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Code: Pedagogical Management

GP-GPP-010 Pedagogical Resources

Elaboration date:
Version 00


TEACHERS : Mrs. Maria Prado
COURSE : ____ grade
Can understand the main points in simple descriptive texts on familiar topics.

I. Read the article .Then complete with the words below.

What do I do on my first visit to Rome? 

This is a question people always ask me. And my answer is, ‘Don’t

worry!’ There are lots of amazing things to see and do (and eat!) in

Rome. You mustn’t try to do them all in one visit. Plan each day of your

stay carefully and see the things you like best. 

Here are five things you can do in just one day:

In 1_____ morning, have breakfast at a café. My favourite is Giolitti’s. I

always go there when I’m in Rome. They serve fantastic ice cream.

Go and see the Pantheon. It’s near Giolitti’s, on Rotonda square. The

building 2_____ almost 2,000 years old!

Please visit a museum. I know young people 3_____ think museums are boring, but the ones in Rome

are great. Go to the Borghese Museum. When you finish looking at the paintings, walk around the

amazing gardens.

Have lunch in a square. You must take the time to sit and watch people go by. 4_____ favourite is

Navona Square (Piazza Navona).

Walk along the River Tevere. There are thirty-one bridges across the river. Take some photos and

then go to a restaurant in the evening – there are lots next 5_____ the river.

And don’t forget: throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain. It means you can come back to Rome … and see

the things you missed the first time!

Code: Pedagogical Management
GP-GPP-010 Pedagogical Resources

Elaboration date:
Version 00

II.-Read the article again. Match the names (1-4) with the places.


1.-Giolitti’s ___
2.-Borghese ____
3.-Navona ___
4.-Tevere ___

III.- Read the article again and answer the questions.

1.-What can you eat at Giolitti’s café? ____________________________________.

2.-What’s outside the Borghese Museum? ________________________________.

3.-How many bridges are there on the River Tevere? ________________________.

4.-What’s next to the river?_____________________________________________.

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