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viernes, 4 de marzo de 2022, 17:01
Sitio: Pregrado Presencial
 is the act of obtaining some product or service through a transaction.

It is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the use of resources and work activities in order to achieve
the objectives or goals of the organization in an ecient and effective manner.

Affinity diagram
This diagram is also known as KJ Diagram by the initials of its creator, Kawakita Jiro, it is an essential tool to order large
amounts of data.

A person who designs buildings.

Is a two-dimensional array of numbers. Since both the sum and the product of matrices can be defined, they are more generally said to be
elements of a ring.

Arrow diagram
It is used to graphically represent a network made up of the logical sequence of activities that need to be carried out to solve a
problem or achieve a goal.

It is a tool used to build executive information and decision support systems. It measures and analyzes the main performance
indicators of the organization and makes them known to those who make the decisions, in order to facilitate this task.

Systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the
extent to which the audit criteria are met.

Autocad is computer aided design software used for 2D drafting and 3D modeling. It is currently developed and marketed by the
company Autodesk.

Basic quality tools
Is a name given to a fixed set of graphical techniques identified as the most useful in solving quality-related problems.

Methodology used by improvement teams to identify and analyze exemplary practices of other organizations and adapt them to
the conditions of their own environment 1/11
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Methodology used by improvement teams to identify and analyze exemplary practices of other organizations and adapt them to
the conditions of their own environment.

It 's a methodology that is based on analyzing, visualizing and presenting a map of services. It is used to see the evolution of a
process or the provision of services through a flow chart.

It is any activity, occupation or method that aims to make a prot.

process of comparing the values ​obtained by a measuring instrument with the corresponding measurement of a reference standard

Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the specified requirements have been met.

Check sheets
It is a list of pre-established elements, which require to be evaluated. They are used to certify compliance with certain activities
or to assess the level of compliance with certain processes.

It is a person or entity that buys the goods and services offered by a company.


The collaborator is the number one ally that a company has; that is, they are the human capital in charge of streamlining
processes and optimizing the organization's business model.

Continuous improvement
Behavior by which it is sought to increase the quality of products, services or processes, through successive progress without
time limit.
Verification, inspection, control or intervention. It can also refer to dominance, command and preponderance, or regulation over
a system.

Control charts
It's a diagram used to examine whether a process is in a stable condition, or to ensure that it remains in that condition.

Control graphics
They serve to be able to analyze the behavior of different processes and to be able to foresee possible production failures by means of statistical

Counting table
It is a simple means of recording small samples of categorical data in an organized manner.
The information collected by a tally chart should be separated into categories.

It is made by hand and following traditional techniques

It is a person or company that acquires goods or services that is not necessarily the final consumer.
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Data table
They are tabulated formats, which allows to collect information in a methodical and systematic way,
so that it is easy to review and observe trends in behavior.
A final determination made in a matter.

Deming cycle
(Plan-Do-Check-Act) is an interactive problem-solving strategy to improve processes and implement changes; this is a method
of continuous improvements.

Design is the art of projecting the appearance, function and production of a functional object by means of graphic signs,
whether it is a two-dimensional object (posters, logos, animations, covers, etc.) or a three-dimensional object (buildings,
machinery, furniture, among others).

Design and development

Design creates the conceptual solution, and development transforms the solution into an operational model.

A drawing that explains or shows the parts of something.

Dispersion diagram
Shows what happens to one variable when another has changed. They are representations of two or more variables that are
organized in a graph, one as a function of the other.

That distributes a product for its commercialization, acting as an intermediary between the producer and the retailer.

The science that studies resources, wealth and their production, distribution and consumption in life.

Is the capability of producing a desired result.

Is the ability to achieve the effect in question with the minimum of possible viable resources.

Art and technique of applying scientific knowledge to the invention, design, improvement and management of new procedures
in industry and other scientific fields of application.

Process used to verify and measure the impact of others processes based on the fulfillment of pre-established objectives and
the characteristics of products and services.
Execution diagram
It seeks to find a hidden variable in a data set. They plot changes in a variable over time.

Execution period
refers tothe perfomance of all those tasks foreseen in the planning of this. in turn, these tasks. 3/11
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The state of looking forward to or waiting for something.

Establishment with the facilities and machinery necessary to manufacture, concoct, process or obtain a product

Failure analysis
It's a methodology that is used to estimate and predict the failures that may occur in a product that is in the design phase.

Represents the graphic schematization of an algorithm, which graphically shows the steps or processes to follow to reach the
solution of a problem.

It means strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is very important to analyze
each of these factors to correctly plan the growth of organizations. This is where analysis
comes into play.

A graph is a graphic representation of data. Visualizing data by means of graphs helps to detect patterns, trends, relationships
and data structures. 

They aim to show a frequency distribution of data obtained based on measurements, through a bar graph, indicating the number
of units in each category.

Private, non-profit multinational organization that works to promote standardization, certification, metrology and quality
management in Colombia.

It consists in realizing that it exists and that we can give it a solution. We can detect the problem ourselves (noticing situations
that we could improve), or it can be the result of a proposal.

Can be described as continuous, structured and systematic attention to quality in terms of its maintenance and improvement.

Industrial Revolution
It is a historical period of economic and social transformations, between 1760 and 1840, which triggered unprecedented
changes for societies around the world. It was characterized by the use of new technologies applied to mass production.

Economic and technical activity that consists of transforming raw materials into suitable products to satisfy human needs.

Is a process that modifies existing elements, ideas or protocols, improving them or creating new ones that have a favorable
impact on the market.

It involves visually verifying or checking a process, service or installation, its design, to assess its compliance with requirements
at a given time 4/11
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Inspection sheets
They are a tool for collecting and recording information, the data to be collected can be quantitative or qualitative

Ordered list of goods and other valuable things that belong to a person, company or institution.

Ishikawa of diagram
It focuses on cause-effect or "fishbone" to analyze a problem by identifying and categorizing all its possible causes.

Iso standars
Are a set of internationally recognized standards that were created with the aim of helping companies.


Action or activity of working.

Kaizen model
It is a process of continuous improvement based on concrete, simple and inexpensive actions, and that involves all the workers
of a company, from managers to base workers.

Kano model
Product development and customer satisfaction theory

Legal requirements
They are mandates that must be followed for products or services in order for them to be made legally available for sale.

Set of parts that make up a mechanism and that serve to put a device into operation.

Management is the scientific discipline that is studied by organizations. 

It is assuming and carrying out responsibilities over a process, this can be business or personal

Management system
Set of mutually related elements, used to establish the policy, define the objectives and achieve them.

A book giving instructions on how something works or on how to do something.

It is the result of converting raw materials into a product made through an industrial process

Manufacturing system
It is a set of activities that interact with a set of resources to obtain a product. The activities are the manufacturing processes: machining, material
handling and information processes; that are necessary for production.

Mass production
Was a revolutionary process in industrial production whose base is the assembly line, assembly line. 5/11
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A physical substance that things can be made from

It means evaluating to what extent the planned result has been achieved. And calculating efficiency implies examining the amount of material,
financial, technological and human resources that were allocated to the generation of the result.

Set of processes used to achieve a goal.

Action and effect of reducing

Model is an exemplar or form that the individual proposes and follows in the execution of an artistic work or in something else.
The term modelo is of Italian origin "model".

Careful examination or observation to check. 

Technique that allows optimizing production by giving a value chain to a product.

Occupational health
Activity that promotes the protection of the health of active people, trying to control accidents and illnesses caused by work performance and
reducing risk conditions.

Operations control
Shows the different component stages of the same

Operations research
Discipline that occupies the application of advanced analytical methods for making better decisions

Person who has a manual trade or requires physical effort, especially if he or she operates a machine in a factory or workshop.

It is the action of improving and making an activity or resource as ecient as possible.

They are administrative systems created to achieve goals or objectives with the support of the people themselves

Pareto chart
Based on the Pareto Principle, or the 80-20 Rule. In this diagram the data is dumped in descending order (highest to lowest, left
to right) in the form of bars. This determines the priorities.

PDCA cycle
It comes from the acronym of the words: Plan, Do, Check, Act. It is a systematic method for solving problems in order to
generate continuous quality improvement.

Decision-making process to achieve a desired future 6/11
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Poka Yoke
Is a mechanism that is put in place to prevent human error. 

 amount of money that allows the acquisition or use of a good or service

Prioritization matrix
This tool is used to choose between various options, based on predefined criteria and in a weighted manner.

Problem solving
Phase that involves the conclusion of a problem, passing first through the identification and solution of the problem.

Sequence of actions carried out to achieve a given goal. A process is then, in general, a series of operations carried out in a
specific order and with a common objective.

Thing produced naturally or artificially, or the result of a job or operation.

Is the economic activity that is responsible for transforming inputs to turn them into products.

Production system
It is a series of organized and related elements that interact with each other, these components are important in the production of a company.

is an orderly set of activities in order to meet certain needs or solve specific problems. 

Proportional allocation
Is the size of each stratum in the sample is proportional to the size in the population.

Project or idea that is presented to a person so that they accept it and give their consent to carry it out.

the fact of being very good or well made

Quality assurance
Part of quality management aimed at providing confidence that quality requirements will be met.

Quality audit
Systematic and independent examination in order to determine if the activities and results related to Quality satisfy the pre-
established provisions, and if these provisions are applied effectively and are appropriate to achieve the objectives.

Quality control
set of mechanisms, actions and tools used to detect the presence of errors

Quality costs
What it costs the organization to develop the quality function, that is, what it spends producing with quality (avoiding, preventing or detecting
errors, inspecting processes, etc.), and also what the errors produced cost.

Quality ethics
It would be given by the degree of contribution that it provides to the human development of an organization itself and others. 7/11
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Quality factor

Quality factor: element that contributes to increasing the quality of a product, be it a good or a service and/or the processes
required to obtain or provide it.

Quality function deployment

It's a methodology used in quality engineering to create products that adapt to the tastes and needs of the user.

Quality indicators
They are measuring instruments used to assess the quality of processes or products. Or put another way, they determine the level of achievement
of the objectives for which a series of specific activities have been deployed.

Quality management
Quality management is a set of actions and tools aimed at avoiding possible errors or deviations in the production process and
in the products or services obtained through it.

Quality planning
Process that ensures that these goods, services and internal processes meet customer expectations.

Quality tools
Quality tools are used to define, measure, analyze and propose solutions to identified problems.

Document that provides objective evidence of the activities carried out or the results obtained

Create sequences and processes to establish, establish and regulate new ways of managing the administrative processes of a company.

Relationship diagram
This tool is extremely useful for the analysis of a problem in which its causes are interrelated in a complex way.

Effect or thing that results from a certain action, operation, process or event.

Root cause analysis

Analysis of the 5 whys, systematically seeks to investigate until reaching the heart of the matter.

Running graphics
Is a graph of all observations by operator and part number. The gage runs chart is one of the most useful charts you can use to evaluate
measurement differences between different operators and different parts.

Safety at work
It is a technical discipline that encompasses the set of techniques and procedures that aim to eliminate or reduce the risk of
workplace accidents.


Selection of a set of people or things that are considered representative of the group to which they belong, in order to study or
determine the characteristics of the group.

A pleasant feeling that you get when you receive something you wanted, or when you have done something you wanted to do 8/11
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That conforms to the principles and methods of science or is related to it

Benefit that satisfies some human need and that does not consist in the production of material goods.

Six sigma
Six Sigma is a data-driven method that examines the repetitive processes of companies and aims to bring quality to levels close
to perfection.

Deepens the theoretical, technical and methodoligical level in an area of a professional discipline. 

Document that establishes the requirements that a product or service must meet.

accounting records and are an important part of the formalization of companies.

Stadistic control
Through statistical control, the information is analyzed to detect the assignable causes that influence the process and predict when the product
can actually be modified.

To make things of the same type have the same basic features

Statistical sampling
Technique for the selection of a sample from a statistical population

Statistics consists of methods, procedures and formulas that allow the collection of information to later analyze it and draw
relevant conclusions from it. 

Strategic planning
Process that allows an organization to define its mission, describe your environment, identify your main keys strategic and
develop action plans.

They are an effective method that helps companies to meet market demands, as well as to make their activities effective

Stratified sample
It is a graphic tool that allows classifying the elements of a similar population, dividing them into strata. This stratification makes
it possible to analyze in detail the structure of a population.

Body that supplies a product to a customer.

Process by which it is intended to order a series of elements, steps, stages, etc.

Systemic learning
It is the type of thought or analysis with a systemic vision, that is, of the dynamics of systems, where it is sought to understand
the functioning from the set of the parts as a whole, through the scientific method. 9/11
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To arrange information in the form of a table

Person who teaches or forms, especially one from whom very valuable teachings are received

Technique is the set of procedures, rules, norms, actions and protocols that aims to obtain a determined and effective result,
whether in the field of computing, science, art, sports, education or in any other activity. .

a piece of equipment you use to do a particular job.

Total quality
Total quality is a management system, where applying the principle of quality in each of the activities.

Ability to track the history, application or location of whatever is under consideration

deal or agreement bt which two parties reach a commercial agreement, usually of sale.

Tree diagram
It allows to obtain a systematic vision of the problem, its structure is similar to the organization chart. At the top level, the main
objective to be achieved is placed and then it is broken down into branches.

 that which varies or is subject to change of some kind

Verification sheets
It is a form with a table or diagram format, intended to record and compile data through a simple and systematic method, such as the annotation
of marks associated with the occurrence of certain events. This data collection technique is prepared in such a way that its use is easy and
interferes as little as possible with the activity of the person who performs the registration.

A written promise from a company or a person to repair or replace a product that you buy from them if it develops a fault within
a fixed period of time

Done working; especially intellectual, scientific or technical.

Work environment
Are the conditions that are experienced within the work environment and/or productive activity.

It is the physical and mental effort that a technician uses to manufacture, maintain or repair a good, in particular a machine

It is participatory and based on human relations, it aims to understand the worker as an integral being who cannot separate his
work life from his personal life.

Todos los derechos Reservados. UNIMINUTO 2022 10/11
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Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a Inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional
Personeria Jurídica: Resolución 10345 del 1 de Agosto de 1990 MEN 11/11

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