Play Dialog Joaquin Darduin

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At the age of 15 years old, I moved to Panama because the work of my father, it isn’t the best

thing in my life because I left all my friends, even though I had a great time there. In my time there
I choose to join a kind of company to help needed people, there were situations when my mother
spent all day making “arroz con pollo” to deliver in the streets.

I remember one situation when we were delivering food, and this happened:

Me: Someone want any food to have something to eat?

They: Yes please, can you wait a minute that one of them that also want food must come?

Us: Yeah, for sure.

When we say that a guy starts running towards us and we were so happy that we could help them.

Then we start going from places to others to ask if they wanted food so they can eat at least for
the day we go to ask, it was a very kind action but also it made us feel very good to ourselves.

Also, a company ask us to deliver food on they name, we rejected because all the fame would go
to them, and we kept delivering food. At our way.

Company: Would you like to deliver food on our name?

Us: Not really, we think this is not a way to make fame is to help people.

Once, taking food to many places, many people came to encourage us and it was very beautiful,
that's when we realized how we had helped those people.

So that is the story how we helped a lot of people but also rejected a company to Make things
for them

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