9 Public Facilities

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Grade: VIII Teaching Notes Subject: Civics

9-Public Facilities

1. Why do you think there are so few cases of private water supply in the world?

A. This is because private companies work for profit and not for public welfare. They
provide water supply at a price which only some people can afford. This leads to huge
protests by the people forcing the government to take back the service from private
companies. This is why there are so few private water suppliers in the world.

2. Do you think water in Chennai is available and affordable for all? Discuss.

 No, in Chennai water is not available to all equally and it is not affordable by all.
 In Chennai water supply is not adequate and regular.
 Private water tankers and drinking water bottles are not affordable by all.
 People who live in slums suffer a lot for water supply.
 They have only one common tap for 20-30 hutments.
 They have to wait long time for public water tankers.
3. How is the sale of water by farmers to water dealers in Chennai affecting the local
people? Do you think local people can object to such exploitation of ground water?

A. The sale of water by farmers to water dealers in Chennai has affected the lives of local
people adversely. They are facing severe water shortage because of this water supply.

Yes, the local people can object to such exploitation of ground water as it is a public good
and its over exploitation is leading to a water shortage in the locality.

4. Why are most of the private hospitals and private schools located in major cities and
not in towns or survival areas?

A. Private schools and hospitals work for profit. They don’t have public welfare as their
priority. They exist in major cities because people there can afford to pay higher for the
services whereas people living in rural areas cannot.

5. Do you think the distribution of public facilities in our country is adequate and fair?
Give an example of your own to explain.
 No, the distribution of public facilities in our country is not adequate and fair.
 All persons living in our society do not have equal access to public facilities.
 For instance, water supply system is better in localities comprising wealthy people.
 In poor localities there is always a problem of water shortage.
 The situation is same with regard to health care and hospitals too.

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Grade: VIII Teaching Notes Subject: Civics

6. Data on some of the public facilities are collected as part of the census. Discuss with
your teacher when and how the census is conducted.

A. The census is conducted every ten years. It is for conducting the entire population of the
country. It also collects detailed information about the people in India-their age, schooling,
profession, religion etc.

The information is collected in a prescribed form. It is collected by enumerators who

visits each and every household.

7. Define the term Universal Access.

A: Universal Access is achieved when everyone has physical access to a good (thing)

and can also afford it. For instance, a tap connection at home will allow physical access to
water, and if the price of water is low or is provided free, everyone will be able to afford it is
called universal access.

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