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The White Syndicates

By Ericka and Aoi

What is the most popular spare time activity in your culture?
Hunting down white eagles to collect their feathers

What is one item virtually everyone in your culture owns?

A white eagle feather

How do you educate your young?

They are required to go to school once they hit 5 years old and from there they will continue school
till they become 22 years old. Lower ranking -> Higher ranking -> Final ranking. If the student wishes
to study beyond 4 years of its “Final ranking” then he or she can go to university to get their Master
or PhD degree.

Are there any rules of behaviour in your culture? If so, how are they enforced?
Don’t steal, murder, injure, abuse or cause harm to another being in any physical or mental form.
Punishments will vary but secondary offences such as murder will be met with an immediate death
sentence, but minor offenses such as stealing will be given a second chance by having them
rehibilited and teach them new skills that can get them a stable job.
Do most of the people in your culture believe in CHI? In a higher power? In the existence of life on
another planet? [insight to culture’s way of knowing]
No form of social hierarchy, just showing their best ability to prove their statistics.

How do people in your culture generally explain why half of the day is in light and the other half in
darkness? [insight to culture’s way of knowing]
Because it’s a cycle of balance, a day must have both light and darkness in order to have peace and

Are music and dance a part of your culture and if so, what types/styles?
Classical music

How do your people primarily communicate with each other: via alphabetic writing/ ideographic
characters/ symbols/ gestures/ etc.
They tend to use a lot of hand gestures when they are talking and it can really signify what emotions
they are feeling. Example: Fast hand gestures can either mean the person is angry or excited.
In your culture, is it considered better to be assertive or passive?
It’s better to be assertive in order to set boundaries with people in order to defend themselves
against people that might try to use kindness as to their advantage. Be kind but also be cautious

In your culture, do people prefer to have concrete knowledge about what is happening or are they
more comfortable with just “going with the flow”?
People prefer concrete knowledge in order to prepare for any scenarios that may happen in the
future. The citizens are naturally cautious and observant of their surroundings.

In your culture, do people prefer the supreme ruler approach (i.e. accepting only a few people
should have the political power?)
Democratic society
In your culture, how important is it to do your own personal thing? How important is it to collaborate
and do what’s best for the group as a whole?
They mostly should own personal things but it is important to collaborate if they need help.

Who has more influence in your culture: men or women?

Both men and women are equal, there’s no more influence from one side than the other. It’s all based on
the individual’s abilities

In your culture, what would be considered a successful life accomplishment?

Being able to find their own success in life and rather than generic successes like going to a top university,
or getting a really high paying job. Essentially, what’s considered a successful life accomplishment is
someone who can find their true happiness and passion in what they are doing.
What statement best represent your culture’s style:
- Our culture is quite diverse with many different cultural backgrounds from all over the world so
we have many different culture styles.
- Our language doesn’t use words with any inherent emotional meaning, If you want to
communicate, praise, or insult, it’s all in the intonation you use and the WAY you say any words.
In communicating with each other, do the people in your culture pay a lot of attention to
- Most people in the culture tend to be observant individuals due to their cautious nature, so
many of them might notice subtle nonverbals.
When communicating, does the environment (i.e. WHERE something is said) have an effect on the
way meaning is interpreted?
There’s no real meaning. The effect of communication is hardly affected by the environment
How explicitly for your people to express themselves? [scale of 1-10]
- 5/10 They tend to be discreet about it with strangers but with friends and families they are a lot
more open.

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