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CRIMINAL LAW (Book 1) RA 10592 – Good Conduct Time Allowances:

in 2016, the DOJ implemented an IRR that

Criminal law – is a branch of law that defines provides that such law must be enforced
crimes, treats of their nature, and provides for prospectively;
their punishment.
De Lima vs. New Bilibid Prisoners (June 2019)
Constitutional Limitations on Power of
Congress in Penal Laws SC the IRR was contrary to law, the law
should be given retroactive effect because it
1. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder establishes conditions favorable and lenient to
shall be passed; the accused;
2. No excessive fines and inhumane
punishment; Interpretation of Penal Laws
3. No imprisonment for non-payment of If there is ambiguity, resolve in favor of the
debt or poll tax; accused, and strictly against the government;
Characteristics of Penal Laws Agents of Voluntariness
1. Generality Principle – penal laws - Freedom of actions;
applicable to all those who live or - Freedom of mind;
sojourn the PH territory; - Must acted with intent;
a. Persons exempt by virtue of MOTIVE – is not an element for the
principles under International commission of a crime; it is not intent; and
Law; need not to be established by the prosecution;
CRIMINAL INTENT – purpose of the offender
Foreign consuls generally are not to use a particular means to effect a specified
exempt; becomes exempt only if result;
there’s a treaty/law that exempts
them from prosecution; Freely and consciously committed the
2. Territoriality Principle – the penal laws
MISTAKE OF FACT – is a defense; an
are enforceable only within the PH
absolutory cause; this is the misapprehension
of facts by the accused and therefore he acted
XPNs (Art 2 of RPC):
without intent;
a. Acts committed on board a
PH ship or aircraft; as long as Elements:
the vessel/aircraft is in
1. The act would have been lawful if there
international seas/airspace
was no mistake;
b. Counterfeiting/Forging PH
2. The act was with lawful purpose;
currency notes, coins or
3. Mistake must not be attended with fault
obligations or securities
or carelessness;
issued by gov’t; or the
introduction of such in PH MALA IN SE AND MALA PROHIBITA
c. Offenses committed by Public
Officers in the exercise of his a. Crimes that are inherently wrong;
functions; b. Intent is essential;
d. Crimes against national
security and against laws of MALA PROHIBITA
nation; a. Crimes that are not inherently wrong but
3. Prospectively Principle – penal laws only prohibited because there is a law for
must be applied prospectively; the such prohibition;
effects of the law must look forward; b. Intent is not material;
a. If favorable to the accused ENTRAPMENT vs. INSTIGATION
provided he is not a habitual Entrapment – public officers made a scheme to
delinquent; trap and capture an offender; not a defense;
Instigation – a person practically induces the c. Concurrent and concomitant conditions;
offender to commit a crime; this is a defense; includes the negligence of the attending
d. Supervening causes;
Alibi – a defense that provides the accused is
in a different place, and not in the crime scene;
must prove that it is impossible for him to be in Criminal liability shall be incurred by any
the crime scene due to his ALIBI; person performing an act which would be an
offense against person or property if not for its
CORPUS DELCTI: Means the body of the
inherent impossibility or employment of
inadequate means;
- No impossible crime of adultery or
- 2 or more persons come to an concubinage;
agreement to the commission of a crime - There is an impossible crime of
and decided to commit the same; intentional abortion; as well as
- Direct proof of agreement need not be impossible crime of robbery;
- If the crime has been committed;
conspiracy is now absorbed in the a. There is an evil intent;
crime; becomes a matter of committing b. And the act is not a violation of any
a crime; other law;
c. Must be against a property or person;
Proposal to commit conspiracy
- One who decided to commit a crime
proposed such commission to another; a. Attempted
b. Frustrated
NOTE: Conspiracy or Proposal to commit
c. Consummated
conspiracy is punishable only if it involves:
Preparatory acts are generally not
a. Treason;
punishable; unless there’s a law that punishes
b. Rebellion;
c. Coup de tat;
d. Sedition; Attempted Stage:
e. Arson;
a. the offender has started the commission
f. Terrorism;
by an overt act;
g. Sale/Importation of Drugs;
b. he must not have performed all acts of
Proposal to commit a crime is not generally execution; and
punishable; c. consummation was prevented by reason
of a cause other than his own
Prater Intentionem – a person is criminally
Frustrated Stage:
- For an intentional felony, and;
- For acts he committed even if the result a. the offender has started the commission
was not what he intended to be; by an overt act;
b. he must have performed all acts of
Efficient intervening cause – exculpates the
execution; and
accused from liability; if this was the proximate
c. the act was not consummated by reason
cause of the death or injury and not the acts of
of a cause other than his own
the accused;
This breaks the causal connection
Consummated Stage:
between the felonious act and the resultant
injury; a. the offender has started the commission
by an overt act;
What does not break the causal connection?
b. he must have performed all acts of
a. Physiological condition of the victim; execution; and
b. Predisposition of the victim; c. the act was consummated;
- no frustrated or attempted stage in Libel, b. Reasonable necessity of the means
Attempt to Flee in another country, employed to repel the aggression;
Physical Injuries; c. Lack of sufficient provocation from the
person defending;
Defense of Relatives – the person claiming the
NO Frustrated Stage:
defense was not part of the provocation;
1. theft;
Defense of Stranger – the person defending
2. robbery;
should not be induced by revenge, resentment
3. rape;
or other evil motive;
4. kidnapping with serious illegal detention;
5. estafa/swindling; Defense of Property rights – the unlawful
aggression is directed at the property and not
at the life of the defending party;
4. STATE OF NECCESSITY (Avoidance of
a. justifying circumstances – no criminal
greater of evil)
and civil liability; (no crime, no criminal);
b. exempting circumstances – no criminal Elements:
but civil damages may be granted;
a. The evil sought to be prevented actually
(there is a crime, no criminal);
c. mitigating circumstances – liability is
- It is not speculative, but imminent;
mitigated; there is diminution of
b. The evil is greater than the act done to
prevent such;
d. aggravating circumstances – liability is
c. There be no other less harmful means to
aggravated; sentenced to a higher
avoid the evil;
e. alternative circumstances – taken as NOTE: Civil Damages may be rewarded even if
either a mitigating or aggravating; this is a justifying circumstances; the one who
involves intoxication, relationship, and will pay are those who benefitted from the act
degree of education/instruction; of the accused;
1. Self-defense;
a. The offender is fulfilling his duty;
2. Defense of relative;
b. The injury be the necessary
3. Defense of a stranger;
consequence of the due fulfillment of the
4. State of necessity;
5. Fulfillment of duty;
6. Obedience to a lawful order;
Under these circumstance the accused
have no liability. There is no crime, and no
a. There is an order to a subordinate;
b. Order was issued for a lawful purpose;
1. SELF-DEFENSE; c. The means employed in following the
2. DEFENSE OF RELATIVE; order must be lawful;
May defend his life, life of relative or
1. Insanity or imbecile;
stranger or his property or property of his
2. Minority;
relative or stranger;
3. Accident;
Elements: 4. Irresistible Force;
5. Uncontrollable Fear;
a. Unlawful Aggression;
- Absent this element then this defense
cannot be invoked;
- Due to deprivation of intelligence;
- Physical attack that would place the
- But if done during a lucid interval then
victim’s life and limb in actual or
there is criminal liability;
imminent danger;
- Aggression must be unlawful;
- 15 years old and below: absolutely - Cannot be offset by AC;
exempted from criminal liability; - Penalty is that which prescribed by law;
- 15 years above but below 18 years:
if acted with discernment: liable;
if acted without discernment: not Kinds of SMC
Prostitution, Mendicancy, Sniffing of Rugby: a. Concealment of Dishonor in parricide or
- The minors, at any age, whether or not intentional abortion;
acted with discernment, no criminal b. Abandonment of husband without
liability for these crimes; justification in a crime of adultery;
- Happening that cannot be foreseen, or 1. INCOMPLETE SELF-DEFENSE
even if can be foreseen it cannot be - To be PMC, prove 2 elements of the
avoided; defense but must include unlawful
- The offender is performing a lawful act; 2. SUFFICIENT THREAT/PROVOCATION
- Performing without due care; - Threat must be sufficient;
- There is negligence; - Provocation must have come from the
offended party;
- Must have committed a crime due to an 3. VINDICATION OF GRAVE OFFENSE
irresistible force;
- The force is actual, not speculative; 4. PASSION OR OBFUSCATION
- Cannot invoke if the accused had a - The act that constituted passion or
chance to escape or not follow the force; obfuscation must not be far removed
from the criminal act itself;
e. UNCONTROLLABLE FEAR; - The passion must not be due to revenge
- Committed a crime because he was or retaliation; it should arise from
intimidated or threatened; legitimate sentiments;
- Threat or intimidation is actual, and not
speculative; 5. DEAF, MUTE, BLIND
- Physical defects that restricts his actions
1. Incomplete self-defense;
2. Sufficient Provocation;
- Must be a court confession;
3. Vindication of Grave Offense;
- Before prosecution starts presenting
4. Passion or obfuscation;
5. Deaf, Mute, Blind
- Must not be conditional;
6. Confession;
- Confessed to the crime charged in the
7. Voluntary Surrender;
information, not to other crimes;
8. Other Analogous Circumstances;
Generic Mitigating Circumstances 7. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER
- Must surrender to an officer or person in
- Can be offset by an ordinary
aggravating circumstance;
- There is no actual arrest;
- Penalty is in its minimum;
- Surrendered voluntarily;
- 2 or more GMC without AC, considered
- Intention to surrender is to save the
as PMC and so penalty is lowered by
gov’t from wasting time and effort in
one degree;
locating the accused;
Privileged Mitigating Circumstances
8. Other Analogous Circumstances
- Cannot be offset by an ordinary - Restitution or refund of money or
aggravating circumstance; property in theft, estafa or malversation;
- Penalty is next lower in degree;
Special Mitigating Circumstances:
g. Committed a crime during a Natural
h. Committed with aid of armed men;
- Not necessarily principals; these armed
men may be accomplices;
AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES i. Committed by means of inundation;
Types: j. Committed by using means that constitutes
great waste of effort or time;
- Generic – generally applicable to all k. Committed by means of fire;
crimes; can be offset by mitigating l. EVIDENT PREMDIADTION
circumstances; - Committed by planning the execution of
- Qualified – changes the nature of the the crime;
crime; - Prove when the plan was conceived;
- Specific – appreciated only on certain - Prove the lapse of time between the
crimes; such as cruelty only on crimes forming of the plan and the commission
against persons; of the crime; that he had time to
- Inherent – necessarily accompanies the contemplate the consequence of his
crime; maybe an element or a crime acts;
itself; m. Craft, Disguised or Fraud have been
Special Aggravating Circumstances employed;
a. QUASI-RECIDIVISM – while serving - Offender is superior in number, in
sentence commits another crime; physical built or in weapon, but such
b. SYNDICATE OR ORGANIZED GROUP; superiority was specifically sought or
c. UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS; used to facilitate the commission of the
Circumstances: o. TREACHERY
- It absorbs abuse of superior strength,
a. By taking ADVANTAGE OF PUBLIC nighttime, and/or use of poison;
POSITION; - It is appreciated when the attack or act
- in crimes committed by public officers; of treachery is unexpected;
- the officer used the prestige of his office - Not appreciated if spur at the moment;
of facilitate the commission of the crime; there must be premeditation;
b. Committed with CONTEMPT OR INSULT - Not appreciated if there was a prior
TO A PUBLIC OFFICER: heated argument;
- The offender commits a crime; p. CRUELTY/IGNOMINY
- The commission was in the presence of - Done acts that prolonged the agony of
the officer; the victim; must be done while the victim
- Offender was aware that the officer was was still alive;
present; - If cruelty acts were made after the death
- The crime was not committed against of the victim, this circumstance will not
the officer itself; be appreciated;
c. Committed with DISREGARD OF RANK, - Always involve physical sufferings;
SEX, AGE; q. Used motor vehicles in the commission of
d. Committed in the DWELLING of the Victim; the crime;
e. ABUSE OF CONFIDENCE r. Commission by means of Unlawful Entry
- The trust reposed to the offender was
abused to facilitate the commission of 1. Recidivism – having convicted of a
the crime; crime, was convicted again for another
f. Committed the crime crime embraced in the same title of the
- during NIGHTTIME RPC; only convictions for the two
- in an UNINHABITED PLACE offense, no serving needed;
- by a BAND (4 or more armed 2. Reiteracion – had been previously
malefactors) punished with a crime that attaches an
- used the three circumstances to equal or greater penalty or for 2 or more
facilitate the commission or assure the crimes that attaches a lighter penalty;
execution of the crime; required that accused must have
previously served sentence to the first Passive subjects – the victims or offended
crime; party; both natural and juridical persons;
3. Quasi-recidivism – two or more crimes
1. PRINCIPALS – must be a conspirator
committed, serving a sentence for the
first when he was convicted over the
a. By direct participation
second crime;
- Must have participated in the criminal
4. Habitual delinquent – within a period of
resolution with direct acts;
10 years from his release, will be
b. By inducement
convicted of the specific crimes for the
- Used force, violation or intimidation;
third time or oftener;
- Use of rewards or consideration;
Specific crimes:
- Use words of command or advice;
 Falsification
c. By indispensable cooperation
 Theft
2. Accomplice – has criminal design and
 Robbery
participated therewith; not necessarily the
 Estafa
conspirator of the crime;
 Serious or less serious
- Penalty is one degree lower from
physical injuries
3. Accessory – must not have participated with
ALTERNATIVE CIRCUMSTANCES the criminal resolution or criminal design;
- Penalty is two degrees lower from
- Can either be appreciated by a
mitigating circumstance or aggravating
- There are no accessories for light
felonies or in attempted stage;
KINDS: - Participation is after the commission of
the crime;
1. Degree of Instruction or Education;
2. Relationship; Three acts of accessories;
3. Intoxication;
- Profiting from the proceeds of the crime;
DEGREE OF INSTRUCTION/EDUCATION - Concealing or destroying the body of the
- Considers the level of education - Helping the principals escape or
attained; harboring such principals;
- Considers level of intelligence; but not
appreciated if common sense can be Q: Police who helped an accused for libel (light
used to know that the act was a crime; felony) to escape, what is his liability?

RELATIONSHIP A: Not liable as accessory to libel since there

are no accessories to light felonies, however
- In crimes against chastity, relationship is he is liable as principal for the crime of
always an aggravating; dereliction to prosecute or arrest under the
- In crimes against property, relationship RPC;
is always mitigating;
- Keep, buy and sell, transact any objects
- Consuming excessive amount of that has been known to him as stolen
alcoholic beverage; objects;
- Mitigating if not habitual intoxication or - Offender has intent to gain;
was not intentional for the commission - There should first be theft or robbery; if
of the crime; no theft or robbery has been committed
- Aggravating if habitual or intentional for then no fencing;
the commission of the crime; - Mere possession of a stolen property is
- Intoxication due to drugs is always an a prima facie evidence of fencing;
aggravating; not included in this - No conviction needed in robbery or theft
circumstance; before one can become liable for
PARTICIPANTS TO A CRIME fencing; reporting or blotter report of the
robbery or theft is enough;
Active subjects – the offenders or accused;
only natural persons PREVENTIVE IMPRISONMENT
- This is a not a penalty; - Penalty is higher than prision
- This is the period is upon the arrest of correctional (more than 6 years) – no
the accused up to the release on bail; if subsidiary imprisonment allowed;
no bail then up to trial and judgment; - If the financial conditions of the accused
- Period of preventive imprisonment may improves after the subsidiary
be credited to his term of imprisonment; imprisonment has been served – the
 Not full term but generally only accused must still pay the fine thereof;
4/5 of his preventive
NOTE: The subsidiary imprisonment must be
expressly provided in the judgment (Article 39,
 XPN: if there’s an undertaking
that the accused will abide by the
rules governing prisoners MULTIPLE OFFENSES
adjudged by final conviction;
- If the period of preventive imprisonment NOTE: Only crimes punished under the RPC
has exceeded or reached the maximum can be complexed with one another;
imprisonment that the accused could be COMPOUND CRIMES – a single act that
held for the crime charged the accused results to grave or less grave felonies;
must be released;
- Penalty will be that of the most serious
PENALTIES offense in maximum period;
1. Death – repealed; IVLER Case:
2. Reclusion perpetua (afflictive) – 20 yrs
and 1 day to 40 years; - Reckless imprudence resulting to slight
3. Reclusion temporal (afflictive) – 12 yrs physical injuries;
and 1 day to 20 yrs; - WON reckless imprudence resulting to
4. Prision Mayor (correctional) – 6 yrs and homicide should be complexed with
1 day to 12 yrs; reckless imprudence resulting to slight
5. Prision Correctional (correctional) – 6 physical injuries;
months and 1 day to 6 years; - Rule on Art 48 is not applicable to
6. Arresto Mayor – 1 month and 1 day to 6 crimes based on criminal negligence;
months; even if they are grave, less grave or light
7. Arresto Menor – 21 – 30 days and/or felonies they can still be complexed;
crimes with fine not more than 40,000 COMPLEX CRIME PROPER – one crime is
8. Destierro – barred from coming inside a necessary to commit another crime; one is not
certain area or getting close to person; indispensable in committing the other;
9. Fine
Forcible Abduction with Rape
Subsidiary Imprisonment
- Abducts a woman against her will with
- This is a penalty; lewd design;
- Convict has no property to pay the fine - If less than 12 years of age; consent is
then he must serve subsidiary not necessary; as long as there was
imprisonment; lewd design
- Period: at the rate equivalent to the - The abduction is necessary means to
highest minimum wage prevailing (537 commit the first rape; if he raped her two
pesos) in the PH per day of or three more times; these will have
imprisonment; separate counts of rape; only the first
Limitations: rape is complexed with forcible
- Penalty is prision correctional, arresto
mayor, or arresto menor – the subsidiary Estafa through falsification of public,
imprisonment shall not exceed 1/3 of the commercial or official documents
sentence; not to exceed 1 year; - If private document, cannot be
- Penalty is fine only – if grave or less complexed with estafa;
grave felony then should not exceed 6 - Primary consideration is that there is
months; if light felony should not exceed damage or intent to cause damage;
15 days;
- Crimes where the accused committed 2. Convicted of a crime with penalty less
two or more crimes that is punished with than 1-year imprisonment;
one penalty; 3. Habitual delinquents or recidivist;
- The first crime is not necessary to 4. Evaded service of sentence;
commit the second or subsequent
- There is a certain penalty already SAMPLE: Homicide – Reclusion Temporal
prescribed; no more considering the
most serious offenses; If there’s GMC:
- Light felonies are absorbed in special Max: RT minimum period
complex crimes;
Min: PM in any of its period
If there’s PMC and GMC:
1. Robbery with homicide;
2. Kidnapping with homicide; - Maximum period is one degree lower
3. Rape with homicide; than prescribed for PMC (from RT to
4. Kidnapping with rape; PM); and since there is GMC penalty is
in the minimum period of the degree
CONTINUING CRIMES – several acts are (PM in its minimum period)
considered only as one crime; - Minimum is one degree lower than the
Rebellion maximum in any of its period;

- Any common crimes committed in Max: Prision Mayor in its minimum period;
pursuant of rebellion such as murder, Min: Prision Correctional in any ot its period;
rape, etc. shall be absorbed in the crime
of rebellion; If there’s 3 GMC:

SIMULTANEOUS SERVICE: The most severe - Maximum is one degree lower than the
shall be first served, then the next most severe prescribed penalty (RT to PM); two
and so on until the less severe penalty; GMC is considered one PMC; provided
there is no Aggravating Circumstances;
SUCCESSIVE SERVICE: the third GMC will make penalty in its
- If the nature of the penalty cannot be minimum period;
served simultaneously; PROBATION LAW
- Must serve the total penalty or in
accordance to the three-fold rule, - Not a special penal law;
whichever is lesser; - Persons convicted for imprisonment
Three Fold Rule may be allowed to serve the sentence
outside the penal institution;
1. Must only serve the penalty to the
longest sentence multiplied by 3; Probation Law not applicable to:
2. But must not exceed 40 years; if the 1. If the penalty is more than 6 years;
longest penalty multiplied by 3 exceeds 2. Availed only once;
the limit; accused will only serve up to 3. Previously convicted with penalty more
40 years only; than 6 months or a fine of more than
4. If there is perfection of appeal;
- Not a special penal law;
- The law allows person to serve a Period to file: within the period to appeal;
minimum penalty up to a maximum NOTE:
- If served the minimum penalty, the - Once the accused have filed for
convict may be paroled; probation, any notice of appeal filed
after that should be dismissed;
ISLAW not applicable to: - Filing for probation is a waiver of right to
1. Convicted of a crime with penalty of file an appeal;
death or life imprisonment; also Q: Penalty is 4 years and appealed it; in the
reclusion perpetua; appeal the penalty was downgraded to 4
months; can the accused file now for - Extinguishment of criminal action is the
probation? loss of the right to prosecute the action;
- Extinguishment of criminal liability is the
A: No, having appealed already he has already
loss of right to make the offender liable;
waived his right to probation;
Q: Penalty is 4 years to 8 years for A, B, and C
for crime of Homicide; A appealed the decision, 1. Death;
B and C did not appeal and started serving 2. Service of sentence;
sentence; 3. Prescription of offense;
4. Prescription of penalty;
Then penalty was modified by CA to 4 months
5. Absolute pardon;
to 4 years; A went back to RTC and filed for
6. Amnesty;
probation; decide?
7. Marriage to offender;
A: Grant the probation because if an accused
Death (on civil liability)
has appealed a decision wherein he has to
suffer a non-probationable penalty; he may still - Civil liability is extinguished if he dies
be granted probation if the penalty has been before judgment becomes final provided
downgraded to a probationable penalty; that the civil liability is based on delict;
- If he dies after judgment becomes final
Q: same problem above; the decision was
only his criminal liability shall be
appealed to SC; the penalty is downgraded
extinguished; the civil liability from delict
further to 2 months; grant probation?
survives his death;
A: No, since the penalty in the CA is already a - But if the civil liability is from other
probationable penalty; having appealed it to sources aside from delict; it always
SC, he waives his right to probation thereof; survives;

Q: If after CA decision, B and C files for Prescription of crimes – loss of right to

probation, decide? prosecute the crime;

A: Probation should be granted; if there are Period of prescription starts to run from
several defendants; some appealed and some discovery of the offense by:
did not; those who did not appeal may still
1. Offended party;
benefit from decision of the appeal as long as it
2. Persons in authority;
is favorable to them;
Prescription of penalties – loss of right to
NOTE: An order granting or denying
implement penalty;
application for probation is unappealable;
- Offender has been convicted with final
Q: if penalty is fine, can he apply for probation?
A: Yes, in case of subsidiary imprisonment - He has started serving sentence; and
over the fine; the convict has escaped or evaded
NOTE: Grant of probation is revocable; - Upon evading the prescription period
Period: starts to run;
- If the convicted escaped to another
1. Penalty is not more than 1 year – not country with PH having no extradition
less than 2 years treaty to such country, then the period is
2. Penalty is more than 1 year but not to interrupted;
exceed 6 years – not less than 6 years - If convict keeps on escaping and then
of probation re-captured multiple times; time he was
EXTINGUISHMENT OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY not in prison will be accumulated in
computing prescription of penalties;
- Total extinguishment Pardon
- Partial extinguishment - Offender has been convicted with
Extinguishment of criminal action vs. finality;
Extinguishment of criminal liability - Solely granted by the Chief Executive;
- Not granted in:
1. Impeachment cases;
2. Election offenses unless there is 1. Conditional Pardon
recommendation from COMELEC; 2. Commutation of sentence
3. Civil contempt cases; 3. Parole
- Absolute pardon is irrevocable and 4. Probation
consent of grantee is immaterial; 5. Good conduct time allowances
conditional pardon is revocable and 6. Special time allowance for loyalty
consent of grantee is required;
Commutation of Sentence – involves reduction
- Pardon looks forward; only affects the
of penalty by the Chief Executive;
punishment of the crime but the offender
remains to have a convicted judgment Special time allowance for loyalty
against him;
- Political and civil rights of the convict is - Prisoner escaped during a calamity or
restored only if there’s express natural catastrophe;
stipulation thereof; - If he returns within 48 hours from the
time the calamity has been declared to
Amnesty be gone, the prisoner shall be entitled to
penalty reduction;
- Needs ratification from Congress;
- reduction is 1/5 of his original penalty
- Offender may not have yet been
- If the prisoner did not escape at all
convicted by final judgment;
during said natural calamity is entitled to
- Granted only to political offenders for
reduction of 2/5 of his original sentence;
political crimes;
- Prisoner fails to return within 48 hours
- Amnesty puts into oblivion the acts of
his sentence shall be increased by 1/5
the offender as if he has not done any
but should not exceed 6 months;
crime at all; he stands before the law as
a clean man; Parole
- This is public act;
- Political and civil rights of the convict is - DOJ grants this;
restored; - Applicable to those who has served the
minimum period of their sentence;
Marriage between the offended party and the - This is not a right of a prisoner; he must
offender show that he is entitled to it;
- Only in the following crimes:
1. Acts of lasciviousness;
2. Qualified seduction; SPECIAL PENAL LAWS
3. Simple seduction; ANTI- CARNAPPING LAW
4. Forcible abduction;
5. Rape; - Unlawfully taking of motor vehicle;
- These are private crimes and crimes - With force, violence or intimidation;
against chastity; except Rape as crime - With intent to gain; does not necessarily
against person; mean pecuniary benefit;
- Without consent of the owner;
Q: A, B, C, D convicted for acts of - But this has not removed theft or
lasciviousness; A married the offended robbery of motor vehicle under RPC;
party; what happens to the conviction of A, - All forms of car napping are non-
B, C, and D? bailable;
A: All shall be released. The extinguishment Carnapping with homicide
of A’s liability will also extinguish the liability
to B, C and D; - All homicide and rape committed is
absorbed herein;
Q: A, B, C, D convicted for rape; A married
the offended party; what happens to the BOUNCING CHECKS LAW (BP 22)
conviction of A, B, C, and D? - Issues a check and such has been
A: Only A shall be released; the dishonored due to the fact that it was
extinguishment of A’s liability will not affect drawn against a closed account or
the liability of B, C, and D; drawn against insufficient funds;
- A person can be liable for both BP 22
BP 22 vs. Estafa included in Arson if it imperils the life or
property of other persons;
- BP 22 is a malum prohibitum; Estafa is a
- There is now conspiracy to commit
malum in se;
- Lack of intent is not a defense in BP 22;
lack of intent is a defense in estafa; Special Aggravating:
- In both, the check is issued for payment
- Motivated by hate or spite;
of obligation;
- With intent to gain;
- In estafa the gravamen is deceit or
- For benefit of another;
fraud; in BP 22 the gravamen is the
mere issuance of the check with Q: A sets the house of B on fire with intent to
insufficient funds; kill those inside, and B, C, D died thereof, what
- Demand is important in both crimes; crime?
Elements of BP 22: A: Guilty of multiple murder;
1. Must have issued a check that was Q: A sets the house of B on fire with intent to
dishonored due to insufficient funds; just destroy it, no intent to kill, but B, C, D died
2. That the offender knew that the account inside, what crime?
which the check was drawn was not
funded or insufficient; A: The crime is arson. If persons are killed in
- If the accused was notified of the occasion of arson, all killings will be deemed
dishonoring and he was advised to absorbed.
settle the account within 5 days and he NOTE: the burned property will be escheated
failed, then the second element here is to the government; but the owner may get it
presumed; back if he or she proves that he/she did not
- Hence if there is no demand to the participate with the arson or he has no
accused to settle the account the action knowledge of the plan to burn the same;
may be dismissed due to failure to prove
the second element; Q: A planted a bomb in the basement of
3. Payee must have presented the check building to kill B, the building was destroyed
within 90 days from its issuance; and B died, what crime?

Defenses A: Crime is murder qualified by explosion or

means used that caused great ruin;
1. There’s no demand letter to settle the
account; Q: A planted a bomb in the basement of
2. Payment is defense; must be made building just to destroy the building, no
before filing of information in court; intention to kill, the building was destroyed and
B and C died, what crime?
A: Guilty of destruction with multiple homicide;
Elements: an ordinary complex crime;
1. Offender is a public officer; RAPE LAW
2. Amass wealth worth exceeding 50
Million through series of overt acts Rape by Sexual Intercourse
stated in the act; Carnal knowledge by a man against the will of
- Malversation; a woman thru:
- Conversion;
- Misappropriation; a) By Violence, force or intimidation;
- Misuse of public funds; b) By depriving consciousness;
- Raids in public treasury c) By fraudulent machinations or abuse of
3. If committed by several accused; the authority;
most guilty must be a public officer; d) If the victim is below 12 years old
(statutory rape);
There must be penis insertion; if no penis
- Reintroduced arson as a crime under insertion it may be attempted rape; or acts of
the RPC; lasciviousness if there is no intent to have
- Arson is the destruction of property by carnal knowledge;
means of fire; personal property may be
Rape by Sexual Assault ANTI HAZING LAW
- Insertion of any object in the mouth or - Mere presence of a person in an
anus of the victim; initiation rite that is not allowed by law is
- Victim may be a man or woman under prima facie evidence that such person is
this kind of rape; a principal; unless he can prove that he
tried to prevent the commission of
hazing in such rite;
- Victim must be a child; minor or even if
above 18 years but cannot protect
himself from exploitation;
- Punishable acts include acts of sexual
intercourse with a child for prostitution or
other sexual abuse; - Explosives are not included;
- For a person to be held liable under the
Punishable acts:
law, must prove the intent to debase the
value and dignity of the child; a.) Sale or possession of unlicensed
- If the acts were committed in spur of the firearms;
moment; cannot be made liable under b.) If licensed firearm but had no permit to
the child abuse law; since intent to carry;
debase the value and dignity of the child c.) The use of an imitation firearm; if the
is none existent; offender uses it in a commission of a
CHILDREN LAW (RA 9262) NOTE: intent to possess is required;
- The victim must be the accused’s wife or ANTI PHOTO AND VOYEURISM ACT (RA
ex-wife, live-in partner, girlfriend or ex- 9995)
girlfriend, or any one the offender has
previous dating relationship with; - Use of devices or gadgets to commit
- Offender may be a man or woman; voyeurism;
covers lesbian relationships; Punishable acts:
Battered Woman Syndrome a.) Taking photos or record on video the sexual
- May be equated as self-defense even if activity of a person; as long as there is
there is no unlawful aggression on the reasonable expectation privacy and no
part of the victim; consent from such party;
- Exempts both criminal and civil liability; b.) Even if there is consent still liable for
reproduction of such video or photos;
Stalking c.) Videos and photographs obtained thru this
crime is not admissible as evidence; except
- May be treated as psychological
only for peace officer to use as evidence in
violence under VAWC;
the prosecution in violation of this law (Act
Punishable Acts under VAWC: 9995);
a.) Failure or refusal to give support; provided COMPREHENSIVE DANGEROUS DRUGS
the victim/s must have suffered mental or LAW OF 2002 (RA 9165)
emotional anguish due to the refusal;
- This is a mala prohibita;
b.) Marital infidelity; provided the infidelity
caused the wife/partner mental or emotional Punishable acts:
a.) Sale, delivery, transportation or
ANTI TORTURE LAW manufacture of drugs;
b.) Use or possession of drugs;
- Torture shall not be absorbed by any
c.) Use or possession of drug paraphernalia;
other crime; it is an independent crime;
d.) Mere conspiracy to commit such acts is
- Ex: by acts of torture the victim died; the
crimes are separate crime of torture and
e.) Maintaining a drug den;
homicide/murder; no absorption or
f.) Implanting of drugs as evidence to
incriminate a person;
SALE OF DRUGS: practicable then in the nearest police
- Prove the identity of the buyer and
5. Photograph, inventory and marking must
be made in the presence of witnesses; 2
- Prove the act of sale and delivery;
witness includes:
- Prove that there is a consideration
 Local elective official
 Representative from DOJ or
- Barangay tanod is not an elective
- Covers actual and constructive official; his presence is not what the law
possession; requires;
- Intent to possess must be proven; - Minor lapses in the compliance of these
procedures may not dismiss the case;
as long as the lapses can be reasonably
USE OF DRUGS: Maximum penalty for violation of RA 9165 is
- First use; penalty is rehabilitation and life imprisonment;
community service; Q: If the accused who is between 15 – 18
- 2nd time or oftener: penalty now is 6 years of age is caught selling drugs, and he
years – 12 years; acted with discernment? What is his penalty?
NOTE: Penalty will depend on the weight of A: The penalty under the law will become
drugs confiscated from the accused; Reclusion Perpetua; and since he is a child he
PLEA BARGAINING ON DRUGS CASES will suffer penalty two degrees lower which is
Prision Mayor;
Estipona vs. Lobrigo (2017)
NOTE: Use of drugs or under the influence of
Plea bargaining in drugs cases are now drugs is always an aggravating circumstance;
allowed under the rules;
Plea bargaining may be made on:
- if the weight of the drugs is not more
- possession of drug paraphernalia;
Robbery (Art 293)
- if a police officer instigates a person in
a. Intent to gain;
to violating RA 9165; accused is not
b. Unlawful taking;
liable; the officer is liable;
c. Personal property belonging to another;
CHAIN OF CUSTODY RULE* d. Violence against or intimidation of any
person or force upon anything;
- this is the duly recorded movement of
the drugs ceased from the accused; Simple robbery – even if there is less serious
- from the moment it was confiscated from physical injuries or slight physical injuries
the accused up until it is presented in inflicted upon the offended party on occasion of
court and for its destruction later on; robbery;
- mere doubt that the chain of custody
Robbery with Homicide (Art 294)
was not properly followed; case will be
dismissed; - The robbery is the main purpose and the
objective and the killing is merely
Procedure (for strict compliance):
incidental to the robbery;
1. the drugs must be photographed; - Homicide is used in its generic sense;
2. there must be an inventory; includes parricide, infanticide and
3. must be marked; murder;
4. Photograph, inventory and marking must - Liable as principal if one did not prevent
be made in the place where the accused the commission of the homicide;
was arrested if practicable; if not
Robbery with rape (Art 294)
- Enough that robbery is accompanied by Estafa (Art 315)
- Punishes different forms of criminal
- If rape was the primary objective and the
taking was not for gain but to have a
token for his crime, then the crimes are Estafa with abuse of confidence
separate crimes of rape and unjust
vexation; 1. Money, goods or personal property
- No robbery with attempted rape; received in trust, on commission or for
administration with duty to deliver or
Robbery by a Band (Art 296) return the same;
2. There is misappropriation or conversion
- Robbery effected by more than 3 armed
of such money or property or denial of
receipt thereof;
- By a band is only a generic aggravating
3. Such misappropriation or conversion is
to prejudice another;
Theft (Art 308) 4. There is demand made by the offended
party to the offender;
1. Taking of personal property;
2. Said property belongs to another; - The offender must have juridical
3. Without consent of owner; possession of the money or property;
4. With intent to gain;
Estafa by false pretenses
5. Taking be accomplished without use of
violence against or intimidation of Elements:
persons or force upon things;
1. There is a false pretense or fraudulent
NOTE: the act of the person taking possession representations as to offender’s power,
of vehicle for joy ride without consent is theft; influence, or imaginary transactions;
intent to gain is satisfaction or pleasure gained; 2. Such false pretense was made prior to
(Villacorta vs. Insurance Commission; Oct or simultaneously with commission of
1980); the fraud;
3. That the offended party relied on the
People vs. Meharies (Jan 2018; J. Leonen)
false pretense or fraudulent act and was
The SC has been consistent in holding induced to part with his money or
that “intent to gain” is an internal act that is property;
presumed from the unlawful taking by the 4. As a result, offended party suffered
offender of the thing subject of asportation. damage;
Thus, actual gain is irrelevant as the important
Actionable fraud – when the accused has
consideration is the intent to gain.
knowledge that the venture proposed would not
Qualified Theft reasonably yield the promised results, and yet
despite such knowledge, deliberately continues
with the misrepresentation;
1. Taking of personal property;
Estafa by postdating a check or issuing a
2. Said property belongs to another;
check in payment of obligation
3. Without consent of owner;
4. With intent to gain; Elements:
5. Taking be accomplished without use of
1. Offender postdated a check, or issued a
violence against or intimidation of
check in a payment of an obligation;
persons or force upon things;
2. Such postdating or issuing a check was
6. Abuse of confidence or the property was
done when the offender had no funds, or
taken under certain circumstances;
his funds were insufficient;
Kinds of Qualified Theft 3. Check must be postdated or issued in
payment if an obligation contracted at
- Those committed by domestic servant;
the time of the issuance and delivery of
- Those committed by motor vehicle, mail
check; it should not be issued for
matter or large cattle;
payment of pre-existing obligation;
- Those committed during earthquakes, or
other natural disasters; BP 22 (Anti-Bouncing Checks Law)
Who is liable? Exemptions from Criminal Liability under
crimes against property
- The one who makes or draws the check;
the maker or drawer; negotiator is not 1. Spouses, ascendants, and descendants
included; or relatives by affinity;
- Payee if he conspired with the maker or 2. Widowed spouse;
drawer; 3. Brother and sisters if living together,
includes brother-in-laws and sister-in-
Requisites for conviction
1. Making, or drawing of any check to
apply for account or for value;
2. Knowledge of the maker, drawer, or CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS
issuer that at the time he issued it he
Parricide (Art 246)
does not have sufficient funds;
3. Subsequent dishonor of the check by Elements
drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or
credit or dishonor of the check by 1. Person is killed;
drawee bank for insufficiency of funds; 2. The accused killed the person;
4. After dishonor, there is notice to the 3. Deceased is the father, mother or child,
issuer or drawer to settle the account for whether legitimate or illegitimate or a
within 5 days; and he failed to do so; legitimate other descendant or
ascendant, or legitimate spouse of the
NOTE: accused;
1. If the check was issued prior to the order Death or Physical Injuries inflicted under
of suspension by SEC to the bank, the exceptional circumstances (Art 247)
case for BP 22 can proceed;
2. If the check was issued after the order of Elements:
suspension by SEC to the bank, the 1. Legally married person surprises his
case for BP 22 cannot proceed until the wife or daughter under 18 years and
lifting of the order; living with him, in the act of committing
3. Novation is not a valid defense in BP 22; sexual intercourse with another person;
ARSON 2. He or she kills any or both of them or
inflicts upon them any serious physical
Elements: injuries in the act or immediately
1. Offender destroyed a property;
3. He or she has not promoted or
2. Act was done with deliberate intent;
facilitated the prostitution of his wife or
3. Destruction was made by use of fire;
daughter or he or she has not consented
NOTE: to the infidelity of the spouse;
a. Main objective is burning but death People vs. Abarca
results – crime is arson only;
- Not necessarily immediately thereafter
b. Main objective is to kill and fire was
the act of sexual intercourse;
used to commit the killing – crime is
- As long as the killing is motivated by
murder only;
blind impulse and not external factors
c. Main objective is killing, and used fire to
influenced the accused;
conceal the body or cover up the killing
– then there are two separate crimes of Murder (Art 248)
homicide/murder and arson
1. A person is killed;
Malicious Mischief (Art 327) 2. Accused killed the person;
3. The killing is not parricide, infanticide or
1. Offender deliberately caused damage to
Qualifying circumstances:
property of another;
2. Such act does not constitute arson or 1. Treachery; taking advantage of superior
other crimes involving destruction; strength, with aid of armed men;
3. Act of damaging be committed merely 2. Employing means to weaken the
for sake of damaging it; defense or means to ensure impunity;
3. In consideration of reward or promise; 2. There is violence exerted without
4. By means of inundation, fire, poison, intention of abortion;
explosion, shipwreck, by means of 3. Violence is intentionally exerted;
motor vehicles or with use of any other 4. As a result of violence, the fetus dies;
means involving great waste and ruin;
5. On occasion of calamities;
6. With evident pre-meditation; Elements
7. With cruelty;
1. Mutilation of organs necessary for
generation such as penis or ovarium;
2. Mutilation is caused purposely and
deliberately, that is, to deprive the
- There is always treachery in any assault offended party part some of essential
on a minor or killing of a minor child; organ for reproduction;
- There is treachery if the victim has just
NOTE: other mutilation of other body parts is
woken up with no means to defend
also covered therein;
- There is treachery if the victim was tied Serious Physical Injuries
up before he was killed;
1. When the injured party becomes insane,
Homicide (Art 249) imbecile, impotent or blind;
2. When the injured party losses power of
speech or hearing, or losses an eye,
1. A person is killed; hand, foot, or loss of earning capacity
2. Accused killed the person; permanently;
3. The killing was not attended by the 3. When injured party becomes deformed
qualifying circumstances of murder, by or loss of body part or incapacitated to
parricide or infanticide; perform work for period of more than 90
Death in tumultuous affray (Art 251)
4. When injured party becomes ill or
Takes place when a quarrel occurs incapacitated from performing work for
among several persons and they engaged in a between 30 – 90 days;
confused and tumultuous manner, in the
Less Serious Physical Injuries
course of which someone is killed or wounded
and the author of the killing cannot be 1. Offended party is incapacitated for 10
ascertained; days – 30 days
Infanticide (Art 255) Slight Physical Injuries
Elements 1. Incapacitated the party from labor for 1 –
9 days;
1. A child was killed;
2. Ill treatment of another by deed without
2. Deceased was less than 3 days old in
causing any injury (maltreatment);
3. The accused killed the child; Rape (Art 266-A)
Intentional Abortion Rape by sexual intercourse
1. Pregnant woman; By a man who has carnal knowledge
2. There is violence exerted or drugs or with a woman without her consent under the
beverages administered or that the following circumstances:
accused otherwise acts upon such
1. Through force, threat or intimidation;
pregnant woman;
2. When the offended party is deprived of
3. As a result of violence or drugs upon
reason or is otherwise unconscious;
her, the fetus dies either inside the
3. By means of fraudulent machinations or
womb or having expelled therefrom;
grave abuse of authority;
4. Abortion is intended;
4. When offended party is under 12 years
Unintentional Abortion of age or is demented;
1. Pregnant woman; Rape by sexual assault
By any person who, under the 1. Offender is a public official;
circumstances mentioned above, shall commit 2. He accepts gifts offered;
an act of sexual assault by inserting his penis 3. Such gifts are offered by reason of his
into another person’s mouth or anus, or any office;
instrument or object into the genital or anal
Qualified Bribery (Art 211-A)
orifice of another person;
1. Offender is public officer;
- Lack of resistance will not negate the
2. He refrains from arresting or prosecuting
crime of rape especially if the accused is
the crime;
a relative;
3. Crime committed is punishable by
- Medico legal report is not an
reclusion perpetua or death;
indispensable element in the conviction
4. Omission was in consideration of the gift
of crime of rape;
or promised received;
Rape with Homicide
Corruption of public officials (Art 212)
- By reason of rape, the woman was
killed; or a person other than the rape
victim was killed; 1. Offender is the one who offered the
- Homicide here is in its generic sense; it promise or gift to public officer;
absorbs murder or parricide; 2. The offers or promises are given to
public officers under circumstances that
will make the officer liable for direct or
indirect bribery;
Dereliction of Duty (Art 208)
Fraud against public treasury and similar
1. Offender is one who has duty to offenses (illegal exaction)
Punishes the act of public officer of
2. Dereliction of the duties of his office;
knowing the commission of the crime he
does not cause its prosecution or a. Collecting different or larger sums;
knowing the crime is about to be b. Failing to issue a receipt;
committed he tolerates the same; c. Receiving different objects;
3. Offender acts with malice and deliberate
intent to favor the violator; Malversation of public funds (Art 217)

Direct Bribery (Art 210) Elements

Elements 1. Offender is a public officer;

2. Offender had custody or control of the
1. Offender is a public officer; funds by virtue of his duties or position;
2. Accepts an offer or promise or gift; offender must be an accountable officer;
3. Such offer or promise be accepted or 3. The funds or property were public;
received: 4. He appropriated, took, misappropriated
- with view of committing a crime, or or consented or through abandonment
- execution of an act which is not a crime or negligence; permitted another person
but is still unjust or to take them;
- refrain from doing something that is his
official duty; Compared to estafa:
4. Act agreed to be performed or not 1. Property in estafa is private;
performed by the public officer is 2. Personal appropriation is essential in
connected with his official duties; estafa;
Q: Is sexual favor can be considered as a 3. Prior demand is necessary in estafa;
promise or offer for bribery? demand is not necessary in
A: Offer must constitute as a pecuniary benefit.
Technical Malversation (Art 220)
Indirect Bribery (Art 211)
1. Offender is a public officer; 1. Offender is private individual or public
2. There is public fund or property under officer or employee who does not abuse
his administration; his position;
3. Such public fund or property has been 2. He or she committed any act of
appropriated by law or ordinance; falsification in official or public
4. He applies the same to public use other document;
than that for which such fund or property
has been appropriated by law or - Criminal intent is required;
ordinance; - Intention to cause prejudice must be

- Intent is not necessary; this is mala
prohibita; Usurpation of authority or official functions
- Misappropriation to another public use; (Art 177)
not personal use;
Refusal to give assistance (Art 233)
1. Offender represents herself/himself as
Elements officer or agent or representative of gov’t
or perform an act pertaining to person in
1. Offender is public officer;
2. Competent authority demands from the
2. He or she has no authority to do so;
offender that he lends his cooperation
towards the administration of justice or Using fictitious name and concealing true
other public service; name (Art 178)
3. Offender fails to do so maliciously;
1. Offender uses name other than his real
Forgery (Art 169) 2. Purpose of the offender is to conceal a
crime or evade the execution of
judgment or cause damage;
1. Offender committed act of forgery on a
Perjury (Art 183)
treasure or bank note or instrument
payable to bearer or order; Elements:
2. Act of forgery consists in giving these
1. Statement or affidavit upon a material
documents the appearance of a true or
matter made under oath;
genuine document or by erasing,
2. Before a competent officer authorized to
substituting, counterfeiting or altering by
receive and administer such oath;
means the figures, letters, words or
3. Willful and deliberate assertion of a
signs contained therein;
falsehood by offender;
Falsification by public officer, employee or 4. That the sworn statement containing
notary or ecclesiastical minister (Art 171) falsity is required by law;
- The falsehood was made not in a
1. Offender is a public officer, employee, or judicial proceeding;
notary public;
Offering false testimony in evidence
2. Takes advantage of his official position;
3. He falsifies a documentary by Elements
committing any of the acts of
1. Offender offered in evidence a false
witness or false testimony;
Falsification by private individuals 2. He knew the witness or testimony was
3. Offer was made in a judicial or official
Incriminating innocent persons
Elements: Unlawful Arrest (Art 270)
1. Offender performs an act; Elements
2. By such act he directly incriminates or
1. Offender arrests or detains another
imputes to an innocent person the
commission of a crime;
2. The purpose is to deliver him to the
3. Such act does not constitute perjury;
proper authorities;
3. Arrest or detention is not authorized by
- This is not considered as malicious
law or there is no reasonable ground
Abandonment of persons in danger and
CRIMES AGAINST PERSONAL LIBERTY abandonment of one’s own victim (Art 275)
Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
1. Place is not inhabited;
(Art 267)
2. Accused found there a person wounded
Elements or in danger of dying;
3. The accused can render assistance
1. Offender is private person;
without detriment to himself;
2. Kidnaps or detains another or in manner
4. Accused fails to render assistance;
deprives the latter of his liberty;
3. Act of detention or kidnapping must be Qualified trespass to dwelling (Art 280)
4. Under these circumstances:
- Detention lasts for more than 3 days; 1. Offender is a private person;
- Committed simulating public authority; 2. He entered the dwelling of another;
- If there are serious physical injuries 3. Against the will of the latter;
inflicted upon the victim; or there had
been threats to kill; 2 modes:
- Person detained is a minor, female or - By entering against the owner’s will;
public officer; - By entering through use of violence;
Special complex crime Grave threats (Art 282)
- When a person is killed during the Elements
detention, regardless if intentional or
incidental, shall be punished under Art 1. Offender threatens another person with
267; infliction upon latter’s person, honor or
- Murder or homicide here is absorbed; property or upon latter’s family of any
- Regardless of the number of rapes; the wrong;
crime will be only kidnapping with rape; 2. Such wrong amounts to a crime;
3. There is demand for money or that any
People vs. Concepcion (2018; J. Leonen) other condition is imposed, even though
- The SC considered the abduction of the not unlawful;
victim by the accused absorbed in the 4. The offender attains his purpose;
crime of rape since it was restored in Light Threats (Art 283)
order to commit the latter crime;
Slight illegal detention (Art 270)
1. Offender makes a threat to commit a
Elements: wrong;
1. Offender is private individual; 2. The wrong does not constitute a crime;
2. He kidnaps or detains another or any 3. There is demand for money or that any
other manner deprives the latter his other condition is imposed, even though
liberty not unlawful;
3. Act of kidnapping or detention is illegal 4. Offender has attained his purpose or
4. Crime is committed without the that he has not attained his purpose;
attendance of any circumstances under Other light threats (Art 285)
Art 267;
a. By threatening another with a weapon, 2. Swift attack accompanied by violence,
or by drawing such weapon in a quarrel, intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth;
unless it be lawful self-defense; 3. Purpose is to destabilize the
b. By orally threatening another, in heat of government or diminish state power;
anger, with some harm not constituting a
Conspiracy and proposal to commit
crime, without persisting with the idea
rebellion or insurrection (Art 136)
involved in the threat;
c. By orally threatening to do another any Elements
harm not constituting a felony; 1. 2 or more persons come to an agreed to
rise publicly and take arms against the
Grave Coercions (Art 286) 2. The objectives are any of those mention
under Art 134;
3. Decided to commit rebellion without
1. Person prevented another from going carrying out any of its elements;
something not prohibited by law, or that
Inciting to rebellion or insurrection (Art 138)
he be compelled to do something
against his will, be it right or wrong; Element
2. The prevention or compulsion be
1. Offender does not take arms or is not in
effected by violence;
open hostility against the gov’t;
3. Person that restrained the victim had not
2. He incites others to the execution of any
been authorized by law to do such;
acts of the acts of rebellion;
Light coercions (Art 287) 3. Inciting is done by means of speeches,
proclamations, writings, emblems,
banners or other representations
1. Offender is a creditor; tending to the same end;
2. He seizes property belonging to the
Sedition (Art 139)
3. Seizure is accompanied by means of Elements
violence or intimidation;
1. Offender rise publicly and tumultuously;
4. Purpose of the offender is to apply the
2. Employ force, intimidation or other
same to payment of debt;
manners outside of legal methods;
Unjust Vexation (Art 287; par 2) 3. Objective is to attain the any of the
Any human conduct which, although not
- Prevent promulgation or execution of
productive of some physical or material harm
any law or holding of election;
would, however, unjustly annoy or vex innocent
- Prevent national or local government or
any public officer from freely exercising
CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER his functions or executing administrative
Rebellion (Art 134) - To inflict any act of hate or revenge
Elements upon the person or property of any
public officer or employee;
1. Public uprising; - To commit for any political or social end
2. Taking of arms against the government; any act or hate or revenge against
3. Purpose of uprising is to overthrow the private persons or any social class;
government; - To despoil for any political or social end,
any person, local or national gov’t of all
- Purpose is always political in character; its properties or any part thereof;
- Crimes committed in furtherance of
rebellion is absorbed therein; Inciting to Sedition

Coup d’etat Elements

Elements 1. Offender does not take part directly in

the crime of sedition;
1. Offenders are military officers or public 2. He incites others to accomplishment of
officers; any acts which constitutes sedition;
3. Inciting is done by means of speeches, Alarms and Scandals (Art 155)
proclamations, writings, emblems,
banners or other representations
tending to the same end; 1. Offender performs an act or behave
disorderly in public; and
Illegal Assemblies (Art 146)
2. His act tends to cause public alarm and
Elements scandal;
1. There is a meeting or gathering of Acts punished
persons whether fixed or moving;
a. Discharge of firearms, rockets,
2. Meeting is attended by armed persons;
firecrackers in a public place that would
3. Purpose of meeting is to commit any of
cause alarm or danger;
the crime punishable under the RPC;
b. Instigating or taking an active part in any
4. Audience, whether armed or not, is
charivari or other disorderly meeting
incited to commit treason, rebellion or
offensive to public peace;
insurrection, sedition or direct assault;
c. Disturbing public peace while wandering
Illegal Association (Art 147) at night;
d. Causing any disturbance or scandal in
public places while intoxicated;
1. Offenders are organized association
Delivering prisoners from jail (Art 156)
2. Purpose of organization is to commit
any crime or any act that has unlawful Elements
1. Person confined in jail or penal
Direct Assaults (Art 148) institution;
2. Offender removes such person or helps
the escape of such person;
1. Offender employs force or intimidation;
Other offenses related to prisoners
2. Aim of the offender is to attain any of the
purpose of the crime of rebellion or any a. Delivering prisoners from jail
objects of sedition; b. Evasion of service of sentence;
3. No public uprising; c. Quasi-recidivism;
d. Conniving with or consenting to evasion;
- There must be a private offended party; e. Evasion thru negligence;
f. Escape of prisoner under custody of
Indirect Assault
private person;
Elements g. Maltreatment of persons
h. Abuse against chastity
1. Person in authority or his agent is the
victim of any of the ways of committing CRIMES AGAINST OPIUM
assault in Art 148;
RA 9165
2. A person comes to the aid of such
person in authority or his agent; Elements
3. Offender uses force or intimidation upon
1. Accused is in possession of drugs
the person coming to the aid of said
identified to be prohibited or regulated
Resistance and serious disobedience (Art 2. Such possession is unauthorized;
151) 3. Accused freely and consciously
possessed said drug;
1. Person in authority or his agent is
engaged in the performance of his duty
or gives lawful order; Arbitrary Detention (Art 124)
2. The offender resists or serious disobeys
such person in authority or his agent;
3. The act of the offender is not included in 1. Offender is public officer;
the provisions of Art 148, 149, and 150; 2. Detains a person;
3. Detention has no legal cause; 2. He procures a search warrant;
3. There is no just cause; or
Delay in the Delivery of detained persons to
4. He exceeds his authority in executing a
judicial authorities (Art 125)
legally procured search warrant;
1. Offender is public officer; AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM
2. He detains a person for some legal
a. Prohibition, interruption and dissolution
of peaceful meetings (Art 131)
3. He fails to deliver such person to proper
b. Interruption of religious worship (Art
authorities (judge) within:
- 12 hours for crimes or offenses
c. Offending religious feelings (Art 133);
punishable by light penalties;
- 18 hours for crimes punishable by CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY
correctional penalties; AND LAWS OF NATION
- 36 hours for crimes punishable by
Treason (Art 114)
afflictive or capital penalties;
- The hours do not refer to work hours Elements
only; 1. Offender is a citizen or resident alien;
2. Offender owes allegiance, perpetual or
Delay in the release (Art 126)
temporary, to the gov’t of PH;
Elements: 3. Offender either:
- Levies war against the gov’t of PH;
1. Offender is public officer;
- Adheres to its enemies by giving aid or
2. There is a judicial or executive order for
release of prisoner or detainee;
3. Offender without good reason delays: Two witness rule – only applicable under
- The service of notice of such order to second act of treason; adheres to enemies by
the prisoner, or giving aid or comfort;
- The performance of such judicial or
Conspiracy and proposal to commit treason
executive order for release of prisoner;
(Art 115)
- The proceeding upon petition for release
of such person; Elements:
Expulsion (Art 127) 1. Accused owes allegiance to the gov’t
2. They come to an agreement to commit
1. Offender is public officer; 3. They decided to commit treason after
2. He expels any person from PH or agreeing with one another to do so;
compels person to change residence;
Misprision of Treason (Art 116)
3. Offender is not authorized to do so;
Violation of Domicile (Art 128)
1. Offender owes allegiance to gov’t;
offender is not a foreigner;
1. Offender is public officer; 2. Has knowledge of the conspiracy to
2. He was not authorized by judicial commit treason;
warrant; 3. Conceals or fails to disclose the same to
3. He enters some domicile against the will authorities;
of the owner, or searches papers and
other effects therein without previous
consent or having entered he refuses to First Form of Espionage
leave upon being required to do so;
Search warrants maliciously obtain and
abuse in service of those legally obtained 1. Offender enters any of the places
(Art 129) mentioned in the first form of espionage;
2. He has no authority to do so;
1. Offender is public officer;
3. Purpose is to obtain information. Plans, 1. there must be imputation of a crime or a
other data of confidential nature relative vice or defect, real or imaginary or any
to the defense of the state; act, omission, condition, status or
Second Form of Espionage
2. the imputation must be made publicly;
Elements 3. imputation is malicious;
4. imputation is directed to a natural,
1. Offender is a public officer; juridical or one who is dead;
2. He has in his possession articles, or 5. imputation must tend to cause dishonor,
data referred in the first form by reason discredit or contempt of person
of his position; defamed;
3. He discloses their contents to a
representative of a foreign nation;
Inciting to war or giving motives for Adultery (Art 333)
reprisals (Art 118)
1. woman is married;
1. offender performs unlawful or 2. she had sexual intercourse with a man
unauthorized acts; not her husband;
2. such acts provoke or give occasion for 3. the man who had sexual intercourse had
war or expose Filipinos from reprisals; knowledge that the woman is married;

Violation of neutrality (Art 119) Concubinage (Art 335)

Elements Elements

1. there is war which PH is not part of; 1. man is married;

2. there is a regulation issued by 2. committed any of the following acts:
competent authority for purpose of - keeping a mistress in the conjugal
enforcing neutrality; dwelling;
3. offender violates the regulation; - having sexual intercourse in a
scandalous manner;
Piracy (Art 122) - cohabiting with the other woman
Elements anywhere else;
3. the woman who had sexual infidelity
1. a vessel is on high seas; with the man must know him to be
2. offender are not members of its married;
complements or passengers of vessel;
3. offenders attack or seize that vessel, or Acts of Lasciviousness (Art 336)
seize the whole or part of the cargo of Elements
said vessel, its equipment or personal
belongings of its complements or 1. offender commits ant act of
passengers; lasciviousness or lewdness;
2. act of lasciviousness is committed
Qualified Piracy (Art 123) against person of either sex;
Qualifying circumstances 3. it is done under any of the
1. seizure of vessel by boarding or firing - by using force or intimidation;
upon the same; - when offended party is deprived of
2. abandonment of victims without means reason or unconscious;
of saving themselves; and - by means of fraudulent machination or
3. crime accompanied by murder, grave abuse of authority;
homicide, physical injuries or rape; - when the offended party is under 12
CRIMES AGAINST HONOR years of age or is demented;


Elements a. Bigamy (Art 349)

b. Marriage contracted against provisions
of law (Art 350)
c. Performance of illegal marriage
ceremony (Art 352)
d. Simulation of births
Grave Scandal
1. Act must be highly scandalous;
2. Publicly committed or within knowledge
or view of public;
3. Act must offend decency or good

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