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LK 6: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

Judul Modul Modul 6 : English for Public Information

Judul Kegiatan 1. Learning Activity 1 : Analytical Exposition Text
Belajar (KB) 2. Learning Activity 2 : Hortatory Exposition Text
3. Learning Activity 3 : Explanation Text
4. Learning Activity 4 : Discussion Text
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1 Daftar peta 1. Analytical Exposition Text
konsep (istilah
dan definisi) di
Analytical Exposition Text
modul ini

Definition Social Characte Language

Generic Kinds of
Function -ristics Structure Features Text
- Internal
Exposition To Conjuction
convince Brochure,
text is a text Especillay Thesis, - Causal expression
that the in terms of conjuction
elaborates the audience Arguments, of
grammar, satisfaction
writer's idea that his / Vocabulary Reiteration - Simple Present
about the her idea is Tense and
phenomenon and dissatisfacti
surrounding important Expression -Relational
matter on
-Compund and
- Some words for
link the

2. Hortatory Exposition Text

Hortatory Exposition Text

Definition Social Character Generic Language Kinds of

Function -istic Structur Features Text

Hortatory -Thesis
Hortatory Its -
Exposition text Arguments -Simple
Expositio characteristic Advertis
is a text which Reiterations present tense
n text is especially in ment
represent the -Passive voice
intended terms of - Asking
attempt of the -Modal and
by the garmmar, for and
writer to have adverb
writer / vocabulary Giving
the addressea -Subject
speaker and Suggestio
do something pronoun
expression ns
or act in -Temporal and
certain way Causal
3. Explanation Text

Explanation Text

Social Generic Language Examples of

Definition: function features
structures Explanation
text is a text - General - Use of Passive
which is tell To explain the Statement Voice
processes to audience how - Sequenced -Poster
forming and why -Use Of simple
Explanation present tense
natural, social, something -expression
scientific and works or Concluding -use of technical of thanking
culture happens Statement terms
phenomenon -Use of words that
show cause and effect
-Use of Abstract noun
-Use of action verb
-Use of Noun Phrase

4. Exploring Infographic


Definition Social Functions Characteristics Generic Language

Structure Features

Discussion text is 1. General

Discussion intendeed by the writer statements Grammar
Text is a / speaker to present at Discussion text has 2. A series of 1. Use simple
text which least two point of view its characteristic, paragraphs present tense
presents a about issue or problem especially in terms that has
of grammar, 2. Use of
problematic ; to present argument points for and
vocabulary and medium to
discourse from differing points of againts the
expressions high modality
view about issue or topic
problem 3. Use of
3. quoted and
Concluding reported
paragraph speech
4. Use of
Passive voice
5. Focus on
beginning of
6. Use of

2 Daftar materi 1. Explanation text (Creating an Academic Poster)

yang sulit
dipahami di
modul ini
3 Daftar materi 1. Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition text
yang sering 2. Generic structure of Hortatory exposition text

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