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Gibson Ridge Software

for Dummies!!! (like me)

Version 1.3
March 22, 2012

Made by Kevin Skow, NWS WFO Des Moines
This is intended to be a refresher presentation to the
GR program. It doesn’t cover every single feature in
the program, but hits on those that I have found the
most useful. This manual was made for GR2 Analyst;
GR2 works similarly, but is missing a few features and
some settings are in different locations. GR3
operates quite differently and is not covered here.

Hopefully all of you can glean some new information

and tricks on using the GR program from this
presentation. With the right setup, GR can be a very
powerful program.
Table of Contents
• Layout of the Program
• Site Selection
• Loading Radar Imagery
• Saving Radar Imagery after an Event
• Loading Additional Overlays
• Navigating through the Radar Data
• Viewing Options
• Editing Settings
Layout of the Program
Menu Bar Toolbar

Color Table Product


Radar Display Window Status Bar

Layout of the Program
Component Descriptions

• Main Menu
– Access to almost all of the settings for GR
• Toolbar
– Shortcuts to the most common options (loading data,
animation, viewing options, and storm motion). Mousing
over each shortcut gives its description.
• Color Table
– Color table for the currently selected product
• Radar Display Window
– Displays the currently loaded data
Layout of the Program
Component Descriptions
Product Information
Site ID, time of the volume scan and elevation sweep, VCP, and
the user-set storm motion

Available products to choose from

Available tilts to choose from

Status Bar Height of Radar

Beam at Cursor
Shapefile Data at Cursor Azimuth
and Range from Cursor Readout Lat and Lon of
Cursor (ex. Road of Pixel Value Live Data Polling
Name) Radar Cursor Status

Back to Table of Contents

Site Selection
Changing Sites and Startup Site

• In Menu Bar go to Site -> Select…

– Choose your site from the list that opens
– You can also change to a nearby site by clicking on the
radar ID in the Radar Display Window
• To change the startup site
– Go to Site -> Settings…
– In the Startup Site box, click
Change and select the site
from the provided list
– Click OK once done
Site Selection
Favorite Sites

• User-defined favorite radars will be displayed in the

Site menu
– Note: Sites will always be displayed in
alphabetical order by site ID
• To configure Favorites:
– Go to Site -> Settings
– In the Favorite Sites box, click Add
– Select the site from the list and click OK
• You will have to do this for each site
– To remove a site from your favorites, select
the site from your list and click Remove
– Click OK in the Site Settings box when done

Back to Table of Contents

Loading Radar Imagery
Loading Archived Data

• In Menu Bar go to File -> Open

• Click the icon on the Toolbar
– Navigate to the folder containing the data, use the shift key to
highlight the desired time range, then click open
• You can also drag and drop the radar files you wish to load
directly from the Windows Explorer into GR.
• Note: If you are polling live data, you must turn off polling to
load archived data.
Loading Radar Imagery
Loading Live Data

• To start downloading live data

– Go to File -> Start Polling ( on the Toolbar)
– Note: A polling site must have been set up beforehand—this should be
either the CRH site or the IEM feed
• To load previous volume scans
– Go to File -> Start Archiver ( on the Toolbar)
– To configure how many volume scans GR downloads and how often it
polls for data, see the Editing Settings section
• To stop live polling without shutting GR down
– Go to File -> Stop Polling ( on the Toolbar)

Back to Table of Contents

Loading Additional Overlays

• Shapefiles are static GIS files that are meant to be

additions to the overlays already provided in GR
– Shapefiles require both a “shape file” and a “style file”
– To load a shapefile, go to GIS -> Load ShapeFile
– The Shape File Loader box will open

Continued on the Next Page

Loading Additional Overlays

• In the left hand box, click the button and navigate

to the directory containing the shape file. Select the
shape file and click Open
• Perform the same steps for the right hand box, but
this time navigating to the location of the style file
(many times they are in the same directory).
• Once both of these are loaded, click the Import
Example on the Next Page
Loading Additional Overlays
Shapefiles Example: Loading CWA Roads

• From the Shape File Loader window, click the button on the
left side.
Loading Additional Overlays
Shapefiles Example: Loading CWA Roads

• Navigate to G:\GibsonRidge\Shapefiles\Roads
• Select the “dmx-cwa-roads.shp” file. Click Open
Loading Additional Overlays
Shapefiles Example: Loading CWA Roads

• Next, click the button on the right side.

Loading Additional Overlays
Shapefiles Example: Loading CWA Roads

• GR will open the same directory that the shape file was in
• In this case, there is only one style file to choose from
• Select this file (“tigerroads-new.sty”) and click Open
Loading Additional Overlays
Shapefiles Example: Loading CWA Roads
• Finally, click Import
• Once the shapefile has loaded in the Radar Display Window, click Close

• To avoid the “double highways”, click off Show Base Roads under the GIS menu.
See the GIS Menu page for more information.
Loading Additional Overlays

• Placefiles are custom text files that are specifically

designed for GR
– Can be either static files (spotter residences, law
enforcement locations, etc.) or dynamically updated on a
server (surface obs, SPC outlooks and watches, webcam
images, etc.)
• To load either type of placefile, make sure the
Windows -> Show Placefile Manager option is
checked. When it is checked, a small window should
open up on the screen.
Continued on Next Page
Loading Additional Overlays
Placefiles: Loading

• Click the button on the Placefile Manager window

– The following window will open

– To load a static (saved) placefile, click the button and

navigate to the file on the computer.
– To load a placefile located on the Internet, simply paste the
address to the placefile in the text field (to the left of the
– Click OK when done.
Repeat the process above for each placefile
Loading Additional Overlays
Placefiles: Managing

• Each placefile will be listed in the Placefile Manager window

– To reorder the placefiles, click the placefile in the
window and click either the or buttons
– To remove a placefile, select the placefile and click
the button
– The left checkbox next to each placefile toggles
whether the placefile is visible on the map
– The right checkbox toggles whether the placefile is
visible above (unchecked) or below (checked) the
radar image.
Loading Additional Overlays
Placefile Locations
• Online Placefiles
• ASOS/AWOS/RWIS/Meosnet Obs, SPC Outlooks and Watches, LSRs, Storm Report Generator (VERY COOL)
• SPC Outlooks/Mesoscale Discussions/Watches and Surface Observations
• Iowa surface obs (all networks), webcam images, NEXRAD Level 3 attributes
• Spotter Network locations and reports
Loading Additional Overlays

• Backgrounds consist of a bitmap image (.bmp) and a text file

with latitude and longitude coordinates
– The coordinates give the upper and lower bounds of the image
(latitude) and the left and right bounds of the image (longitude)
• To load a background image:
– Go to GIS -> Settings -> Background...
– Navigate to the location of the image on the computer (yellow arrow)
– Type/paste the bounds of the image into the boxes at the bottom of
the window (blue arrow) from the text
Loading Additional Overlays
GIS Data

• All of the overlays in GR can be turned on or off

– Click any item in the GIS menu to turn it on or off
Loading Additional Overlays
Hail and MDA Icons

• GR uses its own algorithms to calculate expected hail

size and any mesos/TVSs, which are plotted on the
radar display.
• These can be turned on or off using the respective
buttons on the toolbar (below) or the View -> Show
Hail Icons and View -> Show MDA Icons menu

MDA Icons Hail Icons

Navigating through Radar Data
Animating Images

• The Toolbar contains the animation controls for the looping

the data
Play/Pause Loop
First Image in Last Image in
Sequence Sequence

Previous Image Next Image

• To control looping speeds, see the Editing Settings section

• Shortcut: You can also step through the images by clicking the Radar
Display Window and using the left and right arrows on the keyboard

Back to Table of Contents

Navigating through Radar Data
Different Elevation Angles

• There are two ways to change which elevation you

are viewing:
1. Simply click the desired tilt on the Product Information panel
2. Shortcut: To scroll through the different tilts for a given product, click
the current tilt with your mouse. There will now be a dotted box
around the number (see image below). Now you can use your arrow
keys to scroll through the tilts.
- Down and Right: Move up in the volume scan
- Up and Left: Move down in the volume scan
Navigating through Radar Data
Different Products

• There are three ways to go about changing products

– Simply click the radio button next to the product on the Product Information
– Shortcut: To quickly scroll through multiple products at a given elevation
angle, click the currently displayed product in the Product Information panel—
you’ll note that there is now a dotted box around the initials for the product
(see image below)
• You can now use the arrow keys to quickly scroll through the products.
The Right and Down arrows move down the list, while Left and Up keys
move up the list
– You can also use the keyboard shortcut
keys for each product. The key that
corresponds to each product is
underlined in the list
– Example: Reflectivity = R, Velocity = V
Storm Relative Velocity = S
Navigating through Radar Data
Notes on GR Products
• GR calculates a number of Level III products using Level II data
Level II Products Ingested by GR Level III Products Produced by GR
• Base Reflectivity (BR) • Storm Relative Velocity (SRM)
• Base Velocity (BV) • Differential Phase Shift (KDP)
• Spectrum Width (SW) • Echo Tops (ET)
• Differential Reflectivity (ZDR) • Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL/DVIL)
• Correlation Coefficient (RHO) • Probability of Severe Hail (POSH)
• Phase Shift (PHI) • Maximum Estimated Hail Size (MEHS)
• Normalized Rotation (NROT)
• Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm (HCA)

• Dual Pol Notes

– Correlation coefficient is called RHO in GR, not CC
– An extra dual-pol product is available in GR that is not viewable in AWIPS. This is phase
shift, or PHI. This is the differential phase shift product before a distance derivative is
applied to the data
– Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm is listed as a product in GR2A, but is currently not
available. Maybe this will be calculated in the future??

Back to Table of Contents

Viewing Radar Data
Zooming and Panning

• To Zoom
– Click in the Radar Display Window and use the scroll wheel on the
mouse to zoom to a particular point
– Click the button on the Toolbar, then create a zoom rectangle on
the Radar Display Window
– Use the zoom controls on the Toolbar
Zoom Completely Out
Zoom In

Zoom Out
• To Pan
– Click the button on the Toolbar, the click and drag on the Radar
Display Window to move the image around
Viewing Radar Data

• You can view radar data in one, two, or four separate panels in
the Radar Display Window, much like the four panel display in
– Windows -> One Panel to view one window
– Windows -> Two Panels to view two panels side by side
– Windows -> Four Panels to view four panels in the window
• To add a product to each panel, click the panel (it becomes
highlighted with a thin black box) and choose the desired
product and elevation from the Product Information panel
Viewing Radar Data
Cross Sections (GR2A Only)

• Cross sections can currently be made of the BR, BV, SRM, and
SW products.
• Click the button on the Toolbar to activate the cross section
• Click and drag your mouse across the area you wish to make a
cross section of. Release the mouse button when finished.
• A separate cross-section window will open up.
Viewing Radar Data
Cross Section Window Panel

Product to load as a cross section

The cross section’s width and height

3D: Cross section is displayed with the underlying base

reflectivity image. Can be rotated freely with the mouse.
2D: Cross section only

Position: Moves the cross section back and forth in the

horizontal. Is moved on a line tangential to its orientation.
Swing: Pivots the cross section on its left axis by about 30° in
either direction

Turns smoothing on and off. Note: will only work if

smoothing is activated on the main program window

Syncs the cross section with the currently displayed

time in the main window
Viewing Options
Cross Section Window Notes

• If environmental data is available, GR will plot the 0°C and

-20° levels on the cross section as yellow and red lines,
• The status bar at the bottom of the cross section window is
almost identical to the one in the main program
• Unfortunately, there is no easy way to capture screenshots of
cross sections. The easiest ways are by using the Microsoft
Snipping Tool or hitting the Print Screen key (and pasting the
image into an image program).
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display (GR2A Only)

• Volumetric displays allow you to get a 3D look at a storm.

• Like cross sections, volumetric displays are only available for
BR, BV, SRM, and SW.
• To create a volumetric display, click the icon on the
• Move your mouse to where you want the center of the cross
section to be, then click and drag outward. A box will grow
outward with your cursor showing the area that will be
• When you let go of your mouse button, the volumetric display
will open in a new window.
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display (GR2A Only)

• The volumetric display window consists of four parts



Radar Display
Status Bar
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Radar Display
• The Radar Display shows a smoothed three dimensional radar image on
top of the 0.5° image of that product
• Click and drag your mouse on the display to rotate the image
• Like a cross section, the 0°C and -20°C lines are plotted if the data is
available as yellow and red lines, respectively
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Product Information Panel and Status Bar

• Product Information Panel

Date and time of the volume scan start

Available products to select from

Lit Volume: View the storm using multiple

transparent layers, which can be set by the user
(see the color table section for more)
Isosurface: Only display data that is of a certain
value (again, see the color table section for more)

• The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the window and

displays you cursor’s lat. and lon. and azimuth/range from
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Toolbar

• Toolbar
Light Settings
Change the ambient light and
Sync with Main Window light angle. Play with this until
your heart is content
Save Image

Animation Controls
Volume Display Settings Volume Alpha Settings
You shouldn’t have to change Controls how the 3-D image
anything in here other than sky looks, more on that on the
color following pages
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors
• Click on the icon on the Toolbar. The Volume Alpha window will open
• The color scale is oriented along the bottom of the window, with a line
stretching from the left to right side of the window. This line controls the
transparency of the colors
• The closer to the top of the window the line is, the more opaque the color
directly under the line is; the closer the line is to the bottom of the
window, the more transparent the color under it becomes.
• You use a series of click and drags with your mouse in the window to edit
the transparency of colors

Completely Opaque

Examples on
Completely Transparent Next Pages
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors
• Let’s look at a few examples and the resulting volume images

– When you first open the Volume Alpha window,

it will likely look something like this
(unless you’ve already edited it):

And the volume image looks like this:

But we can
make this so
much better…
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors
• Let’s get rid of the low reflectivity values

– Click and drag the cursor along the bottom of

the window over the lower end of the scale to
make the low values transparent

And the volume image now looks like this:

Somewhat better,
but the green is still
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors
• Let’s lower the strength of the green and make it more transparent

– Move the cursor a few shades of green up the

scale, then drag a little ways off the bottom until
you reach the yellows to make the rest of the greens

And the volume image now looks like this:

Getting there, let’s

do the same to the
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors
• Now let’s make the yellows more transparent

– Move the cursor a few shades of yellow up the

scale, then drag a little ways off the bottom until
you reach the oranges to make the rest of the yellows
nearly transparent

And the volume image now looks like this:

That green is still a

bit much…
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors
• Now let’s make the greens more transparent

– Drag the cursor along the spike over the green to

dampen it out a bit. Also drag the cursor over the
rest of the greens to make them more transparent

And the volume image now looks like this:

You’re probably
getting the drift of
what we’re doing.
Let’s look at some
final products…
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors

• Hail Detection
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors

• See All Levels

Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors

• Base Velocity
– Note that the transparency effects are
applied to both inbound and outbound

From the July 11

Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Lit Volume Colors

• Saving your Settings

– Once you’ve edited the transparency to your liking, you
can save your settings by right clicking the Volume Alpha
window and clicking “Save Alpha Table…”
– You can then load your saved settings by right clicking the
table and selecting them from the list on the pop up menu
– The settings only work for the product they were created
for (i.e. You can’t load the saved settings for a reflectivity
product on a velocity image)

Tip: When editing the transparency curve on the Volume Alpha

window, the exact value your cursor is at is displayed at the very top of
the window
Viewing Options
Volumetric Display: Editing the Isosurface
• To change the isosurface values, simply click and drag the triangle located
under the color table on the Volume Alpha window

• Examples
Viewing Options

• Markers are useful for setting the SRM and measuring

distances between points.
• To set a marker, right click on the Radar Display Window at
the spot you want to place the marker. A menu will open up
(see image below).
• Click “Place Marker Here”.
• To remove the marker, right click the
marker and select “Remove Marker”
Viewing Options
Home Markers

• GR will erase any marker you set after exiting the program
• To set a marker that GR will remember the next time you
open the program:
– Right click where you want to set the marker and click
“Place Home Here”
– To remove the Home marker, right click the marker and select
“Remove Home”
• By default, GR measures distances in the Toolbar
from the radar, but you can also have GR measure
distances from the marker or home point.
– Right click anywhere in the Radar Display
Window and choose from one of the three
options near the bottom (red box)
Viewing Options
Setting Storm Motion for SRM Velocity

• To set the storm motion manually

– Click the icon in the Toolbar.
– A window will pop up allowing you to enter the storm’s
motion and speed (Note: Storm motion should be the
direction the storm is COMING from)
• To have GR calculate the storm motion
– Right click in the middle of storm (or edge, as long as you are
consistent in step 3) and set a marker there
– Advance several frames forward and backward
– Right click on that region of the storm again and in the menu that
opens up, select “Storm Motion from Marker”
Viewing Options
Smoothing and Dealiasing

• To turn smoothing on and off for certain products, click the

on the Toolbar or go to View -> Smoothing
• To turn dealiasing on or off for velocity products, click the
on the Toolbar or go to View -> Dealias Velocity
Viewing Options
Saving Images

• Go to File -> Save Image—there will be four options

– Entire Window: Captures the whole screen
– Colors, Radar, Info: Captures the color table, radar display window,
and product information panel
– Colors and Radar: Captures the color table and radar display window
– Radar Only: Captures the radar display window

Back to Table of Contents

Editing Settings
Color Tables

• To change the color table of a particular product:

– First, display the product you wish to change (Z, V, SRM, etc) on the
Radar Display Window
– Then navigate to View -> Set Color Table…
– Navigate to the directory that contains the color table and select it
– Repeat this process for each product
– Many color tables are stored under the G:\GibsonRidge\Color Tables
– Play around and try them out!
Editing Settings
Configure Polling

• Navigate to File -> Configure Polling

– You cannot be downloading live data while changing these options
• The window that opens up will display the sources of Level II
data. The buttons on the right allow you to add/remove new
sources and change their priority (top source is used first)
• There are three configurable options on the bottom:
– Polling Interval: How often GR
checks for new radar data
– Retain Files for: How long GR will
keep the files it downloads before
discarding them
– Keep in Memory: How many scans
GR will keep in memory that will
be available for animating
Editing Settings
Warning Colors

• To change how warnings look on the screen:

– Go to View -> Warning Settings…
– The window below will open
– The warning server shouldn’t need to be touched
– To change the color of the warning, click the colorized box
next to the warning.
– To change the width of the
warning polygon, change
the number in the pixels
– Click Apply to see the
changes on the screen.
Editing Settings
Animation Settings

• Very useful for controlling zoom settings and looping speeds

• Go to View -> Animation Settings…
– Zoom Steps: How smooth the zooming. Higher numbers = smoother
– Zoom Amount: How much the program zooms in or out with each click/turn
of the mouse wheel. I have found that a value of 1.20 is good to use.
– Speed: How fast the images loop
– Hold Last: How long GR holds the last image in a loop
Editing Settings
GIS Icons

• All of the overlays in GR can be edited

– The settings for each variable are under the GIS -> Settings
– These settings include font color,
font style, and line color.
– City Labels defines the types
of cities shown at a particular
zoom level
– Always Show List defines what
cities are always shown regardless
of the zoom level
Editing Settings
Algorithm Settings

• The way in which GR calculates VIL and echo tops can

be changed
– Algorithms -> Algorithm Settings…
– Max VIL DBZ: Maximum DBZ to be used in calculating VIL
– Echo Tops DBZ: Lowest DBZ to be used in calculating echo
Editing Settings
Environmental Settings

• GR downloads 0° and -20° C heights from the RUC

when polling radar data in order to calculate hail
– These heights can be found at Algorithms -> Environment Settings…
– Dates that data were downloaded on in the past are viewable on the
left column
– Once the date is selected, the data
for each hour is viewable on the
right window

Back to Table of Contents

The End!!!

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