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A Report On

Mixed economic system: A case study of India

Submitted by:
Rahul Kurmi (11815220)

Submitted to:
Mr. Ujjwal Kumar Pathak (AssistantProfessor)

Lovely professional university

1. Introduction

In study of profitable, we had learned the profitable system. Frugality system is the structure of product,
distribution of profitable input and affair and consumption of goods and services in an frugality. There are 3
profitable systems similar as centrally planned frugality system, mixed frugality system and free request
frugality system. So, there are different country countries have different frugality system.

In India, our frugality system is mixed frugality system. What's mixed frugality system? Mixed frugality
system is the centrally planned frugality system combine free request frugality system. Put in simply, mixed
frugality was included free enterprise and government control or some form of direct intervention by

There are some specific of mixed frugality similar as for the resource distribution, government will decides
on the resource distribution of dread wares, a admixture of government and private power of the wealth
power. Next, for the result of profitable problem, government will intermediate especially to carry out
development programs. The frugality effectiveness depends on both private sector effectiveness of the
frugality effectiveness. Other characteristic for case, allocation of income, inflows of workers in some
association are managed by government and government provides introductory services as some services
are privatised in the provision of services part. Some countries are same mixed frugality as India similar as,
Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore and so on.

2. Analysis of the case issue (10 marks)

Doing The Case Analysis Of Mixed Economic System

To make an applicable case analyses, originally, anthology should mark the important problems that are
passing in the association. There may be multiple problems that can be faced by any association. Secondly,
after relating problems in the company, identify the most concerned and important problem that demanded
to be concentrated.

Originally, the preface is written. After having a clear idea of what's defined in the case, we deliver it to the
anthology. It's better to start the preface from any literal or social environment. The grueling opinion for
Mixed Economic System and the operation of information is demanded to be handed. Still, preface
shouldn't be longer than 6-7 lines in a paragraph. As the most important ideal is to convey the most
important communication for to the anthology.

After preface, problem statement is defined. In the problem statement, the company’s most important
problem and constraints to break these problems should be define easily. Still, the problem should be
compactly define in no further than a paragraph. After defining the problems and constraints, analysis of the
case study is begin.
STEP 4 SWOT Analysis of the Mixed Economic System HBR Case Solution

SWOT analysis helps the business to identify its strengths and sins, as well as understanding of occasion
that can be profited and the trouble that the company is facing. SWOT for Mixed Economic System is a
important tool of analysis as it give a study to uncover and exploit the openings that can be used to increase
and enhance company’s operations. In addition, it also identifies the sins of the association that will help to
be excluded and manage the pitfalls that would catch the attention of the operation.

This strategy helps the company to make any strategy that would separate the company from challengers, so
that the association can contend successfully in the assiduity. The strengths and sins are attained from
internal association. Whereas, the openings and pitfalls are generally related from external terrain of
association. Also, it's also called Internal-External Analysis.


In the strengths, operation should identify the following points exists in the association

. • Advantages of the association

• Conditioning of the company better than challengers.

• Unique coffers and low cost coffers company have.

• Conditioning and coffers request sees as the company’s strength.

• Unique selling proposition of the company.


• Enhancement that could be done.

• Conditioning that can be avoided for Mixed Economic System.

• Conditioning that can be determined as your weakness in the request.

• Factors that can reduce the deals.

• Contender’s conditioning that can be seen as your weakness.


• Good openings that can be spotted.

• Intriguing trends of assiduity.

• Openings for Mixed Economic System can be attained from effects similar as

• Change in technology and request strategies

• Government policy changes that's related to the company’s field

• Changes in social patterns and cultures.

• Original events.


Following points can be linked as a trouble to company

• Company’s facing obstacles.

• Conditioning of challengers.

• Product and services quality norms

• Trouble from changing technologies

• Financial/ cash inflow problems

• Weakness that hang the business.

Following points should be considered when applying Geek to the analysis

• Precise and empirical expressions should be sued.

• Prioritize the points under each head, so that operation can identify which step has to be taken first.

• Apply the analyses at proposed position. Clear yourself first that on what base you have to apply Geek

• Make sure that points linked should carry itself with strategy expression process.

• Use particular terms (like USP, Core Capabilities Analysesetc.) to get a comprehensive picture of

3. Ideas, (5 Marks)

. In a mixed frugality, private and public sectors go side by side. The government directs profitable exertion
in some socially important areas of the frugality, the rest being left to the price medium to operate.

Before Independence, Indian frugality was a‘laissez faire’ frugality. Butpost-independence, she espoused
the mixed frugality system.

Therefore, it's clear from the following arguments that our frugality is a mixed frugality.

(i) Concurrence of Public and Private Sectors

The concurrence of large public sector with big private sector has converted the frugality into a mixed
bone. Artificial programs of 1948 and 1956 formulated by the Indian government have made the provision
of similar concurrence. Some introductory and heavy diligence are being run under the public sector. Still,
with the liberalisation of Indian frugality, the compass of private sector has further enhanced.
(ii) Planned Development

India had a poor artificial base at the time of Independence. A long period of profitable recession under
British rule had weakened the Indian Economy. Hence 5- time plans have been acclimated on with the
Directive Principles of State Policy to rebuild the pastoral frugality and lay foundations of artificial and
scientific progress.

(iii) Plan Objects

In 1951, Five Time Plan was started in India and we're going with the eleventh Five Time Plan.

The introductory objects of these plans are epitomized as

(a) Profitable growth;

(b) Modernisation;

(c) Tone- reliance;

(d) Social justice;

4. Practical operation and relating generalities with real world and conclusion (10 marks).

How Attend the mixed Economic System Work

WorkA mixed profitable system takes on both the characteristics of a request frugality and a planned
frugality. In the request frugality, private enterprises are free to set up businesses and make gains. The
request ( force and demand) determines the prices of goods and services, as well as the allocation of coffers.

In a command frugality, on the other side, the government regulates the request or owns the crucial
diligence. Product and deals of goods are determined by the government. Cuba and North Korea are some
of the many countries with a command frugality.

In a mixed profitable system, the private sector and public sector co-occur. There's a certain position of
profitable freedom so that the private sector can decide the use of capital and seek gains. It
contemporaneously allows the government to intermediate in some profitable conditioning and diligence.
Through furnishing public goods and collecting levies, the government can produce further social weal.

Some essential diligence, similar as public defense, public transportation, and package delivery, are
incompletely intimately possessed. The mixed profitable system is the most common and practical system
in ultramodern society. A pure command frugality or request frugality only exists theoretically
Benefits of a mixed Economic System

Combining the features of a request frugality and a command frugality, a mixed profitable system carries
advantages from both sides.

1. Effective allocation of coffers

Coffers are allocated efficiently to where they're demanded the most in the private sector. Hence,
guests’needs can be better met.

2. Impulses for invention and product effectiveness

In a free request with competition, the enterprises that can produce more efficiently are awarded with
advanced gains. Companies are therefore motivated to allocate capital to achieve invention and
effectiveness of product. Guests can admit the stylish value for what they paid for.

3. Government support

The public sector in a mixed frugality alleviates the disadvantages of a free request. Private companies
might neglect some diligence that are essential or bring social weal because of their low profitability. In a
mixed frugality, government intervention can support these crucial diligence, similar as education, defense,
and aerospace, through subventions or power.

The government also takes care of the less competitive companies and underprivileged individualities. For
illustration, duty is an effective tool to reduce inequality by redistributing inflows. The government can also
apply health care, withdrawal, and other programs to ameliorate the weal of the general society


In conclusion, the government should intermediate the frugality by the right way, correct the blights by
using suitable results, overcome the frugality problem in well and manage the finance by rational. It's
because India is a mixed frugality system, the government have to intermediate it by professionally and take
it seriously, if not, there will some negative suggestion will do similar as, supplier and consumer
dissatisfaction, public conduct demonstrate because of the price of diurnal requirements of goods increase
by suddenly and so on.

Besides that, the government need to consider by rational and clear before decision timber, this is because
government decision timber will impact to the public. The government also need to conduct the marketing
exploration always in order to understanding the consumer are satisfy the price of goods and services or not
and does the supplier set the price of goods and services by suitable or not, so it may reduce the request
problem. When facing fat or dearths in the request, government may take applicable action to acclimate the

In this assignment, I was gain numerous knowledge by doing exploration from internet, reading the
material and get some council line from the speaker. Other than that, I also get numerous use full
information and details from the internet exploration, it may help me can apply that important of
information and details to my academic.

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