Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology (A) CED Question Bank-HWRE (18CEC25) Unit-1

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Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology(A)


Question Bank-HWRE(18CEC25)


1. Draw the hydrological cycle?

2. What are the types of precipitation?
3. Define Readily available soil moisture?
4. Differentiate between the rainfall and run off?
5. What are the factors affecting evaporation?
6. What is the difference between the silt and scour?
7. How can you measure the infiltration?
8. What are the types of Infiltration Indices?
9. Define Permanent Wilting Point?
10.What do you mean by Base flow?
11.What do you understand by Flood hydrograph?
12.Define return period and exceedence probability.
13.Define Unit Hydrograph?
14.Define Maximum Probable flood.
15.Explain the methods of Estimating missing rainfall data at a station in a
16.Explain the following in brief: a) Isohyets b) Average Annual Rainfall c)
Raingauge density
17.Describe the terms: a) Interception b) Depression Storage
18.Describe various forms of soil moisture. Which of these soil moisture is
mainly available for utilization by Plants?
19.Write short notes on :a) Pan Co-efficient b) phi-index
20.Bring out the difference between evaporation, transpiration and
Consumptive use.
21.Discuss the various factors affecting Evapotranspiration.
22.Discuss a method to obtain Unit Hydrograph from storms.
23.Discuss measurement of Rainfall (recording and non recording type of rain
24.What are the methods to compute mean from point rainfall?
25.A basin has the area in the form of a pentagon with each side of length
20Km. The five raingauges located at the corners A, B, C, D and E have
recorded 60, 81, 73, 59 and 45 mm of rainfall respectively. Compute
average depth of rainfall over the basin using arithmetic mean and Theissen
polygon methods.
26.The annual rainfalls at 7 raingauge stations in a basin are 58, 94, 60, 45, 20,
88 and 68cm respectively. What is the percentage accuracy of the existing
network in the estimation of average depth of rainfall over the basin. How
many additional gauges are required, if it is desired to limit the error to only

Note: Also please look at problems discussed in PPTs Shared that was taught in
the online classes.

1. What are the methods of Peak flow estimation?

2. What are the factors affecting Run-off?
3. What are the methods of determination of reservoir capacity. Explain in
4. Discuss the factors that govern the site selection of a reservoir.
5. Classify reservoir and its purposes.
6. Write short notes on (i) zones of storage in reservoir (ii) density currents
(iii) trap efficiency (iv)Reservoir sedimentation (v) useful life of reservoir
7. The average inflows of a river corresponding to a driest year on record are:

Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Inflow 110 90 70 50 30 25 65 220 300 190 115 110
Find (i) The minimum storage capacity of power generation at inflow
discharge rate 85 m3/sec.

(ii) If the reservoir capacity is fixed at 270 cumec month what uniform rate
of withdrawal is possible. Assume 1 month = 30.4 days. Solve by mass
curve and analytical method.

8. A water shed of 3130 sq. km was subjected to a storm of 4 hr duration from

which the following are recorded.

Time(h) 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Discharg 20 16 175 270 230 200 170 150 130 100
( cumecs)
Obtain an UH for the watershed.

Note: Also please look at problems discussed in PPTs Shared that was taught in
the online classes.

1.During a recuperation test, the water level in an open well was depressed by
pumping by 2.5 metres and is recuperated by an amount of 1.6 metres in 70

(a) Determine the yield from a well of 3 m diameter under a depression

head of 3.5 metres.

(b) Also determine the diameter of the well to yield 10 litres/second under a
depression head of 2.5 metres.

2. Define and explain the following terms, as used in connection with ground
water :(i) Capillary fringe (ii) Specific yield (iii) Pellicular water (iv) Field
capacity (v) Permeability and transmissibility(vi) Aquifers and aquicludes (vi)
Non-artesian and artesian wells(viii) Perched aquifers ( ix) Storage coefficient (x)
Specific capacity of wells (xi) vadose water

3. Derive a formula for discharge of well in a homogeneous artesian aquifer

assuming equilibrium flow conditions.

4.Distinguish with sketches, the difference between an unconfined and a confined


5.Discuss pumping test and recuperating test for determination of yield of an open

6. Derive a formula for discharge of a well in a homogeneous unconfined aquifer

assuming equilibrium flow condition; state the assumptions on which the formula
is based.

7. Write short notes on water harvesting structures for augmentation of ground


8. Discuss briefly as to how the water is stored into the ground water reservoir.
Briefly mention the various zones and importance of the ‘zone of saturation’ in
this connection.

9.What is meant by artificial recharge of ground water? Enumerate the different

methods which are used for this purpose and describe one of them briefly.

10. Define Irrigation.

11.What are the ill-effects of irrigation?

12.Define Duty and Delta.

13.What do you know about the water conveyance efficiency?

14.What do you understand about the vertical distribution of Soil moisture?

15..Define field capacity.

16.Define the terms Duty, Delta and base period and also derive the relation
between them.

17.Define irrigation efficiency. List out different types of irrigation efficiencies .


18.Discuss different irrigation requirements.

19.Why irrigation is necessary?

20.After how many days the farmer should apply water to his field to ensure
efficient use of irrigation water, if the field capacity is 27%, permanent wilting
point is 14%, density of soil is 1500 kg/m3, effective root zone depth 0.75 m and
daily consumptive use of water is 11 mm.

21. In a certain area paddy crop requires 14 cm of depth of water at an interval of

10 days for a base period of 110 days; Whereas wheat crop requires 9.0 cm of
depth of water after 35 days with a base period of 140 days. Determine the delta of
paddy crop and duty of wheat crop of that area.

22.The base period of Paddy is 120 days. If the duty for this is 900
hectares/cumecs. Find the value of delta.

1. Design a trapezoidal shaped concrete lined channel to carry a discharge of

100 cumecs at a slope of 25 cm/km. The side slopes of the channel are
1.5:1. The value of N may be taken as 0.016. Assume the limiting velocity
as 1.5m/sec.
2. Design an irrigation channel section for the following data. Discharge= 40
cumecs, Silt factor=1.0, Side slopes= ½: 1 Determine the longitudinal
slope also.
3. Using Lacey ’s theory, design an irrigation channel for the following data .
Discharge Q= 50 cumecs , Silt factor ‘f ’=1 .0, Side slopes:1 /2 :1.
4. The slope of channel in alluvium is S= 1/5000 Lacey’s silt factor=0.9.
5. side slope= 1/2H :1V Find the channel section and maximum discharge,
which can be allowed to flow in it.
6. Design a channel section by Kennedy ’s theory given the following data:
Discharge Q =2828 cumecs Kutter ’s n=0 .0225 Critical velocity ratio ‘m’
=1 Side slope = 1/2 H: 1V, s = 1/5000.

7. Problem on calculation of Design capacity of canal.

8. Name the two different types of silt theories?
9. What do you meant by initial and final regime of channels?
10.What are the merits of Lacey's theory?
Unit-5 :Gravity dams

1. (a) Define gravity dam. Give its salient features.

(b) Which are the five highest gravity dams in India?

2. Define the following terms:

{i} Axis of dam

(ii) Length of dam

(iii) Structural height of dam

(iv) Hydraulic height of dam

(v) Toe and heel of dam

(vi) Maximum base width of dam.

3. (a) What considerations govern the selection of a most suitable site for a gravity dam.

(b) Draw sketches to depict the different shapes of a gravity dam.

4 (a) Enumerate the various forces or loads acting on a gravity dam

(b) How can you categorise the different forces on a dam?

5. (a) What are the assumptions made in the design of a gravity dam?

(b) How will you ensure that the dam is safe? State the conditions prescribed by Indian


6. Explain the procedure adopted for determining the following forces acting on a gravity


(a) Weight (b) Water pressure (c) Uplift pressure

7.In-what way earthquake affect the stability of a dam? Briefly outline the procedure adopted to take
into account the seismic force in the design of a dam.

8. In what way waves affect the dam design? Give methods to determine wave height. What criteria is
laid down in Indian Standards to determine wave pressure?

9. (a) How will you fix free-board above still water level?
(b) Give considerations for the following forces in a gravity dam.

(i) Earth and silt pressure

(ii) Ice pressure

(iii) Thermal loads

(iv) Wind pressure

10. (a) How can a gravity dam fail?

(b) What precautions should be taken against the factors leading to the failure?

11. Give the safety criteria of the following types of failures

(a) Overturning

(b) Sliding

12. Write notes on:

i) Safety against overstressing of materials of dam.

ii) Reaction of foundation.

13. Briefly discuss the elastic theory for the determination of following stresses in a gravity


(i) Normal stress on horizontal plane

(ii) Shear stress on horizontal plane

(iii) Normal stress on vertical plane

(iv) Principal stresses.

14. Define elementary profile of a gravity dam. Derive relations for different stresses.

15. Differentiate between low and high gravity dam.

16. What do you understand by a practical profile of a gravity dam’? How do you determine

the top width, base width and free board in such a dam.

17. Describe briefly the method of designing a gravity dam by zoning.

18. (a) List the processes involved in the construction of a gravity dam and explain them

(b) Give the different types of instrumentation in a gravity dam.

Earth dams:
1. Briefly describe the status of earth dams in India. Give details of two earth/rockfill dams in India.

2. State the advantages and disadvantages of earth dams.

3. Name the different types of earth dams. Under what conditions will you adopt homogeneous earth
dams. Draw sketches to show homogeneous earth dam on impervious foundation:

(a) with no drainage facility (b) with rock toe

(c) with horizontal d/s filter

4. Briefly describe the following types of earth dams:

i) Rolled earthfill dam ii} Zoned earth embankment

(iii) Diaphragm earth dams; and (iv) Hydraulic fill earth dams

5. List the various component parts of an earth dam and briefly describe their functions.

6. Write short notes on:

i() cut-off (ii) core (iii) relief well (iv) casing

7, What factors govern the selection of a dam site? Give the criteria for fixing the following:

(i} crest width (ii) settlement allowance (iii) u's and d/s slopes

8. Define free board, how will you decide the minimum and normal free board.

9. Enumerate the factors considered for the selection of materials for an earth dam. What

tole is played by the following materials in an earth dam.

(i) clays (ii) silts (iii) sand

Which materials should be avoided in earth dam construction?

10. Name the basic requirements for design of earth dams. Discuss briefly the methods to

ensure safety against overtopping.

11. Give the criteria for design of:

{a) stability of slopes (b) safety against erosion by seepage

(c} safety against free passage of water through the dam

12. List the reasons for cracking in earth dams, What are the different types of cracks and

what measures are adopted to control them?

13. Briefly discuss the methods adopted for safety of earth dams:

i) in earthquake prone regions; and (ii) at junctions

14, Define phreatic line. What are its characteristics? Derive relations to determine phreatic line

15. Describe any method to determine phreatic line in an earth dam.

16. How do you locate phreatic line:

(a) in a zoned section (b) when permeabilities differ in horizontal and vertical directions

17. Derive relations to determine seepage discharge in an earth dam by (i) analytical method (ii} flow-

18. What are pore water pressures and how they affect the stability of an earth dam? List the critical
conditions for design and the methods to control them.

19, Explain construction pore pressures and describe the methods for their evaluation.

20. Why are draw-down pore pressures critical for the stability of upstream slope? What measures are
taken to control them?

21. Explain the method to determine pore pressure in an earth dam.

22. What forces tend to cause movement in an earth dam? What are the conditions critical

for the stability of an earth dam?

23. Describe circular arc method of analysis for checking the stability of slopes.

24. Derive a relation to determine the factor of safety for the stability of slope. How can this

be determined by graphical method?

25. Explain the sliding wedge method to check the stability of slopes of an earth dam.

26. Give the construction procedure for an earth dam.

27. List the main causes of failure of earth dams. Explain briefly the hydraulic failures.

28. What are the causes of seepage, structural, earthquake failures of earth dam.
29. Suggest remedial measures to control failure of earth dams.

30. Draw sections suitable for various types of foundations and materials available.

31. Define rock-fill dam. What function is served by the main rockfill?

32. Give the advantages of upstream impervious membrane in a cockfill dam as compared to earth
dams. Explain briefly the types of w’s impervious membrane.

33. Write short notes on:

(i) Rubble cushion in rock fill dam (ii) Materials for rock fill dam (iii) Cut-off wall (iv) Earth core

34. A 3m free board is provided for an earth dam with the following data:

(i) Head of water = 20 m (ii) Fetch = 38 km (iii) Max, wind velocity = 85 km/hr

Check whether the free board is adequate or not.

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