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1. PERENNIALI (e.g.,
SM (Robert math,
Maynard history,
Hutchins & scienc
Mortimer e)
• This Ex
educati am
onal ple
philoso :
phy lect
believe ure
s in -
“perm ba
anenc se
y of d
knowl cla
edge” sse
• Educat s
ion is tau
consta ght
nt, in
absolu uni
te, and ver
univer siti
sal es
• Teachi Re
ng is ading,
an art writing,
of speaking,
impart and
ing listening
knowl are taught
edge in early
and grades
to the SM (James
studen D. Koerner,
ts H.G.
• This Rickover, Paul
philoso Copperman &
phy is Theodore Sizer)
also • Bel
subjec iev
tcente es
red tha
such t
as lea
teache rni
rs ng
teach is
by the co
st ble
of me
ma mb
ste er
rin of
g the
the so
su cie
bje ty.
ct • Th
ma e
tte co
r. nc
• Sc ept
ho is
ols the
sh sa
oul me
d as
tea per
ch en
ac nia
ad lis
em m
ic ex
an ce
d pt
mo tha
ral t
sta es
nd se
ar nti
ds. alis
• Thi m’
s s
phi co
los nte
op nt
hy (kn
pr owl
ep ed
are ge)
s is
stu ch
de an
nts gin
for g.
ult Ex
life am
an ple
d :
be stu
co de
me nts
a mu
val st
ua ma
ste by
r a doi
cer ng
tai an
n d
top bec
ic om
bef e
ore pro
mo ble
vin m
g sol
on ver
to &
the criti
ne cal
xt thin
on ker
e, s
us • Thi
ed s
of phil
sta oso
nd phy
ard con
ize sid
d ers
tes the
t- stu
too de
ls nt’
VISM (John ere
Dewey) st
• Ed an
uca d
tion ne
is ed
foc s
us an
on d
the con
“w nec
hol t it
e to
chi the
ld con
de ten
vel t
me Ex
nt’ am
• Stu ple
de :
nts sm
lea all
rn gro
up studen
s ts and
de becom
bat es a
ing partner
, in the
lea learnin
rni g
ng proces
sta s of
tio teachin
ns, g-
ex learnin
per g
im (facilit
ent ator).
on Examp
le: self-
ISM (Jean- assign
Paul Sartre) ments,
• This philosophy student
studen choosi
ts as ng
individ their
ual own
that worksp
are ace
respon in the
sible classro
for om,
their flexible
own learnin
future g
will). 5. RECONSTRUCTIONISM (Theodore Bughard
Hurt Brameld)
• This
• Studen philoso
ts phy
make views
choice the
s the educati
defines on as
their a
existen means
ce to
(who recon
they struct
are). the
• The societ
teache y.
r will • Studen
suppor ts
t the becom
proble • This
m focuse
solver s on
of the the
society overall
’s growt
issues h and
and develo
challen pment
ges of a
Examp • Teach
le: ers
discus and
sion studen
about ts
politics becom
and e
voting, critical
lesson thinker
about s and
environ teachin
mental g
issues should
6. PRAGMATISM explor
(John Dewy) atory.
• This • Studen
philoso ts also
phy becom
view e
chang proble
e as m-
perma solvers
nent. as the
• Whate world
ver chang
and le:
values resear
an ch
individ studies
ual ,
current logical
ly reasoni
know it ng,
will still practic
chang al
e or it project
may s,
be real-life
recons simulat
tructed ion
7. IDEALISM (Rene Descartes, George
Berkeley, Immanuel Kant, & George William
Hegel) lead to
• “I will the
make content
realize 8. REALISM
that (Aristotle)
you • “All
alread you
y know will
what learn
you will
though came
t you from
do not the
know” world
• This aroun
philoso d you.
phy I will
believe impart
s that it them
is the to
teache you.”
r’s job • This
to philoso
bring phy
out consid
the ers
latent educa
knowl tion
edge as a
into matter
the of
consci reality
ousne rather
ss of than
the specul
child ation.
• Teach • The
ers as teache
a role rs
model impart
of knowl
enduri edge
ng to the
values stude
Examp about
le: the
socrati world
c they
questio live in.
ning, • Three
motivat R’s
ional –
activity readin
that g,

lecture and
discussions in


What is NCBTS? (NCBTS)

 The is at the
National heart of
Competen the TEDP.
cy_ Based It is the

Teacher key
Standards element of
the TEDP What is a
(Teacher standard?
Education  NORM
Developm N
ent  BENCHM
Program). ARK
defines CK
effective  MODEL
teaching  MEASUR
as being E
able to  PARADIG
help all M
types of
learn the
Who should use
the NCBTS?
goals in
 Teacher
 An
shall use it
to design
s of
 Profession
 It is based
on the
values of
on (PRC)
shall refer
to it to
and on
design the
 Institutions
with seven
23 strands
and 80
ent or
shall refer
to it to
n they
 Award
bodies. Domain 1:
 DepEd Social Regard
shall use for Learning
the Key Question
NCBTS to for the Teacher:
its hiring, “Can my
promotion, students
supervisio appreciate and
n and model the value
other of learning
policies through my
related to interactions with
the them?”
profession Explanation: The
. domain of Social
 Most of all, Regard for
individual Learning focuses
teachers on the ideal that
in all teachers serve as
public positive &
elementar powerful role
y and high models of the
schools values of the
shall use it pursuit of learning
for their & of the effort to
profession learn, & that the
al teacher’s actions,
developm statements, &
ent different types of
activities. social interactions
with students
exemplify this

The Seven Domain 2:

Domains of Learning
NCBTS Environment
Key Question for
the Teacher:

“Do I create a
physical and
environment in
class that allows
my students to teachers can
attain maximum facilitate the
learning?” learning process
in diverse types of
Explanation: The learners, by first
domain of recognizing and
Learning respecting
Environment individual
focuses on differences, then
importance of using knowledge
providing for a about students’
social and differences to
physical design diverse
environment sets of learning
within which all activities to
students, ensure that all
regardless of their students can
individual attain appropriate
differences in learning goals.
learning, can
engage the Domain 4:
different learning Curriculum Key
activities and Question for the
work towards Teacher:
attaining high
standards of “Can my students
learning. understand and
attain the goals of
the curriculum
through the
various learning
resources and
Domain 3: activities I
Diversity of prepared? Have I
Learners Key made use of ICT
Question for the appropriately?”
Explanation: The
“Can I help my domain of
students learn Curriculum refers
whatever their to all elements of
capabilities, the teaching-
learning styles, learning process
cultural heritage, that work in
socio-economic convergence to
backgrounds, and help students
other differences attain high
are?” standards of
learning and
Explanation: The understanding of
domain of the curricular
Diversity of goals and
Learners objectives. These
emphasizes the elements include
ideal that the teacher’s
knowledge of assessment data
subject matter, to plan and
teaching-learning implementation of
approaches and teaching-learning
activities, activities.
materials and In particular, the
learning domain focuses
resources on the use of
including ICT. assessment data
to plan & revise
Domain 5: teaching-learning
Planning, plans, as well as
Assessing and the integration of
Reporting Key formative
Question for the assessment
Teacher: procedures in the
plan and
“Do I assess my implementation of
students’ learning teaching-learning
and knowledge activities.
using appropriate
educational Domain 6:
assessment Community
procedures, and Linkages Key
do I use the Question for the
information from Teacher:
assessment “Are the goals
procedures in and
planning my characteristics of
teaching-learning the teaching-
activities for the learning activities
students?” I implement
relevant to the
Explanation: The experiences,
domain of values and
Planning, aspirations in my
Assessing & students’
Reporting refers communities?”
to the aligned use
of assessment Explanation: The
and planning domain of
activities to Community
ensure that the Linkages focuses
teaching-learning on the ideal that
activities are school activities
maximally are meaningfully
appropriate to the linked to the
students’ current experiences and
knowledge and aspirations of the
learning levels. In students in their
particular, the homes and
domain focuses communities.
on the use of Thus, the domain
focuses on Explanation: The
teachers’ efforts domain of
directed at Personal Growth
strengthening the and Professional
links between Development
school and emphasizes the
community ideal that
activities as these teachers value
help in the having a high
attainment of the personal regard,
curricular concern for
objectives. professional
development, and
Domain 7: continuous
Personal Growth improvement as
and Professional teachers.
Key Question for
the Teacher:

“Do my actions
and statements
indicate a high
regard for the
profession and for
my continuous
development as a


Philippine 4. Curriculum
Professional and
Standards for Planning
Teachers (PPST)
5. Assessme
nt and
1. Content Reporting
6. Communit
e and
y Linkages
2. Learning al
Environme Engageme
nt nt
3. Diversity 7. Personal
of Growth
Learners and
Profession subject
al s and
Developm course
ent s

Domain 1: Strands:
Content 1. Content
Knowledge knowledge
and and its
Pedagogy implication
 Conte within and
nt across
Knowl curriculum
edge – areas
refers 2. Research-
to the based
teache knowledge
rs’ and principles
master of teaching
y of and learning
the 3. Positive
conten use of ICT
t in the 4. Strategies
subject for promoting
s and literacy and
course numeracy
s that 5. Strategies
they for developing
are critical and
assign creative
ed to thinking, as
teach well as other
 Pedag thinking skills
ogical 6. Mother
Knowl Tongue,
edge – Filipino and
refers English in
to the teaching and
teache learning
rs’ 7. Classroom
master communicatio
y in n strategies
effectiv Domain 2:
e Learning
instruc Environment
tional This includes
strateg not only the
ies physical
and environment
metho of the school
ds to or classroom
teach but also the
their emotional
environment Strands:
of the school 1. Learners’
and the gender,
classroom needs,
that creates strengths,
positive and interests, and
conducive experiences
learning 2. Learners’
atmosphere linguistic,
for all cultural,
learners. socioeconomi
c, and
Strands: backgrounds
1. Learner 3. Learners
safety and with
security disabilities,
2. Fair and giftedness,
learning and talents
environment 4. Learners in
3. difficult
Management circumstances
of classroom 5. Learners
structure and from
activities indigenous
4. Support for groups
participation Domain 4:
5. Promotion Curriculum
of purposive and Planning
learning  Curric
6. ulum
Management –
of learner include
behavior s the
Domain 3: s and
Diversity of learnin
Learners g
It includes experi
understanding ences
the students’ planne
demographic d for
and socio- all
demographic studen
background, ts. It
as well as include
their different s the
interests, learnin
abilities, g
talents, and competencies
learning and
styles. instructional
designed for ant
students. compo
 Teach nent of
ers as teachi
curricu ng and
lum learnin
leader g. It
s need include
to plan s
for the gatheri
imple ng the
mentat necess
ion of ary
the data to
curricu measu
lum re
Strands: the mastery of
1. Planning the subject
and and courses
management of the
of the students
teaching  It
learning measu
process res the
2. Learning achiev
outcomes ement
aligned with of
learning every
competencies learnin
3. Relevance g
and outco
responsivenes me
s of learning Strands:
programs 1. Design,
4. collection
Professional organization,
collaboration and utilization
to enrich of assessment
teaching strategies
practice 2. Monitoring
5. Teaching and
and learning evaluation of
resources learner
including ICT progress and
3. Feedback
Domains 5: to improve
Assessment learning
and 4.
Reporting Communicatio
 Asses n of learner
sment needs,
– is an progress, and
import achievement
to key s and
stakeholders the
5. Use of wider
assessment comm
data to unity
enhance to
teaching and solicit
learning their
practices and suppor
programs. t and
Domain 6: ation
Community for
Linkages and school
Professional and
Engagement class
 School activiti
and es that
Comm are
unity design
partner ed to
ship is help
essenti studen
al in ts
ensuri enjoy
ng schooli
quality ng
learnin Strands:
g: a 1.
strong Establishment
and of learning
positiv environments
e that are
partner responsive to
ship community
can contexts
guaran 2.
tee Engagement
succes of parents and
s and the wider
excelle school
nce in community in
learnin the educative
g process
among 3.
studen Professional
ts ethics
4. School
 Teach policies and
ers procedures
to Domain 7:
work Professional
with Growth and
Personal teachers
Development develop the
 Teach maturity in the
ers conduct of
need their teaching
to duties
grow sustaining
person their
ally commitment
and for personal
profes and academic
sionall integrity.
y. This Strands:
is 1. Philosophy
essenti of teaching
al in 2. Dignity of
sustain teaching as
ing profession
their 3.
sense Professional
of links with
missio colleagues
n and 4.
passio Professional
n reflection and
in the learning to
teaching improve
profession practice
 Profes Professional
sional development
develo goals
activiti CAREER
teache NAL
update IN THE
fields “Anchored on
of the principle
special of lifelong
ization learning, the
and in professional
the standards
develo framework
pment that
s articulates
in developmenta
educat l progression
ion. as teachers
Personal develop,
growth helps refine their
practice, and dge,
respond to the skills,
complexities and
of educational values
reforms.” that
DepEd Order suppor
no. 42 s. t the
2017, 7 teachi
ng and
Career stage learnin
1: Beginning g
Teachers proces
 Gaine s
d the  Mange
qualific learnin
ations g
recogn progra
ized ms
for and
entry have
into strateg
the ies
teachi that
ng promot
profes e
sion learnin
 Have a g
strong bases
unders on the
tandin needs
g of of their
the studen
subject ts
s/area  Seek
s in advice
which from
they experi
are enced
trained colleag
in ues to
terms consoli
of date
conten their
t teachi
knowle ng
dge practic
and e
ogy Career stage
 Posse 2: Proficient
ss the Teachers
requisi  Profes
te sionall
knowle y
indepe profes
ndent sional
in the
applica comm
tion of unity
skills and
vital to other
the stakeh
teachi olders
ng and for
learnin mutual
g growth
proces and
s advan
 Provid cemen
e t.
focuse  Reflect
d ive
teachi practiti
ng oners
progra who
ms contin
that ually,
meet consoli
curricu date
lum knowle
and dge,
assess skills
ment and
require practic
ments e of
 Displa beginn
y skills ing
in teache
planni rs
imple Career stage
mentin 3: Highly
g, and Proficient
manag Teachers
ing  Consis
curricu tently
lum display
progra a high
ms level of
 Activel perfor
y mance
engag in their
e in teachi
collabo ng
rative practic
learnin e
g with  Manife
the st an
in- ring to
depth enhan
and ce
sophist their
icated learni
unders ng
tandin and
g of practic
the e
teachi  Contin
ng and ually
learnin seek
g to
proces devel
s op
 Have a their
high profes
educat sional
ion- knowl
focuse edge
d and
situatio practic
n e by
cogniti reflecti
on, are ng to
more their
adept own
in needs
proble and
m- those
solving of
and their
optimiz collea
e gues
opport and
unities stude
gained nts
experi Career stage
ence 4:
 Work Distinguishe
collab d Teachers
orativ  Embod
ely y the
with highes
collea t
gues standa
and rd for
provid teachi
e ng
them ground
suppo ed in
rt and global
mento best
practic nce in
es pursuit
 Exhibit of
excepti teachi
onal ng
capacit quality
y to and
improv excelle
e their nce
teachi  Exhibit
ng commi
practic tment
e and to
that of inspire
others the
 Are educat
recogn ion
ized as comm
leader unity
s in and
educat stakeh
ion, olders
contrib for the
utors improv
to the ement
profes of
sion, educat
and ion
initiato provisi
rs of on in
collabo the
rations Philipp
and ines.
 Create
in the
lives of
ts, and
 Consis
t and

Article14 to
of the make
1987 such
Philip educati
pine on
Consti access
tution ible to
Section I - all.
The Section II
State  Est
shall abli
protect sh,
and mai
promot ntai
e the n,
right of an
all d
citizen sup
s to por
quality t a
educati co
on at mpl
all ete
levels, ,
and ad
shall eq
take uat
appropriat e,
e steps
an stu
d de
inte nt’s
gra loa
ted ns.
sys  En
te cou
m rag
of e
ed no
uca n-
tion for
rel mal
eva ,
nt info
to rm
the al,
ne an
eds d
of indi
the ge
pe no
opl us
e lea
an rni
d ng
soc sys
iety te
 Fre ms
e  Pro
ed vid
uca e
tion ad
for ult
ele citi
me zen
nta s,
ry the
an dis
d abl
hig ed,
h an
sch d
ool out
lev -of-
els. sch
 Sc ool
hol you
ars th
hip wit
gra h
nts trai
an nin
d g in
civi sm
cs, an
voc d
atio nati
nal on
effi alis
cie m
ncy  Rel
, igio
an n
d sha
oth ll
er be
skil allo
ls. we
Section III d
 All to
ed be
uca tau
tion ght
al to
inst thei
ituti r
ons chil
sha dre
ll n
incl or
ud war
e ds
the in
stu pu
dy blic
of ele
the me
Co nta
nsti ry
tuti an
on d
as hig
par h
t of sch
the ool
cur s
ricu wit
la. hin
 Th the
ey reg
sha ula
ll r
inc cla
ulc ss
ate ho
pat urs
rioti by
ruc  Re
tor cog
s niz
des es
ign the
ate co
d mpl
or em
ap ent
pro ary
ved rol
by es
the of
reli pu
gio blic
us an
aut d
hor priv
itie ate
s of inst
the ituti
reli ons
gio in
n the
to ed
whi uca
ch tion
the al
chil sys
dre te
n m
or an
war d
ds sha
bel ll
on exe
g, rcis
wit e
ho rea
ut son
ad abl
diti e
on sup
al ervi
cos sio
t by n
the an
Go d
ver reg
nm ulat
ent ion
Cra of
law all
. ed
Section IV uca
tion ations
al at least
inst sixty
ituti per
ons centu
 Ed m of
uca the
tion capital
al of
inst which
ituti is
ons owned
, by
oth such
er citizen
tha s.
n  All
tho rev
se en
est ues
abli an
she d
d ass
by ets
reli of
gio no
us n-
gro sto
ups ck,
an no
d n-
mis pro
sio fit
n ed
bo uca
ard tion
s, al
sha inst
ll ituti
be ons
ow use
ne d
d act
sol uall
ely y,
by dir
citizen ectl
s of y,
the an
Philippi d
nes or exc
corpor lusi
ations vel
or y
associ for
ed dir
uca ectl
tion y,
al an
pur d
pos exc
es lusi
sha vel
ll y
be for
exe ed
mp uca
t tion
fro al
m pur
tax pos
es es
an sha
d ll
duti be
es. exe
 Su mp
bje t
ct fro
to m
con tax
diti cral
ons aw.
pre Section V
scri  Th
be e
d Sta
by te
law sha
, all ll
gra tak
nts, e
en into
do acc
wm ou
ent nt
s, reg
do ion
nati al
ons an
, or d
con sec
trib tor
utio al
ns ne
use eds
d an
act d
uall con
y, diti
ons rni
an ng.
d  Ev
sha ery
ll citi
enc zen
our has
ag a
e rig
loc ht
al to
pla sel
nni ect
ng a
in pro
the fes
dev sio
elo n
pm or
ent cou
of rse
ed of
uca stu
tion dy,
al sub
poli ject
cie to
s fair
an ,
d rea
pro son
gra abl
ms. e,
 Ac an
ad d
emi eq
c uita
fre ble
ed ad
om mis
sha sio
ll n
be an
enj d
oye aca
d in de
all mic
inst req
ituti uir
ons em
of ent
her ala
lea w.
 Th tea
e chi
Sta ng
te will
sha attr
ll act
en an
ha d
nce ret
the ain
rig its
ht rig
of htf
tea ul
che sha
rs re
to of
pro the
fes bes
sio t
nal ava
adv ilab
anc le
em tale
ent nts
. thr
 Th gh
e ad
Sta eq
te uat
sha e
ll re
ass mu
ign ner
the atio
hig n
hes an
t d
bu oth
dg er
eta me
ry ans
pri of
orit job
y to sati
ed sfa
uca ctio
tion n
an an
d d
ens fulfi
ure llm
tha ent
t .
Section sci
VI-IX enc
 Fo e
cus an
ed d
on tec
the hn
dev olo
elo gy
pm in
ent the
an Phi
d lipp
pro ine
mo s.
Fili Section
pin XIV –
as  Dis
the cus
nati s
on the
al dev
lan elo
gu pm
ag ent
e an
as d
me pro
diu mo
m tion
of of
inst Fili
ruc pin
tion o
Section X cult
– XII ure
 Fo .
cus Section
ed XIX
on  Pro
the vid
imp es
ort the
anc fra
e me
an wor
d k
pro for
mo pro
tion mo
of ting
an  Th
d e
dev rig
elo ht
pin to
g be
spo pro
rts vid
pro ed
gra wit
ms h
for fre
the e
wel leg
l- al
bei ser
ng vic
of e
Fili by
pin the
o ap
pe pro
opl pri
e. ate
BILAN offi
G 232 ce

Section X-  Th
Rights e
of all rig
school ht
perso to
nnel est
 Fre sh,
e join
exp an
res d
sio mai
n ntai
of n
opi lab
nio or
n org
an ani
d zati
sug ons
ges an
tion d/o
s r
fes Section XI
sio -
nal Specia
an l
d Rights
self and
- privileges
reg of
ulat teachi
ing ng or
org acade
ani mic
zati staff
ons  Fre
of e
 thei fro
r m
cho co
ice mp
 Th uls
e ory
rig ass
ht ign
to me
be nts
fre not
e rel
fro ate
m d
inv to
olu thei
nta r
ry duti
con es
trib  Rig
utio ht
ns to
exc inte
ept llec
tho tual
se pro
imp per
ose ty
d con
by sist
thei ent
r wit
ow h
n ap
org plic
ani abl
zati e
ons law
 Te car
ach eer
ers line
sha s
ll Section
be XVI -
de Teach
em er’s
ed obliga
per tion
son  Per
s in for
aut m
hor his
ity duti
wh es
en to
in the
the sch
dis ool
cha by
rge dis
of cha
law rgi
ful ng
duti his
es res
an po
d nsi
res bilit
po ies
nsi in
bilit acc
ies ord
 Te anc
ach e
ers wit
sha h
ll the
be phil
acc oso
ord phy
ed ,
the go
op als,
por an
tuni d
ty obj
to ecti
cho ves
ose of
alte the
rna sch
tive ool
 Be res
acc our
ou ces
nta .
ble  Re
for nd
the er
effi reg
cie ula
nt r
an rep
d ort
eff s
ecti on
ve the
att per
ain for
me ma
nt nce
of of
spe eac
cifi h
ed stu
lea de
rni nt
ng an
obj d
ecti the
ves latt
in er
pur an
sua d
nce the
of latt
nati er’s
on par
al ent
 dev an
elo d
pm guardi
ent ans
go with
als specifi
wit c
hin sugges
the tions
limi for
ts improv
of ement.
ava  As
ilab su
le me
sch the
ool res
po s in
nsi stu
bilit de
y to nts
mai sch
ntai ola
n stic
an rati
d ng
sus for
tain act
his s
pro tha
fes t
sio are
nal cle
gro arly
wth not
an ma
d nife
adv stat
anc ion
em of
ent po
an or
d sch
mai ola
ntai rshi
n p
 pro  Par
fes tici
sio pat
nali e
sm as
in an
the ag
be ent
hav of
ior con
at str
all ucti
tim ve
es. soc
 Ref ial,
rai eco
n no
fro mic
m ,
ma mo
kin ral,
g inte
de llec
duc tual
tion ,
ura ons
l of
an imp
d ort
poli ant
tica ter
l ms
cha use
ng d in
e in the
his law
sch .
ool Article
 an II
d  Th
the e
co co
m mp
mu osit
nity ion
wit an
hin d
the fun
con ctio
text ns
of of
nati the
on bo
al ard
poli for
cie pro
s. fes
REPU nal
BLIC tea
ACT che
7836 rs.
Article III
I  Ex
 Sta plai
te n
me the
nt exa
of min
poli atio
cy, n
obj an
ecti d
ves reg
an istr
d atio
defi n
niti rul
es -
an Regist
d ration
pro and
ced Excep
ure tion
s.  No
C ACT sha
9293 ll
Sectio en
n XV - ga
Qualifi ge
cation in
Requir tea
ement chi
s of ng
Applic an
ants d/o
 No r
ap act
plic as
ant a
sha defi
ll ne
be d in
ad this
mitt Act
ed ,
to wh
tak eth
e er
exa in
min the
atio pre
n sch
unl ool,
ess ele
, me
on nta
the ry
dat or
e  sec
of on
filin dar
g y
of lev
the el
ap unl
plic ess
atio the
n. per
Sectio son
is a Section
dul XXXI
y  Tra
reg nsit
iste ory
red Pro
pro visi
fes on
tea C ACT
che 10533
an Section
d a XXXI
der  Gr
of ad
a uat
vali es
d of
cer sci
tific enc
ate es,
or ma
 reg ma
istr tics
atio ,
n stat
an isti
d a cs,
vali en
d gin
pro eer
fes ing,
sio mu
nal sic
lice an
nse d
, or oth
a er
hol de
der gre
of a valid e
profes cou
sional rse
license s
or a wit
holder h
of a sho
valid rta
special ges
/tempo in
rary qu
alifi atio
ed nal
lice cou
nsu rse
re s to
exa tea
min ch
atio in
n thei
for r
tea spe
che cial
r’s ize
ap d
plic sub
ant ject
s to s
tea sha
ch ll
in hav
thei e
r cer
spe tific
cial atio
ize n
d iss
sub ue
ject d
s in by
the TE
ele SD
me A.
nta  Th
ry e
an fac
d ulty
sec of
on HE
dar Is
y be
ed allo
uca we
tion d
. to
Section tea
 Gr in
ad thei
uat r
es ge
of ner
tec al
hni ed
cal- uca
voc tion
or a
sub full-
ject tim
spe e
cial HE
ize I
in fac
the ulty
sec .
on  De
dar pE
y d
ed an
uca d
tion priv
: ate
Pro ed
vid uca
ed, tion
tha inst
t ituti
the on
fac ma
ulty y
mu hir
st e
be pra
a ctiti
hol on
der ers
of wit
a h
rel exp
eva erti
nt se
Ba in
che the
lor’ spe
s cial
de ize
gre d
e, lea
an rni
d ng
mu are
st as
hav as
e par
sati ttim
sfa e
cto bas
ry is
ser onl
ved y.
REPU ort
BLIC atio
4670 exp
Sectio es.
nV Sectio
 Sta n VII
bilit  Wit
y hin
on six
em mo
plo nth
ym s
ent fro
an m
d the
sec ap
urit pro
y of val
ten of
ure this
sha act,
ll the
be sec
ass ret
ure ary
d of
the ed
tea uca
che tion
rs sha
as ll
pro for
vid mul
ed ate
un an
der d
exi pre
stin par
g e a
law Co
s. de
Sectio of
n VI Profes
 Co sional
nse Condu
nt ct for
for Public
tra School
nsf Teach
er er. A
tra copy of
nsp the
shall entativ
be e of his
furnish choice
ed to and/or
each by his
teache organi
r. zation,
Sectio adequ
n VIII ate
Every time
teache being
r shall given
enjoy to the
equita teache
ble r for
safegu the
ards at prepar
each ation
stage of his
of any defens
discipli e; and
nary d. the
proced right to
ure appeal
and to
shall clearly
have: design
a. the ated
right to authori
be ties.
inform Sectio
ed, in n IX
writing,  Ad
of the min
charge istr
s ativ
b. the e
right to cha
full rge
access s
to the ag
eviden ain
ce in st a
the tea
case che
c. the r
right to sha
defend ll
himself be
and to he
be ard
defend initi
ed by ally
a by
repres a
co divi
m sio
mitt n
ee sup
co ervi
mp sor
ose ,
d wh
of ere
the the
cor tea
res che
po r
ndi bel
ng on
Sc gs,
ho as
ol cha
Su irm
per an,
inte a
nd rep
ent res
of ent
the ativ
Div e
isio of
n the
or loc
a al
dul or,
y in
aut its
hor abs
ize enc
d e,
rep any
res exi
ent stin
ativ g
e pro
wh vin
o cial
sho or
uld nati
at on
lea al
st tea
hav che
e r's
the org
ran ani
k of zati
a on
d a or
sup dur
ervi ing
sor its
of exe
the rcis
Div e,
isio or
n, in
the the
last ter
two min
to atio
be n
des of
ign ser
ate vic
d es,
by bas
the ed
Directo on
r of oth
Public er
School tha
s. n
Sectio pro
nX fes
 Th sio
ere nal
sha con
ll sid
be era
no tion
dis .
cri Sectio
min n XI
atio  Wh
n en
wh eve
ats r
oev pos
er sibl
in e,
ent the
ran pro
ce per
to aut
the hor
tea itie
chi s
ng sha
pro ll
fes tak
sio e
n, all
ste cha
ps rge
to of
en thei
abl r
e pro
ma fes
rrie sio
d nal
cou duti
ple es,
s, par
bot ticu
h larl
of y
wh wit
om h
are reg
pu ard
blic to
sch tea
ool chi
tea ng
che an
rs, d
to cla
be ssr
em oo
plo m
yed me
in tho
the ds.
sa Sectio
me n XIII
loc  An
alit y
y. tea
Sectio che
n XII r
 Te en
ach ga
ers ge
sha d in
ll act
enj ual
oy cla
aca ssr
de oo
mic m
fre inst
ed ruc
om tion
in sha
the ll
dis not
be of
req exe
uir rcis
ed es
to an
ren d
der oth
mo er
re wor
tha k
n inci
six de
ho ntal
urs to
of his
act nor
ual mal
cla tea
ssr chi
oo ng
m duti
tea es
chi Sectio
ng n XIV
a  Not
day wit
, hst
whi an
ch din
sha g
ll any
be pro
so visi
sch on
ed of
ule exi
d stin
as g
to law
giv to
e the
him con
tim trar
e y,
for co-
the cur
pre ricu
par lar
atio an
n d
an out
d of
cor sch
rec ool
tion acti
viti t of
es his
an reg
d ula
any r
oth re
er mu
acti ner
viti atio
es n
out aft
sid er
e the
of tea
wh che
at r
is has
defi co
ne mpl
d ete
as d
nor at
mal lea
duti st
es six
of ho
any urs
tea of
che act
r ual
sha cla
ll ssr
be oo
pai m
d tea
an chi
ad ng
diti a
on day
al .
co Sectio
mp n XV
ens  Te
atio ach
n er's
of sal
at ari
lea es
st sha
twe ll
nty cor
- res
five po
per nd
cen to
the sha
foll ll
owi be
ng suc
crit h
eri as
a: to
 Th ins
ey ure
sha tea
ll che
co rs
mp a
are rea
fav son
ora abl
bly e
wit sta
h nd
tho ard
se of
pai life
d in for
oth the
er ms
occ elv
up es
atio an
ns d
req thei
uiri r
ng fa
eq mili
uiv es;
ale an
nt d
or  Th
sim ey
ilar sha
qu ll
alifi be
cati pro
ons per
, ly
trai gra
nin de
g d
an so
d as
abil to
itie rec
s; og
 Th niz
ey e
fact on
tha fro
t m
cer a
tain min
pos imu
itio m
ns to
req a
uir ma
e xim
hig um
her sal
qu ary
alifi by
cati me
ons ans
an of
d reg
gre ula
ate r
r incr
res em
po ent
nsi s,
bilit gra
y nte
tha d
n aut
oth om
ers atic
. ally
Sectio aft
n XVI er
 Sal thr
ary ee
sca yea
les rs
tea Sectio
che n XVII
rs  Th
sha e
ll sal
pro ary
vid sca
e les
for of
a tea
gra che
du rs
al wh
pro ose
gre sal
ssi ari
es Sectio
are n XVIII
ap  Te
pro ach
pri er's
ate sal
d ari
by es
a sha
city ll,
, at
mu the
nici ver
pal, y
mu lea
nici st,
pal kee
dist p
rict, pac
or e
pro wit
vin h
cial the
gov rise
ern in
me the
nt, cos
sha t of
ll livi
not ng
be by
les the
s pay
tha me
n nt
tho of
se a
pro cos
vid t-
ed ofli
for vin
tea g
che allo
rs wa
of nce
the whi
Nat ch
ion sha
al ll
Go aut
ver om
nm atic
ent ally
. foll
cha r to
ng the
es pla
in a ce
cos of
t- em
of- plo
livi ym
ng ent
ind , as
ex det
Sectio er
n XIX min
 In ed
are by
as the
in Se
whi cre
ch tar
tea y of
che Ed
rs uca
are tion
exp ,
ose the
d y
to sha
har ll
dsh be
ip co
suc mp
h ens
as ate
diffi d
cult spe
y in cial
co har
m dsh
mu ip
ting allo
to wa
the nce
pla s
ce eq
of uiv
wor ale
k nt
or to
oth at
er lea
haz st
ard twe
s nty
pec -
ulia five
per h
cen de
t of duc
thei tion
r s:
mo Pro
nthl vid
y ed,
sal ho
ary we
. ver
Sectio ,
n XXI tha
 No t
per up
son on
sha writ
ll ten
ma aut
ke hor
any ity
de exe
duc cut
tion ed
wh by
ats the
oev tea
er che
fro r
m con
the cer
sal ne
ari d,
es law
of ful
tea du
che es
rs an
exc d
ept fee
un s
der owi
spe ng
cifi to
c the
aut Phi
hor lipp
ity ine
of Pu
law blic
aut Sc
hor ho
izin ol
g Te
suc ach
ers cha
As rge
soc for
iati all
on, tea
an che
d rs
pre bef
miu ore
ms the
pro y
per tak
ly e
du up
e tea
on chi
ins ng,
ura an
nce d
poli sha
cie ll
s, be
sha rep
ll eat
be ed
con not
sid les
ere s
d tha
de n
duc onc
tibl e a
e. yea
Sectio r
n XXII dur
 Co ing
mp the
uls tea
ory che
me r's
dic pro
al fes
exa sio
min nal
atio life.
sha Sectio
ll n XXIII
be  Te
pro ach
vid ers
ed sha
fre ll
e be
of pro
tect sch
ed ool
ag s,
ain the
st y
the sha
con ll
seq be
ue enti
nce tled
s of to
em stu
plo dy
ym lea
ent ve
inju not
ries exc
in ee
acc din
ord g
anc on
e e
wit sch
h ool
exi yea
stin r
g aft
law er
s. sev
Sectio en
n XXIV yea
 In rs
ad of
diti ser
on vic
to e.
the Su
lea ch
ve lea
priv ve
ileg sha
es ll
no be
w gra
enj nte
oye d in
d acc
by ord
tea anc
che e
rs wit
in h a
the sch
pu ed
blic ule
set k
by lea
the ve
De of
par abs
tm enc
ent e
of sha
Ed ll
uca be
tion gra
. nte
Dur d
ing to
the tea
per che
iod rs
of wh
suc en
h the
lea nat
ve, ure
the of
tea the
che illn
rs ess
sha de
ll ma
be nds
enti a
tled lon
to g
at tre
lea at
st me
sixt nt
y tha
per t
cen will
t of exc
thei ee
r d
mo on
nthl e
y yea
sal r at
ary the
. lea
Sectio st.
n XXV Sectio
 An n XXVI
ind  Pu
efin blic
ite sch
sic ool
tea the
che bas
rs is
hav of
ing the
fulfi co
lled mp
the uta
ag tion
e of
an the
d lum
ser p
vic su
e m
req of
uir the
em reti
ent re
s of me
the nt
ap pay
plic an
abl d
e the
reti mo
re nthl
me y
nt be
law nefi
s ts
sha the
ll rea
be fter
giv .
en Sectio
on n
ran  Pu
ge blic
sal sch
ary ool
rais tea
e che
up rs
on sha
reti ll
re hav
me e
nt, the
whi rig
ch ht
sha to
ll fre
be ely
an Sectio
d n
ho  Th
ut e
pre rig
vio hts
us est
aut abli
hor she
izat d in
ion the
bot im
h me
to diat
est ely
abli pre
sh ced
an ing
d Se
to ctio
join n
org sha
ani ll
zati be
ons exe
of rcis
thei ed
r wit
cho ho
osi ut
ng, any
wh inte
eth rfer
er enc
loc e
al or
or coe
nati rcio
on n.
to Sectio
furt n XXIX
an  Nat
d ion
def al
en tea
d che
thei rs'
r org
inte ani
res zati
ts. ons
ll the
be tea
con che
sult rs.
ed Sectio
in n XXX
the  Rul
for es
mul an
atio d
n reg
of ulat
nati ion
on s
al iss
ed ue
uca d
tion pur
al sua
poli nt
cie to
s this
an Se
d ctio
pro n
fes sha
sio ll
nal tak
sta e
nd eff
ard ect
s, thir
an ty
d in day
the s
for aft
mul er
atio pu
n blic
of atio
nati n in
on a
al ne
poli ws
cie pa
s per
gov of
ern ge
ing ner
the al
soc circ
ial ulat
sec ion
urit an
y of d
by uca
suc tion
h sha
oth ll
er sub
me mit
ans to
as Co
the ngr
Se ess
cre an
tar nu
y of ally
Ed the
uca nec
tion ess
de ary
em bu
s dg
rea eta
son ry
abl esti
y ma
suff tes
icie to
nt imp
to lem
giv ent
e the
inte pro
res visi
ted ons
par of
ties the
ge Act
ner con
al cer
noti nin
ce g
of the
suc be
h nefi
iss ts
ua her
nce ein
. gra
Sectio nte
n XXXI d
 Th to
e pu
Se blic
cre sch
tar ool
y of tea
Ed che
rs ed
un by
der this
the Act
em or
plo wh
y of o
the sha
Nat ll in
ion any
al oth
Go er
ver ma
nm nn
ent er
. co
Sectio m
n mit
 A act
per to
son def
wh eat
o any
sha of
ll the
will pro
full visi
y ons
inte of
rfer this
e Act
wit sha
h, ll,
res up
trai on
n con
or vict
coe ion,
rce be
any pu
tea nis
che he
r in d
the by
exe a
rcis fine
e of
of not
his les
rig s
hts tha
gu n
ara on
nte e
hu enti
ndr ng
ed rul
pes es
os inc
nor ons
mo iste
re nt
tha wit
n h
on the
e pro
tho visi
usa ons
nd of
pes this
os, Act
or are
by her
imp eby
riso rep
nm eal
ent ed,
, in am
the en
dis de
cre d
tion or
of mo
the difi
cou ed
rt. acc
Sectio ord
n ingl
 All
s Section
par  If
ts any
of pro
Act visi
s, on
exe of
cuti this
ve Act
ord is
ers dec
an lar
d ed
thei inv
r alid
imp ,
lem the
n in
d in
 Thi

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