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DAY 4 (June 20, 2021)

Defensive Driving
● Reduce the risk of collision by:
○ Anticipating dangerous situations despite adverse conditions or the mistakes of
1. Look far ahead → know obstacles way ahead, keeps car straight
2. Look all around → mirrors 5-8 seconds, scan side to side
3. Move your eyes → don’t stare
4. Keep space → 3 s distance, zig zag, see other driver in side mirror, coast
5. Communicate → use signals, horn, hand signals
● LOOK at where you want to go, don’t WATCH what you’re doing
● Reaction time is around 1.25 to 1.50 s
● Road rage is an inappropriate response to another driver
● Point of no return
○ Full car must be in intersection at yellow light
● Pg 24-25
○ Pg 24
B. Turning Vehicle → make sure to commit to the turn
C. Vehicle Blocking Intersection → go around the car
D. Pedestrian → wait for them to decide
E. Late Stopping → visually confirm if they are stopping
F. Merging Vehicle → be cautious, let them in if safe
G. Construction Worker → anticipate slow traffic, speed fines doubled when
workers present
○ Pg 25
A. Pedestrian → keep an eye on the pedestrian even after they clear your
B. Late Turner → slowly creep forward to ensure path is clear (look through
car if able to)
C. Turning Bus → proceed with caution
D. Tailgater → brake earlier, no sudden braking
E. Cyclist → check mirrors and blind spot BEFORE turning
F. Pedestrian → could cross street behind Car B
G. Stopped Vehicle → proceed with caution as driver could be standing on
the road
H. Proceeding Straight → do not execute unsafe turn
I. Turning Vehicle → vehicle is already committed to the turn, know how
many lanes after the turn

● Most crashes are avoidable — takes two to tango — few are “accidents”
● Dangerous driving causes a lot of crashes and is illegal
● Don’t pay attention — could be charged with careless driving
● Report crashes within 24 hours if damage is $2,000 or more
○ Report to a collision reporting centre
● 4 pieces of information:
○ Licence (who’s driving?)
○ Ownership
○ Insurance (expired?)
○ Contact info
● Pg 27-28
A. All vehicles should give minimum 2-3 s following distance
B. Visibility was limited from the uphill, did not allow sufficient room to pass,
Vehicle 3 should have seen this and allowed you to come back in
C. Should not follow a large vehicle for a long period of time (can’t see in front),
need to properly check mirrors and blind spot before moving
D. Rear-end collisions are always preventable with following distance, leave more
distance due to adverse conditions
● Pg 29
3. Hazard lights
4. Check for injuries
5. Request help
6. First aid
7. Document the scene / move vehicle to safety
Notify police if:
1. Personal injuries — IMMEDIATELY
2. Property damage — IMMEDIATELY
3. Damage over $2,000 — within 24 hrs
Special numbers to call:
1. 911
2. Driving instructor
3. Insurance company / tow truck
Tickets / Insurance
● Traffic tickets
○ Licence
○ Registration
○ Insurance
○ Speeding fine for +40 km/hr — $10,000
● Demerit points
○ Start with ZERO points and GAIN points after convicted of breaking traffic laws
○ On your record for TWO years from offence date (THREE on insurance)
○ Points count all over Canada
○ Inside front cover of handbook
○ Highway Traffic Act (HTA)

Demerit point penalties

G1/G2 G Action

2 6 Warning Letter

6 9 Interview to explain why you

shouldn’t be suspended

9 15 G1/G2 → 60 day suspension

G → 30 day suspension

● Automobile insurance
○ Compulsory in Ontario (fines of $5,000-$50,000)
○ If none, you must pay out of your pocket if anything happens
○ Not entitled to compensation if you are injured
○ Demerit points vs insurance cost
■ Insurance → whether you did or didn’t do it (points aren’t considered)
■ Points only worth knocking off if you are close to suspension
● Pg 15
○ Factors that affect vehicle insurance:
1. Age 5. Vehicle usage
2. Gender 6. Address
3. Insurance history 7. Type of coverage
4. Type of vehicle 8. Who you live with
Vehicle Purchasing
● Buying a used vehicle
○ Seller must provide a UVIP (Used Vehicle Information Package) from Service
Ontario ($20)
○ Re-register car under new name at Service Ontario (within 6 days but better to
do it on the same day)
● Buying a new vehicle
○ Freight and PDI (delivery and pre-delivery inspection)
○ Financing
■ Dealership lends you money to buy the car
■ Pay it back in monthly installments over a term (5-7 years)
■ You own the car after it’s paid off
○ Leasing
■ Pay monthly for depreciation (reduction in value)
■ You do not own the car, must give it back
■ Term is shorter than financing (3-4 years)
■ Limit on kilometres per year

Fuel Efficient Driving

● Pg 15
1. Coast (decelerate; release foot from gas pedal)
2. Gentle acceleration
3. Plan route
4. Don’t use A/C non-stop
5. Drive at off-peak hours
6. Carpooling
7. Drive at the speed limit
8. Regular maintenance

Vehicle Maintenance
● Safety standards certificate
○ Certifies the fitness level of a vehicle, done by a certified mechanic
○ Valid only for 36 days after the inspection
○ Can buy/sell a vehicle without it, but must have to register plates or drive it
○ Illegal to drive an unsafe/dangerous vehicle

Road Test
● Ontario Road Test — G1 exit
○ 4 right turns
○ 4 left turns
○ Parallel park
○ Turnabout (3-point turn)
○ Parking on a grade (uphill/downhill)
○ Lane change
○ Front-in park
○ (Reverse park)
● Out-of-Order road test
○ If your vehicle does not meet ministry standards for the purpose of a road test,
or if there is a non-vehicle-related reason for which the examiner determines
that the road test cannot be completed, the examiner declares the road test
● 6 ways to fail road test
● Unsafe turn, unsafe lane change, improper right of way, follow too close, break
law, get into crash
○ Unsafe turn → you and intersecting car are both in the intersection

1. Defensive driving is:
A. Causing crashes
B. Wearing your seatbelt
C. Not driving
D. Reducing the risk of crashes
2. Defensive driving is:
A. Watching where you’re going
B. Watching what you’re doing
3. Proper following distance in regular conditions are:
A. 0.5 seconds
B. 1 second
C. 2 seconds
4. Most crashes are accidents:
A. True
B. False
5. Stunt driving is speeding how much above the limit?
A. 40 km/hr
B. 50 km/hr
C. 60 km/hr
D. 100 km/hr
6. First way to create space in front is to “coast”
A. True
B. False
7. Which side provides the UVIP on a private sale?
A. Lawyer
B. Buyer
C. Seller
D. Neither
8. Police must be informed if a crash has damage exceeding:
A. $500
B. $1,000
C. $2,000
D. $5,000
9. After a crash, obtain following from other driver:
A. Driver’s licence
B. Proof of insurance
C. Ownership
D. Contact info
E. All of the above
10. What does an “Out-of-Order” status mean on a road test?
A. Crashed on the test
B. Failed the test
C. Arrived late
D. Vehicle does not meet standards for a test

- Ground Rules pg 20
- Light turns yellow at intersection → look at all directions
- Speeding fines doubled in a construction zone
DAY 1 (June 27, 2021)
Beginner Driver Education (BDE)
● Skills and attitudes to be a safe and responsible driver
● Reduces time spent at G1 (8 months vs 12 months)
● On Drivers Licence History, obtain at any ServiceOntario
● Example of last page of the book

Graduated Licencing
● G1 → G2 → G
○ Expose inexperienced drivers to difficulties and challenges of driving
● G1 restrictions
○ Learner’s permit (vision/ knowledge test)
■ 2 forms of ID and fee
○ Everyone has a working seatbelt
○ Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) = 0%
○ No driving alone → accompanied by passenger (G licence + 4 years exp + front
○ No driving between 12-5 am
■ Prevents tired driving
■ High possibility of encountering impaired driving
○ No driving on highways with posted speed above 80 km/h
● G2 restrictions
○ Everyone has a working seatbelt
○ Blood alcohol concentration = 0%
○ If 19 and under, between 12-5 am:
■ First 6 months — ONE passenger 19 & under
■ After 6 months — THREE passengers 19 & under
■ (4 year exp G driver in front immediate family)
● G1 & G2 restriction violations
○ 1st → 30 day suspension
○ 2nd → 90 day suspension
○ 3rd → cancellation of licence (start all over)
● G
○ expose the inexperienced driver to difficulties and challenges of driving
○ 0% BAC under 21 for all licences
Driver’s Licence
● number
○ first is first letter of last name
○ code for rest of last name
○ next 4 - ont gov code for first name
○ last six is birthday, a little diff because of same name (+50)
○ exp date
■ five years from the date passed G1
● 6 days to change address
● X = need corrective lenses to drive
● 5 years to get G licence
○ Be cautious of expiry date: 1 year wait time from G2 to G (ideal)
○ 1 yr renewal possible??

Road Signs / Lines

● Road signs
○ Regulatory signs
■ Information about the law
■ Must be obeyed
● pentagon yellow sign with figures- school zone
● rectangle yellow with two lines- school crossing zone
○ must stop if people is crossing (yield right of way)
● rectangle yellow with arrow- approaching crossing
● yield
○ give someone right of way
● no passing here to crossing
○ from the sign to crossing, no passing (changing lanes)
■ E.g. stop sign, do not enter, yield, pedestrian crossing, do not turn
■ Red circle = prohibited, green circle = permitted
■ No parking vs no standing vs no stopping
● No parking
○ Cannot leave car unattended
○ Can sit in car (standing)
● no standing
○ Can't park or stay in car
○ Pick up/drop off
● no stopping
○ Can't stop unless emergency
○ Warning signs
■ Warn of danger ahead
■ Usually yellow and diamond-shaped
■ E.g. stop sign ahead (possible of hidden intersection), right lane is coming
to an end
○ Temporary signs
■ Work zone (construction)
● if speeding, the fee is doubled
■ Orange coloured
■ E.g. workers on the road, switch lane
○ Guide signs
■ Any colour (green, blue, brown)
■ Pg 22
● Lines
○ Yellow lines separate traffic travelling in opposite directions
■ Solid double yellow line → do not cross!!
○ White lines separate traffic travelling in the same direction
○ Crossing a solid line?
■ Not safe on a bend → doesn’t mean it’s against the law
■ Safe to cross the solid yellow line if you can clearly see ahead and behind
you (2 lane, opposite direction road)
○ Pg 4
1. Solid white → separates same direction; unsafe to cross
2. Broken white → separates same direction; safe to cross
3. Solid yellow → separates opposite direction; unsafe to cross
4. Broken yellow → separates opposite direction; safe to cross
○ Continuity lines
■ Lane is ending or exiting
■ Right-most or left-most lane
○ Double broken white lines
■ High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane (Carpool lane)
■ Purpose: increase traffic flow, reduce emissions
● Traffic lights
○ Tell drivers and pedestrians what they must do at intersections and along roads
○ Red — means complete stop
■ Stopping positions
1. Behind thick white stop line
2. Before crosswalk or sidewalk
3. Where two roads meet
○ Amber — means stop if able to, otherwise proceed with caution
○ Green — proceed with caution
○ Broken traffic lights?
■ Treat as an all-way-stop → first one to get there, first one to go
● Two-way left turn lane (center left turn lane)
○ Center lane → used as a turn lane for both directions
○ Make lane change to center lane
■ Unsafe to return to regular traffic

1. The BDE course reduces G2 test wait time to:
A. 1 year
B. 10 months
C. 8 months
D. 6 months
2. When can a G1 driver use the freeway?
A. 12am-5am
B. With instructor
C. Never
D. Daytime only
3. MTO must be notified of an address change by:
A. 1 day
B. 3 days
C. 6 days
D. 1 week
4. Blood Alcohol allowed for G1 & G2:
A. 0.08%
B. 0.05%
C. 0.03%
D. 0.00%
5. Where can you get your Driver’s Licence History?
A. Service Canada
B. Police station
C. Service Ontario
D. Driving school
6. Which is NOT a G1 restriction:
A. Working seatbelts
B. No use of phones
C. No driving 12-5am
D. No drinking
E. Must have instructor
7. What does the X mean on the licence?
A. Corrective lenses
B. Can’t drive
C. Road test fail
D. No glasses needed
8. When is the expiry date of a G1/G2?
A. Birthdate
B. 1 year after G2
C. 5 years after G1
D. 5 years after birthday
9. What happens when you violate any novice licence restriction?
A. Money fine
B. Suspension
C. Warning letter
D. Demerit points
10. Which novice restriction includes no use of handheld devices?
A. G1 restrictions
B. G2 restrictions
C. Both

1. Which is NOT a type of road sign:
A. Regulatory
B. Bus stop
C. Warning
D. Temporary
2. Regulatory signs are signs about:
A. Information
B. Restaurants
C. Driving tips
D. Construction
E. Law
3. Warning sign shapes are usually:
A. Diamond
B. Triangle
C. Square
D. Circle
4. Regulatory signs are usually coloured:
A. Red
B. Orange
C. White
D. Yellow
5. Temporary signs are usually coloured:
A. Yellow
B. White
C. Orange
D. Red
6. Speed fines in construction areas are:
A. Tripled
B. Cut in half
C. Not affected
D. Doubled
7. Can a driver cross a solid line?
A. Yes
B. No
8. Guide signs are what colour?
A. Yellow
B. Blue
C. Green
D. White
E. Any colour
9. Yellow line separates traffic in the:
A. Yellow is not used
B. Interesting direction
C. Same direction
D. Opposite direction
10. Diamond line represents:
A. Fast lane
B. Slow lane
C. Closed lane
D. High Occupancy vehicle lane
DAY 2 (July 4, 2021)
● Intersection: 2 or more roads that come together
● Controlled → who goes, who waits
○ Stop signs / red light
■ 3 stopping positions
● Before stop line, before crosswalk line, before where the two
roads meet
● Video:
■ Type of stop sign?
● All way
■ Right turn on red (sign seen at intersection)
● No right turns on red in Montreal
■ Advance green
● Green arrow pointing to the left on red traffic light
○ No right turn
■ Block the lane for the left turning cars on the
opposite side of the intersection
■ Car turning left might turn into the right-most lane
○ Yellow light
■ Point of no return
● When light turns yellow → can I make it through? (max - 3
mississippi from yellow to red on 50-60 km/h road)
■ S-maneuver (increase vision during left turn)
● Go diagonal into the intersection
● Then align parallel to road
● Only with concrete pillar
○ Green light (RT, LT)
○ Yield signs
● Uncontrolled → no sign, free-for-all
● Change lanes
○ Look at where the car you cut off will be
○ Not safe to change lanes in an intersection

Right of Way
● To let something else go first
● Always given, never taken
○ Laws state who should be giving
● Controlled
○ Pg 3
● Uncontrolled
○ When two cars stop at the same time at +
■ Car on the right hand side
○ When two cars stop at the same time at T
■ Main road goes first

Space Cushion
● Free space around other cars
● Following distance (2-3 s in front)
● Mirror scans (5-8 s)
● Being tailed → change lanes or speed up

City / Freeway Driving

● Look around (LCRL)
● Look ahead (12 s)
● Drive cooperatively
● Look over your shoulder
○ Always a small blind spot
● Observe to avoid crashes
● Communicate
○ Signals, horn, eye contact, hand signals
○ 20 m behind a school bus when stopped or $2000 fine
○ 1 m is a safe passing distance for bicycles
○ 2 m behind open doors of buses or streetcars

Emergency Vehicles
● Keep back 150 m when red lights are flashing for emergency vehicles
● Stop on the left side when emergency vehicles have sirens on

Distracted Driving
● 1st - $1000, 3 pts, 3 day
● 2nd - $2000, 6 pts, 7 day
● 3rd - $3000, 6 pts, 30 day

1. A
2. A
3. E
4. E
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. E
10. B

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. E
7. E
8. C
9. B
10. B
DAY 3 (July 11, 2021)
Adverse Weather
● Weather
○ Night
○ Rain/ fog
○ Winter
○ Sunny
■ Leads to most crashes (people drive faster)
● Night (low light) driving
○ Headlights on (beams are diagonal)
■ 30 min before sunset → headlights are mandatory
■ 30 min after sunrise → headlights are optional
■ Don’t overdrive headlights
● Driving so fast that you cannot stop within illuminated area
○ High beams (beams are horizontal) — turn off within:
■ 60 metres behind a vehicle (same direction)
■ 150 metres in front of opposing vehicle → BLINDING
● Rain driving
○ First few min of rain is most dangerous
■ Oil and grease first mixes with rain
■ Washes away afterwards
○ Hydroplaning (Aquaplaning)
■ Loss of traction due to layer of water
■ Cannot respond normally to controls → tires can’t grip road to stop car
● Fog driving
● Fog driving
○ Droplets of water in the air
■ Temperature where air turns to water
■ Use regular (low beam lights)
■ Fog lights will light up the road
○ Foggy windows
■ To humid in the car
■ Airflow to push the humid air out
■ Use “Fresh Air Mode”
■ Cool setting when it’s warm
■ Warm setting when it’s cold
● Vehicle Climate Control
● Black Ice - thin, clear ice
○ road asphalt is usually black
○ can form anywhere
● Bridges and Tunnels
○ where ice will form first
○ cold airflow helps it form faster
● Low Speed Driving
○ No need to go right up to the speed limit
○ Earlier and longer braking
○ Winter Tires (voluntary)
● Pg 14
○ Night glare
■ Use high beam lights appropriately
■ Flip day/night mirror
■ Avoid bright lights (look to the right)
■ Look into intended lane
○ Hydroplaning
■ Slow down (increase following distance)
■ Look into intended path
■ Avoid sudden braking/acceleration
■ Speed, tread depth, and water depth contribute to hydroplaning
○ Heavy fog
■ Slow down
■ Avoid using high beams
■ Use fog lights (if available)
■ Pull over if needed
○ White out
■ Slow down
■ Use full lighting system
■ Prepare a winter kit
■ Pull into a safe parking area
○ Black ice
■ Slow down
■ Anticipate black ice
■ Equip your car with winter tires
■ Bridges/Tunnels freeze before roads

Braking System
● Braking
○ PRESS the brake
○ Don’t PUSH the brake
○ Progressive pressure until speed is where you want it to be
○ Aim is to slow the car down
○ When turning, slow to a crawl (even during the diagonal turn) and then pick up
● Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
○ Prevents brakes from locking up
○ Avoids skidding
○ Makes you “pump” the brake
● Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
○ Independently brakes each wheel
○ Adjusts engine speed
○ DO NOT BRAKE (take foot off gas)
○ Look where you want to go
○ Steer where you want to go
○ Brake when speed is slower
○ (Do not speed to begin with)

Winter Driving
● Winter tires
○ Tire will not stiffen in winter
○ Designed to channel snow/water out
○ Thousands of tiny slits
○ Treads are deeper
○ Tennis shoes vs boots
● Use winter antifreeze (-40 C)
○ blue is most common colour
● Snow/Ice Brush
● Don’t speed
● Brake earlier, softer, and longer
● Pump the brake if needed (like ABS)
● If you’re stuck
○ Roll forward + reverse (rock the vehicle)
○ Momentum will get the car moving
● Pg 12
○ Reasons for high crash rate during warmer temperatures
■ More cars
■ Relaxed attitudes
■ Speeding
■ No school
○ Winter emergency kit items
1. Empty gas tank
2. Snow brush
3. Food
4. Booster cables
5. Maps
6. Winter washer fluid
7. Salt/Sand (for traction)
8. Blanket
9. Candle
10. Cell phone charger
11. Flashlight
12. First aid kit
13. Tools
14. Tow rope
15. Tire inflator
○ How do you get your vehicle out of a snow bank:
■ Remove snow
■ Use traction aid
■ Roll vehicle forward and reverse
■ If you remain stuck, push vehicle
■ Call a tow truck

Impaired Driving
● G1 and G2 — zero BAC
● G — 0.08% BAC (age 22 and over)
● G — 0.05% to 0.08% is warning range
● Interlock Ignition System
○ Mandatory for convicted drunk drivers
○ Drunk Driving Kills
○ Alcohol processed 0.015% per hour

Other Safety Measures

● Children in vehicles
○ Rear facing seat (two and under)
○ Booster seat
■ 3-8 years old
■ 40-80 lbs and less than 4’9’’
● Tired Driving
○ Drowsiness -lots of yawning, get off road
○ Failure to obey signs
○ Straddling lanes
● Unfit driving state
○ angry, sad, too happy
1. What does ESC stand for?
A. Electric system control
B. Emergency safety control
C. Effortless skidding control
D. Electronic stability control
2. Which are adverse driving conditions?
A. Low light
B. Rain
C. Fog
D. Sunny
E. All of the above
3. When do you turn off high beam lights around a vehicle?
A. 150m behind
B. 60m in front
C. 150 ft in front
D. 150m in front
4. When is it most dangerous to drive in rain?
A. First few minutes
B. After 30 minutes
C. After 1 hour
D. Always dangerous
5. Where does ice usually form first?
A. Bridges and tunnels
B. Unpaved roads
C. Railroad tracks
D. Expressways
6. What is black ice?
A. Ice coloured black
B. Dirty ice
C. Thin layer of ice
D. Thick layer of ice
7. Which airflow setting is best to de-fog windows?
A. Fresh air
B. Recirculation
C. Floor vent air
D. Dashboard air
8. High beam lights are best when driving through fog?
A. True
B. False
9. When overdriving headlights, stopping position is greater than:
A. Tire quality
B. 100 ft
C. Engine power
D. Headlight visibility
10. Winter tire treads compared to all season tires are:
A. More straight
B. Deeper
C. More narrow
D. No difference
1. Blood alcohol limit for G1/G2 drivers?
A. 0.08%
B. 0.05%
C. 0.03%
D. 0.00%
2. Minimum age a G licence driver can drive with alcohol in their system?
A. 19
B. 20
C. 21
D. 22
3. Legal BAC limit for driver in #2?
A. 0.04%
B. 0.05%
C. 0.06%
D. 0.07%
E. 0.08%
4. In Ontario, winter tires are:
A. Mandatory
B. Free of charge
C. Optional
D. Illegal
5. Best way to stop on an icy roadway?
A. Pump the brake
B. Slam the brake
C. Turn off the car
D. accelerate
6. Ontario warning range for blood alcohol:
A. 0.05 - 0.06%
B. 0.05 - 0.07%
C. 0.05 - 0.08%
D. No such thing
7. Where does the car seat face for passengers below 2 years of age?
A. Front
B. Rear
C. Left
D. Right
8. When must you legally turn on headlights?
A. 30 mins before 6am
B. 30 mins after 12am
C. 30 mins before 12am
D. 30 mins after sunrise
E. 30 mins before sunset
9. How many demerit points are given for impaired driving?
A. 7
B. 6
C. 3
D. 2
E. 0
10. What is this button use for:
A. Driver window airflow
B. Front window airflow
C. Front window de-fogger
D. Rear window airflow
E. Rear window de-fogger
1. The main purpose of traffic laws is:
A. To correct poor driving habits
B. To provide revenue for governments
C. To regulate traffic flow and promote safety
D. To check the physical condition of the car
2. To get your vehicle out of a skid, you should first:
A. Brake hard
B. Look and steer in the direction you want to go
C. Steer in the opposite direction of the skid
D. Steer straight ahead
3. What is the symbol used for a designated (carpool) lane?
A. Oval
B. Triangle
C. Diamond
D. Rectangle
4. The goal of a cooperative driver is to:
A. Drive safely and efficiently
B. Avoid police and traffic tickets
C. Drive politely and defensively
D. Eliminate collisions and accidents
5. How long will MTO take to process your BDE course final grade?
A. Two to three weeks
B. Right away
C. One month
D. Six months
6. What colour(s) are usually found on a guide sign?
A. Green
B. Blue
C. Brown
D. All of the above
7. What does a large red and white “X” mean?
A. Do not lane change inside an intersection
B. School zone ahead
C. Pedestrian crossover/crosswalk
D. Railway crossing on public roads
8. Which of the following is not a criminal code offence (CCC)?
A. Impaired by alcohol
B. Drowsy driving
C. Hit and run
D. Impaired by drugs
9. What is the maximum speed limit if there is no sign posted in a rural area?
A. 90 km/h
B. 80 km/h
C. 70 km/h
D. 60 km/h
10. An out-of-order road test means:
A. You had a crash on your test
B. Your vehicle does not meet ministry standards
C. You used a borrowed vehicle for the test
D. Your vehicle does not have a secondary brake pedal
11. A safe following distance for beginner drivers is:
A. 1 second
B. 3 - 4 seconds
C. 5 - 8 seconds
D. Not specified
12. Blind spots in most vehicles are to:
A. Rear of the vehicle
B. Under the vehicle
C. In-front of the vehicle
D. Back left and right of the vehicle
13. Drivers who do not buckle up their seat belt can get:
A. 2 demerit points
B. 3 demerit points
C. 4 demerit points
D. 5 demerit points
14. When are you required to turn off your high beam lights
A. 150 metres behind a vehicle
B. 60 metres in front of an opposing vehicle
C. 150 metres in front of an opposing vehicle
D. Never
15. Police can charge drivers with careless driving if:
A. Any at-fault crash
B. You do not pay full attention to your driving
C. Speeding 30 km/h over the posted limit
D. Driving with a suspended license
16. When pulled over by a police officer, you must stay in your car and surrender:
A. Driver’s license, Ownership, Safety Standards Certificate
B. Driver’s license, vehicle permit, license sticker
C. Driver’s license, insurance policy, Drive Clean certificate
D. Driver’s license, proof of insurance, vehicle registration permit
17. Based on Ontario statistics, what conditions most likely lead to collisions:
A. Fog, mist, dust, and smoke
B. Wet and slippery
C. Icy and snowy
D. Clear, dry, and sunny
18. A yield sign means:
A. Merge
B. Slow down or stop if necessary and yield right-of-way
C. Stop
D. Stop, slow down, or communicate at an intersection
19. Where should you go to print your DRIVING HISTORY
A. Road test center
B. Service Canada
C. Service Ontario
D. At home
20. When passing a cyclist, allow at least _______ between your car and the cyclist.
A. A car width
B. 5 meters
C. 1 meter
D. A safety zone

^^ answers: C B C A A D D B B B B D A C B D D B C C
1. Safe following distance?
A. 1 sec
B. 1-2 sec
C. 2-3 sec
D. 0 sec
2. At a non all-way stop, who goes first when opposing sides both have stop signs?
A. Right turn
B. Straight
C. Left turn
3. MTO must be notified of an address change by:
A. 1 day
B. 3 days
C. 6 days
D. 1 week
4. Who goes first at a tie at uncontrolled intersections?
A. Right side
B. Left side
C. Straight
D. Smaller car
5. Right turns at red lights must be treated like?
A. Stop signs
B. Yellow lights
C. Green lights
D. Uncontrolled intersections
6. Minimum age a G licence driver can drive with alcohol in their system?
A. 19
B. 20
C. 21
D. 22
7. When overdriving headlights, stopping position is greater than:
A. The quality
B. 100 ft
C. Engine power
D. Headlight visibility
8. Where does the car seat face for passengers below 2 years of age?
A. Front
B. Rear
C. Left
D. Right
9. Winter tire threads compared to all season tires are:
A. More straight
B. Deeper
C. More narrow
D. No difference
10. When can a G1 driver use the freeway?
A. 12am-5am
B. With instructor
C. Never
D. Daytime only
11. What happens if you cannot pass G by expiry date?
A. Try again
B. Lose licence
C. G2 forever
D. 5 yr extension
12. Blood alcohol limit for G1/G2 drivers?
A. 0.08%
B. 0.05%
C. 0.03%
D. 0.00%
13. Best way to stop on an icy roadway?
A. Pump the brake
B. Slam the brake
C. Turn off the car
D. Accelerate
14. When is the expiry date of a G1/G2?
A. Birthdate
B. 1 year after G2
C. 5 years after G1
D. 5 years after birthday
15. Stunt driving is speeding how much above the limit?
A. 40 km/hr
B. 50 km/hr
C. 60 km/hr
D. 100 km/hr
16. Defensive driving is:
A. Causing crashes
B. Wearing your seatbelt
C. Not driving
D. Reducing the risk of crashes
17. Speed fines in construction areas are:
A. Tripled
B. Cut in half
C. Not affected
D. Doubled
18. Most crashes accidents:
A. True
B. False
19. Ontario warning range for blood alcohol:
A. 0.05 - 0.06%
B. 0.05 - 0.07%
C. 0.05 - 0.08%
D. No such thing
20. What takes priority at an intersection?
A. Red light
B. Green light
C. Police direction
D. Yellow light

^^ answers: C B C A A D D B B B B D A C B D D B C C
MTO website:
1. Safety standards certificate A safety standards certificate is a document that certifies a
vehicle's fitness. You can buy and register a vehicle without a safety certificate, but you
cannot put your own plates on the vehicle or drive without one. A safety standards
certificate is valid for 36 days after the inspection.
2. Used vehicle information package If you are selling a used vehicle privately in Ontario,
you must buy a used vehicle information package. The package, which the seller must
show to potential buyers, is a description of the vehicle, its registration and lien history
in Ontario, and the average wholesale and retail values for its model and year.
3. Auto insurance - it’s the law! Ontario has compulsory automobile insurance. This means
every vehicle in the province must be insured. You must insure all your vehicles for
third-party liability of at least $200,000. This covers you in the event that you injure or
kill someone or damage someone’s property.
4. Maintaining your vehicle It is illegal to drive a vehicle in dangerous conditions. A police
officer or Ministry of Transportation inspector can examine your vehicle, its equipment
and any trailer attached to it, at any time. If the vehicle is found to be unsafe, it may be
taken off the road until the problem is fixed.
5. Consider the consequences of impaired driving If you drink and drive and are involved
in a collision, you may suffer serious injury to someone else. Your insurance company
might not pay for your medical or rehabilitation costs, or for the damage to your or the
other person’s vehicle.
6. Driver’s license laws It is illegal to: lend your licence; let someone else use it; use an
altered licence; use another licence as your own; have more than one Ontario driver’s
licence; use a fictitiou or imitation licence.
7. Understanding demerit points Demerit points are added to your driver’s licence, if you
are convicted of breaking certain driving laws. The rules are different depending on if
you are a new driver or have a full licence. Demerit points stay on your record for two
years from the offence date.
8. Pavement markings Pavement markings combine with road signs and traffic lights to
give you important information about the direction of traffic and where you may or may
not travel. Yellow lines separate traffic traveling in opposite directions. While lines
separate traffic traveling in the same direction. A solid line at the left of your lane means
it is unsafe.
9. Pavement markings Broken lines that are wider and closer together than regular
broken lines are called continuity lines. When you see continuity lines on your left side,
it generally means the lane you are in is ending or exiting and that you must change
lanes if you want to continue in your current direction. Continuity lines on your right
mean your lane will continue unaffected.
10. Pedestrian signals Pedestrian signals help pedestrians cross at intersections with traffic
lights. The signal for pedestrians to walk is a white walking symbol. A flashing or steady
orange hand symbol means pedestrians must not begin to cross.
11. Warning signs These signs warn of dangerous or unusual conditions ahead such as a
curve, turn, dip or sideroad. They are usually diamond-shaped and have a yellow
background with black letters or symbols.
12. Signs Traffic signs give you important information about the law, warn you about
dangerous conditions and help you find your way. Signs use different symbols, colours
and shapes for easy identification.
13. In a collision where no one is injured Call police (provincial or local, depending on
where the collision takes place). By law, you must report any collision to the police when
there are injuries or damage to vehicles or properly exceeding $2,000.
14. Glare Use your low-beam headlights within 150 metres of an oncoming vehicle or when
following a vehicle within 60 metres. On country roads, switch to low beams when you
come to a curve or hilltop so you can see oncoming headlights and won’t blind
oncoming drivers.
15. Reacting to stopped emergency vehicle or tow truck When the roadway has two or
more lanes of traffic in the same direction of your travel, you are required to move into a
lane away from the emergency vehicle or tow truck, if safe to do so, in addition to
reducing the speed of your vehicle and proceeding with caution.
16. Parking along roadways Never: park on a curve, hill or anywhere you do not have a clear
view for at least 125 metres in both directions: park within 9 metres of an intersection or
within 15 metres if it is controlled by traffic lights; within 15 metres of the nearest rail of
a level railway crossing; within 100 metres of a bridge or within 6 metres of a public
entrance to a hotel, theatre or public hall when it is open to the public.
17. Driving efficiently Plan ahead. Combine several errands into one trip. Avoid driving
during rush hours. Turn off your vehicle if it is parked for more than 10 seconds. Use
your vehicle’s air conditioning wisely. Keep your tires properly inflated to reduce your
fuel bill, emissions and tire wear.
18. Passing After overtaking, signal that you want to move back into the lane you started
from, and when you can see the entire front of the vehicle you are passing in your inside
mirror, make the lane change. Be careful not to cut off a vehicle by suddenly moving in
front of it.
19. Stopping for pedestrian crossovers Drivers including cyclists must yield the right-of-way
to pedestrians in the crossover. Once people have cleared the entire roadway, and no
other pedestrians are approaching, you may proceed with caution when it is safe. You
must not pass any vehicle within 30 metres of a pedestrian crossover.
20. Turn on headlights at night When driving your vehicle, headlights are required to be
turned on between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise, and any
other time of poor light conditions, such as fog, snow or rain, which keeps you from
clearly seeing people or vehicles less than 150 metres away.

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