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At the end of the module, the learners should be able to:

• Perform simple calculations;

• Prepare simple report from arrival to departure of customers;

• Conduct self-evaluation on required performance.

Prepare by: Mr. Thomas Sister


Front office is the face of the hotel. It is also the heart of the hotel, if not physically,
then certainly operationally. The front office usually generates the greatest amount of
revenue for an accommodation hotel through the sale of rooms, and every guest at some
point must pass through the front office.


A. Ratio
Ratio is mathematical concept that is used to solve different types of problems.
Ratio is a way of expressing the relationship of a number, quantity, substance, or degree
between two similar components. The value of ratio in mathematics may be expressed
in two terms of fraction, quotient or decimal, which can be obtained by performing the
indicated division of the numerator by the denominator. The numerator is called
antecedent and the denominator is called consequent.
For example, the relationship of one is to three is written 1:3. Note that the
numbers are side-by- side and separated by a colon. One is the antecedent while three
is the consequent. Similarly a ratio of two numbers may be written as

1:3 1÷3

Example 1: Express each of the following as ratio (in simplest form)

a. 6 inches to 2 feet
b. 10 weeks to a year
c. 150 milliliters to 2 liters
a. Convert the feet to inches. Since 1 foot =12 inches
6 inches : 24 inches
Simplifying the ratio would result to:
b. Convert the year to weeks. Since the 1 year=52 weeks
10 weeks : 52 weeks
Simplifying the ration would result to:
5 : 26
c. Convert the liters to milliliters. Since the1 liter=1,000 milliliters.
150 milliliters : 2,000 milliliters
Simplifying the ratio would result to:
3 : 40

Example 2: Separate the following numbers in the given ratios:

a. 90; 1:2 b. 169; 6: 7 c. 42;2:5
a. Since there must be 1 unit in the first part of every 2 units in the second, there
must be 3 units every time two amounts are taken out.
Let x = number of units in the antecedent.
2x = number of units in the consequent.
x +2x = 90
3x = 90
x = 30
2x = 2(30) = 60
Thus, the ratio is 30 : 60.

b. Since there must be 6 units in the first part of every 7 units in the second, there
must be 13 units every time two amounts are taken out.
Let 6x = number of units in the antecedent.
7x = number of units in the consequent.
6x +7x = 169
13x = 169
x = 13
6x = 6(13) = 78 antecedent
7x = 7(13) = 91 consequent
Thus, the ratio is 78 : 91

c. Since there must be 2 units in the first part of every 5 units in the second, there
must be 7 units every time two amounts are taken out.
Let 2x = number of units in the antecedent.
5x = number of units in the consequent.
2x +5x = 42
7x = 42
2x = 2(6) = 12 antecedent
5x = 5(6) = 30 consequent
Thus, the ratio is 12 : 30

B. Proportion
Proportion is a way of expressing the comparative relationship between a
part, share or portion with regards to measurement, amount or number. It is expressed
as a relationship between two ratios.

Proportion is mathematical concept that is used to solve different types of

problems. It may be used to verify an unknown number, quantity, substance, or degree
between two similar components.

Example 1: Solve for the missing terms:

a. 1 : 4 =x : 8 b. 75 : 1.5 = 35 : x c. 1/4 : 15 = x : 60
a. Multiply the means and extremes then solve for x.
4x = 1 (8)
4x = 8
Thus, 1 : 4 = 2 : 8.

b. Multiply the means and extremes then solve for x.

75 : 1.5 = 35 : x
75x = 1.5 (35)
75x = 52.5
x = 0.7.
Thus, 75 : 1.5 = 35 : 0.7.

c. Multiply the means and extremes then solve for x.

¼ : 15 = x : 60
15x = 1/4 (60)
15x = 15
Thus, ¼ : 15 = 1 : .60

Prepare Sales Forecasts

Sale forecasts are estimates of the number and types of rooms the reservations
department expects to sell on specific dates. The sales forecasts may include the
➢ Total number of room sold.
➢ Total number of rooms sold for each room type.
➢ Revenue earned per room.
➢ Revenue earned in total for rooms sold.

Cycle of Service
The front office plays an important role in meeting a guests’ level of satisfaction.
From the first point of contact when the guest inquiries about available accommodation,
to their arrival at the venue, through their check-in and finally their departure, front
office staff are central to the guest’s overall experience at a venue.

✓ Enquiries
✓ Establishment/venue inspection
✓ Reservations

Departure Arrival
✓ Account settlement ✓ Greeting
✓ Farewell ✓ Check -in

✓ Food and beverages
✓ Laundry
✓ Gym and pool
✓ Posting charges
✓ Concierge services
✓ Servicing guest rooms
Property Management System
It is the collecting, storing, and manipulating of data relating to the activities of a
hotel and its guests. A PMS aids the coordination of a commercial accommodation venue’s
daily transactions and activities, and allows for the flow of information necessary to
perform all these activities. For example, an accommodation needs to:
➢ Keep track of its reservation
➢ Monitor its occupancy
➢ Know who is registered
➢ Know who is expected to arrive and check out
➢ Control and account for all financial transactions
➢ Determine how much money has been earned and expected, and how much is
➢ Regulate many other activities and services that relate to the activities of guests
and non- guests who is visit the venue.

Hotel structure their operations to achieve several objectives:

➢ To best meet the needs and expectations of target markets
➢ To plan work
➢ To report financial performance
➢ To manage staff
➢ To manage marketing activities
Process Financial Transactions
Processing financial transactions in an accommodation hotel involves:
➢ Processing receipts, payments and non- cash transactions
➢ Maintaining accurate financial records for in- house guests
➢ Performing balancing procedures
➢ Controlling cash and other money, the cashier and other front office staff must
handle cash when;
✓ The float is counted
✓ A cash payment is received from a guest
✓ Cash change is to be given to a guest
✓ Foreign currency needs to be exchanged
✓ Cash deposits are received
✓ Paid outs transacted
✓ Petty cash is needed
✓ Refunds are given
The reservations screen in the PMS (Property Management System) is made up of
different fields where the information is entered. Some of this field is compulsory, which
means that we must enter information in this field before we can move onto the next
field or complete the reservation. It is important to record the details accurately and
legibly. Examples of compulsory fields include the following:
➢ Name of the guest’s surname and first name (or initial) and title.
➢ Date of arrival – the procedure for recording dates is day, month and year.
➢ Date of departure- the day of the guest is checking -out, not the last night
they are staying.
➢ Number of nights- it is usually recorded as cross reference with the
departure date.
➢ Estimated time of arrival (ETA) - it is used to help reception peak times and
to remind the guest check- in time.
➢ Room type- it is the room type that has been sold to the guest.
➢ Number of rooms- for instance, the guest may require one double or three
➢ Number of adults/children-it is important as it may affect the room rate
➢ Rate quoted- it is the rate that includes during the negotiations with the
➢ Address- refers to the home address, business address and travel agency
address of the guest/customer.
➢ Booked/booker by- the person that made the booking, if different to the
guest who is actually staying.
➢ Company name/travel agency name-the name of the travel agency or the
company the guest works for.
➢ Contact details- it refers to the telephone numbers and email address of the
person who booked the reservation.
➢ Method of payment- it pertains to the payment through cash, credit card
and company charge or voucher number.
➢ Guaranteed or non-guaranteed booking- it is a method ensuring the venue
receives money for the room, whether or not the guest arrives.
➢ Confirmation number- it is the number generated from the computer when
the booking is entered into the PMS.
➢ Date- it is the date the booking was made.
➢ Taken by- the name of person from the venue who recorded the booking.
➢ Comments/special requests- the space for any special requests can be
recorded and communicate details to another department.
➢ Account number- issued the company with an account number.
The typical reservation requests incorporating these four points are the following:

Hotel: Good afternoon, reservations, this is Thom. How may I help you?
Guest: I’d like to make inquiries about accommodation.
Hotel: Certainly, what dates were you considering?
Guest: I’m after a room for the 14th of August.
Hotel: Is that for one night, sir? (Required dates/length of stay)
Guest: Yes.
Hotel: Is the room just for you, sir? (Number of people to be accommodated)
Guest: No, there two of us.
Hotel: And what type of room would you like? (Required room types)
Guest: I’d like a double room please.
Hotel: Is that just one room, sir? (Number of required rooms)
Guest: Yes, that’s right.

Employee Self- evaluation

Employee self- evaluations are useful for helping team members to identify
their strengths and weaknesses and define a path for professional development.
These self-assessments offer employees and opportunity to reflect on their
strengths and skills, as well as what they have achieved during their time with the
company. The following are the advantages of self- evaluation for both employees
and employers.

1. It allows employees to demonstrate their accomplishment.

2. It helps manager stay informed about their employees’ strength and
3. It motivates employees to take ownership of their strengths and
4. It helps to quantify the value an employee offers.

Tips for Effective Self-evaluation

There are six (6) things that the employees to keep in mind as they reflect on their
1. Be specific
2. Set aside plenty of time
3. Review the job description
4. Make connections to organizational goals
5. Use the STAR Method (Situation or Task, Action, Results)
6. Define next steps
Here is the example of employee self-evaluation form:


Name of Employee:
Please answer the entire following question to the best of your abilities. Please
check mark in the appropriate box to indicate your answer. Once you have finished
answering the questions total all the scores in each of the columns, and then add each
of the columns into one comprehensive score. This final score is your self-evaluation
score, the higher that his score is, then the more confident you feel about the company,
it’s structure, and your role within the company.
Don’t Somewhat Agree Strongly Totally
Questions agree agree (1) (2) Agree Agree
(0) (3) (4)
1. I know, and understand the
responsibilities of my job.
2. I know who my supervisor is, and
what their responsibilities are.
3. I feel that my workload is heavier
than it needs to be.
4. I feel that I can go to my
With any problem that I may have.
5. I know what my benefits are.
6. I believe that I am part of a
productive, and active team.
7. I believe that I am a productive in
my job.
8.i know what my company long
term goals are.
9. I am familiar with the
organizational structure of the
10. I believe that I have had enough
training to perform my job.
Total the number for each
Add all the columns together

Answer the following questions.

1. Discuss the four cycle of service.


2. Explain the importance of property management system in front desk.


3. Explain ratio and proportion, and how they can be applied in preparing the sale

4. Enumerate the tips for effective self-evaluation.


Assuming you are in the reservation area and you receive a guest/client call for
reservation. Using the blank reservations form below, record the details of the reservation
taken from the guest.

MMC Hotel
U-Site, Barangay Kaligayahan
Novaliches, Quezon City

Confirmation No.:____________
Res. Clerk:__________________

Surname: First Name: Title Company/Travel


Arrival ETA Departu No. Room Adults Child Rate codes/rate

Date: re: of type /package
Days /no.

Home Company /travel agent address


Business phone: Home Phone: Mobile Email add.:

Booked by: Method of Guara Credit card no. Deposit/Account

Payments ntee no.


Exp. Date:______

Special Request/comments:


• Careno, Celia E., and Beltran, Ma. Pamela N.(2013).The Hospitality Industry
an Introduction. Mindshapers Co., Inc. Herald Bldg. Muralla St., Intramuros
• Rodolfa, Bernardo B.(2012). Hotel Rooms Division Management and
Control System. Purely Books Trading and publishing Corporation: Muralla
St., Intramuros Manila
• TESDA (2003).Training Regulations for Front Office Services NCII. Taguig
City, Philippines
• Sirug, Winston S.(2014). Business Mathematics Revised Edition.
Mindshapers Co., Inc. Herald Bldg. Muralla St., Intramuros Manila

Other Resources

• Computation [Digital Image]. Retrieve from https//

• Activity Icon [Digital Image]. Retrieved from https.//
• Introduction Icon [Digital Image].Retrieved from
• Test Icon [Digital Image]. Retrieved from https.//www.testfree

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