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FEW RULES FOR CORRUGATED PRINT ARTWORK ECOLAB’ ¢ NEVER Overprint WHITE color type or Illustration. ¢ Use line strokes tpt positive —— minimum. Example 2pt reversed == minimum. ECOLAB LOGO STAR HAS TO BE THICKENED UP ALWAYS FOR PRINTABILITY ded S75 pts (use your discrection when it comes to the size of the logo) wntecwoke BEFORE AFTER ° Type size - 8pt positive minimum (ex. @, T™, etc.) &pt min. 10pt reversed minimuM (ex. ®, TM, etc.) 10pt min. ¢ Use regular type face not light type face (ex. use Helvetica regular condensed not light condensed) 8pt min. ¢ We prefer NO text boxes just lines of type (saving a file as .pdf may help after its done in INDESIGN) ° Grouping individual panels preferred not a whole job We do not want to unmask jobs because of possibility of losing actual art or adding something thats hidden/masked. ¢ BAR CODE - Where applicable 3/4" from right score 1 1/4" to the inside ¢ Check for Dimmensions on 1st page (front) of Print Card © On 2nd page of P/C REPRESENTS add the red statement w/ arrow 4 DOT WHITE for DOT WHITE ONLY!!!

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