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Photosynthesis IA

Purpose and Aim:

It is essential for the survival of the overwhelming majority of species on Earth that photosynthesis
occurs. If photosynthesis were to halt, there would be little food or even other organic material on Earth
within a few years, and most species would die as plants go extinct and plants give us food. I want to be a
doctor. Without photosynthesis plants cant grow. Most of the medicines/herbs come from plants. If plants
become extinct, then there wouldn;t be medication for diseases. Thus, I decided to do this experiment.
The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effects of using different wavelengths of light on the rate
of photosynthesis by counting the number of oxygen bubbles.

Background information:
Each and every creature on the planet depends on an energy source in order to exist and thrive. The
mitochondria in animal cells are responsible for the production of ATP via cellular respiration. Plant cells,
on the other hand, contain a distinct sort of energy-producing center, which is called a chloroplast.
Cellular respiration is a process by which organisms combine oxygen and food molecules, channeling the
chemical energy inherent in both substances into life-sustaining activities while ejecting water and carbon
dioxide as waste products.Photosynthesis is the process through which plants produce food.
Photosynthesis is a process that occurs in all plants including bacteria and algae(Ltd). In order to create
energy, they make use of the energy that the sun provides in the form of oxygen and glucose.
Photosynthesis is vital for the survival of most life forms on earth(Ltd). Photosynthesis is a complicated
set of events that are catalyzed by a variety of enzymes. Photosynthesis may be divided into two steps to
make it easier to comprehend.

The first stage is known as the ‘light-dependent reactions’ because light is essential for them to
occur(Serra). As a result of the absorption of light energy by chlorophyll, energy is converted to ATP
production. During a process known as photolysis, the energy is also utilized to break water molecules
producing hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Photolysis, a chemical process by which molecules are
broken down into smaller units through the absorption of light. A photolytic reaction is a chemical
reaction wherein the molecules are broken into smaller units as a result of the absorption of visible light.
Hydrogen ions and electrons (from the hydrogen part of water) and oxygen are released(Serra). Although
oxygen is a waste part of photosynthesis, once it is released into the atmosphere, it is essential for the
survival of aerobic species. In the light-independent processes, ATP, hydrogen ions, and electrons are all
utilized as energy sources. ATP and hydrogen ions and electrons are used in the second stage of
photosynthesis, the ‘light-independent reactions’(Serra).

Carbon dioxide, which is drawn in from the air, is coupled with hydrogen and ATP to generate a variety
of organic compounds that are useful to the plant during the 'light-independent processes.' "Carbon
fixation" is the term used to describe the transfer of inorganic 𝐶𝑂2 into organic molecules like glucose.
The energy required for the process is provided by ATP. The reactions occurs during photosynthesis is:

6𝐶𝑂6 + 6𝐻2𝑂 → 𝐶6𝐻12𝑂6 + 6𝑂2

Carbon Dioxide + Water → Glucose + Oxygen.

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The equation above shows that when photosynthesis occurs, carbon dioxide is used and oxygen is
released(Serra). Due to the fact that glucose is being utilized to make other plant elements, the weight of
the plant will likewise rise. You may use any one of these three characteristics as a gauge to determine
how rapidly the reactions of photosynthesis are happening.

Aquatic plants release bubbles of oxygen as they photosynthesise and if the volume of these bubbles is
measured for a period of time, the rate of photosynthesis can be determined(Serra). Cabomba aquatica is
an aquatic plant that can be found in fresh standing water, as well as in lakes and rivers with just a gentle
flow of water. The pace where a plant can photosynthesise is influenced by characteristics in the
environment in which it grows and develops. Photosynthesis will become more quick on a warm, bright
afternoon than it would be on a chilly, shaded morning under the same conditions. It is expected that more
oxygen will be created and that more 𝐶𝑂2 will be consumed. Photosynthesis, on the other hand, can only
grow up to a certain point. Using an experimental design, it is possible to determine how light,
temperature, and co2 in the air affect each other while keeping all of the other variables constant.

Electromagnetic energy, which is manifested as light, moves across space in the form of waves. The range
of electromagnetic radiation is known as the emission spectrum, a small strip of which is visible
light(Ltd). The term "visible light" refers to light that can be seen with the naked eye. Visible light has a
wavelength that ranges from 400-700 nanometres(Ltd). The proportion of absorbed light by plants during
photosynthesis varies depending on the color of the light source being used. The visible light spectrum is
divided into two parts: red and violet. Red and violet light are at opposing extremes of the spectrum. Red
light has a wavelength of 700nm, while violet light has a wavelength of 400nm, making red light the
longer wavelength. Furthermore, red light has a lower frequency than violet light, whereas violet light has
a greater frequency than red light.White light is made up of a blend of all seven colors of the
electromagnetic spectrum. As visible light passes through a prism the light is refracted, each light
refracting at different degrees(Ltd). Red light is the least refractory, whereas violet light is the most
refractory. Pigments may also absorb light. Different pigments absorb light at different wavelengths.

The leaves of a plant are green because the

chlorophyll within them absorbs all other wavelengths
of light and reflects green light(Ltd). The chlorophyll
in a plant's leaves is green because it absorbs all the
other wavelengths and reflects only green light. When
looking at the absorption spectrum, it can be seen that
red and violet light are the colors that are most usually
absorbed while green light is the color that is most
frequently reflected.

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Fig 1: “Brent Cornell.” BioNinja,

Fig 2 shows the action spectrum. An action spectrum is a chart depicting the relationship between the
interest rate of biological efficacy and the wavelength of light. According to mathematics, it refers to the
inverse amount of light necessary to elicit an equal and constant reaction. This is because biological
reactions are very often nonlinear with intensity, it is very unusual for an action spectrum to accurately
depict the amount of biological activity. A particular chemical reaction is shown by demonstrating which
wavelength of light would be most efficient in that reaction. When it comes to completing their reactions,
certain reactants are better equipped to use particular wavelengths of light than others.

Research question:
How does the wavelength of light affect the rate of photosynthesis at the same temperature (23℃) by
using the same plant(cabomba aquatica) and changing different wavelengths of lights?

Plants contain chlorophyll and if different wavelengths of light, chlorophyll absorbs more light and
photosynthesis rate(oxygen bubbles) increases as well. The rate of photosynthesis will be high for violet,
blue and red but it will be low for green and yellow.

Table 1: Table 1 shows the independent, dependant and controlled variables
Independent variable The independent The wavelengths of lights used are 400
variable is the nanometers(Violet), 424 nanometers(Blue), 491
different wavelengths nanometers(Green), 575 nanometers(Yellow) and
of lights used.
647 nanometers(Red). All these wavelength values
were taken from the Chemistry Data Booklet.

Fig 2: Chemistry Data Booklet - IB Chemistry

Revision Notes and ...
Fig 1 shows the color wheel diagram from IB
chemistry data booklet. This is important to be
known for this experiment because different
wavelengths of light have different impacts on the
rate of photosynthesis.

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Dependant variable The dependent The rate of photosynthesis is measured by
variable is the rate of counting the number of oxygen bubbles produced.
photosynthesis. The number of oxygen bubbles produced would be
measured by observing. We will record the
experiment and then the number of oxygen
bubbles would be produced.

Controlled variables Temperature Temperature of the room is the same during the
experiment was experiment.If the temperature increases,
conducted/℃ photosynthesis rate increases. After a period of
time enzymes will be denatured and
photosynthesis rate starts to decrease. The air
conditioner was set to 23℃.

Type of plant If different plants are used, then the rate of

photosynthesis will be different. In order to have
accurate results, the same type of plant should be
used. We will ask our teacher to give us Cabomba

Amount of Water 45 If the water amount increases, then the

3 photosynthesis rate will increase. This means that
the amount of water should be the same in all
trials.We will measure the amount of water by
using a measuring cylinder. The amount of water
used in this experiment would be 45 𝑐𝑚 .

Length of the If different lengths are used then the rate of

plant/cm photosynthesis isn't accurate. This is because the
rate of photosynthesis is affected by the length of
the plant. We will measure 2cm of the cabomba
aquatica so that it;s the same in all trials.

Time duration/min If the duration of the experiment is prolonged, the

amount of oxygen bubbles released rises, which
has an influence on the outcome of the
investigation. So, the time duration would be set to
2 minutes. This will be controlled by using a

Type of salt used If different salt was used, it might impact the
experiment and the values wouldn’t be accurate
and reliable. This would be controlled by using
Sodiu, Bicarbonate for the experiment.

Apparatus and Materials:

Table 2: Table showing the materials used in the experiment
Materials Quantity

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Distilled Water 45 𝑐𝑚

Cabomba pondweed 4

Bottle of Sodium Bicarbonate 1

Table 3: Table shows that apparatus used in the experiment

Apparatus Quantity

Ruler (15cm) 1

Test tubes 3
3 3
100𝑐𝑚 measuring cylinder 5 ±0.5𝑐𝑚

Test tube rack 2

Scissors 1

Spatula 1

Glass rod 1

Light Lamp 1

Cellophane 5(violet, blue, green, yellow and red)

Cardboard Box 1

Knife 1

Phone 1

Tape 1

1. Collect all of your supplies.
2. 2 holes should be cut in the box, one in the same region as the light and the other in the
approximate same place as the phone's camera.
3. One person in the group should take three 15-centimeter strips of Cabomba pondweed and cut
them using scissors. Using a ruler, trace the outline of the 15cm marker.
4. Another team member was filling three test tubes with 45cm3 of water at the same time. Fill the
test tubes halfway with sodium bicarbonate to make a solution. Place 1 pondweed strip in each
test tube and place the test tubes on a test tube rack until the test tubes are finished.
5. One of the last members of the group is responsible for cutting paper into five various colors,
which will be crucial in the experiment.

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6. Tape the colored paper that has been cut to the light. Incorporate the test tube rack into the box
and secure the cover in place. Keep in mind that the test tubes must be near to the bulb, thus it is
better to complete two test tubes at a time.
7. Align the phone to the proper hole (as described in Step One), switch on the light, and begin
recording the conversation. 2 minutes should be set out for recording.
8. Put an end to the recording after 2 minutes and put the two test tubes on the second test tube rack.
Insert the third test tube into the rack and begin recording once again with the third test tube.
Continue to alternate until all five trials have been completed.
9. Once you've completed, remove the tape and cellophane and replace it with cellophane of a
different color. Steps 1 through 8 should be repeated for each color of paper.
10. Once the experiment is completed, clean up the area and properly dispose of any items left
11. Calculate the standard deviation for bubbles (with a level of uncertainty of 1) and display the
resulting graph.

Risk assessment:
Table 4: Risk assessments linked to this experiment
Hazard Why is it risky? Control measure

Safety - Cutting you As you have to cut the When you are cutting,
hand plant, there’s a chance have your hand in
that you can cut a good distance
yourself. This is risky from the scissor.
as cutting your hand is
dangerous to your life.

This is risky because if

the glass breaks then
the cost to buy a new
- Breaking of one is expensive and When you are using
glass there’s also a chance the glass
- that the glass pieces equipments, use it
can injure you. with care so that it
won’t break and
keep the glass
away from the
corner of the table

Ethics Using cabomba By using cabomba Use a little bit of

aquatica aquatica, it could cabomba aquatica
affect the aquatic and declare the
food chain as many length so that not a
aquatic species lot is needed.
depend on
cabomba aquatica.
We used a species

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that is abundant in
population and has
no conservation
concerns. This
could affect the
aquatic food chain/

Environmental Throwing the plant This is because plants are Instead of throwing the
away after the important for all living plant away, keep it and
experiment organisms to live. If the reuse it for future
plants are thrown away, experiments.
then there’s a possibility
that they can go extinct. A
plant like cabomba
aquatica isn’t rarely found
around the world. If it’s
wasted then it will be hard
to find it again.

Quantitative analysis:
Table 5: Table shows the rate of photosynthesis (number of bubbles produced) for each wavelength of
light within 2 minutes

Wavelength of Rate of photosynthesis (number of bubbles produced) ±1

light (nm)
Test tube 1 Test tube 2 Test tube 3 Test tube 4 Test tube 5 Standard deviation

400(violet) 93 288 202 350 178 100

424(blue) 72 280 319 130 182 103

491(green) 334 44 245 51 94 129

575(yellow) 356 235 112 210 215 87

647(red) 212 140 200 124 226 46

Table 6: Table shows the average number of oxygen bubbles produced

Wavelength of light Rate of photosynthesis ±1

400(violet) 223

424(blue) 197

491(green) 110

575(yellow) 100

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647(red) 181

Sample calculations:
1) Finding the average number of bubbles produced for 424 nanometers
= 196.6±1
= 197±1
2) Finding the standard deviation
I found the standard deviation by using the Microsoft excel formula =Stdev. I will do the standard
deviation by entering =Stdev then all the 5 values for a specific wavelength.
Standard deviation for 400nm = =Stdev(93,288,202,350,178)
Standard deviation for 400nm = 99.65
Standard deviation for 400nm = 100

Qualitative analysis:
Table 7: Shows the qualitative observations made during this experiment
Observation Description

Increase in temperature After the test tubes were removed, the test tubes
became hotter. This is because light has some
heat. As test tubes were kept in front of the light,
the test tube became warmer as light had heat.

Bubbles were produced Oxygen bubbles were produced

Water became cloudy after sodium bicarbonate Sodium carbonate was added to water and after
was added stirring it, the water became cloudy.

Large number of leaves on cabomba aquatica

Graph 1: The relationship between wavelength of light against rate of photosynthesis

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Evaluation of data:
Our data isn’t accurate and reliable due to many factors. Firstly, the method we used to find the rate of
photosynthesis. We recorded a video while conducting the experiment and we used that video to count the
number of oxygen bubbles as the number of oxygen bubbles is the rate of photosynthesis. The video
wasn’t clear enough and as the bubbles wear coming fast, so the bubbles weren’t counted correctly as the
human eye can’t react fast. Lastly, the size of the plant wasn;t exactly 2cm. We used a ruler and when we
measured 2cm. When we cut the cabomba aquatica, we didn;t cut it exactly to 2cm. We cut it less than
0.1cm or more than 0.1cm more. The standard deviations are extremely big and due to that the error bars
are big. The standard deviation for 400 nm is 100, 424 nm is 103, 491 nm is 129, 575 nm is 87 and for
647 nm is 46. As seen immediately, the standard deviation is big. This is due to the anomalies in our data.
For example, test tube 1 of 400 nm had 93 bubbles of oxygen gas whereas the other test tubes are more
than 150. As the number of bubbles is small for test tube 1 compared to other test tubes. If the number of
bubbles were higher than 93, then the standard deviation could have been lower and due to this the error
bars would have been smaller. Not only for 400 nm, all wavelengths had the same problem. At Least for
one of the test tubes, the value was less than 150 but for 624 nm, all values were 100 and above. Due to
this the standard deviation for 624 nm is relatively smaller compared to other wavelengths. There are
many anomalies in my data. For example, in 424 nm test tube 1, the number of bubbles is 72. Compared
to other values for 424 nm, 72 is the only value which has a big difference from others. This value is an
anomaly. There are various reasons for this. One reason could be human error. The bubbles wouldn;t have
been counted accurately due to human error. Due to the anomalies my standard deviation value was big
and the error bars were big and there are anomalies in my data due to reasons like human error.


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The hypothesis of this experiment is that the rate of photosynthesis will be high for violet, blue and red
but it will be low for green and yellow. My data and graph supports my hypothesis. The rate of
photosynthesis for 400 nm is 223, 424 nm is 197, 491 nm is 110, 575 nm is 100 and for 647 nm is 181. In
my hypothesis I stated that the rate of photosynthesis will be high for violet, blue and red but it will be
low for green and yellow. My hypothesis is correct as the rate of photosynthesis is higher for violet, blue
and red compared to green and yellow. This is also evident from my graph. There is a curve in my graph
because the values of green and yellow are smaller than violet, blue and red. First the curve slowly
decreases as the value of green and yellow color is approaching and after that the curve starts to increase
as the value of red color is approaching. My value is good because the action spectra looks like my graph.

Fig 3: Action Spectrum for Photosynthesis. | Download Scientific ...
Fig 3 shows the action spectrum. Just like my graph the rate of photosynthesis is high for 400 nm, 424
nm and 624 nm and the rate of photosynthesis is low for green and yellow. This means that my hypothesis
is correct. Not only the action spectrum, even past experiments had a similar graph like mine. This
experiment (Ltd, All Answers) has a similar graph like mine. This means that the values of mine and this
experiment are similar. Not only the baues, also the hypothesis of that experiment is similar to mine. This
means that my experiment is overall correct as my graph, values and hypothesis are similar to the past

Evaluation of method:
The equipment I used in my experiment was correct and affordable as it helped me to conduct my
experiment without any problem. If I had an Audus apparatus, it would have been easier for me to count
the number of bubbles. This would mean that there wouldn;t have been any human error. I used the
uncertainties to round up my value. This isn;t accurate because as the value is getting rounded up, it will
become lower or higher. This could change how my graph looks and the standard deviation values. The
method I wrote was correct as it explains everything needed for this experiment to be conducted.

Limitations and Improvements

Table 8 : Limitations and improvements to the experiment
Limitation How does it affect the experiment? Improvement

Light is a source of heat Photosynthesis can be affected by It is recommended that a

heat. This means that the rate of more energy-efficient light
photosynthesis isn;t accurate. bulb be used to lessen the

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influence of measuring the
rate of photosynthesis in
order to ameliorate the

The cellophane is The cellophane had a single color on When you use the
monochromatic it. This meant that they might allow a cellophane use an app
variety of wavelengths to pass which would check the
through. This would be problematic correct wavelength of the
since it would suggest that none of the cellophane. This app is
findings were based only on red or light spectrum pro. This
green light, resulting in inaccuracy. app would help in checking
the wavelength.

Human error The number of bubbles were counted To stop this, Audus
by videoing the experiment. As the apparatus can be used. This
bubbles were counted using the video, apparatus is used to count
it wasn't counted accurately due to the number of bubbles. By
human error because the bubbles were using this apparatus to
coming out fast and the human eye count the number of
can’t react very fast. bubbles, the values would
be more accurate and

Work citeds:

Action Spectrum for Photosynthesis. | Download Scientific ...

“Action Spectrum.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Sept. 2021,

“Brent Cornell.” BioNinja,

“Cabomba Aquatica.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Feb. 2022,

“Cellular Respiration.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

Chemistry Data Booklet - IB Chemistry Revision Notes and ...

Ltd, All Answers. “Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis Biology Essay.” UK Essays, UK Essays,
31 Dec. 2021,

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“Photolysis.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

Serra's Art Studio Follow. “Biology Lab Report 1.” SlideShare,

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