Next Generation Science Standards: Human Impact

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Video Project (Spring 2022) Point Value = 30 Points

No late assignments will be accepted.

Your project must be submitted to me by Friday (March 4, 2022)
Next Generation Science Standards: Human Impact

• MS-ESS3-2: Analyze and interpret data on natural hazard to forecast future catastrophic events and
inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects.
• MS-ESS3-3: Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact
on the environment.
• MS-ESS3-4: Construct an argument supported by scientific evidence for how increases in human
population and per-capita consumption of natural resources impact Earth’s systems.

You may work on your own or you may work with another person from any of my classes.

You need to email me on Schoology with the title of your project, whether you selected
option #1 or option #2, and let me know if you will be working with another person. Submit
that person’s name and the title of your project to me on Schoology no later than Friday
(February 18, 2022). Thursday (February 17th) is “Random Acts of Kindness Day.”

Video Project: Option #1

Here are some possible ideas for your project. You may also have your own idea, but you must
get it approved by me before beginning your project. You will be making a video public
service announcement (PSA). No longer than two minutes. You must get permission and
consent to film people you interview for your PSA.

• Safe and appropriate behaviors during a pandemic.

• The rising cost of living in Los Angeles.
• Food waste
• Inflation
• Over population in Los Angeles or globally.
• People that don’t pick up (poop) after their dogs while walking them.
• Feral dogs and cats.
• No Bad News Initiative – Local News
• Traffic in Los Angeles.
• Why aren’t potholes in Los Angeles being filled?
• Air pollution
• The homeless population in Los Angeles County.
• Mental health services for the homeless in Los Angeles County.
• Vaccinations
• Wealth distribution
• Water conservation in Los Angeles
• Water pollution
• Deforestation
• Habitat destruction
• Endangered plant or animal species.
• Reducing your carbon footprint.
• Soil erosion
• Climate change
• Gene editing technology (CRISPR)
• Obesity and the rise of type II diabetes.
• Cell phone/mobile device addiction (Nomophobia).
• Stress & Anxiety in teenagers (Include stress reduction techniques)
• Happiness
• Mindfulness
• Artificial intelligence

You will need to interview and film four individuals to hear their perspective (viewpoint) on
your project topic.

• Elementary School Age

• Teenager
• Adult (You can interview a teacher or administrator)
• Senior Citizen
• Possibly a Pet or Endangered Species

Investigate the problem:

(1) Interview: Is the individual aware of the problem or topic that you selected?

a. What background information do they have on your selected topic?

b. What are the causes of the problem?
c. How severe is the problem (based on your research)?
d. What is the human impact of your problem or selected topic?
• Use three relevant and reliable resources to research your topic.
• These must be sited in your bibliography at the end of the video.
e. What are some possible solutions?
• Identify or create at least three possible solutions.

Project Guidelines:

1. Submit your video to me on Schoology. (You can use WeVideo. Tutorial on last page)
2. Your video should be 2 minutes in length with a cool soundtrack.
3. When adding text to your video it must be large enough to read when projected onto a
screen (Font Size 36) and the scroll should not be too fast.
4. Humor and creativity are always encouraged. No inappropriate language.
5. Please review your video for sound quality and spelling before submitting your final project.

Project Rubric:

(1) Organization of Content Matter (5 Points) _____

Does it make sense?
Title, Interviews, Background Information,
Human Impact, Solutions, Bibliography
(2) Knowledge of Content Matter (5 Points) _____
(3) Creativity & Humor (5 Points) _____
Is this video engaging?
(4) Video Quality (5 Points) _____
Sound, Picture Quality, Editing, Font Size
(5) Bibliography (5 Points) _____
(6) Overall Impression of Presentation (5 Points) _____

Total Point Value: 30 Points

Video Project: Option 2

“Kindness” Video Project

This project involves three unscripted reaction videos to a person’s response to random acts of
kindness. You can perform acts of kindness to friends and siblings, or even a teacher or
administrator here at Pali, it doesn’t necessarily have to be with a stranger.

If you recall the video, “Stress: Portrait of a Killer,” acts of kindness and generosity helps one’s
body produce the enzyme telomerase. This enzyme has been linked to increasing the length of
your telomeres. Recall the relationship between telomere length and life longevity. Stress
tends to decrease the length of your telomeres.

Kindness and generosity also help release the “happiness” neurotransmitters (Serotonin,
Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphins).

I think with all of the chaos and anxiety that a lot of people are experiencing during this
pandemic, it would be both a positive and rewarding experience for both you and the three
subjects that are going to experience various random acts of kindness. A random act of
kindness does not need to be a material gift. A random act of kindness can also be positive
and encouraging words or even kind gestures.
Here are some great examples of some random acts of kindness or you can also come up with
some on your own:

• Give a genuine compliment to someone.

• Give a smiley face picture to someone.
• A handwritten note of kindness or encouragement.
• Give a stuffed animal to someone.
• Bring dessert to someone.
• Encourage someone.
• Bake cookies for someone.
• Make a care package for someone.
• Tell your parents, parent, or guardian that you love them.
• Let someone go in front of you.
• Help someone before they ask.
• Compliment a stranger.
• Buy the person behind you a cup of coffee.
• Give out free coffee.
• Make and deliver a meal or care package for someone.
• Create a care package for a homeless person.
• Make a video to cheer someone up.
• Give an unexpected gift to someone.
• Offer to fill someone’s tank with gas.
• Pay for someone’s groceries.
• Pay it forward.
• Perform a kind gesture.
Follow the same grading rubric for option #1 (Skip the bibliography component)
Please make sure that your video is no longer than 2 minutes in length.
You should also get consent from the people that you are filming to see if it is okay to use their
footage for your project.

Possible video platforms that you can use to create and edit your video:

• WeVideo (All students have access to this editing tool). Sign in with your google
account and click on, “Start Exploring” to discover how to create multimedia projects
and video editing.
• You can use your phone to shoot videos.
• You can also create an iMovie or use another video platform that you are familiar with.

You can click on the YouTube link below to learn more about WeVideo for beginners (basic

Thank you for all of your input and insightful comments on the genesis and
evolution of this project. I greatly appreciate your constructive feedback.


Dr. Woodward (Be the reason someone smiles today!)

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