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Chapter 2 : Theory

2.1 The History of Terrarium:

- As early as 500 BC, plants were kept under bell-shaped glass jars for exhibit. But the
terrarium in its modern form was invented by accident in 1827 by Dr.Nathaniel Ward
(Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward),a London doctor, The fern case was discovered
accidentally in 1827 by Dr. Nathaniel Ward, a London physician with a passion for
botany. Dr. Ward built a fern rockery in his backyard, but the ferns kept dying,
poisoned by the fumes from the city's factories. Ward was also studying moths and
caterpillars and, while experimenting with a cocoon in a covered jar for observation,
he noticed that several plants had grown in the bit of soil at the bottom of the jar.
Among the bottled plants was a fern and, unlike the ferns in his garden, it looked
healthy; Dr. Ward concluded that plants could flourish in London if they could be
protected from the city's polluted air. Ward pursued his discovery in miniature
greenhouses, which he named fern cases, and which are now known as Wardian cases
or Terrariums.

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2.2 Types of Terrariums

- Closed Terrariums :

This kind of terrarium are mostly has retain much of moisture.The plant that use for
closed terrarium must suited with this condition. Mosses are commonly use in
terrarium as ground because they can survive the condition. They also don't need
much light and don't have roots that take up space in the soil.

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- Open Terrariums :

This kind of terrarium are not really moisture because there is an open space above it
and causing air to enter the jar.
2.3 Inventor

- Dr. Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward born on 1791 in London, United Kingdom. Ward
developed an early interest in the natural world, despite his urban surroundings. It is
believed he was sent to Jamaica when he was thirteen, where he may have developed
his interest in tropical foliage. He practised as a physician in the East End of London
(some records suggest that he was a surgeon) and pursued his interests in botany and
entomology in his spare time, and when on vacation in Cobham, Kent. Of his home in
Wellclose Square, Tyler Whittle had this to say in his book 'The Plant Hunters'
(Chilton Book Company, Philadelphia, 1970, reprinted 1997 The Lyons Press, New
York, NY. ISBN 1-55821-592-1 )

‘What is known is that Wellclose Square , that part of dockland where he lived, was a
Sherlock Holmes sort of place; not exactly producing lepers, abominable lascars and
wicked Chinamen, but giving that impression all the same. And had Holmes and
Watson been acquainted with their contemporary, Dr. Nathaniel Ward, undoubtedly
they would have admired his scientific method of observing and deducing'

Dr. Ward's modest garden in London was only barely successful, with few if any of
his ferns surviving. This rate of failure was due in no small part to the suffocating
pollution of England's industrial age, the same choking atmosphere that caused the
infamous 'Pea Soup' fogs. It was sometime around 1829 when, pursuing his interest in
entomology, Ward saved the pupa of a moth in a 'Natural environment' in a sealed jar.
History does not clearly record the fate of the moth, but after some time he noticed
that a fern and some grass had started to develop in the soil at the base of the jar. His
curiosity for how long the ferns could survive in this sheltered environment led to one
of the most important botanic/economic discoveries of the Victorian age, the Wardian
Case. Growing plants, and even shipping plants, under glass was not new, but Ward's
observation of the tightly sealed environment, kept independent from surrounding
atmospheric conditions, was the breakthrough that changed forever the art and
science of plant exploration. One of his first correspondences describing the results of
his study, was to William Jackson Hooker, whose son, Joseph Dalton Hooker, would
be among the first plant explorers to use this new device when he shipped plants back
to England from his Antarctic expedition. Ward hired a carpenter to build a case for
further experimentation. He specified that the frame was to be built as tightly as
possible, with the hardest of woods to resist decay from condensation, and soon the
first 'Terrarium' was born. In July 1833, he conducted his first major experiment by
shipping two custom built cases filled with a number of native British ferns and
grasses to Sydney, Australia. After six months on the high seas, the cases arrived in
Sydney Harbor with all the plants alive and thriving. The cases, as per his
instructions, were cleaned out and filled with a number of Australian native species
that had proven impossible to transport in the past. It was not until February 1835 that
the cases were sent on their return journey. After an eight-month storm wracked
voyage back around the Horn, during which time the cases were subjected to all sorts
of abuse, they arrived in London, where Dr. Ward waited eagerly to inspect their
contents. The experiment was a resounding success, and Ward published a brief
pamphlet, 'The growth of Plants without open exposure to the Air' describing his
methods. He followed it with the 1842 book 'On the Growth of Plants in Closely
Glazed Cases'. Soon all of England adopted these Terrarium, or Wardian Cases as
they were commonly known, and a national passion developed for exotic plants,
particularly ferns, suited to growing in the sheltered environs of these increasingly
ornate cases. In 1854, Dr. Ward delivered a lecture on his discovery to the Royal
Society at the Chelsea Physic Garden, at which time it was acknowledged that his
Wardian case had changed the face of commerce world-wide.

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2.4 The Benefit

- Glass plant terrariums and floral art designs offer vibrant eco- friendly home
decorations that help add natural decorating themes to modern interior design and
create attractive, natural and organic home interiors, or to create a wonderful
centerpiece for living room or dining table decorating.

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2.5 What is Terrarium Plant?

- Terrarium Plant is plants inside glass containers to create small, fascinating worlds.
They invite you in for a closer look and provide a perfect escape from the wintry
weather outside. Terrariums are easy to care for and don't require any special skills
for success. When choosing a container, remember that closed containers hold more
humidity and create a jungle-like atmosphere. Open containers are ideal for cactus
and succulent gardens, as well as other plants that prefer less humidity. When
choosing plants, select varieties that will thrive where you plan to display your
terrarium. How much light will the plants will receive? South- and west-facing
windows provide strong, bright light. East windows are medium. Fluorescent office
lighting and north-facing windows provide low to medium light.

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