EMPM5103 Assignment - Principle Project Management (All)

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md.

Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

(Part A & Part B)

Tutor: Dr. Goh Tee Teck

Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh

IC No: 670703-01-6045
Student ID:CGS00534317
Master Project Management




I/C No: 670703-01-6045 i

Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Table of Content

Description Page

Part A
Separator Part A: 1

Question 1 Part A: 2-5

Question 2 Part A: 6-10

Question 3 Part A: 11-20

Part B
Separator Part B: 1

Question 1 Part B: 2-9

Sample Project Quality Plan and Appendix PQP: 1-60

References A

I/C No: 670703-01-6045 ii

Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317



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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317


Question 1

The primary project success/failure criteria involve time, cost, and

performance. Discuss how these parameters may be defined as project
objectives to achieve the criteria. [20 marks]

Answer 1

Before we go and discuss further about this topic, the following are the defination of
project, time, cost and performance;

Project - means to produce deliverables or to achieve a predetermined targets and


Time - A define start and end dates as stipulated in the contract to carry out a
specific project.

Cost - Funding limit to carry out all the necessary works to complete a specific
project at desired quality.

Performance - A specific objective that to be completed within certain specifications,

safety and sustainablity.

Today definition of project success also has been extended or modified to include
project completion :

• Within the allocated time period

• Within the budgeted cost
• At the proper performance or specification level
• With acceptance by the customer/user
• With minimum or mutually agreed upon scope changes
• Without disturbing the main work flow of the organization
• Without changing the corporate culture
(Harold Kerzner, 2009)

In any project these three elements which are time, cost and performance shall
always be referred in determining whether the project is success or fail.

A successful project must be able to achieve the deliverables or the predetermined

targets and objectives in its completion or at the end of project life cycle.

The time, cost and performance are interconnected and as the project objective they
are to be defined and accepted by the employer or the project owner at the initial
stage e.g. during the project briefing, before the detail design and technical
specifications are finally prepared.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Time is a very essential project objective, shall the project can be completed on
time or at the extended time due to change in scope of works, despite it met the
project owner dateline, in directly it also can control the cost. No more cost is
required for a completed project but if a project is delayed or prolonged the
contractor shall sufferred esclating cost especially on the additional company
resources required to complete the remaining works e.g manpower, equipment,
facilities and etc. In which all these resources can be transferred to other project
and company can make profit shall the project is completed.

On the other hand, for the project owner a completion of a project on time shall mean
that they can carry out their business as per their scheduled and it is a possibility to
make a good fortune. For example shall a shopping mall is completed on time and
can be opened one month before Hari Raya festive, the owner can carry out their
business as planned, attracted the crowd to shop in their mall and make a relevant
profit. But shall the completion of the mall is delayed and the mall cannot be opened
before the Hari Raya festive, the project owner not only shall lose the opportunity to
make money but also shall suffer extra cost. That is why in most cases the project
owner imposes LAD (Late and ascertain damages) as a penalty to the contractor
shall the project delayed.

Another important project objective is cost or a project budget. Cost is important

because in any project the project owner had allocated the cost, base on the
budgeted cost. Shall the works is completed beyond the estimated cost and even exit
the allocation for contingencies, both the contractor and project owner will suffer
especially if the project owner have insufficient fund for the additional cost. Therefore
a successful of a project also takes into account whether the project is completed
within the estimated cost in order for all the people involve getting their pay.

Last but not least, performance of a project is achieved when it can be completed
within accepteble specifications, safety and sustainablity. Despite to be completed on
time and within the estimated cost, a project must also be completed at accetable
performance, sustainable and safety. Therefore any subgrade works, poor
worksmanship and low grade material must be advoided.

Shall all these three project objectives can be achieved then we can say that the
project is completed sucesssfully.

Managing a project within time, cost and performance is easier said than done. As
shown in Figure 1.0, time, cost and performance are the main constraints of a
project. If the project is executed/completed outside the customer expectation, then
the project has a fourth constraint which is requires a good customer relation or
customer friendly in order to allow for the entended completion time, additional cost
or maybe at a lower but acceptable standard. (Rahman Ayub, Ahmad Hilmy Abdul
Hamid 11th. April, 2007),

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Figure 1: System/Product Life Cycle (Harold Kerzner, 2009)

The success or failure of a project shall very much depending on how best the project
manager can produce the deliverables or the predetermined targets and objectives
within the stipulated time, budgets cost and acceptable performance. Therefore a
project manager must do a good planning to determine how much time shall be
required and what is the estimated cost will be needed in order to complete a specific
project at a desirable performance, sustainability and safety by the project owner.

In order to do that a project manager despite to do a good planning, they also must
control and organize well all the company resources e.g. money, manpower,
equipment, facilities, materials and information/technology during the
“execution of the project” and “the project close out” phases to avoid over
budget, project delay and sub standard performance which might caused the projects
failure. (Harold Kerzner, 2009. Pg. 8)

There are several factors that are important in ensuring a successful completion of a
project. Those factors are :

i. A good field construction representative must be present to represent the

interest of the owner and designer

ii. Availability of good and detailed construction schedule that is developed by

the contractor of the project

iii. A good project control system must be developed to monitor, measure and
evaluate the cost, schedule, labor-hours and quality of works.

iv. Good communication among all parties in a project

(Oberlender, 1993)

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Planning tools such as Critical path method (CPM), Project Evaluation & Review
Technique (PERT) method and etc are some of the method that can help a project
manager to control time consuming and track thoroughly the execution and works
progress. With the planning tools, the project cost shall also be translated in terms of
project resources such as workers man-hours, materials, equipment, plants and
machines. Therefore the cost and the quality of works can also be monitored
planned versus actual.

Upon the completion of a project, the performance is one of the ultimate issues
despite of completion on time and within estimated cost.

Managing a project, a project manager must manage it within certain guidelines,

policies, procedures, rules and direction of his organization in order to produce
outputs/objectives that have been set. Thus the constraint on time, cost and
performance is to be achieved as the project objectives within a limited resources
given by the company. Yes, the success or failure of the projects is measured
whether it has been done within the specific time, cost and quality.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Question 2

A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project phases whose

name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or
organizations involved in the project. Discuss the characteristic of the project
life cycle in this context and indicate the phases that need to be taken to
ensure it is used in the realization of a client’s aspirations. [20 marks]

Answer 2

Every program, project, or product has certain phases of development known as life-
cycle phases. A clear understanding of these phases permits managers and
excutives to better control resources to achieve goals.

During the past few years, there has been at least partial agreement about the life
cycle phases of a product. They include;

• Research and development

• Market introduction
• Growth
• Maturity
• Deterioration
• Death
(Harold Kerzner, 2009)

The theorical definations of the Life cycles phases of a system can also be applied to
a project and the phases are as follows;

• Conceptual
• Planning
• Testing
• Implementation
• Closure

Description of Project Life Cycle according to Harold Kerzner, 2009 can be described
as follows;

i) Conceptual phase is include the preliminary evaluation of an idea. It should

include a preliminary analysis of risk and the resulting impact on the time, cost
and performance requirements, togather with the potential impact on company

ii) Planning phase is mainly a refinement of the element in the Initiate/start up

phase and requires a firm identification of the resources required and the
estalishment of realistic time, cost and performance parameters. The initial
preparation of necessary documentations to support the system are also

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

included. If the project was tandered in a competitive bidding the conceptual

phase would include the decision of whether to bid, and the planning phase
would include the development of the total bid package (i.e. time, schedule, cost
and performance).

iii) Testing phase is predominently a testing and final standardisation effort so that
operation can be started. At this stage almost all documentations must be

iv) Implementation phase is where the project’s product or services were

intergrates into the existing organisation. Idf the project was developed for
establishment of a marketable product, then this phase could include the
product life-cycle phases of market introduction, growth, maturity and a portion
of deterioration.

v) Closure phase is includes the reallocation of resources. For a company that

sells product to the people, as one product begins detrioration and death of it
life cycle a new products or projects must be initiated. Company within this
environment shall keep intiating new projects to survive. The closure phase
evaluates the total system, also serves as input to the conceptual phases for the
new project and system and also has an impact on other on going projects
which is to identifying priorities.

Figure 2: System/Product Life Cycle (Harold Kerzner, 2009)

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

In Figure 2, the complete phases of a project and those products are compared.

Different authors might give 4, 5 or six phases of Project Life Cycle. Some try to
elaborate more variables for examples conceptual is the same as Initiation and
testing (depend in which industry you are in, electronics or manufacturing, they add
in testing before implementation, and in the construction of buildings, normally
people shall include testing & commissioning under execution phase).

So it does not matter how many variables to be taken, but fundamentally in LIFE
CYCLE always covers INITIATION (some call it as conceptual or feasibility),
CONTROL (some include TESTING in this phase or separately) and CLOSE OUT

Below is one example of “Project Life Cycle” process in gas pipeline construction
projects. The phases used smilar with other construction industries namely
Initiate/Start up, Planning, Excecution and Close out.

Figure 3: “Project Life Cycle” Flow Chart in Gas Pipeline Installation/Construction


A sample of a complete “Project Life Cycle” in gas pipeline project in respective

phases are tabulated in Table 1.

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Table 1: A sample of Project Life Cycle Phases in Gas Pipeline Project.

No Project Life Activities Involves Under Each PLC Phases

Cycle Phases
1 Initiate • Tender stage.
• Time/Costing/Performance.
• % of Profit and risk analysis.
• Documentations for tender submission
• Submission of Tender.
• Tender clarifications meeting
• Received Letter of award and Acceptance of LOA.
• Signings of contract document.
2 Planning • Identify method of construction to be used.
• Preparing of work schedule for all required works
• Carry out land survey works.
• Carry out utilities mapping using radio detection and GPR.
• Contacting utility companies via letter about the proposed
new gas pipeline and conducting site visits with the all
them, to identify where their utilities were laid before.
• Carry out the engineering/design works.
• Producing the construction plan.
• Submission for local authority works permit, site visit and to
follow up.
• Submission files for “Approval to Install” for the proposed
gas pipeline to Energy of Commission and to follow up.
• Procurements of all required raw materials.
• Nominates sub-contractors.
• Buy/rental equipment, machineries, manpower and other
3 Execution/Control • Received the delivery of pipes and raw material on site or
at project store/yard.
• Pipes stringing.
• Pipes welding.
• Installation of pipeline using HDD and the open cut
• Tie-ins/connection of all sections of the laid pipeline.
• NDT (X-Ray) and Third party review of NDT film.
• Pipeline hydro test.
• Dewatering/Swabbing/Drying.
• Valves installation
• Nitrogen packing
• Approval to Operate (ATO) from Energy Commission,
• Commissioning the entire pipeline.
4 Close up • Punch list
• Handover documents and drawings
• Submit maintenance manual
• Apply Initial Acceptance from Client
• Defect liability period (12 months)
• Apply Final Acceptance Certificate from client.

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By tabulating all the works involves in a project, the contractors shall be able to see
what are the critical paths and the area of concerns that need to be tackled in order
to realise the project to client’s expectations which are to complete the project within
the scheduled time, extimated budged, at acceptable quality, safety and

Figure 4: Representative Project Life Cycle, per Morris (PMBOK Guide)

Figure 4, shows the four phases of project life cycle as explain by Morris. The graph
also ilustrate each phases with respect to project completion percentage.

The informations and lessons learn in completing a project life cycle shall later be
applied to the new projects in a better understanding, improve controlling system, can
be closed and hand over to the client smoothly and neat.

Organisations that practice Project life cycle, the following additional andvantages
can also be benifited and the are summerised as below;

i) Clearer delineation of works to be accomplished in each phases are now

ii) Pricing and estimating for the next projects may now be a lot easier. The
lesson learn can become a “base marking” for the budgeting and costing for
future smillar project.
iii) Company can makes profit and incremental of funding is possible.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Question 3

The word “Planning” is often used as a yardstick of the difference between the
good project manager and the poor project manager. Discuss how project
managers manage planning of the project. [20 marks]

Answer 3

Managing a project planning is a discipline for stating how a project will be

accomplished timely, within budget at acceptable performance, safety and

Often projects fail because they are poorly planned, or even completely unplanned.
Therefore the failure will come as a complete surprise rather than being preceded by
periods of worry and depression. Without proper planning, a poor project manager,
might drive the projects to start off “behind the eight ball”. The consequences of poor
planning include;

i. Project definition without defined requirements

ii. Wild enthusiasm
iii. Chaos
iv. Search for guilty
v. Punishment of the innocent
vi. Promotion of nonparticipants
vii. Disillusionment
viii. Project failure (Harold Kerzner, 2009)

In the other hand a good project manager with a sound knowledge in integrating all
the management process and the elements of the process shall be able to lead the
projects to a success. A good project manager should master himself on all the nine
knowledge and drive it throughout the project life cycle. The nine knowledge areas
are as follows;

a. Project Integration Management

b. Project Scope Management
c. Project Time Management
d. Project Cost Management
e. Project Quality Management
f. Project Human Resource Management
g. Project Communications Management
h. Project Risk Management
i. Project Procurement Management (PMBOK)

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Four basic reasons for project planning are as follows;

 To eliminate or reduce uncertainty.

 To improve efficiency of the operation.
 To obtain a better understanding of the objectives.
 To provide a basis for monitoring and controlling work.

The starting point for a good project plan is a proper understanding of the
requirement and knows what exactly is the project supposes to achieve?

Planning is essential to the successful execution of a project it involves thinking hard

about the project, what it is to achieve and how the team will go about it.

The main purpose of project plans is to guide project execution. Plans must be
realistic and useful. A fair amount of time and effort must go into the planning process
and the people knowledgeable in doing the work need to plan the work. Planning
assumes two items:

(1)That there is sufficient information available for planning purposes and;

(2)That the people planning have sufficient experience to use the information wisely.

A good project manager must plans realistically with regard to timely performance
and reasonable cost. Meeting these criteria ensures that the actual project will be
performed successfully within the scheduled time and financial constraints. Planning
must be done logically and thoroughly if we are to have any chance for the project to
succeed. In planning philosophy, we must understand two key points:

With the nine knowledge areas and the basics reason for project planning, a good
project manager shall be able to plan properly the project planning processes consist
of the following activities: -

• Statement of Work (SOW).

• Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
• Project Logic Evaluation (PLE).
• Separate time, cost and quality planning.
• Time planning schedule.
• Risk management planning.
• Resource planning
• Communication planning

Derive a statement of work (SOW):

One of the most important of project objectives is when the needs of the stakeholders
are met. This is a narrative description of the end results that to be accomplished

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under the contract. Stakeholder is anybody directly or indirectly impacted by the


Therefore, it is important to identify who are the stakeholders at the very beginning of
the project. Identifying the stakeholders of a project it is not always easy, particularly
those who are impacted indirectly. Some examples of stakeholders are as follows;

• The project sponsor/owner e.g. the shopping mall owner.

• The customer who receives the deliverables e.g. those retailers who rent the
outlet in the mall.
• The users of the project output e.g. the customers who shop at the mall.
• The project manager and project team.

When the stakeholders are identified, the next step is to find out their requirements
and to fulfil them. Conducting a stakeholder interviews is one of the best way to
identify their requirement/need. Often stakeholders will talk about the need that aren't
relevant and don't really required. This information can be recorded and noted as a
low priority. That is why the interviews to draw out the true needs that create real
benefits normally took a long time.

Once all the interviews were conducted and the comprehensive priority lists are
produced, a project manager need to set the goals that can be easily measured. A
technique for doing this is to review them against the SMART principle, i.e.; specific,
measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time based. This shall ease the project
manager in identify whether a goal has been achieved or not.

Once a clear set of goals have been established, they should be included in the
project plan together with the needs and expectations of the stakeholders.

Misinterpretation of SOW can and will occur no matter how careful the team had
tried. Common causes of misinterpretation are as follows;

• Mixing tasks, specifications, approvals

• Using imprecise language such as nearly, approximately and etc.
• No pattern, structure and chronological order
• Wide variation is size and description
• Failing to get third party review (Harold Kerzner, 2009)

The statement of works for good project managers is their intention to meet the
project’s objectives and provide all project deliverables within the constraints
of “Time, Cost and Quality”.

When the most difficult part of the planning process is completed, we should move on
and plan for the project deliverables.
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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):

The successful accomplishment of both contract and corporate objectives that have
been derives in SOW, requires a plan that defines all the efforts to be expended,
assigns responsibility to a specially identified organisational element, and establishes
schedules and budgets for accomplishment of the works. The detailed planning is
also established in accordance with company budgeting policy before contractual
efforts are initiated.

Traditionally, activity planning for the schedule is independent and separate from the
cost. The accuracy and usefulness of the breakdown and relationship is dependent
upon intimate knowledge of the construction elements, judgment and skills of the

WBS provides a tool for planning the activities, including estimates of resources,
activity durations and costs. The basic aim of a WBS is to split the project into
tangible deliverable items. The more work packages we split the project into, the
more interfacing with other people, departments, functions or even companies there
may be. However the less work packages there are, the harder it will be to budget
and estimate resource requirements. It is advisable that a work package should not
be more than 8 hours of work (or a day’s work).

Otherwise, it will be difficult to assign resources, monitor progress and carry out
performance measurement. In most construction programme, the activities define are
mostly too large to be classified as a work package and at such it is difficult to assign
specific quantifiable resources, difficult to estimates duration, and most of all difficult
to provide a logic – predecessor/ or successor in a network diagram.

In planning a project a project manager must structure the work into small elements
that are:

• Manageable so that specific authority and specific responsibility can be

• Independent element which have very minimum interfacing with
• Integra table so that total package can be seen
• Measureable in terms of progress (Harold Kerzner, 2009)

The WBS is structured in accordance with the way the work will be performed and
reflects the way in which project costs and data will be summarised and eventually
reported. It also must address how we will plan, organize, and control the major work
activities to meet our goals of finishing the work on time, within budget and as
specified. One important point before planning is that we do not want to do more than

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necessary to satisfy customer needs, since that is wasting money. On the other
hand, we should not do less than necessary, or we may lose the customer.

WBS also should consider other areas that required structured data such as
scheduling, configuration, management, contract funding and technical performance
parameters. WBS is important because it’s provides a common framework that

 The total program can be described as a summation of subdivided elements.

 Planning can be performed.
 Cost and budgets can be established.
 Time, cost and performance cab be tracked.
 Objectives can be linked to company resources in a logical manner.
 Schedules and status-reporting procedures can be established.
 Network construction and control planning can be initiated.
 The responsibility assignments for each element can be established.

(Harold Kerzner, 2009)

The WBS shows and determines the smaller elements and activities thus providing
the greater probability that every major and minor activity will be accounted for. Most
common WBS is the six-level indented structure shown below:

Managerial levels -> Level 1 -> Total program

-> Level 2 -> Project
-> Level 3 -> Task

Technical levels -> Level 4 -> Subtask

-> Level 5 -> Work package
-> Level 6 -> Level of effort

After the works have been split into smaller elements, commonly CPM (Critical Path
Method) is used to allow the project manager to measure project progress in order to
achieved project goals.

Project Logic Evaluation (PLE):

This is the process to predict success of the project, thus allow the project manager
to look into alternative if there is changes occurred.

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Figure 5: Sample of PLE, DR. DAVID GOH TEE TECK (2010)

How to understand a project’s logic

We propose three steps to elicit the ‘full’ (explicit and implicit) project logic:

1. Knowing the project logic stated in the logical framework and other project
2. Identifying the specific activities carried out during the project cycle, who
decided about changes to the original design, why and under which
circumstances; and
3. Investigating the practices that evolved over time, as result of the interaction of

Mirtha R. Muñiz Castillo and Des Gasper (May 2009)

Practices and relations, not only milestone and planned activities, should be the
focus of any project assessment because a change process is not caused merely by
a design.

Change is pursued, lived and felt by individuals who negotiate goals, experience
conflicts or reach agreements while seeking to exercise their autonomy in their
specific circumstances.

A project’s full de facto logic is jointly constructed – by project participants, project

staff, formulators and other stakeholders. As such, the project logic should be
discovered and reviewed through several channels during the project cycle so that
changes in interpersonal relations and entitlements are traced over time. Hence,
opportunities as well as challenges for project operational effectiveness, such as
punctual interferences or high administrative workload (cf., Hirschman, 1967), could
be identified and opportunely addressed.
Separate time, cost and quality planning

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WBS separate all activities inclusive time, cost and quality and there are as follows;

i) Scheduling and costing - After developing the activities, the next step is to
estimate the duration requires and the activities sequence. From thereon, the
network diagram is finally developed, which form the construction master

The contract’s department, which is home for the project quantity surveyors and
estimators normally, carries out the cost estimate and budgets. Once the project
estimate and budget is established by the QS, the project manager is given a
copy for his review and comment. If agreeable, the budget will then be sent for
the project sponsor’s approval.

ii) Quality planning – Normally projects do require the contractor to submit a

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for the client’s approval and agreement. The
quality plan has to meet the minimum quality specified in the contract
specification and drawings. Due to the government and CIDB’s intensive
promotion of the ISO 9000 quality system, it has become mandatory for projects
to have a competent quality officer to manage and be accountable for the
quality control processes in a project.

Planning and controlling standards for quality are fundamental in both the
design and construction phases of a project. Quality assurance involves the
economic studies to select the types of materials and methods to be included in
design and controlling processes, making certain that the works are carried out
in accordance with the contract specification and drawings.
Methodology ranges from computerized documentation, technical design, to
sampling and testing products and structural dimensioning in the field. A proper
and well-documented quality assurance plan should be submitted to the client’s
consultant for approval. A good quality assurance plan will assure the client of
your ability and provide confidence to the level of control and inspection
conducted by the client’s representative. Quality assurance is always
considered as the in-plant representative of the customer. Quality assurance is
also the agent for improvement of the processes and product.

Maverick SM (May 02, 2004)

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Time planning schedule

This is so called milestone schedules contain such information as summarised as


• Project start date

• Project end date
• Other time planning schedule
• Deliverables or reports

Other major milestone such as review authority’s matter, survey, design,

procurement, testing and so on should also be identified and schedule.

The planning schedule shall allow the project manager to manage all the works, track
the planned and actual progress, taking contingencies measures to meet the date
line and etc. Scheduling tools namely CPM, PERT, Gant chart and others are usually

Risk Management Planning

For risk to be managed it must first be identified and recognized and then the
likelihood of its occurrence and its consequences can then be assessed and steps
taken to minimize its impact by deflecting to another party (e.g. buy insurance, sub-
contracting), mitigating its impact by reducing the probability of occurrence, or
accepting the consequences should the risk occur.

Risk management plan identifies as many risk events as possible, minimizes their
impact, manages responses, and provides contingency funds to cover risk events
that actually materialized. Risk management is a preventive process designed to
ensure that surprises are reduced and that negative consequences associated with
undesirable events are minimized. The challenge of project risk management is in
identifying the risk retained and recognizing the fact that a risk, which is transferred
under some circumstances, may be retained under others. Basically, transferring risk
does not reduce risk, but places the risk at the foot of another party. In some cases,
transfer can significantly increase risk because the party to whom it is being
transferred may not be financially capable of supporting the risk.

The Contract Form is the first reference by which risk will be assessed, thereby
apportioning risk in a way, which is considered acceptable in the industry. In the
event of dispute, it will be the first source of reference for an analysis of the
respective rights, duties and liabilities of the parties.

A building contract is a trade-off between the contractor’s price for undertaking the
work and his willingness to accept a degree of risk. If the contractor is to carry certain
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specific risk, he should expect to see them reflected in his contract by an increase in
the contract price. It must be recognized that standard forms of contract do have
provisions for excusing the contractor from many risks affecting the project. It is often
the misconception among developers that irrespective of the form of contract chosen,
once the lowest tender has been accepted, the contract signed between the
contractor and developer, all the risk of failure will be transferred to the contractor.

At such, many developers tends to indulge in pernicious editing of the standard

forms of contract to “redress’ the balance of risk, ultimately, it will result in an
interpretation by the courts by virtue of implied terms that neither party had intended.
In principle, a standard form of contract is to serve the industry to which it relates and
it must produce an apportionment of risk, which is broadly regarded as efficient within
that industry, or at least, to the extent that it is not, the inequalities should be capable
of being identified and financially evaluated. Exaggerated expectations of the
standard forms of contract and the failure to appreciate the strength of a claim (due to
difference of appreciations of the facts of law and the illusion of certainty) are all
common sources of disputes.

Maverick SM (May 02, 2004)

Resource planning

During staff acquisition phase, existing staffs are assigned to the projects after the
project site organizational chart is submitted to project sponsor for approval. In the
event of shortage, the management would outsource by advertisement or the project
manager may recommend others known to him for employment particularly previous
colleagues in the same industry or his friends with relevant education qualification
and experiences.

In the other hand, acquisition for materials and equipments are normally handled by
the purchasing department and the machinery department. The project manager
shall have to make formal request for them. Sometimes, the available resource may
be insufficient or untimely and the project manager has to bargain and negotiate with
the key functional managers.

Communication planning

Project communication management plan is a document, which provides a detailed

method of collecting and filing documents, a distribution structure and the method of
accessing and updating information for the particular project.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Successful project execution is almost impossible unless there is an effective

communication system. If communication breaks down, it offers a potential barrier to
information flow. Typically a project communications fall into the following categories

 Project correspondence
 Audiovisual presentation
 Project reporting, meetings,

Performance reporting is part of the project communication system.

Performance reporting – that include status reporting, progress reporting and

forecasting are mandatory for every project which is stipulated in the conditions of
contract. Project managers would be required to submit templates of the progress
report format to the client for acceptance.

Upon agreement of the sample format, the project manager would be required to
submit biweekly or monthly reports, which would also include progress photographs
of work-in-progress. Producing a concise and well-presented biweekly/monthly
progress report is the best way for project managers to set the standard for reports
on the project. It is also a good instrument to check on how the project is going. The
main purpose of the report is to inform the key stakeholders as to how the work is
progressing and to keep a running history of vital project activities.

Project forecasting predicts future project status and progress based on past
information and trends. Earned Value analysis (EVA) can be used to estimate the
budget at completion based on how the project is progressing.

In the other hand project meetings are integral progress review elements of a project.
Meetings help determine delays (that have occurred) and achievements according to
the baseline plans. It is also important to get the entire project team members
together at scheduled times to talk and listen about the project. Meetings can help
team members to know where the individual parts fit into the collective aim of the
group, and where individual success can contribute to team success.


A good project manager should be able to plan and manage all planning activities as
discussed above.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317



I/C No: 670703-01-6045 Part B: Page 1 of 9

Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317


Question 1
Quality management is increasingly been seen as a primary project
management objective. There are six quality management concepts that
should exist to support every project.
Encik Ismail Ibrahim is a project manager for XYZ consultants. He has
been asked by his management to submit a report of the Project Quality
Management Plan (PQMP) for a proposed 40-storey Grade “A” Office
building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.
Define and elaborate the “six quality management concepts” in the PQMP
of the above chosen project. [40 marks]

Answer 1
Assumption: In normal cases a PQP is prepared by the contractor (most of the
big contractor is ISO 9001:2008 certified) and approved by the consultant. The
reason is because the test plan and the inspection are strictly follows the
Malaysian/ International standards/codes or customer’s specification and
requirements in which this can easily be copied and adopted but method
statement of the works breakdown structure are prepared by the contractor.
Therefore in this case I would assume this project is a turnkey job, where the
contractor and the consultant are works as consortium.
One of the Project manager ultimate responsibilities is to deliver the project
under their supervision in a good quality. Cost and schedule management are
very important to a project success and equally important is the project quality
management. Project Quality Management shall help the project manager to
complete the project at the acceptable performance, safety and sustainability.
Six quality management concepts that should exist in a project quality
management are as follows;

• Quality Policy
• Quality Objectives
• Quality Assurances
• Quality Control
• Quality Audit
• Quality Program Plan

Ideally, these six concepts should be embedded in the company culture, inside
the company policy and lead by the top management because without the
support from the top management a project manager has a limited capacity.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Quality Policy
It is top management's expression of its intentions, direction, and aims
regarding quality of its products/construction works and their processes. This
policy is a document created by quality experts that stated the quality
objectives, the level of quality acceptable to the organisation, and the
responsibility of organisation’s member for executing the policy to ensuring
The top management support on the policy is also stated here as it is important
because the quality policy always became an instrument to measure the
organisation’s reputation and their quality image.
The quality policy must come from top management to bottom else the lower
level employer might thought it is not important and more towards cosmetic
rather one of the management objectives.
A good quality policy should cover the followings;

• Be a statement of principles stating what, not how.

• Promote consistency throughout the organisation and across projects.

• Provide an explanation to outsiders of how the organisation views quality

• Provide specific guidelines for important quality matters.

• Provide provisions for changing/updating the policy.

(Harold Kerzner, 2009)

That is why now days most company had adopted quality standard e.g.
Integrated Management System (IMS), ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 &
OHSAS 18001:2007 Total Quality Management (TQM), Kaizen and others
quality standard into their company quality policy.

Brief of Quality policy can be found at ATTACHMENT A and the standards

used are stipulated in Topic 9, pg 21 of the PQP (Sample).

Quality Objectives

It is a part of organisation’s quality policy and consists of specific objectives and

the time frame for completing them. The quality objectives must be selected
carefully selecting the objectives that are not naturally possible can cause
frustration and disillusionment.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Good Quality Objectives should;

• Be obtainable
• Define specific goals
• Be understandable
• State specific deadlines
(Harold Kerzner, 2009)
A good quality objective should be obtainable, define specific goal,
understandable and state specific deadlines. According to the ISO 9001:2008
Standard [Clause 5.4.1], "Top management shall ensure that quality objectives,
including those needed to meet requirements for product or services, are
established at relevant levels within the organization. The quality objectives
shall be measurable and consistent with the quality policy."
One of the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 quality standard is that the
organizations should establish and monitor quality objectives. There is no
specific requirement about how many quality objectives that the organization
must have, or what those objectives might be, this is left up to the organization
to decide.
Having only one or two quality objective is probably too less, in the other hand
having twenty is probably too many. In normal practice it is good to have
somewhere between 3 to 8 quality objectives.
In the sample PQP (attached) one of the quality objectives is to meet customer
expectation quality, sustainability and safety.
Five quality objectives in topic 2, pg 7 as stated in the PQP (sample) are
meet the objective requirement which is the objective are measurable and
understandable. Some of the scopes of works stated in topic 7 are also belong
to Quality Objectives

Quality Assurances
It is a process of evaluating the formal activities, managerial process and overall
project performance on a regular basis to ensure that the project will satisfy the
required quality standards.

Quality assurance includes all the activities related to satisfying the relevant
quality standards for a project. Another goal of quality assurance is continuous
quality improvement. Benchmarking can be used to generate ideas for quality
improvements. Quality audits in the other hand helps to identify lessons learned
that can improve performance on current or future projects. It is the quality
assurance function that tries to manage for the project scope, cost and time are
fully integrated.
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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Quality assurance can be effective, if these two things are assured;

i) Project Quality plan must be sufficient to achieve the required quality
standards expected by the organization. In this regard the plan must not
only be specific and detailed listing all quality requirements and standards,
but also need to include all the steps to be taken to ensure that those
requirements and standards are met.
ii) Quality assurance (i.e. final product testing) should be independent of the
project itself (as well as the project manager). This comes down from the
project management guidelines for effective quality assurance, and builds
on a broad-based, organizational approach to standards-based product

The Project Management Institute Guide to the Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)

refers to quality assurance as the management section of quality management.
This is the area where the project manager can have the greatest impact on the
quality of his project. (Harold Kerzner, 2009)
Therefore the project manager needs to establish the management process and
procedures and necessary to observe this process closely to guide the project
to achieve customer requirements.

The process and the result of Quality Assurance shall summarise as follows;
The Input includes: Quality Management Plan, results of quality control
measurements and operational definitions.
Methods used: quality planning tools and techniques and quality audits.
Output includes: quality improvement.

Topic 11 of the PQP (sample) is the example to Quality Assurance.

Quality Control
The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they are
comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes
of unsatisfactory performance.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Such activities include continually monitoring process, identifying and

eliminating problem cause, use of statistically process control to reduce the
variability and to increase the efficiency of the process.
Buy conducting the Quality Control it is demonstrate that the organisation’s
quality objectives are being met.

A good quality control system shall;

i) Select what to control
ii) Set standards that provide the basis for decisions regarding possible
corrective action
iii) Establish the measurement method used
iv) Compare the actual results to the quality standards
v) Act to bring nonconforming process and material back to the standard
based on the information collected.
vi) Monitor and calibrate measuring devices
vii) Include detailed documentation for all process

Overall the Quality Control shall be summarised as follows;

Input includes: work results, Quality Management Plan, operational definitions,
and checklists.
Methods used include: inspection, quality control charts, and compare to
diagrams, statistical sampling, flowcharting, Six Sigma, Pareto analysis and
trend analysis.
Output includes: quality improvements, acceptance decisions, rework,
completed checklists, and process adjustments.

Topics 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, ATTACHMENT C, D, E and F of the PQP (sample) is
the example to Quality Control.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

Quality Audit

Periodic, independent, and documented examination and verification of

activities, records, processes, and other elements of a quality system to
determine their conformity with the requirements of a quality standard such as
ISO 9001 : 2008, established quality procedures and policies.

Any failure in their proper implementation may be published publicly and may
lead to a revocation of quality certification. Quality Audit is also called as
conformity assessment or quality system audit.
A good quality audit shall ensure that the followings are followed;
i) The planned quality for the project will be met.
ii) The products are safe and fir for use.
iii) All pertinent laws and regulations are followed.
iv) Data collection and distribution system are accurate and adequate.
v) Proper corrective action is taken when required.
vi) Improvement opportunities are identified.

Topic 14 in the PQP (sample) is example to Quality Control.

Quality Program Plan

Detailed document that sets forth practices and sequence of activities aimed at
translating an organization's quality policy into operational results, or
conformance to a standard such as ISO 9000 within a specified timeframe.
The quality plan shall be created by the project manager and project team
members by breaking down the project objectives into a work breakdown
The project manager than ensures that these actions are documented and
implemented in the sequence that will meet the customer’s needs and
expectations. This shall give the customer a comfort that the project manager at
the end of the day can deliver the 40-storey Grade “A” Office building as
stipulated in the contract.
A good quality plan will identify all of the organization external and internal
customers, cause the design of a process that produce the features desired by
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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

the customers, bring in suppliers early in the process, cause the organization to
be responsive to changing customers need and prove that the process is
working and that quality goals are being met.
Project Quality Plan should be written with the objective to provide project
management with easy access to quality requirements and should have ready
availability of the procedures and standards thus mentioned.
The following list provides you the various Quality Elements that should be
included in a detailed Project Quality Plan:
• Management Responsibility. Describes the quality responsibilities of
all stakeholders.
• Documented Quality Management System. This refers to the existing
Quality Procedures that have been standardized and used within the
• Design Control. This specifies the procedures for Design Review,
Sign-Off, Design Changes and Design Waivers of requirements.
• Document Control. This defines the process to control Project
Documents at each Project Phase.
• Purchasing. This defines Quality Control and Quality Requirements for
sub-contracting any part / whole part of the project.
• Method Statement. Defines step by step how to carry out each
specified works.
• Test Plan. Procedures for Test Plan shall indicate the procedure and
the codes/standards used.
• Inspection Testing. This details the plans for Acceptance Testing and
Integration Testing.
• Nonconformance. This defines the procedures to handle any type of
nonconformance work. The procedures include defining responsibilities,
defining conditions and availability of required documentation in such
• Corrective Actions. This describes the procedures for taking
Corrective Actions for the problems encountered during project
• Quality Records. This describes the procedures for maintaining the
Quality Records (metrices, variance reports, executed checklists etc)
during project execution as well as after the project completion.
• Quality Audits. An internal audit should be planned and implemented
during each phase of the project.

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Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

• Training. This should specify any training requirements for the project
• Handover project. All requirements to close up project e.g. final
inspection/testing, documentation etc.

The development of a Project Quality Plan is a team process that depends as

much on communicating information as it does on planning. The key objective is
to create a cohesive dialog and subsequently develop awareness of potential
quality issues assurance. Based on this awareness, project managers can
prepare plans and actions to counter any weaknesses or deficiencies in the
project execution, thus ensuring that all quality standards are met effectively.

I/C No: 670703-01-6045 Part B: Page 9 of 9

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Uvw Const. Sdn Bhd


The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located
at Jalan Sidek,Kuala Lumpur



Issued By: ISSUED TO:

Ir. Ismail Bin Ibrahim

Azman Salim
Management Representative
RHB Dev Berhad
(XYZ Consultant)

Approved By: DEPARTMENT:



Copyright © by Jurutera Perunding XYZ Sdn Bhd. All Rights Reserved.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 1

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.



Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 2

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


13.0 QA/QC FORMS 34
Attachment A - Company Quality Policy 55
Attachment B - Inspection & Test Plan Requirement (sample) 56
Attachment C - QA/QC Inspection Register List (sample) 57
Attachment D - QA/QC Inspection Forms (sample) 58
Attachment E – Document Control Register List (sample) 59
Attachment F - Document Control Inspection Form Request (Sample) 60

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 3

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


This project is awarded to UVW Const. Sdn Bhd, as such, UVW Const. Fully subscribes
to common Quality Policy, Quality Mannual and Quality Procedures adopted by the
company. The common QUALITY POLICY presently subscribes by TUV Const. is
attached in ATTACHMENT A.


The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building, comprises of two (2) level
basement car park, ground floor, mezzanine floor and 39 floors of 6000m square office
in every floor complete with male and female toilet, pantry, AHU rooms, maintenance
room, 3 lifts and additional BOMBA lift located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


The works covered by this Contract comprises the following;

a) Architectural
b) Civil and Structural
c) Mechanical and Electrical and
d) All Related External Works


a) Contract Sum: RM 82, 500, 000.00

b) Date of Completion: 14 October 2013
c) Defect and Liability Period: 12 months
d) Client: RHB Dev. Berhad.
e) Turnkey Contractor: TUV Const. Sdn Bhd.
f) Consulting Engineer: Jurutera Perunding XYZ Sdn Bhd.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 4

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

g) Contract No. : 40/OB/KL/2010

h) Date of Site Possession: 15th October 2010
i) Commencement Date: 15th October 2010
j) Contract Completion Date: 14th October 2013
k) Contractor’s All Risk Policy No: 007
l) Contractor’s Workmen Compensation Policy No: 008
m) Sum of Performance Bond: 5% of the Contract Sum
n) Contract Period: 36 months.


The contract of the execution and completion of structural, architectural, mechanical

and electrical, related external works for RHB Dev. Berhad.

The site team member comprises of UVW Const. and sub-contractors site management


The project Quality Plan is intended to ensure that all the activities are both effectively
and efficiently managed by the site team to meet project requirements. The areas of
site management are as follows;
i) Communication Management.
ii) Contract Management.
iii) Progress Management
iv) Quality Management.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 5

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

This PQP should be read in conjunction with the following supporting quality documents;

1. Quality Manual
Based upon the requirement of ISO 9001:2008, the manual outlines UVW’s general
policies on quality.

2. Quality Procedure and Guideline

Internal documents which described quality control methods, responsibility and records.

3. Method Statements
Documents which described the construction method sequence, material and equipment
used in each activity.

4. Project Contract Document, Specification Requirements and Drawings.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 6

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


Implementation of this project will be supportive of the core objectives of the company as
stated in the Quality Policy Statement. The following objectives have been specifically
adopted for this project;

1) To conduct kick-off meeting with all new sub-contractors highlighting quality

2) To ensure no repetitive NCR or complaints of similar type.
3) Timely completion of works before agreed handover dates.
4) To maintain good working relationship with Client and S.O
5) To meet customer expectation quality, sustainability and safety.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 7

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


3.1 PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART (refer to next page)

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 8

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Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 9

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


4.1 General

The project organization chart, Job Description, Competency requirements, Group

Procedures & Authorities (GPA) and Business Process Map had been established to define
the responsibility, authority and the interrelation of personnel who manage, perform and
verify the work affecting the quality of the services.

The site is where the project takes place and where a major part of the Quality System is

The Site Office Operation covers procedures as follows:

• Construction supervision
• Site document control
• Inspection and testing
• Final inspection and handover
• Non-conformance and corrective action
• Handling and storage

4.2 The responsibilities of key personnel are as follows:

(a) Project Manager (PM)

The Project Manager has overall authority in the determination of all matters
affecting the implementation and operation of the project. He reports to the Head
of Construction (Project Director). He is responsible for:-

 To ensure the quality of workmanship on the project;

 Organizing audits in accordance with the quality assurance plan;
 Reviewing the status and adequacy of the project quality plan; and
 Reviewing the effectiveness of the quality assurance plan.
 Monitor the overall work programme.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 10

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

 Liaison with other departments og the HQ support.

 Ensures resources are available to support the site project teams.

(b) Assistant Project Manager (APM)

Shall assist Project Manager in overall project matters implementation and
operation of the project. He reports to the Project Manager (PM). He shall be
responsible for the following in the absent of PM:-

 To ensure the quality of workmanship on the project;

 Organizing audits in accordance with the quality assurance plan;
 Reviewing the status and adequacy of the project quality plan; and
 Reviewing the effectiveness of the quality assurance plan.
 Monitor the overall work programme.
 Liaison with other departments og the HQ support.
 Ensures resources are available to support the site project teams.

(c) Construction Manager (CM)

 Report to PM
 Planning and scheduling of works, sub-contractors.
 Daily planning and the execution of works.
 Liaison with authorities, consultants and client on project matters.
 Monitoring and ensuring the timely completion of the project.
 Coordinating with sub-contractors.
 Liaise on work tasks and construction methods to be used with the sub
 Keep track on variation and claims of contract and cost impact, and feedback
information to PM.
 Implementation coat control measures to meet project budget.
 Coordinate with QA/QC Department to ensure quality performance of project
to meet customer requirements.
 Review technical/construction matters and corrective actions.
 To ensure the company safety and health policy is implemented at site.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 11

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

(d) Project Engineer/Planner (PE)

The Project Engineer reports to Construction Manager and he is responsible
 Plans daily and weekly work;
 Liaise with the sub contractors, consultants, suppliers, local authorities and
land owner.
 Ensure quality of works meet specifications.
 Monitor progress of works for timely completion of project.
 Implementation of project method statement; and
 Inspection and test plans.
 Liaison with QQ/QC Dept. On quality matters related works.
 Construction works programme scheduling and monitoring
 Produce monthly and weekly report.
 To ensure work is carried out in safe manner and conforming to
environmental requirements.

(c) Site Agent/Liason Officer (SOM)

The Site Agent reports to Project Engineer and he is responsible for:-
 Maintain and track the actual progress against planning; and
 Monitors progress of work, quality of workmanship compliance with

(d) HSE Officer

The HSE Officer shall advise Project Manager on safety construction
regulations, health, safety and environmental matters at work. He or she is
responsible for:-

 Establish the Emergency Response Plan (ERP);

 Practice relevant safety matters;
 Promote safe conduct of work;
 Ensure everyone wearing personnel protection equipment when entering
 ensure that fire precaution equipment and first aid kit are readily

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 12

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

 Investigate the cause of any accident and recommends means of
prevention; and
 Conduct monthly safety meeting and weekly tool box meeting.

* For Emergency Response Plan (ERP), the document shall be submitted

seperately .

(e) Surveyor (S)

The Surveyor reports directly to the Project Manager. He is responsible for:-

 To carry out and confirm all of the necessary survey works (ROW, OGL,
Cadastral & As-built survey);
 Verify all survey data; and
 To produce survey reports (daily, weekly, monthly and final).

(f) Quantity Surveyor (QS)

The Quantity Surveyor report directly to the Project Manager, He is
responsible for:-

 Handled the preparation of progress payment claim to Client and

preparation of progress payment certificate to sub contractors;
 Preparation of variation orders;
 Preparation of material schedule, cash flow and verification of material
 Monitor and schedule the financial progress; and
 Advise Project Manager on contractual matters.

(g) QAQC Engineer (QA/QC Eng)

The QAQC Engineer is assisting QA and QC Manager on implementing,

maintaining, monitoring QAQC scope for the works. Operationally he will
liaise with Project Manager on QAQC matters. He is responsible for:-

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 13

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

 Ensure that the Project Quality Plan is established;

 Ensure the implementation of the quality management system is in
accordance with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS
18001:2007 requirements; and
 Monitor and manage all site office QAQC documents

(k) Site Supervisor (SS)

(Structure Supervisor / Civil Supervisor / M&E Supervisor)
The site supervisors are responsible for:-

 Handled the quality control of architectural/engineering component of

 He shall notify Project Engineer promptly of any problems may arise on
site; and
 He maintains and record daily site activities.

(l) Administration Officer cum Document Controller (AO/DC)

The Document Controller is responsible to record and distribute incoming

and outgoing document and establish filing system. The Document
Controller shall distribute revised document and issue drawings to respective

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 14

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Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.



5.1 General

The group organization chart, Group Procedures & Authorities (GPA) and Business
Process Map had been establish to define the responsibility, authority and the
interrelation of personnel who manage, perform and verify the work affecting the
quality of the services.

The Head Office is responsible for the value of chain of the company’s business
which includes the securing of contracts and activities associated with construction.

It serves as the Headquarters of the Company and also provides support activities to
the Site Officers such as finance, administration, procurement, information
management and training.

5.2 The responsibilities of key personnel are as follows:

(a) Project Director

The Project Director is responsible for the successful execution of performance

and completion of the project. He monitors the program, progress and
performance of the project. He shall review and approve commercial and
contractual matters, resolve internal and external disputes. He approve of
Master Construction Programme, Project Quality Plan and Environmental,
Safety and Security Plan. He also control of project budget and expenditures
and highlight variance to Senior Executive Director.

(b) Deputy Project Director

In the event of the absence of Project Director, Deputy Project Director will take
over the responsibility of Project Director. He will monitor the program, progress

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 15

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

and performance of the project. He shall review and approve commercial and
contractual matters, resolve internal and external disputes. He approve of
Master Construction Programme, Project Quality Plan and Environmental,
Safety and Security Plan.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 16

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


The Project Manager is responsible for the leading of the project team in the
planning and programming of the construction activities for the project.

The project scheduling showing key dates for commencement & completion,
milestone, phases of project etc. shall be done by the use of Microsoft Project
software/ Primavera software.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 17

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


The Works to be executed under this Contract for a period of 36 months include the
followings :-

(1) Provision of bank guarantees, insurances, workmen compensation and SOCSO,

survey and setting out, site facilities arrangement, mobilisation and
demobilisation of plant, testing, safety & health care and all other necessary
preliminaries and general;

(2) Site clearing, demolition of existing obstruction and removal and disposal of the

(3) Excavation, filling, trimming, compaction and all necessary earthwork;

(4) Construction of earth drains, concrete drains culverts, stream diversion and all
other drainage structures;

(5) Construction of road pavement and road shoulders,

(6) Construction of the 4o storeys building and all other associated structures;

(7) Provision of pavement markings, traffic signs, guard rails and all other road

(8) Turfing, retaining walls, gabion walls and all other slope protection structures;

(9) Maintenance of existing road and provision of access for others where required;

(10) Locating temporary diversion, relocation, replacement of existing utility services,

liaison with appropriate authority or owner, obtaining approval, inter-phasing and
all incidental works including addition of necessary new services and testing
required by the appropriate authority;

(11) Environmental Management and Mitigation Measures; and

(12) Any works incidental to and necessary for the completion of the specified works.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 18

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


The following Method of Statement as enclosed are to be observed. The Method Statement
for this project shall not be limited to the following attached method statement. Other works
method statement will be submitted in stages as work at site progress.

Listed below are the lists of Method Statements. Method Statements are to be submitted to
the Resident Engineer (RE) prior to be commencement of works on site.

A. Civil & Structural

1) Earthwork
2) Road work
3) Drainage
4) Sewerage
5) Water supply
6) Concreting
7) Tilling/Finish
8) Reinforcement
9) Formwork
10) Brickwall
11) Glass Pannel
12) Pilling work
13) Maintained load test
14) Pile dynamic test (PDA)
15) Crib wall
16) Water proofing work

B. Mechanical

1) Air-conditioning and ventilating system

2) Fire protection system
3) Plumbing services
4) Lift installation
5) LPG system
6) Kitchen eqipment

C. Electrical

1) Lightning protection system

2) Ducting and manhole for TNB (11 & 33KV)
3) Earthing system
4) Underground HT and LV cable system
5) Installation generator set system
6) Installation electrical trunking, conduit and wiring system
7) Installation of uninterrupted power supply ups
8) Installation of Ht system for transformers and swtichgears
9) Installation internal and outdoor lighting
10) Testing & Commussioning
Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 19
Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

D. Architectural

1) Water proofing work at concrete flat roof and terrace

2) Water proofing at wet area
3) Installation of rainwater down pipe
4) Plastering works.
5) Concrete block wall
6) Installation of lightweight concrete wall
7) Aluminium works eg. Louvers and windows.
8) Wall glass
9) Floor trap and grating
10) Vinyl floor
11) Composite panel
12) Protection system e.g. grab rail, guard rail and etc.
13) Installation of WC and valve system

All method statement shall be registered with the revision status and maintain at site
office. The current list of method statement will be kept and controlled at site office.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 20

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.



The Integrated Management System (IMS) for the project will be implemented in
accordance with the ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 requirements,
Client and Statutory & Regulatory requirements.

The management has established the quality policy as its commitment to quality
management in the company. The management shall be responsible to ensure that this
policy is communicated and understood at all levels of the company.

Quality Policy may sometimes be summarised and included in PQMP as per


The Integrated Management System (IMS) which consists of Quality Manual and
Safety, Health & Environmental Manual shall be the guidelines for the Quality
Assurance, Quality Control and Safety, Health & Environmental activities of this

The following are the list of Process/Procedure and relevant documentation / record which
are applicable to the execution of this Project

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 21

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Table 1:

Item Process / Procedure Reference Documentation / Record

1 Project Progress Monitoring • Daily Site Diary

• Gantt Chart/Work Programme

2 Civil & Structural Works • Inspection & Test Plan

• Related QAQC-HSE Forms

3 Mechanical & Electrical Works • Inspection & Test Plan

• Related QAQC-HSE Forms

4 Testing & Commissioning • Tender Specifications

• Project Schedule
Testing & Commissioning

• Operation Manual

Certificate of Practical
5 Handover to Client • Completion (CPC)

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 22

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


10.1 Health and Safety Measures

The objectives of Safety and Health Measures are;

• To secure the safety, health and welfare of persons of work against risks to
safety or health arising out of the activities on site.
• To promote an healthy and safe occupational environment at work site

Health Measure:-

a) Sewage System
• The site shall have a sewage system with proper discharge outlet for the
usage of the persons at work;
b) Drainage System
• The site existing drainage system is to be cleared periodically to prevent
accumulation of water or flood which might cause spread of disease.
Earth drain excavation for surface run off from site shall be provided in
due time.
c) Workers Quarters
• The quarters shall have rubbish bin, perimeter earth drain and washing
d) Toilets
• Reasonable numbers of toilets / wash area shall be provided for the
usage of the personnel on site. Cleanliness is to be maintained at all

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 23

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Safety Measure:-

a) Safety Wears
• All personnel on site shall wear safety helmets and boots at all time on
b) Signages
• Warning signages shall be erected where necessary with clear visibility.
c) Fencing
• Hoardings / fencing shall be set up surrounding the site, if necessary.
d) First Aid
• The site office shall equip with a complete set of first aid kit.
e) Safety Officer
• An officer to ensure full implementation of the safety measures.

9.2 Environmental Control

The following are the few measures to be practiced by XYZ CONSULTING SDN.

a) Drainage System
• No oils or deleterious materials to be discharged into the drainage system.
• Discharge water from wash out directly into the drainage system is not
b) Dust
• Site access roads and other areas to be sprinkled with water is necessary to
prevent excessive dust.
c) Waste Materials
• Disposed to local council’s approved dumping ground.

* For details please refer to “Project Safety & Health Plan”.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 24

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.



Any addition of new processes or modification of existing processes in the QAQC-

HSE Plan shall follow the relevant procedures as outlines in NAIM’s Company
Integrated Management System (IMS).

The General Process Flow used in this project is as followed:-

• Flowchart For Request For Inspection On Material;

• Flowchart For Request For Inspection On Work Done;

• Flowchart For Non Conformance Report; and

• Flowchart For Corrective Action Report.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 25

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

11.1 Flowchart for Request for Inspection on Material;


Identification of
Material to be

Submission of Request for

Inspection (RFI) Form

Arrange for

Not OK
Reject the Material
n Status


Maintain Records
& Update Daily
Site Diary


Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 26

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

11.2 Flowchart for Request for Inspection on Work Done


Identification of Work
to be inspected

Submission of Request for

Inspection (RFI) Form

Arrange for

Not OK
Rectify the Work
n Status Done


Maintain Records
& Update Daily
Site Diary


Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 27

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

11.3 Flowchart For Non Conformance Report


Identify Non-Conformance
e.g Violation of specified
requirements, deviations from

Raised Non-Conformance
Report and forward to
concerned party.

Register NC in NCR Log

Record action taken in NCR

form and investigate root cause.
Review necessary corrective
action to be taken



Determine & implement Action

No Yes
CAR Closed and Update CAR


Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 28

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

11.4 Flowchart For Corrective Action Report


Non-conformities detected from internal

Initiation of CAR with PM quality audit and from daily operation

Conduct investigation,
determine root cause of non-

Evaluate need of Action

Determine & Implement

Corrective Active Needed

Return CAR form to QAQC

Record CAR into CAR status

Follow-up implementation &

monitor effectiveness

Upon due date of completion or

notification of completion, an Auditor
Effectiv for follow-up

Record result of Action
The information of corrective action
will be compiled, analyzed to identify
Close the issue, revise affected trend & where applicable the need for
documents, if any prevention action. To be reported
during Management Review.


Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 29

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


Procedures for Inspection and Test Plan shall be made available prior to the start of
the relevant inspections as required by the Client. The procedure should include the

• The scope and purpose of the procedure

• The sequence of actions to show an operation is carried out
• The person responsible in the execution
• The person responsible for the checks, if any
• Reference to supplementary literature, such as the statutory acts and
regulations, product standards and codes of practice

12.1.1 Receipt, Inspection and Testing

Incoming supplies, on receipt shall be inspected or otherwise verified as conforming

to the specified requirements. These supplies shall not be used or processed unless
verified or inspected in accordance with the quality assurance plan or documented

Where incoming supplies are released for production purposes pending full
verification of accompanying documentation, they shall be positively identified and
documented. This is to permit immediate recall and replacement in the event of non-
conformance to specified requirements.

Incoming inspection and test shall be carried out as detailed in inspection and testing
or in the respective Inspection and Test Plan.

12.1.2 In-process Inspection and Testing

Works conformance will be determined by acceptance criteria laid down in the

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 30

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

contract specification and Inspection and Test Plans.

The works shall not proceed further until all the Inspection and Tests has been
completed or the necessary reports verified. Where works are allowed to proceed
further pending completion of Inspection and Tests, They shall be positively identified
and documented as detailed in the non-conformance report/corrective action.

During in-process inspection and testing, any non-conformances detected shall be

identified and documented in accordance with – Non Conformance report.

* A standard Inspection and Test Plan for Architectural Works, Civil & Structural
Works, and Mechanical & Electrical Works are as shown in ATTACHMENT B.

12.1.3 Final Inspection, Testing and Commissioning

All completed works items shall undergo final inspection and testing in accordance
with specified contractual requirements prior to hand over to the client. All final
inspection and testing shall be carried out by QAQC personnel in accordance with the
project Inspection and Test Plan instruction.

Completed works shall only be accepted when:-

a) All inspection, test and commission activities have been accepted and sign off.
b) All relevant inspection, test and commission documents are completed.
c) All non-conformances – action have been taken, documented and resolved.
No work shall be hand over until all the activities specified in PQP or documented
procedures and instructions have been satisfactorily completed.

12.1.4 Inspection and Test Records

Inspection and Test Records shall be maintained to provide evidence that the works
have passed the required inspection and/or test in accordance with the contract

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 31

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Inspection, Test and Commission Records shall be form part of the Quality records.

12.2 Control of Non-Conforming Products

12.2.1 General

The Control of Non-Conforming Products is to ensure that all non-conforming

products/works are identified, reported and reviewed.

Any products/completed works that do not conform to specified requirements shall

be prevented from installation. The procedure for identification, classification,
documentation, notification, evaluation, review and disposition of the non-
conforming work is detailed in Non-Conformance report.

12.2.2 Non-Conformity Review and Disposition

The non-conformance report shall be reviewed to determine whether to:

a) Rework to meet the contract requirements; or

b) Accept the product without rework/repair by seeking concession from client;
c) Re-grade the work for alternative application; or
d) Reject the work.

Reporting and documenting of the non conformity that has been accepted, and of
repairs, shall be carried out as detailed in Non-Conformance Report.

Repaired and rectified works shall be re-inspected and verified in accordance with
the specified inspection and acceptance requirements.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 32

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

12.3 Corrective and Prevention Action

12.3.1 General

Corrective and prevention action is to ensure that corrective actions are initiated.
Documented and verified to prevent recurrence.

Corrective Action shall be initiated where:-

a) The cause of non-conformance requires the necessary corrective action to
prevent recurrence.
b) The analysis of all work progress, quality records, that there is a need to
detect and eliminate potential non-conformance.
c) The type and extend of non-conformance is documented in order to establish
trends and identify possible areas for improvement.

12.3.2 Corrective Action Reporting

The report shall contain the following:-

a) Initiating preventative actions to deal with problems.
b) Applying control (eg. Verification) to ensure that corrective action taken is
c) Implementing and documenting changes in procedures resulting from
corrective action.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 33

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


QAQC forms are used to implement the Quality Assurance Plan or as an audit tools
(Quality Audit).

The Inspection Register is as shown in ATTACHMENT C and the sample of

Inspection form shown in ATTACHMENT D.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 34

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


Documented procedures are established to define the responsibilities and

requirements for planning and conducting IMS audits. Integrated Management
System audits shall be conducted at planned intervals in order to determine whether
the integrated management system conforms the planned arrangement, to the
requirements of quality, environmental and OHS standards and to the quality
management system requirements established and is effectively implemented and

Project IMS Audits will be carried out by competence and independent internal
QAQC-HSE Department Team in accordance with the Client, Regulatory & Statutory,
ISO 9001:2008, ISO14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 and XYZ CONSULTING SDN.
BHD.’s requirements. Third party audits by certification bodies will also be carry on an
annual basis.

In addition to the above Project IMS Audits, the QAQC Engineer and HSE Officer
shall be responsible to conduct regular system compliance audit to verify the
implementation of respective Inspection & Test Plan and Quality Procedures & Work
Instructions adopted. All findings will be forwarded to the Responsible Person for any
corrections and corrective actions. Verification of the action taken and reporting of
verification results will be conducted by QAQC Engineer and HSE Officer.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 35

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


The quality system shall be review at least once a year to ensure its continuing
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. QA Department shall advise Project Manager
to convene the management review meeting.

Corrective and preventive actions are assigned and tracked for closure. Actions will
be reviewed in the following cycle to close the loop.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 36

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


16.1 Meetings
The following meetings are scheduled:

Site Meetings
Frequency : Monthly
Chairman : Client
Minutes : Client
Attendees : Client, Consultants, Project Manager
Minutes Distributed to : All the above

Coordination Meetings
Frequency : Fortnightly / Monthly
Chairman : Project Manager
Minutes : Project Manager
Attendees : Consultants, Project Manager,
Minutes Distributed to : All the above

Sub Contractors Site Meetings

Frequency : Fortnightly
Chairman : Project Manager
Minutes : Project Engineer
Attendees : Project Manager, Assistant Project
Manager, Project Engineers, Sub
Minutes Distributed to : All the above

Safety Meetings
Frequency : Monthly
Chairman : Project Manager
Minutes : Safety Officer
Attendees : Project Manager, Safety Officer, Sub
Contractor’s Representative
Minutes Distributed to : All the above and Project Manager

Staff Meetings
Frequency : Monthly / When Necessary
Chairman : Project Manager

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 37

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Minutes : Planning Engineer

Attendees : All Staff
Minutes Distributed to : All the above

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 38

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


Table 2:

Type of Record Frequency Person Responsible

1 Inspection Daily Project Engineer

2 Daily Site Record Daily Project Engineer

3 Project Status Report Monthly Project Manager

4 Progress Report Monthly Project Manager

Summary of Integrated
5 Management System Audit Monthly/Quarterly QAQC Engineer

6 Memo/Minutes of Meeting Ad-Hoc Project Manager

HSE Record / Tool box

7 Weekly HSE Officer

8 HSE Monthly Report Monthly HSE Officer

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 39

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


18.1 Purpose

• To ensure that all incoming documents and data are transmitted to appropriate
personnel for follow up action and all outgoing documents and data are issued

• To ensure that Controlled Documents requiring changes with the required

approvals are revised in a timely manner.

• To ensure that controlled documents are of current issue.

• To define the method of establishing, approving, changing, maintaining,

replacing and distributing Controlled Documents.

18.2 Responsibilities

18.2.1 Quality Procedures

o The Document Controller shall oversee the control of all documents relating to
the Quality Procedures and keeps a Master List of the location of such

o The Document Controller shall distribute the revised controlled documents

according to the distribution list.

18.2.2 Project Specific Document and Data

• All staff shall maintain and upkeep documents and data. This includes fax
messages, letters transmittals, drawings, diskettes and calculation reports.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 40

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

• The Project Manager shall ensure that all drawings, diskettes produced or
received are kept, maintained and readily identifiable.

• The Project Manager shall ensure that fax messages, letters, transmittals and
reports are kept and maintained in the appropriate files or folders.

18.2.3 Procedure for Quality Procedures

• Identification of Controlled Copy

Controlled copies are indicated by the stamping ‘Control Copy’ on the cover
page in blue or red colour.

• Master List

The Document Controller shall maintain a Master List of Approved Documents

with their current revision numbers.

• Revisions

All company staff can initiate a change to a document by completing a

Document Change Request for the Document Controller to review the change

The Document Controller shall then submit the request to the Project Manager
for approval. If the change is approved, the Document Controller is
responsible for updating affected documents.

• Change Record

A record of changes is found in the Document Revision History. The Document

Controller is responsible for maintaining the change record.
Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 41
Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

18.2.4 Procedure for Project Document and Data

• Distribution

When an Administration Staff receives a document or data via post, fax

machine, courier or e-mail, he shall where necessary, print or plot out the
document and/or data and stamps on it with the word “Received” with date.

Concerned Administrative Staff shall the deliver the document to the relevant
interested parties

• Project Control

A Project Master List is established and kept by the Document Controller who
shall assign new serial numbers.

The Document Controller shall ensure that all files, box folders are labelled.

• Working / Shop Drawing and Materials / Sample Control

The Construction / Shop Drawings Master List and Materials / Sample Master
List are kept in project files, These Master Lists are prepared and updated by
the Document Controller and filed

All construction drawings and materials / sample are delivered to consultants

or sub contractors via Transmittal Form or cover letter.

After acknowledgement by the recipient, the Document Controller then sends

the Transmittal Form for filing.

For submission to authorities, the drawings shall be transmitted via a covering

letter together with the appropriate forms.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 42

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The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Superseded Construction Drawing Master List and Materials / Sample Master

List shall be stamped “Superseded” once the list is updated. This shall be kept
in the file for future reference (Superseded File)

• Fax Message, Letters and Transmittals Control

The Project Manager shall direct the respective project staff to follow up on all
incoming fax messages, letters and transmittal to ensure that the information
is responded and updated where necessary.

If the follow up is by fax messages, letters or transmittals the Document

Controller shall vet through them. The Administrative Staff shall file all related
correspondences in the respective files.

All in-coming fax messages, letters and transmittals received are initialed by
concerned staff. The date of response is indicated on the first page of the
document before passing it to the functional head for reference or comments.

Comments can be written on any blank spaces on the fax messages, letters or
other means for transmittal.

The Transmittal Form number may also be used in conjunction with the issue
of drawings, calculations and reports.

18.3 Updates on Standards / Codes of Practice

Authorities may inform the public on the updates of their requirement through
circulars or seminars. If such is the case concerned staff may attend such seminars
on behalf of XYZ CONSULTING Sdn Bhd.

At the conclusion of such seminar, the attendee shall inform the company about such
revisions or updates. Seminar notes or any circulars on the updates shall then be
circulated to those affected and subsequently maintained as a reference documents.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 43

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Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

18.4 Documentation and Data Control

Table 3:

Method of Distribution
Document Approved By Distributed To
Registering Record
Project Manager
(acceptance Drawing • Site Office (2 sets)
Drawings, Transmittal
only) Register • Works Contractors
Schedules, etc
Shop Drawing Site Office (2 sets)
Consultant Transmittal
Drawings Register Works Contractors

Construction Site Office
Project Manager Not required Transmittal
Programme Works Contractors

Project Manager Not required Transmittal Consultants
As per distribution list
Project Quality
Client Not required Transmittal in Plan
As per distribution list
Project Safety
Project Manager Not required Transmittal in Plan
Method Project Engineer Document
Transmittal Site Office
Statements / QC Manager Register
Works Contractors

Site Project Manager

SI Register Memo/fax As indicated
Corresponden N/A Not required N/A As indicated
Project Controlled
As indicated
Procedures Project Manager Document Transmittal

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 44

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

18.5 Correspondence

18.5.1 Correspondence to Client

All correspondence to Client shall be signed by the Project Director. Only persons
designated by the Project Director to do so may sign in the event of his absence.

Correspondence to Client shall be done by one of the following methods:

- Letter
- Request for Information
- Fax Cover Sheet
- Documents Transmittal
- Confirmation of Instruction (to confirm verbal instruction)

Correspondence to client must be issued by XYZ CONSULTING SDN. BHD.. All

personnel sub-contractors and suppliers under the project shall not be permitted to
address directly to the Client or the Client’s Representative.

Address all correspondence to:


Jln Aman,
Kuala Lumpur

Copies to be issued as follows :

- Project Director
- Project Manager
- Consultants (If necessary)

Correspondence to be on XYZ CONSULTING SDN. BHD. letterhead and reference

be made to the project name.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 45

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Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

18.5.2 Correspondence from Client

Correspondence from Client shall be:

- Date stamped upon receipt
- Read by the Project Director who would decide on the action to be taken
either distribution for action or information
- Coped and forwarded to Head Office for information
- Copied and filed chronologically under “Client Correspondence – “In-Out” by
Document Controller.

18.5.3 Verbal Instruction from Client

Verbal instruction from Client must be confirmed in writing using the “Confirmation of
Instruction Form” with copies of confirmation send to organizations shown on the

18.5.4 Correspondence to Work Contractors

All correspondence to Work Contractors shall be jointly signed by the Project

Manager and other executive. Only persons designated by the Project Manager to
do so may sign in the event of his absence. All correspondence are to be deposited
at XYZ CONSULTING SDN. BHD.’s Site Office pigeon holes for their collection.

Memos/faxes can be raised by respective person in charge of the department.

Correspondence to Work Contractors shall be done by one of the following

- Letter
- Site Instruction
- Documents Transmittal
- Notice to Comply

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 46

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The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

The following XYZ CONSULTING SDN. BHD. staff may formally communicate with
Work Contractors:

- Project Director/Manager
- Contractors/sub-contractor
- Project Engineer

All correspondence to work Contractor other than the Documents Transmittal must
be sighted by the Project Manager and copy to be kept by document controller
according to relevant work contractor/ works package.

A Register of Site Instructions to be kept by the Document Controller.

18.5.5 Correspondence from Work Contractor

A site mail box must be established in the Project Office and Works Contractors
instructed to deliver correspondence via this mail box or by fax addressed to the
Project Manager.

All correspondence from work contractor must be date stamped upon receipt.

Project Manager must review all correspondence/s and decide further distribution
and original copy to be kept and filed by document controller according to relevant
work contractor/ works package.

Any notice of discrepancy, obscurity of meaning etc. shall be forwarded by the

subcontractor to the Project Director or Project Manager and any reply from the
Project Director or Project Manager shall be by means of a Tender Addendum or
Revised Construction Drawing

18.5.6 Standard Forms

The following standard forms shall be used:

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 47

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

- Request for Information

- Documents Transmittal
- Confirmation of Instruction
- Site Instruction
- Notice to Comply
- RFI Register
- Site Instruction Register
- Client Instruction Register

18.5.7 Filing System


- The Project Manager is responsible for the overall running of the Site Office
- Document Controller is responsible for the filing system ensuring they are
legible, readily identifiable and retrievable.


- The system shall be established by the preparation of a list of all the

proposed files. A numbering system for the files shall then be created.
- The original document or record must always be filed in the central filing
- Archiving at the completion of the project as follows:
 Update the file listings
 Place central filing system records into numbered and labelled
 Enclose a list of all records on the box
 Send a copy of the box lists to head office

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 48

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

18.5.8 Daily Site Records

- The Project Manager is responsible for the Site Establishment including all
Site Records.
- The Site Engineer and his supporting staffs are responsible for the keeping
of Site Dairy and the preparation of the Site Daily Reports and the Day-
works Record etc.

- The Site Dairy and Site Daily Report shall be completed every day without
- The Day-Works Record shall be completed as and when the Day-Works are
carried out.
- To submit the Site Diary daily – before 3.30pm on the following day.
- To submit Approval Chit and QAQC Forms / Inspection List – before 3.30pm
for inspection the next morning.
- To submit Material Inspection Form for all construction material used in the
construction works within 24 hours upon delivery.

- Ensure that the original record is filed in the filing system
- Site Personnel may maintain their own files in the file but original must
always be filed in the central filing system.

- At the completion of the project, update the file listings
- Place all central filing system records into numbered and labelled boxes
- Enclose a list of all records in the box
- Send a copy of the box lists to head office

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 49

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Progress Report shall include the following :

• Financial and Physical Status

• Photos
• Work Programme
• Weather Report
• Site Organisation
• Site Machinery and Manpower
• Site Activities / Work Done

18.7 Valid Calibration Record

Record of calibration report shall be kept, maintained and updated continuously.

Document Controller shall keep the updated record list in the file.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 50

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.



19.1 Local Authorities

Contract drawings and documents shall comply with the client’s requirements
and approved by the relevant authorities.

The relevant authorities are as follows:

a) State Planning Authority

b) Land and Survey Department
c) Municipal Council(s)
d) Bomba Department
e) TNB
f) Telekom
g) Syabas
h) Other relevant authorities, if any

19.2 Project Contact

Contact Office
No Organization Designation Fax Number
Person(s) Telephone
1. Client
RHB Dev. Berhad, Azman Salim Project 03-2055 4000 03-2055 4555
Director 03-2055 4008 03-2055 4666
Wisma RHB, Jln TAR,
Kuala Lumpur.
2. Contractor
UVW S/B Ir. Razman Project 03-9570 6001 03-9570 6007
Jalan Pinang, Adam Manager
Kuala Lumpur
3. Project Consultants
Jln Aman, Ir. Ismail Ibrahim Project 03-9300 7000 03-9300 7001
Kuala Lumpur Manager

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 51

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Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


It is UVW’s responsibility to handover the project to Client after completed all the major
works at site in accordance to the contract requirements. The handover dates shall be
completion dates (Final completion or Sectional completional) as stated in the contract

20.1 Final Inspection and Testing

Upon receiving the notification from the sub-contractor regarding the Final Inspection,
the site supervisor shall notify the PM, who in turn would arrange with the Employer for a
joint inspection (where relevant) comprising the following personnel;

a) Employer or Employer’s Representative

b) Consultants
c) Sub-contractor (where relevant)

20.2 Defect List

All non-conformances are clearly recorded on the defect list, confirmed and endorsed by
all parties at the end of the inspection.

The scope and targeted date are to be completed by all personnel involve in the

The PM ensures the defect lists are forwarded to the sub-contractor for rectification.

Where possible, the subcontractor is required to submit their proposed rectification

schedule within 14 days upon receipt of the defects lists. The proposed rectification
schedule shall include the proposed date for re- inspection by the same team (where

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 52

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

The respective Site Supervisor shall monitor and follow-up with the rectification of the
defects and ensure they are being carried out timely.

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 53

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Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.


Attachment A Quality Policy

Attachment B Inspection & Test Plan Requirement (sample)

Attachment C QA/QC Inspection Register List (sample)

Attachment D QA/QC Inspection Forms Request (sample)

Attachment E Document Control Register List (sample)

Attachment F Document Control Register Inspection Form (Sample)

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 54

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Attachment A - Company Quality Policy

UAV Const is totally committed to quality in the performance of our work to

ensure that all our projects are constructed to standards specified by our
Customer and regulatory requirements that govern such projects, within

This Quality System manual together with the management and operational
Quality Procedures that support it, are the foundation of UVW Const‘s Quality
Management System.

In its commitment to Quality, the Managing Director has appointed the Quality
Management Representative, to ensure the effective implementation and
continual improvement of the Quality Management System throughout UVW

To sustain the above quality policy we strive;

1) To achieve excellence in quality and productivity in all works.

2) To develop a positive attitude towards quality and motivate our personnel
through appropriate recognition of efforts in improving works quality.
3) To improve and update technology, methods of operation and management
skills of our staff to efficiently manage our project.
4) To maintain an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation with
open communications.
5) To exemplify professional and honesty in dealings amongst ourselves,
customer and the public.
6) To provide the leadership in promoting quality in our works as well as our
subcontractors and suppliers with reward and recognition for

It is our goal that all the staff, in all functions, performs their duties according to the
documented Quality Management System.

Haron Ismail Date: 20/11/2008


Managing Directors

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 55

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Attachment B - Inspection & Test Plan Requirement (sample)


Boundary Topography CRE/ RE/

1 Once Survey Surveyor
survey Survey C.O.W/ QAM

Every CRE/ RE/

2 Setting out Survey Report Survey Surveyor
package C.O.W/ QAM

Inspection Test Plan – Concrete Work


1 Concrete Material As instructed BS 5328 QAE/ Project CRE/ RE/

by CE Engineer C.O.W/ QAM
BS 1881

Workability As instructed Slump Test, BS QAE/ Project CRE/ RE/

by CE 1881: Part 102 Engineer / Site C.O.W/ QAM

Sampling As instructed BS 1881: Part 101 QAE/ Project CRE/ RE/

by CE Engineer / C.O.W/ QAM
MS 26 Site Supervisor

Compressive Each cube BS 1881 QAE/ Project CRE/ RE/

Strength Engineer / Site C.O.W/ QAM

Curing / As instructed MS 26: Part 4 QAE/ Project CRE/ RE/

Protection by CE Engineer / Site C.O.W/ QAM

2 Steel Material Each batch BS 4466 QAE/ Project CRE/ RE/

Reinforcement Engineer C.O.W/ QAM
As instructed
by CE

Fixing of Each structure Visual Project Engineer / CRE/ RE/

reinforcement Site Supervisor C.O.W/ QAM

3 Formwork Fixing of Each structure As approved by CE Project Engineer / CRE/ RE/

formwork Site Supervisor C.O.W/ QAM

Removal of Each structure As approved by CE Project Engineer / CRE/ RE/

formwork Site Supervisor C.O.W/ QAM

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 56

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Attachment C - QA/QC Inspection Register List (sample)

Inspection Register – (sample)

Reference No. Description
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-01
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-02
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-03
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-04
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-06
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-07
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-08
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-11
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-12
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G-13
XYZ/PQMP/40s Works/G014

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 57

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Attachment D - QA/QC Inspection Forms Request (sample)

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 58

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Attachment E – Document Control Register List (sample)


Reference No. Description















Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 59

Uvw UVW Const Sdn Bhd.

Const Project Quality Plan Rev. 0

The construction of 40-storey Grade “A” Office Building located at Jalan Sidek, Kuala Lumpur.

Attachment F - Document Control Inspection Form (Sample)


REF. NO. : _____________________________

Date : _____________________________
Location : _____________________________
Dwg. Ref. : _____________________________

We request for inspection and permission to proceed with the following work :

Date :
Time :

Description of works :

Requested By, Agreed By, Received By,

Signature : _____________ Signature : ____________ Signature : ______________

Name : _____________ Name : ____________ Name : ______________
Date : _____________ Date : ____________ Date : ______________

Sub-Contractor Representative XYZ Supervisor / Engineer (Consultant Representative)

Your request to proceed with the above-mentioned work is

Remarks/ comment :

Checked & Agreed By, Approved By, Received By,

Signature : _____________ Signature : ____________ Signature : ______________

Name : _____________ Name : ____________ Name : ______________
Date : _____________ Date : ____________ Date : ______________
Clerk of Work (Consultant) Resident Engineer (Consultant) QAQC Clerk (XYZ)

Issuance Date: 1/11/2010 PQP: 60

Name: Mohd. Norizam Md. Salleh Student ID:CGS00534317

1) Abdul Rahman Ayub, Ahmad Hilmy Abdul Hamid (11th. April, 2007), Quality Cost
Consideration in Construction, Paper presented at the Civil Engineering Seminar,
National Defense University Malaysia, Extrated on 1/11/2010 from website,

2) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide),

Extracted on 10/11/2010 from website,

3) DR. DAVID GOH TEE TECK, EMPM 5103 Notes 3, 2010 – OUM.

4) Duncan Haughey, The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK),

Extracted on 20/11/2010 from website; http://www.projectsmart.co.uk/pmbok.html

5) Harold Kerzner (2009), PhD, Project Management (Tenth Edition), John Wiley &
Son, New Jersy.

6) Hirschman, A.O. (1967). Development projects observed. Washington, D.C.: The

Brookings Institution (reissued 1995).

7) Maverick SM (May 02, 2004), Project Planning Extracted on 21/11/2010 from

website; http://projectmanagementysm.blogspot.com/2004/05/project-planning.html

8) Mirtha R. Muñiz Castillo and Des Gasper (May 2009), Looking for long-run
development effectiveness: An autonomy-centred framework for project evaluation,
Working Paper MGSoG/2009/WP005. Extracted on 21/11/2010 from

9) Oberlender, G.D (1993), Project Management For Engineering And Management.

McGraw-Hill Inc, New York.

I/C No: 670703-01-6045 A

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