They differ

as a lawyer argues with the law and an investigator will investigate people. These careers are the

same as they both study in the same majors. The job outlook for a lawyer is 4% as of 2019. For

an investigator it is 5% as of 2014. A lawyer is in demand, so is an investigator. Lawyers lost

more than 150,000 jobs in the first quarter of 2020, and the decline continued in the second


I would be successful as a lawyer. A lawyer comes with great skills and abilities. I have

these skills such as leadership, communication, and ability to work long hours.. You need to be

persuasive as a lawyer. You also need to be passionate about the job. With that being said, I have

been very passionate about being a lawyer ever since I was young. Being a lawyer has stuck with

me. A good thing I have for being a lawyer is compassion. I am a person who wants to help

others no matter the consequences. I want to help resolve the problem no matter what. In

conclusion, I am the person for the job as a lawyer. I could be a great lawyer.

Now there are many different types of lawyers. I specifically pursuing to a immigartion lawyer.

A rimmiagtration lawyer is an independent practitioner, who helps clients deal with a wide

range of issues relating to visas, green cards, U.S. citizenship, and other immigration benefits.

Families are torn everyday apart, due to Border protection. I say it’s cruel to take parents,

grandpas, grandmas, and siblings from their families. Kids are raised with no parents, they have
to wait at least 18 to see them again. No person should be torn from their families, it is

undecidable. It saddens me everyday on the news, seeing these families torn apart crying and

begging. In conclusion, I want to help people get their green cards and fight for them to be in the

United States with their families. I want to make a difference for people. Nothing will ease my

heart than helping others reunite with their families.

Works cited
Career Research

Category 4 3 2 1

Organization Information is Information is Information may The information is

well-organized organized with an appear to be not organized. No
with a clear introduction, body organized but in-text citations
introduction, body and conclusion. does not have a are used.
and conclusion. Intext citations are clear introduction,
Intext citations are used. body, or
used correctly. conclusion. Some
in-text citations
may be missing or
used incorrectly.

Quality of Information Information Information Information has

Information clearly relates to clearly relates to relates to most of little or nothing to
the main topics the main topics. It the main topics. do with the main
listed. It includes provides Limited details topics.
several supporting details and/or examples
supporting details and/or examples. are given.
and/or examples.

Mechanics No grammatical, Two or less Three to five More than five

spelling or grammatical, grammatical, grammatical,
punctuation errors spelling or spelling, or spelling, or
are present. punctuation errors punctuation errors punctuation errors
are present. are present. are present.

Works Cited A minimum of A minimum of At least two Less than two or

three reliable three sources are sources are no sources are
sources are included. All included. Most included. Students
included. All sources are sources are did not attempt to
sources are documented in documented using use MLA format or
documented MLA format. MLA format. used it incorrectly.
correctly using There may be There are some
MLA format. some errors in
errors in
Total Points Possible: 16

Total Points Earned: 13

A 15-16 points

B 12-14 points

C 8-11 points

D 4-7 points

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