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Interview #1: Rape Or Be Raped

“Hi, I am a humanitarian, not a stupid feminist. My name is
Genesis. In the old society, women were the angels and men
were the demons. It was the opposite. How will society
function without their strong men? The Men Act was in
operation allowing boys to feel different emotions such as
fear and sadness. Their sexual fantasies were fulfilled
decreasing rape crimes. Men’s suicide rates dropped. Boys
were hateful to girls. Girls were forced to be kind and
listen to boys if not they get tortured if they stop they
die. Gay boys and girls were forced to kill their crush at
Washington’s arena while the president watches if they kill
their crush they are forced to rape the body. After that,
they have been forced to date the opposite gender. If a boy
wants to be your boyfriend, then the girl will have to be.
If it is the opposite, they can’t. If a boy/girl has a
learning disability/low IQ they are killed by the
president’s son. If a girl wanted to be a man they are
tortured and sent to the president to be raped and killed.
The president’s dream became a reality for all of us.
W e d i d n ’ t k n e w .”

Woman Stalks Man

I am a man in a woman’s body. Safety nowhere. Their midget meaning. Their

undead pride. Their need for domination. I will show them all ‘maybe men can’t
change’. Safety nowhere.
She wanders in a neighborhood around hers listing the victims. She encounters
the boys. 2 boys were special needs. I feel bad for them. I found the 3 boys. Her
backpack has a dildo with a strap.

Boy #1. He is 12 years old. Skinny to the bone. Ginger. Mixed Asian and African.
Karen takes care of him. She always leaves the house at 9 PM. She drove
drunk, getting an Elite tracking device on her leg. A Fullmetal Alchemist poster
on the garage door. Good culture. I question if the kid watched it if he didn’t I’ll
make him.

It’s time. A security camera on the entrance. How original? Let’s see if the
backyard has one. Great. No camera.

The backyard door she inspects is locked. She gets her lock pick and attempts to
hit the correct instruments of the lock. She failed, causing the instruments to
change places, and took a closer look at the lock.

It is an Elite Lock. Daddy must be an elite warrior. The most formidable lock in
the globe is impossible to crack, even the most professional lock picker could not
unlock this.

You’re lucky, little bitch.

She goes to the gas station. Takis was on the menu for her. A real woman gazes
at her itching her nasty rash and drinking rich wine.

“Do you really think your gay brothers can be trusted?”

“They are real men, not men you know.”

The real woman grabs her shotgun. She sees her load the shotgun. BANG!!
BANG!! She jerks and leaps. Her eyes enlarged, and her shoulders drove up.
Glass shatters around. Her ears ringing and ear-splitting. The women’s eardrums
popped and bled. She puts her hands on her ears and falls to the ground, even
her. It lasts 12 seconds. Glass pierced her hands, legs, and chest. She controls
the pain inside her.

“Still alive, traitor!?”

She remains silent.

I admire her perseverance. I see why the boys call you a crazy whore.

Despite the piercing glass, she stands.


She runs, flinging her arms back and forth with a dagger in her hands. Almighty
roars to power her strike and makes her stance minding the pain and
remembering her training. Her veins move as one to her hands and back. Her
eyes just saw a man in a woman’s body. The typical victim. The woman’s eyes
noticed herself and the men appearing one by time with every step she made. 20
men she killed appeared behind her. She stabs her in the heart looking at her
while puking blood. Her strong hands weaken. Then her eyes see boys behind
her with the men. She takes a great deep breath and roughly hugs her. Tears go
on her face. She couldn’t take it, so she turns away from the weak presence, but
she forces her to look. This was the first time her face looked like a woman’s. Her
face was a mixture. A man trying to not cry instead of using rage and under it
was something she promised herself to not feel ever again. Fear.

“You are me.”

She punches herself. Blood drips from her nose and mouth.

My promise won’t be broken again. Never again. At least the feast gave me the
strength of another man.

Now. How can I get that Elite Lock off? Can’t look it up because they are
watching. An elite locksmith could teach me but could get suspicious because
I’m a girl. Yet humanity considers them treacherous demigods that could
annihilate the world if they wanted to.

She drives to the Elite Locksmith.

Raucous giggles come from the backseat. She doesn’t look. Whatever it was. It
was her.

A man in a woman’s body. Savagery in and refined out. The eyes of a puppy.
The face of a genuine smile. The way she postures her body. Every man wanted
this kind of woman, yet it was deceptive to the eyes of men thinking they can use
her without consequences because she is weak. She wasn’t weak. No man lived
to tell the tale of the crazy whore. When they were lifeless she recreated them to
her image. What a real man to her would be. Dancing with the body. Talking with
the body. Raping the body. Carving the body. They were the one… until their
bodies rot.

She aspires to be her, but the woman inside her could come back forever.

She reaches the Elite Locksmith and walks in. An Elite was running around doing
his work. The Elite Locks get made every second. By the time, the door closes.
The Elite stopped and went to the desk. He breathes heavily and sweats. A boy
behind watches him.

“A woman?”
“Call me a man.”
“Oh. I hope I didn’t offend you.”
“It’s fine.”
“What are you looking for?”
“An Elite Lock.”
“Here you go. That will be $499.99”
“Is that it?”
“Yup. I appreciate me for making my house safer.”
“I’m glad that you’re satisfied. It’s my pleasure.”
“Can I touch the pickle?”
“Um, I’m asexual… and gay.”

“It’s a saying for can you teach me how to lockpick it?”

“I thought you meant something else.”
“What is gay, papa?”
“It means someone is happy. Go back to your room. I need to help her.
“Why are you hiding the other meaning?”
“Because I have a wife.”
“Do you really love her?”
“I do… but… someone else... more.”
“Then tell her what you really feel?”
“But what if”
“You have to, even if it ends badly. This lie will only make you unhappy.”
“Okay. Thank you for the talk.”
“Are you a therapist?”
“I’ll pay handsomely for my son’s therapy.”
“Yeah, sure.” `
“Will you teach me how to lockpick it?”
“Yeah. Come out back.”

“The place where Elite Locks are created.”

He carries her to the testing room through the boiling room. The temperature of
the room is 500 degrees. Heat consumed them when they went in. Their bodies
sweat. Dry as Venus. Fishy and musty as garage landfills. Sweat and blood on
the tools. BUZZ!!! BUZZ!!! The Elite Locksmith doesn’t get a break. Unstop. 10
hours a day. He drinks from a special container which makes sure the water
does not evaporate. It burned her a little. The speed stopped her from melting.

“You okay?”
“It was quick anyway.”
He grabs an Elite Lock from storage and gives a lock pick to her.

“I’ll help you through it.”

She puts the lockpick in.

“Ok. Put it all the way in. It will click, then you wait 3 seconds and turn it right
quickly. After that, you take it out, wait 2.5 seconds, and turn it left. Put it all the
way in. When it clicks, turn it right at a 110-degree angle and turn left quickly.
Take it out. Wait 5 seconds and put it all the way in. It will click.”

“Now you will do all of it in reverse.”

“Okay. Now put the second key lock up for 7 seconds. Put the first key lock for 3
seconds. All of it will click.”

“Put it all the way in. Turn left at a 110-degree angle.”

She unlocks the Elite Lock.

“No problem.”

“What is your business phone number for the therapy?”

“It’s 7706-6639-9090.”

“What would be the fastest time you can do it?”

“I can do it tomorrow morning.”


Another boy, just talking about the man’s problems. I’ll see you soon, little bitch.

His Elite father works as always. Karen leaves the boy home alone for her
girlfriend. Poor father does not know she cheated.

She unlocks the Elite Lock. Silently opens the door. The sound of a dog licking.
An opened butter jar with a knife in it. Heavily breathing.

No way.

Shaking at every step towards the edge of the living room. Half of her face saw a
not-so-innocent child and the other foresaw an innocent child. She rubs her eyes
as if it was imagination. She checks again hoping to see the dog licking his foot
and the boy sleeping. Nothing changed. A monster in a boy’s body.

You are me but worse. I would never hurt a man’s best friend. They don’t need

She pulls out her dagger and jumps on him. The dog barks, and she barks a bark
that hurts her throat causing the dog to run away like a little bitch. Her sharp
dagger waits on the boy’s throat to rip young skin for the first time.

“You made me despise men even more.”

“My daddy can kill you.”

“Yeah, sure.”

She sliced his neck’s carotid arteries and held him by the neck roaring and
throwing him at the TV. The TV falls on him. She goes to find the dog and says
sorry for barking at him. She pets him and gives him a bath. She washes his

You shouldn’t be treated like this. I promise you I am gonna take care of you to
the best of my ability. No one will treat you like this. That I promise you. I don’t
care if I failed boy #1. You were worth it.

The dog gets wet again due to her wailing like an emotional bitch. She knew it
was the right time to. Even the dog wails like an emotional bitch. He licks her.
She chuckles while tears come down her mouth. The tears get drunk on her
because she is trying to remove the flaw. She hugs him tightly, so they are never
alone or treated poorly.

She drives back to her house with the dog on her lap sleeping.

“Hey, wakey. Wakey.”

He wakes up. She opens the door. He goes wild and bounces at every turn.
Freedom describes it. He went to the backyard and back. Then again. She grabs
a house shoe from her car. She instantly goes into a running stance.

“Wakey! Capture!”

He sprints like a cheetah. Eyes on target. All the slumbers he utilizes as energy.
He breathes such as a human driving him to stay at the same swift pace. The
house shoe descends from 9 houses down. He makes his stance ready to jump
any second now. The perfect time to jump. He jumps a lengthy jump and opens
his jaws his vastest to capture it. A little more there. It went underneath and
struck him in the crotch provoking him to slam the fence head first smashing
through. He went inanimate like a toy. His large tongue out. Eyes drowned out.

“Wakey! You okay?”

She sprints with the fastest stance to bring him back. The neighbor upstairs ran
outdoors to see what ensued. Solely the busted fence despite them. He dials the
police before he could press the call button. She sliced his neck’s carotid
arteries. She gets gloves with his wife’s prints on them, grabs a knife from their
kitchen, slices him again, and puts the knife at his wife’s bedside. She uses a
digital tool to see the handprint she placed on him and removes it. She throws
the body to the neighbor behind the house, then she fixes the fence with
noiseless tools. She gets on the fence and uses a tool to cover her shoe prints
and his paw prints. She carries the dog and pats him.
“I got you, Wakey. When we change this country everything will be perfect I
swear to you.”

They get back to her house. She opens the front door and heads to the living
room putting him down on the couch

“Let me get ice.”

She lays the ice on his head. He wakes up and points with his paw to his crotch.

“There? I see.”

He barks.


He barks again. The floor upstairs rumbles and shakes. Cracks and rips. Water
drips on her. The bathroom literally came to her. She took the dog and ran out of

“Oh, Rose.”

“That’s not my name anymore.”


“No, Weaken! Genesis.”

“Hey, call me daddy.”

“You deserved it for saying that stupid name.”

“That’s my man.”
“Sorry. I was trying to fix the bathroom. Not kill you.”
“I know, but you could have killed someone else.”

“Is that Lucky?”

“No, dad. It’s a different dog that looks like him.”

“What’s the name?”


“It could have been a badass name.”

“It’s not for that.”

“How will he be protected if he can’t protect himself? Those kinds of dogs are not
the type to lie around all day in the house napping. He needs to be with you.
Your brother has a brother to back him up. Where’s your backup?”

“I’m not gonna show him this cruel world! I promised him!.”

“And how long will that be? A year? Bullshit! Remember what happened to

“I don’t hear anything! Hearing nothing!”

She goes to the basement and slams the door hard making the hinges go loose.

Wakey will be next if she doesn’t train him. I guess I’ll do it.

“My father is annoying sometimes, but overall he is awesome.”

“How do I feel? I feel scared. And about? I can’t get her out of my fucking head.
That woman in the gas station. Her showing her weak side reminded me that I
have a weak side too. I’m scared that I will be weak again. And that man. Fuck.”
“I’m gonna involve my brothers into the cult if it means I’m a hypocrite to our goal.
My father wouldn’t let them if he knew there would be words. No action. I’m not
saying he’s lazy. He is just old, that's all. A man with honest words. He couldn’t
save me that day, but I don’t blame him.”

“Shield, adore, and remain with Wakey. Don’t forget these promises, me. Don’t

“I’m gonna train best now.”

“End recording #1 of 2047.”

She does 180 push-ups in a row, 16 minutes of one-legged wall sits, 50 lifts of
200-pound weights, and 1 hour of running at her fastest without slowing down
and with the dog while he slowed down. She was sweating to the bone. She
focuses her veins to focus on the muscles. Her nipples are hard as a blade. Her
stance and posture were tearing great. Her breathing intensely electrifies her.
Her robot, which looks like her mother, punches her abs to gravitate them
activating every muscle fiber to be used to its fullest potential. Music heightened
the motions making her go further. She enters a flow state. Fully immersed. Full
involvement. Nothing distracts her. Unthinking action.

Her brother came down. He knew he shouldn’t distract her.

She drank 6 bottles of water and ate brown rice and roast beef and seaweed with
spicy soy sauce and a dash of garlic, black pepper, and red pepper flakes with a
Dr. Pepper. She gives him spicy dog treats. He rushed to get water. She
chuckles like a fox and puts her hands on her mouth.

“Can’t handle it?”

Interview #2: The Angels Rape

The Demons
“Men became like Sparta warriors once again. Women became
puppies on leash once again. Some women and men are used for
their experiments because they didn’t follow the rules.
Experiment #1000: Half-Human And Half Animal. Experiment
#179: The Limit Of The Human Psyche. Experiment #679: Mind
Control. Experiment #794: The Smart To Retards. Experiment
#841: Gay To Straight. Experiment #982: All Fantasies. Only
these experiments were exposed to the public by Anonymous.
Who knows what other experiments they did? The government’s
white hat hackers tried to stop those videos of the
experiments from going deeper, but the damage has already
been done. People from other countries saw the Americas as
not the land of opportunity anymore. The land of the

Boy #2. Your typical white boy. The father looks innocent in many ways and a
man with few words. His great-grandfather was Donald Trump. The second
father is the same as the father. Her mother was Rose in the Titanic movie. The
mansion is a quarter of the size of the Titanic. With 6 garages. The front door is
the biggest in the world. Another father? A throuple? This father talks so much
but looks innocent in many ways too. His father was 6ix9ine. The strangest
combination I have ever seen. 3 boys in a throuple? This little bitch will be hard.

The girls will be done by my brothers. I haven’t told them about them. I am a
hypocrite for my hatred for men, and yet I am with men. No man should rule.
Weak men should die. Strong men should obey us. Every member that wants to
join has to kill the men they know to prove they are a Realistic. Genesis did,
Rose didn’t. I faked their death photographs by killing other men. One looked like
my dad. Two looked like my brothers.

A hypocrite will be sawed in half to the head to the genitals, then they cook and
eat the body to steal the strength that made them and make it their own. They
add seasonings and drink soda pops. Before they cook the body they remove
hair and organs. The eyes, ears, hair, and nails are put up in The Collection Of
Hypocrites. The Collection Of Traitors will make their whole body unrottable. If
you ate the body, you would be the same as the traitor. The reason we can eat
the body of a hypocrite is that their family’s men are already dead, and they fear
the leader’s wrath. I ate the man at the gas station, but I would never eat a man’s
body, only the spirit of a man in a woman's body. She lives in me.


“The biggest benefit of Elite warriors. It is peaceful because fewer cars are being
driven, but unnerving at the same time because you never know those Elite
warriors could turn on us. I consider them a separate species. Just the same we
thought of robots instead it was men. The men that we trusted. Our sons. Our
husbands. Yet all of them betrayed us for a better man. Was it worth the
sacrifice? Why not us? WHY NOT ME AS PRESIDENT!! WHY!!”

A speech from the leader a week ago aggressively pounds echoing into my 2
souls like a dagger in the eye trying to twist and push inwards repeatedly every 2
seconds, but the eye nonetheless notices her through that dagger, but her vision
withers and glimpses the trapped essence behind her grinning intensely and
hugs her squeezing her tightly. She was there but also was near. She doesn’t
see her anymore just her.

Okay. Those fucking gays don’t go outside often. How am I gonna them out? Or
do I just go in there when they are asleep? I can handle fags, but boy #1 will be
linked to this. I guarantee.

Oh, I know. Let’s see if they are wanking each other off. Yep. Music to disguise
the moans. I got to give the gays credit for that at least. No one child needs to
hear your moans. This is too easy. Ok. Never mind. What are you getting? Ok,
oh my… That is… Yeah. How in the hell can that fit your…? Good. Go back to
your orgy.

Easy lock. Where is boy #2’s room? Please… please. Be this one.

She opens the door slowly like a kid trying to go downstairs without waking the
parents. She grins immense.

I will overpower them finally again.


The woman of the house opens the door to a faceless, hairless, and earless Elite
Hunter. A head mask that doesn’t get off for discipline. It uses real skin from
babies that were retarded, so it doesn’t matter. All of it is to conceal identity and
engrave fear and accord examples of who didn’t listen to the rules and show
maybe those retarded babies weren’t for nothing, but still, they were retarded.
Their amygdala was removed. They are fearless and don’t question their orders
from the president they just do it. They get an artificial amygdala where they keep
their aggressiveness, expressiveness, reward processing, and decision-making
but no concept of fear.

“Your son can not go out of school for 4 days, lady”

“He’s sick.”

“Well, there have been reports of his teachers and students saying that he is
getting obese.”

“He is running inside!”

He uses his super speed and instantly finds him with 3 Titan Burgers opened
with chocolate milk.

“At least he is drinking milk for STRONG BONES! He could be a sumo wrestler!”

She flexes her arm in his face.

“You know the rules! 100 push-ups and 3 hours of walking. Today! To make sure
of that I’m placing these cameras on the ceiling, so it is accurate as possible if he
doesn’t do it he will be starving to death in Elite Prison!

“I’ll make sure he does it.”

“He better! He has good genes, and we don’t waste that pristine potential.”
“I won’t let him waste that potential.”


He quickly and secretly injects a truth serum into her.

“One question I have. Cults involving the government are spreading around. Are
you part of one?”

“No, I’m not.”

“That’s all I wanted to know.”

It’s just bitches.

That little bitch did it for me. I don’t need to take off the shirts.

She lays her backpack on the shelf and unzips it to get her dildo with a strap. The
dildo locks it in place. Her face is like O=w=O.



She puts her knife on his throat. He knew it was time to be quiet.

“Do you know what your parents were doing?”

His head turns right and left repeatedly.

“It’s the same thing I’m going to do to you, chubby little bitch.”

He had abs, but she wanted to hurt his feelings that it didn’t mean anything.

“What’s your name?


“Okay, Danny. Don’t drop the soap.”

She hands him the soap, then she takes it and throws it at the farthest corner of
the room.

“Don’t let it drop on the floor!”

He sprints and leaps for it. The rug burns him and hits his foot on the chair which
causes his biggest toenail to shatter and dislocated his left hand. Despite all of
that he still tries to get the soap. He was more worried about the soap than the
pain. The little bitch grabs it too quickly due to that the grip failed its one job to
bear. His left hand conveniently was on target for the soap. He makes sure for
certain he doesn’t grab it too quickly but slowly like carrying a baby boy. Even
though, he grabbed it slowly. The grip of his left hand was nonexistent due to the
dislocation. The soap slips off his hand. It is hairs away from the ground. He
quickly gets his right hand to get the fly zapper from the desk.

It was three hairs away from the ground. He got the fly zapper under in time and
flips the soap in the air and continues doing it. It wasn’t over yet. He has to catch
it now. He tosses the fly zapper and wipes off the soap on the right hand from his
jacket, so his grip is ready and makes sure he captures it slowly.

“Impressive, little bitch.”

Now he notices the pain and falls to the floor and fondles his toe and tries to pop
his dislocated hand in place, but he fails and snaps it in a worse direction. He
screams and she covers his mouth. She puts her middle finger on her mouth.
Saying shut up and fuck you at once.

“You know it is a crime to cry. I know it doesn’t matter since you are a boy with
an extra chromosome.”

He turns his head right and left repeatedly.

“Yeah, it is good genes, little bitch. Why can’t you take a joke? You’re a man for
God’s sake. Even, I am more manly than you.”

Interview #3: The Gay Brothers

“If men are discriminating toward women, it is fine and
appropriate in fact it is encouraged for men to get their
feelings out because keeping your emotions in only makes you
burst out in your unmeasurable outrage which could lead to
school shootings or much worse. The government really does
not want their strong psychos to be Nick Avocado or James
Charles. They want the men to be not about mercy.
Interview #4: Capable Wakey
Interview #5: My Big Ass Won’t
Be Rapeable
“Social Justice Warriors were altered leaning to only boys; this change was in place due to the
government taking forth to the 20 million suicides of men of that year.”

Interview #6: Another Little


Interview #7: The Real Women

Will Thrive

Interview #8: The Angels Rape

The Angels

Interview #9: The Man That

Created Genesis
Interview #10: Rose Is A Good

Interview #11: Men Can Change

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