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Sveti Patrik je zaštitnik Irske i zaslužan je za širenje kršćanstva Irskom.

Postao je simbolom
Irskog naroda i njegove kulture.
Živio je u 5. stoljeću, a umro je 17. ožujka 461. godine. Djetelina s tri lista i zelena boja su
zaštitni znakovi proslave Svetog Patrika jer je Irska zemlja s puno zelenila a djetelinu je Sveti
Patrik koristio da bi Irskom narodu objasnio Sveto trojstvo. Patrik je bio Englez, a u Irsku je bio
doveden kao rob. Bio je nevjernik, a radio je kao pastir te se brineći o stadu okrenuo kršćanstvu.
Uspio je pobjeći i vratiti se u Englesku. Neko vrijeme je proveo u samostanu, a onda se vratio u
"Smaragdni otok" - Irsku na kojem je čitav život proveo pokušavajući preobratiti Irce na
O Svetom Patriku postoje mnoge legende, a jedna od njih kaže da je protjerao sve zmije s
otoka. Prva proslava u čast Svetog Patrika održana je 1737. u Bostonu, u SAD. Proslave u
njegovu čast u prošlosti su se isključivo povezivale s karšćanskim blagdanom, a danas se slave
diljem svijeta i predstavljaju Irsku kulturu i tradiciju. Dio te kulture je i Irski vilenjak Leprechuan
koji, po legendi, donosi sreću i novac.
Zato 17. ožujka obucite nešto zeleno i zakačite djetelinu s tri lista, svratite u Irski pub i postanite
Ircima na jedan dan.

St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and is credited with spreading Christianity to Ireland. He
has become a symbol of the Irish people and their culture.
He lived in the 5th century and died on March 17, 461 AD. Three-leaf clover (or Shamrock which
is more prefered word for that plant among Irish people) and green color are trademarks of St.
Patrick's Day celebration because Ireland is a country with lots of greenery and St. Patrick's
Clover was used to explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish people. Patrick was an Englishman and
was brought to Ireland as a slave and also an unbeliever in the begining. He worked as a
shepherd and turned to Christianity while caring for the flock. Eventualy he managed to escape
and return to England. Patrick spent some time in a convent and then returned to "Emerald
Isle" - Ireland where he devoted his entire life spreading the Christianity among Irish people.
There are many legends about St. Patrick, and one of them says that he expelled all the snakes
from the island. The first St. Patrick's Day celebration was held in 1737 in Boston, USA.
Celebrations in his honor in the past were exclusively associated with the Christian holiday, and
today are celebrated around the world and represent Irish culture and tradition. Part of that
culture is the Irish elf Leprechaun who brings good luck and money, according to legend.
So on March 17th, put on something green and hook a three-leaf clover, stop by in an Irish pub
and become Irish for a day.

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