Present Progressive or Continuous: Angie Natalia Moreno Vargas 2306442

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Angie Natalia Moreno Vargas

Let’s practice:
Go to these websites and practice the present progressive through the exercises in there.
Let´s practice.
Go to the following link and practice, remember to paste the evidence.

 Write a 60-70 words e-mail to a friend that you don’t see long time ago, tell your
friend what you are doing right now and around your present time; also, if you
have future plans. Be creative. paste a picture to illustrate your writing.
Record your voice reading the e-mail that you wrote.
You can use

Hi Angela.

I hope you are very well, I wanted to tell you that at this moment many things have
happened to me, one of them is that I am working and studying at the same time, it has
been a bit complicated but I am not far from achieving what has given me so much hard, it
has also filled me with a lot of motivation because the people around me give me many
nice things, which really motivate me, I have thought with my partner to set up a business
in another city, I know we are going to achieve it and I will invite you when we meet, I also
wanted to tell you that I am on vacation from my aunt's farm and I remembered when we
were little and we came to play and bathe in the river, I hope you are well with your family
and that baby is very well, I love you .

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