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Bachelor of Science in Nursing

A Case Presentation on



Submitted to:
Gabriel G. Cabading, PgC(UK), RN(USA)

Submitted by:

Dunque, Stephanie
Flores, Lynel
Lastrilla, Aira Joy
Manzanilla, Mariel
Moania, Tee Jay
Mohamadsali, Norhaida
Panuncillon, Shayne
Racho, Zanlee
Saclot, Sheila Mae

Date of Submission:

November 23, 2021

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117


I Title page i

II Table of Contents ii

III Description of the Disease/Illness 1

IV Definition of Terms 3

V Etiology 4

VI. Patient’s Profile 5

VII. Anatomy and Physiology of the Affected Body Parts 6

VIII. Pathophysiology of the Disease 16

IX Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests 26

Medical Management
X. 1. Pharmacotherapy
2. Nutrition Therapy
XI Surgical Management 50

Nursing Management
XII. 53
Nursing Care Plan
XIII Discharge Plan 59

XIV Client’s Health Education 71

Evidenced-based Research Findings related to the

XV 73

XVI Reference 75

College of Health Sciences Education
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Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

Description of the Disease/Illness

Heart failure (HF) is a clinical syndrome resulting from structural or functional

cardiac disorders that impair the ability of the ventricles to fill or eject blood. In the

past, Heart failure was often referred to as congestive heart failure (CHF), because

many patients experience pulmonary or peripheral congestion with edema. Currently,

Heart failure is recognized as a clinical syndrome characterized by signs and

symptoms of fluid overload or inadequate tissue perfusion. Fluid overload and

decreased tissue perfusion result when the heart cannot generate cardiac output (CO)

sufficient to meet the body’s demands for oxygen and nutrients. The term heart failure

indicates myocardial disease in which impaired contraction of the heart (systolic

dysfunction) or filling of the heart (diastolic dysfunction) may cause pulmonary or

systemic congestion. Some cases of Heart failure are reversible, depending on the

cause. Most often, Heart failure is a chronic, progressive condition that is managed

with lifestyle changes and medications to prevent episodes of acute decompensated

heart failure.

The body tries to compensate in different ways. The heart beats faster to take

less time for refilling after it contracts—but over the long run, less blood circulates, and

the extra effort can cause heart palpitations. The heart also enlarges a bit to make

room for the blood. The lungs fill with fluid, causing shortness of breath. The kidneys,

when they don’t receive enough blood, begin to retain water and sodium, which can

lead to kidney failure. With or without treatment, heart failure is often and typically

progressive, meaning it gradually gets worse.

Hypertension remains a significant risk factor for development of congestive

heart failure CHF), with various mechanisms contributing to both systolic and diastolic

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Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117
dysfunction. That's because the force pushing on the walls of the arteries as blood

moves through them is too strong. That pressure hurts the arteries and makes tiny

tears in them that can turn into scar tissue, which makes it easier for cholesterol, fat,

and other things to build up. That causes the vessels to narrow and stiffen.

Congestive heart failure (CHF) and atrial fibrillation (AF) are two of the most

prevalent medical conditions, both of which are linked with severe morbidity. These

illnesses have comparable risk factors, commonly coexist, and have additional

adverse consequences when they occur together. Electrical signals regulate the

heart's beat. Healthy heart tissue is essential for those signals to function properly.

Heart failure, on the other hand, can extend the atria and induce scarring and

thickening of heart tissue. The electrical signals are thrown off as a result of these

alterations, which disrupts the heart's rhythm and can lead to atrial fibrillation.

There are instances when symptoms are mild or when there is nothing at all.

But this does not avoid the possibility of cardiac failure. Heart failure symptoms can

range from moderate to severe, and they might come and go. However, common signs

and symptoms of heart failure includes shortness of breath or trouble breathing,

fatigue, swelling in the ankles, legs and abdomen, weight gain, dizziness, confusion,

difficulty concentrating, fainting, and rapid or irregular heartbeats (palpitations). These

symptoms may be early signs that fluid is building up and your heart failure is getting

worse. The goal of treatment for congestive heart failure is to have the heart beat more

efficiently so that it can meet the energy needs of the body. Specific treatment depends

upon the underlying cause of heart failure. Lifestyle modification is one of the most

important aspects as patient can incorporate to treat congestive heart failure. Failure

to do so can eventually lead to death.

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

Definition of Terms

1. Atrial Fibrillation- is a heart condition that causes an irregular and often

abnormally fast heart rate.

2. Congestive Heart Failure- a serious condition in which the heart doesn't pump

blood as efficiently as it should.

3. Cyanotic- refers to abnormal blue discoloration of the skin due to lack of

oxygen in the blood.

4. Dyspnea- a tight feeling where a patient cannot breathe enough air into the

lungs (shortness of breath).

5. Edema- is a swelling that is caused by fluid build or trapped in the body.

6. Hypertension- a condition of persistent elevation of blood pressure.

7. Non-compliant- when a client refuses to comply or follow medical regimen.

8. Obese- is a condition that occurs when a person has excess weight or body


9. Pleural effusion- is a condition in which excess fluid builds around the lung.

10. Tachycardia- refers to a hear rate over 100 beats per minute.

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117


Predisposing Factors Precipitating Factors

• Age: 55 years old • Non-compliant to medication

• Hereditary (Thiazide diuretics)
• Untreated hypertension (20
• Obese

The table above shows the etiology of the disease. In terms of the predisposing

factors, it includes the age, gender, and hereditary. According to the study, the

prevalence of hypertension was found to be high in older adults. Hypertension was

shown to be substantially associated with factors such as age and having a family

history of hypertension. Individuals whose parents have hypertension have an

elevated risk of developing the condition, particularly if both parents are affected.

However, the inheritance pattern is unknown. While in the precipitating factors, the

patient is obese which is a big contributing factor in developing hypertension and if the

hypertension is remain untreated it could eventually lead to further complications and

even death. The patient is also non-compliant with medication, which really leads her

to congestive heart failure.

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

Patient’s Profile

Name (Initial/Alias) : Ms. L.P

Age : 55 years old

Gender : Female

Birth Date : October 7, 1966

Occupation : Fish Vendor

Civil Status : Not Indicated

Address : Barangay 23-C, Davao City

Chief Complaint : Exertional Dyspnea associated with palpitation and headache,

flushing, chest pain.

Admitting Diagnosis : Not Indicated

Final Diagnosis : Congestive Heart Failure due to Untreated Hypertension with

Atrial Fibrillation

Past Medical History

Ms. L.P was admitted when she was 35 years old because of prolonged

dizziness and headache and was given a Thiazide diuretic but did not comply. Ms. L.P

is hypertensive, non-asthmatic, non-diabetic and has no known allergy to food or drug.

Family Medical History

Ms. L.P father died at age of 56 from a heart attack secondary to congestive

heart failure. Ms. L.P had no history of smoking and alcohol abuse.

College of Health Sciences Education
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Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

Anatomy and Physiology

Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system can be thought of as the transport system of the

body. This system has three main components: the heart, the blood vessel and the

blood itself. The heart is the system’s pump and the blood vessels are like the delivery

routes. Blood can be thought of as a fluid which contains the oxygen and nutrients the

body needs and carries the wastes which need to be removed. The following

information describes the structure and function of the heart and the cardiovascular

system as a whole.

The Heart

The heart, a muscular pump made up of cardiac muscle fibers, could be

considered a muscle rather than an organ. It has four chambers, or cavities, and beats

an average of 60-100 beats per minute (bpm) or about 100,000 times in one day. Each

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117
time the cardiac muscle contracts, blood is ejected from the heart and pushed

throughout the body within the blood vessels.

The heart is located in the mediastinum in the center of the chest cavity however

it is not exactly centered, more of the heart is on the left side of the mediastinum that

the right. The heart is about the size of a fist and shaped like an upside-down pear, it

lies directly behind the sternum. The tip of the heart at the lower edge is called the


Chambers of the Heart

The heart has two sides, the right side and the left side. The heart has four

chambers. The left and right side each have two chambers, a top chamber and a

bottom chamber. The two top chambers are known as the left and right atria (singular:

atrium). The atria receive blood from different sources. The left atrium receives blood

from the lungs and the right atrium receives blood from the rest of the body. The bottom

two chambers are known as the left and right ventricles. The ventricles pump blood

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117
out to different parts of the body. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs while

the left ventricle pumps out blood to the rest of the body. The ventricles have much

thicker walls than the atria which allows them to perform more work by pumping out

blood to the whole body.

Blood Vessels

Blood Vessel are tubes which carry blood. Veins are blood vessels which

carry blood from the body back to the heart. Arteries are blood vessels which carry

blood from the heart to the body. There are also microscopic blood vessels which

connect arteries and veins together called capillaries. There are a few main blood

vessels which connect to different chambers of the heart. The aorta is the largest artery

in our body. The left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta which then carries it to the

rest of the body through smaller arteries. The pulmonary trunk is the large artery which

the right ventricle pumps into. It splits into pulmonary arteries which take the blood to

the lungs. The pulmonary veins take blood from the lungs to the left atrium. All the

other veins in our body drain into the inferior vena cava (IVC) or the superior vena

cava (SVC). These two large veins then take the blood from the rest of the body into

the right atrium.

College of Health Sciences Education
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Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

Blood Vessel Structure and Function

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Blood vessels are flexible tubes that carry blood, associated oxygen, nutrients,

water, and hormones throughout the body.

Blood vessels are key components of the systemic and pulmonary circulatory

systems that distribute blood throughout the body. There are three major types of

blood vessels: arteries that carry blood away from the heart, branching into smaller

arterioles throughout the body and eventually forming the capillary network. The latter

facilitates efficient chemical exchange between tissue and blood. Capillaries in turn

merge into venules, then into larger veins responsible for returning the blood to the

heart. The junctions between vessels are called anastomoses.

Arteries and veins are comprised of three distinct layers while the much smaller

capillaries are composed of a single layer.

Tunica Intima

The inner layer (tunica intima) is the thinnest layer, formed from a single

continuous layer of endothelial cells and supported by a subendothelial layer of

connective tissue and supportive cells. In smaller arterioles or venules, this

subendothelial layer consists of a single layer of cells, but can be much thicker in larger

vessels such as the aorta. The tunica intima is surrounded by a thin membrane

comprised of elastic fibers running parallel to the vessel. Capillaries consist only of the

thin endothelial layer of cells with an associated thin layer of connective tissue.

Tunica Media

Surrounding the tunica intima is the tunica media, comprised of smooth muscle

cells and elastic and connective tissues arranged circularly around the vessel. This

layer is much thicker in arteries than in veins. Fiber composition also differs; veins

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117
contain fewer elastic fibers and function to control caliber of the arteries, a key step in

maintaining blood pressure.

Tunica Externa

The outermost layer is the tunica externa or tunica adventitia, composed

entirely of connective fibers and surrounded by an external elastic lamina which

functions to anchor vessels with surrounding tissues. The tunica externa is often

thicker in veins to prevent collapse of the blood vessel and provide protection from

damage since veins may be superficially located.

The Blood

The average human body contains about 4 to 5 liters of blood. As a liquid

connective tissue, it transports many substances through the body and helps to

maintain homeostasis of nutrients, wastes, and gases. Blood is made up of red blood

cells, white blood cells, platelets, and liquid plasma.

Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells, also known as erythrocytes, are by far the most common type

of blood cell and make up about 45% of blood volume. Erythrocytes are produced

inside of red bone marrow from stem cells at the astonishing rate of about 2 million

cells every second.

White Blood Cells

White blood cells, also known as leukocytes, make up a very small percentage

of the total number of cells in the bloodstream, but have important functions in the

body’s immune system.

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Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

Also known as thrombocytes, platelets are small cell fragments responsible for

the clotting of blood and the formation of scabs. Platelets form in the red bone marrow

from large megakaryocyte cells that periodically rupture and release thousands of

pieces of membrane that become the platelets.


Plasma is the non-cellular or liquid portion of the blood that makes up about

55% of the blood’s volume. Plasma is a mixture of water, proteins, and dissolved

substances. Around 90% of plasma is made of water, although the exact percentage

varies depending upon the hydration levels of the individual.

The Conduction System and Heart Rhythm

The cardiac muscle has the capability to undergo depolarization (change in the

excitation of a cell), which allows the muscle cells to contract.

The electrical changes required to create a cardiac impulse are controlled by

the heart's own conduction system, which begins with a series of excitations in the

sinoatrial node (SAN), a specialized region of cardiac cells located in the right atrium.

This is the natural pacemaker of the heart. When it is functioning properly, it controls

the heart rhythm (sinus rhythm) and begins impulses that work on the myocardium,

promoting cardiac contraction. The cardiac impulse is carried from the SAN to the

atria, which begin to contract, and then to the atrioventricular node (AVN), which is

another mass of specialized cells.

The AVN is located in the inter-atrial septum, a region of tissue that connects

the RA and LA and provides a conduction channel between the atria and ventricles.

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117
Because the AVN's fibres are smaller, there is a minor delay (0.1 seconds) in the

impulse, giving the atria time to contract and empty into the ventricles before

ventricular contraction.

The impulse then goes down into the Bundle of His, a huge bundle of

specialized tissue that transmits it down the ventricles. In the interventricular septum,

the Bundle of His is divided into right and left bundles. Purkinje fibres then loop

upwards and travel in the lateral portions of the Right Ventricle and Left Ventricle

before continuing down to the inferior aspect of the heart.

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) is a hormone system

within the body that is essential for the regulation of blood pressure and fluid balance.

The system is mainly comprised of the three hormones renin, angiotensin

II and aldosterone. Primarily it is regulated by the rate of renal blood flow.

College of Health Sciences Education
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Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117
Renin Release

The first stage of the RAAS is the release of the enzyme renin. Renin released

from granular cells of the renal juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) in response to one of

three factors:

• Reduced sodium delivery to the distal convoluted tubule detected by macula

densa cells.

• Reduced perfusion pressure in the kidney detected by baroreceptors in the

afferent arteriole.

• Sympathetic stimulation of the JGA via β1 adrenoreceptors.

The release of renin is inhibited by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), which is

released by stretched atria in response to increases in blood pressure.

Production of Angiotensin II

Angiotensinogen is a precursor protein produced in the liver and cleaved by renin to

form angiotensin I.

Angiotensin I is then converted to angiotensin II by angiotensin converting

enzyme (ACE). This conversion occurs mainly in the lungs where ACE is produced by

vascular endothelial cells, although ACE is also generated in smaller quantities within

the renal endothelium.

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Matina Campus, Davao City
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117
Binding of Angiotensin II

Angiotensin II exerts its action by binding to various receptors throughout the body.

It binds to one of two G-protein coupled receptors, the AT1 and AT2 receptors. Most

actions occur via the AT1 receptor.

(Congestive Heart Failure due to Untreated Hypertension with Atrial Fibrillation)
Precipitating Factors
Pre-disposing Factors
✓ Non-compliant to medication (Thiazide diuretics)
✓ Age: 55 years old ✓ Untreated hypertension (20 years)
✓ Hereditary ✓ Obese
• Gender: Male • Alcohol Consumption
• Smoking
• Race: African • Psychological stress
• Atherosclerosis

Changes in arteriolar bed ↑ systemic vascular resistance

↑ Afterload

↓ Blood Flow to the organs

Juxtaglomerular cells



Angiotensin l

Converting Enzyme
Angiotensin ll
Arteriolar Vasoconstriction Adrenal Cortex Stimulation

↑ Peripheral resistance ↑ Aldosterone

↑ Na reabsorption
↑ H2O reabsorption

↑ elevation of
extracellular fluid (ECF)


Carotid baroreceptor response

Increased activity of sympathetic nervous system

Heart rate increased and positive

effects of myocardial contraction

Vasoconstriction of blood vessels & ↑ afterload of the heart

Negative remodeling of the heart and

Left ventricle’s pumping power weakens
worsening of the left ventricular function

Blood can back up into the pulmonary

↑ pulmonary vein and capillary
Fluid leaked into interstitial space

Bulging of neck Pleural effusion CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE


+ Neck distention

Neurohormonal activation Mechanical remodeling Ion channel and gap junction remodeling

Increased left
Renin-angiotensin- Adrenergic atrial stretch and Altered action Intracellular Heterogenous
aldosterone axis stimulation pressure potential calcium distribution of
activation currents overload connexins

Fibrosis with Increased firing

Ischemia impaired from ectopic Alteration in
conduction and foci conduction and
Increased wave front (pulmonary refractoriness & cell
sodium and fragmentation veins) excitation
Fluid Triggered activity, re-entry, and automaticity of the heart
on the lower body parts
Atrial structure and electrical remodeling

Ankle edema

Disorganized atrial depolarizations

without effective atrial contraction

Abnormal electrical signals in fibrillating atria to Increased heart Disorganized atrial

propagate to ventricles before ventricles have rate electrical circuits
fully recovered from previous contraction
Ventricular contraction becomes weak;
↓ blood ejected ↓ Preload to ↓ Irregularly irregular
cardiac output pulse/rhythm
↓ Time to clear
Ca2+ from
↓ Diastolic Irregular, often faster relay of
More residual ventricular filling electrical impulses through AV node
cytosol between
blood in time and purkinje fibers
ventricles as
diastole starts, ↑
↓ Perfusion of Tachycardia
end-diastolic ↑ In cytosolic (Ca2+)
volume prior to brain & other
prior to subsequent
next ventricular body tissue
myocyte contractions Dynamic
contraction Precordium

↑ Force of Cool Cyanotic

contraction and Hypoxia causes
clammy respiratory
skin centers in brain
to compensate
by ↑ rate of
More forceful breathing
contractions of
sometimes overfilled
ventricles are felt Respiratory
against the chest wall distress

Chest pain Palpitation

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Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117


The diagram shows the pathophysiology of hypertension, congestive heart

failure, and atrial fibrillation. In hypertension, the predisposing factors or non-

modifiable includes age and hereditary, age because she is already 55 years old and

aging has risk for developing hypertension is 90 percent. Next is hereditary, the

patient’s father died due to heart attack secondary to congestive heart failure which

contribute to the development of hypertension of the patient. While the precipitating

factors or modifiable includes non-compliant to medication, untreated hypertension,

and obesity. Obesity will cause the heart to work harder to pump blood through the

body. But all that extra effort puts strain on the arteries, and arteries, in turn, resist this

flow of blood, causing the blood pressure to rise. Non-compliant to her medication,

noncompliance to antihypertensive drugs as a measured cause of continuously

increasing rate of hypertension. Untreated hypertension when she was 35 years old

contribute to development of her current condition which is hypertensive.

Most of the systemic vascular resistance arises from the changes in the arterial

system, as the vessel walls of the venous system have relatively thin elastic layers

and no smooth muscle layer to exert force onto the blood within. On the other hand,

arteries have a very thick arterial wall and outermost vessel layer, allowing them to

maintain the high pressures needed to perfuse the tissues and organs with blood.

Afterload is increased due to an increase in systemic vascular resistance and because

arteries are affected by making them less elastic, which leads to decreased blood flow

of the organs in the body. When the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system is

activated due to a change in body hemodynamics, the sympathetic nervous system

stimulates and sends nerve impulses juxtaglomerular cells in the kidneys to release

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

renin into the bloodstream. Once renin has been released into the blood, it will activate

a substance in the liver, angiotensinogen. Renin then acts to splint from

angiotensinogen into the angiotensin I. The conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin

II is catalyzed by an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). In sequence, renin and

angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) act on their substrates to produce the active

hormone angiotensin II, which raises blood pressure in two ways. First, angiotensin II

is potent arteriolar vasoconstriction. When this happens, it raises blood pressure by

increasing systemic vascular resistance. Second, angiotensin II stimulates the

secretion of the adrenal cortex to stimulate the release of aldosterone to increase,

which increases the reabsorption of sodium ions and water by the kidneys, leading to

increased elevation of the extracellular fluid (ECF). As a result, an increased systemic

vascular resistance and increased elevation of the extracellular fluid increase blood

pressure or hypertension. Hypertension, also known as high or raised blood pressure,

is a condition in which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure.

In Heart Failure, the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s

needs; this may be due – among other causes – to abnormalities of the heart muscle

after a myocardial infarction, or problems with heart valves or heart rhythm. HF can

affect the left or the right ventricle, and is consequently referred to as left or right HF.

In patients with HF, cardiac output (stroke volume multiplied by the heart rate) is

reduced. As a result, two tightly regulated compensatory mechanisms are activated.

Sympathetic compensatory mechanism – the baroreceptors sense a decrease

in blood pressure (BP), leading to the release of catecholamine (noradrenaline), which

stimulates beta-1 adrenoceptor cells in the heart that would affect blood brain barrier

that cause headache and then this culminates in an increased heart rate, contraction

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

and stroke volume, which will increase the cardiac output. Although it can be helpful

in the short term to maintain cardiac output, in the long term the mechanism can be

damaging and actually exacerbate HF.

Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) compensatory mechanism – the under

perfusion due to reduced BP is detected by the kidneys. This activates the RAA

pathway, which controls BP and electrolyte balance. Vasoconstriction, salt and fluid

retention are some of the consequences. In the short term, this maintains organ

perfusion, but in the long term, it exacerbates cardiac dysfunction and remodeling.

Thus, left ventricle’s pumping power weakens that causes blood to come back up into

the veins that may eventually lead to bulging of the neck veins which will develop

positive neck distention.

In Congestive Heart Failure or also known as cardiac failure is a set of

manifestations caused by the failure of the heart's function as a pump supporting the

blood flow through the body. Now, in Congestive Heart Failure there would be a

change in ion channel and gap junction. A variety of ion channel current abnormalities

have been reported in CHF models, including altered action potential currents. Altered

action potential currents is a common finding on human heart failure in which there is

an altered expression of a variety of depolarizing and hyperpolarizing currents in the

myocardium. Notably, CHF is accompanied by an increase in the calcium and sodium

transmembrane exchange channel current, which exchanges three monovalent

sodium ions for every one divalent calcium ion. This net positive intracellular calcium

overload can predispose to delayed after depolarization, resulting in arrhythmias

initiated by triggered activity. Indeed, data from a pacing-induced model of CHF

demonstrate that abnormalities in calcium handling prolong the atrial action potential

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

and foster AF through triggered activity. Adrenergic stimulation occurs in CHF, and is

a well-known cause of triggered activity. In parallel to ion channel remodeling present

in patients with CHF, heterogeneous distribution of connexins, which form gap

junctions, has been observed in atrial hemodynamic overload in humans with a history

of CHF. Thus, it causes for the alterations in conduction and refractoriness and cell

excitation that result from various changes in the heart.

Furthermore, mechanical remodeling that would increase left atrial stretch and

pressure is present in Congestive Heart Failure as well. This remodeling occurred due

to mechanical stress on the heart muscle that would cause of heart failure and the

pressure in the left atrium will increase in order to be able to fill the left ventricle

properly. With this, structural remodeling includes left atrial enlargement, which

predisposes to Atrial Fibrillation. Also, myocyte stretch increases firing from ectopic

foci such as the pulmonary veins through mechanoelectrical feedback. Myocyte

stretch is associated with increases left atrial pressure. Additionally, increased fibrosis

results from myocyte stretch that also known as Cardiac Fibrosis in which it forms

scarring localized to the region of heart damage that would lead to heart failure. Also,

ischemia will form when left ventricle damaged or when the heart become enlarged

causing reduced blood flow and prevent the heart muscle from receiving enough


Neurohormonal activation is another principal feature of Congestive Heart

Failure that promotes Atrial Fibrillation. Upregulation of both the Renin-angiotensin-

Aldosterone and Adrenergic Systems (RAAS) causes myocardial fibrosis, which

impairs impulse propagation. Moreover, low cardiac output and arterial pressure that

occurs in patient with Congestive Heart Failure will cause to activate neurohormonal

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

activation in which causes severe heart failure and even result to ischemia in which

there has an inadequate blood supply in the heart muscle. Another one, the activity of

the Renin-angiotensin Aldosterone Axis Activation (RAAS) functions is increase in

patient with Congestive Heart Failure that would elevate blood volume and arterial

tone in a prolonged manner. It does this by Increased sodium and water retention that

can cause fluid retention/accumulation on the lower body parts and pleural space that

may lead to the development of edema and pleural effusion. Overall, the

pathophysiological mechanisms of patient with Congestive Heart Failure are complex

and potentially involve elements of reentry, triggered activity and enhanced

automaticity factors that causes Atrial Fibrillation. In atrial fibrillation, it is characterized

by rapid and disorganized atrial activation leading to impaired atrial function and

resulting in disorganized atrial depolarizations without effective atrial contraction.

There would be an abnormal electrical signal in fibrillating atria can propagate

the ventricles’ chamber before the ventricles have fully recovered from the previous

contraction. The next is that the ventricular contraction becomes weak to pump that

would result to decreased the blood ejection or ejection fraction. As the blood ejection

reduce, there would be more residual blood in ventricles as diastole starts, increase

end-diastolic volume prior to next ventricular contraction. Also, to abnormal electrical

signal in fibrillating atria, the heart rate will be increased and it will lead to decreased

time to clear calcium from monocytes cytosol between contraction because

supposedly calcium particles enter the heart muscle cells during each heartbeat and

contribute to the electrical signal that coordinates the heart to pump. When this occur,

there will be an increase in cytosolic (calcium ion) prior to subsequent myocyte

contractions initiate heart increase force heart muscle’ contraction. If there is increase

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end-diastolic volume and increase force heart muscle’ contraction this will result to

more forceful contractions of sometimes overfilled ventricles are felt against the chest

wall resulting to palpitation and chest pain.

Furthermore, to atrial fibrillation if heart rate will be increased the heart diastolic

ventricular filling time will reduce and the preload (initial stretching of the cardiac

myocytes prior to contraction) decrease causing the cardiac output to reduce also. As

the cardiac output decreases the perfusion of brain and other body tissue is now

reduced. Inadequate peripheral perfusion can result to have cool and clammy skin,

becomes cyanotic, and in brain causes hypoxia. Hypoxia causes respiratory centers

which is the medulla oblongata is the primary respiratory control center in brain to

compensate by increase rate of breathing. If perfusion continues to become

inadequate it will cause headache or respiratory distress to have shortness of breath

or also called dyspnea.

Moreover, atrial fibrillation can cause disorganized atrial electrical circuits of the

heart. There will be an irregular, often faster relay of electrical impulses through

atrioventricular node and purkinje fibers in conduction system leading to develop

irregularly irregular pulse/ heart rhythm. This irregularly irregular pulse can cause

tachycardia and dynamic precordium becomes visible front of the chest wall over the


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Laboratory/ Diagnostic Test

Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

Name of Laboratory Test: Complete Blood Count Result with Platelet Count and
Blood Typing

Examination References Results Clinical Significances

Hemoglobin ➢ The result of 112g/L indicated low
hemoglobin level. This signifies
that left ventricular dysfunction
decreases cardiac output and
causes renal hypo-perfusion,
thereby releasing proinflammatory
M 140-180g/L
cytokines disrupting multiple
F 120-150g/L
aspects of erythropoiesis.
Besides, inhibition of the renin-
angiotensin system is associated
with decreased erythropoietin
production and reduced
hemoglobin levels.
Hematocrit ➢ Hematocrit level of 0.33 shows
abnormally low. A low hematocrit
may result from an increased
M 0.40-0.54
plasma volume (hemodilution) or
F 0.37-0.47
from reduced red blood cell
volume (anemia).

RBC count ➢ The result of 3.53 indicated RBC

count is abnormally low. This is
M 4.5-5.5 x
due to proinflammatory cytokines
released, it decreases EPO
F 4.0-5.5 x
secretion and thereby reducing
bone marrow response resulting
into low RBC production.
WBC count ➢ The result of WBC count is within
the normal range. The white blood
cell count (WBC) is used as part
5.0 100 x of a full complete blood count
106/L (CBC) to help diagnose an
infection or inflammatory process
that affect the number of WBCs.

Platelet count ➢ Platelet result is within normal

range. Normal platelet counts
142-424 272 signify there’s no problem with
client’s blood clot formation.

Reticulocyte ➢ A reticulocyte count is used to

count determine the number and/or

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percentage of reticulocytes in the

blood to help evaluate conditions
that affect red blood cells (RBCs),
such as anemia or bone marrow

Nucleated ➢ The presence of nucleated RBC

RBC can indicate a number of diseases
or blood conditions, such as
leukemia, anemia, or problems
with the spleen. A count of
nucleated RBC might suggest that
the body is so desperate for red
blood cells that it has begun
producing them outside of the
bone marrow.

Toxic ➢ Toxic granulations are darker-

Granulation colored granules. These granules
are often larger and more
abundant than normal granules.
Their presence is non-specific and
usually signals a bacterial
infection or inflammation.

Erythrocyte ➢ Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is

Rate a test that indirectly measures the
M 0-10mm/hr
degree of inflammation present in
F 0.20mm/hr
the body.

Bleeding ➢ The bleeding time test is used to

Time evaluate how well a person's
blood is clotting. The test
evaluates how long it takes the
2-4 min
vessels cut to constrict and how
long it takes for platelets in the
blood to seal off the hole.

Clotting time ➢ Clotting time measures how long it

takes blood to clot. It is use to test
or check client’s bleeding

References Results Clinical Significances
➢ The result of neutrophil count is in
Neutrophil 0.51-0.37 0.35
normal range. This determines

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that the neutrophil in the body are

well functioning by preventing
infections through blocking,
disabling, digesting, or warding off
invading particles and
microorganisms in the body.

➢ A result of 0.60 suggest high

lymphocytes count in blood. This
Lymphocyte 0.25-0.33 indicate client’s body is dealing
with an infection or other
inflammatory condition.
➢ Monocyte’s result shows within
normal range. This means that the
monocyte is doing their role in
Monocyte 0.02-0.06 0.03 both the inflammatory and anti-
inflammatory processes that take
place during an immune
➢ Eosinophils are a type of disease-
fighting white blood cell. High
eosinophils often indicate a
Eosinophils 0.01-0.04 0.02
parasitic infection, an allergic
reaction or cancer.

➢ Basophils are necessary for the

immune system’s natural
response to invaders, such as
infectious microorganisms. When
responding to an allergen,
basophils will release histamine,
Basophils 0-0.01
which is partially responsible for
inflammation during an allergic
reaction. If basophil levels are low,
this may be a sign of an allergic
reaction or another condition.

➢ Stabs (band cells) are immature

neutrophils. A higher percentage
or ratio generally indicates that the
bone marrow has received a
Stabs 0.02-0.05
signal of low neutrophil count and
is responding adequately by
making more white blood cells.

➢ The blood type of client shows

Blood typing “O” blood type “O”. This means that
the patient can donate blood to

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anyone but can receive blood to

type O only.

➢ Rh positive is the most common

blood type. Rh positive signifies
Rh typing Positive
that your blood has protein.

➢ This test is used to examine

Malarial client’s blood to identify the
Smear species of the malaria parasite.

➢ Peripheral Smear is a test for

evaluating blood-related problems
such as those in red blood cells,
white blood cells, or platelets.

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Name of Laboratory Test: Lipid Profile

Content References Results Clinical Significances

Cholesterol The findings indicate abnormalities in the
100- lipid profile. The result of high total
199mg/dL 250 ↑ cholesterol level, too much LDL, high
triglycerides, and low HDL signifies an
increased possibility of cholesterol
plaque buildup in the client’s arteries.
<70mg/dL 90 ↑ When the arteries become hardened and
narrowed with cholesterol plaque, the
heart has to strain much harder to pump
HDL blood through them. As a result, blood
pressure becomes abnormally high.
>40mg/dL 30 ↓ Unfortunately, Mrs. L.P has untreated
hypertension, which is a disease
Triglycerides associated with congestive heart failure.
It also increases the risk for other
<150mg/dL 200 ↑ cardiovascular diseases due to forming
clots that cause heart attack and stroke.

Name of Laboratory Test: Fasting Blood Sugar

Examination References Results Clinical Significances

Blood Sugar ➢ The result of blood sugar shows
within normal range. This indicates
80 - 100 80
that Mrs. L. P’s blood sugar is
under control.

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Name of Laboratory Test: Arterial Blood Gas Result

Content References Results Clinical Significances

pH The ABG result of Mrs. L.P shows
7.35–7.45 7.33 respiratory acidosis with hypoxia. This
indicates that the client is developing
paCO2 35–45
50 pulmonary edema. When the left side of
mmHg the heart is failing, it can't handle the
paO2 blood it gets from the lungs. Pressure
>90 mmHg 70 then builds up in the veins of the lungs,
causing fluid to leak into the lung tissues.
HCO3 This may cause CHF and pulmonary
18–24mEq/l 25
edema. When pulmonary edema
BE develops, carbon dioxide retention
-2 occurs, resulting in respiratory acidosis.
Decreased tissue oxygen delivery may
SaO2 also produce lethal lactic acidosis. Some
of the common symptoms of respiratory
Lactate acidosis that was manifested by the client
2.0 include fatigue or drowsiness, confusion,
shortness of breath, dyspnea, etc.

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Name of Laboratory Test: Electrocardiogram

Result Clinical Significance

It shows a narrow QRS ➢ The doctor ordered an electrocardiogram as the client
complex tachycardia manifested tachycardia and irregular rhythm during
with an irregularly physical examination. This test helps the doctor
irregular rhythm. A determine or detect heart disease, heart attack, an
diagnosis of Atrial enlarged heart, or abnormal heart rhythms that may
Fibrillation with rapid cause heart failure.
ventricular response.

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Name of Laboratory Test: Echocardiography

Result Clinical Significance

A diagnosis of ➢ The doctor ordered an echocardiogram considering
Congestive heart failure that the physical examination of the client shows
with atrial fibrillation. dynamic precordium, tachycardia, and irregular
rhythm. This test helps the doctor evaluate the heart
muscle function to see how well the heart is pumping
and detect problems with heart valves that may cause
heart failure. The result of congestive heart failure
with atrial fibrillation indicates medical emergencies.

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Name of Laboratory Test: Chest X-Ray

Result Clinical Significance

Congestive heart failure. ➢ The doctor ordered Chest X-ray since the client
manifested respiratory distress, cyanotic, and had
labored breathing during the physical examination.
This Lab exam helps the doctor see if the heart is
enlarged and if the lungs are congested with fluid.
The result of congestive heart failure indicates that
the client’s heart doesn't pump blood as efficiently as
it should. As a result, this leads to a backup of blood,
which increases blood pressure and causes fluid to
collect in the air sacs in the lungs.

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Drug Study Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117


Generic Name: ACE inhibitors block September 11, Enalapril is ▪ Dry, tickly cough 1. Review doctors order
Enalapril Maleate the conversion of 2021 @09:00H Dr. contraindicated in ▪ Dizziness, before administration.
angiotensin I to the Cabahug ordered patients who are lightheadedness, 2. Monitor patients on
Brand Name: vasoconstrictor Enalapril to reduce hypersensitive to this or weakness diuretic therapy for
Vasotec angiotensin II. ACE the blood pressure product and in patients ▪ Headache
excessive hypotension
inhibitors also of the client. with a history of ▪ Diarrhea after the first few doses
prevent the angioedema related to ▪ Mild skin rash of enalapril
degradation of -indicated to previous treatment with ▪ Blurred vision
bradykinin and other reduce high blood an angiotensin 3. Assess allergy to
vasodilatory pressure and to converting enzyme enalapril and impaired
prostaglandins. It prevent or treat inhibitor and in patients renal function.
also increases heart failure. with hereditary or 4. Monitor patient closely
Drug Classification: plasma renin levels idiopathic angioedema. in any situation that may
Angiotensin- and reduce lead to drop in BP
converting enzyme aldosterone levels. Cautions: secondary to reduced
(ACE) inhibitors Net result is May increase risk for low fluid volume because
systemic blood pressure for excessive hypotension
Dosage: vasodilation. people with moderate to may occur.
20 mg PO or via severe kidney damage.
NGT BID 5. Assess fluid levels of
the patient.
6. Give potassium
supplements and
diuretics cautiously
because ACE inhibitors
can cause potassium

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retention and
7. Monitor
cardiopulmonary status
closely as the drug can
cause severe effects
8. Teach patient that this
medication should not be
stopped without medical
9. Advise patients to rise
slowly in order to avoid
postural hypotension.
10. Instruct patient to
avoid potassium
containing salt

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Generic Name: Nitroglycerin forms Nitroglycerine is ▪ Nitroglycerin is ▪ Headache which 1. Check doctors order
Nitroglycerine free radical nitric given to the client contraindicated in may be severe before administration.
oxide (NO) which because she patients that have and persistent 2. Administer IV
Brand Name: activates experienced having reported allergic may occur nitroglycerin with extreme
Nitrosan guanylate cyclase, chest pain and symptoms to the immediately caution to patients with
resulting in an discomfort due to medication. after use. hypotension or
increase of guanosine narrowed heart ▪ Known history of ▪ Vertigo hypovolemia since the IV
3'5' monophosphate arteries. increased intracranial drug may precipitate a
(cyclic GMP) in ▪ Dizziness
-Nitroglycerin is pressure, severe severe hypotensive state.
smooth muscle and ▪ Weakness
indicated for the anemia, right-sided
other tissues. These 3. Monitor patient closely
acute relief of an myocardial infarction ▪ palpitation other
events lead to for change in levels of
attack or acute are contraindications manifestations
dephosphorylation of consciousness and for
prophylaxis of to nitroglycerin of postural
myosin light chains, dysrhythmias. If
angina pectoris due therapy. hypotension
which regulate the intoxication occurs,
to coronary artery may develop.
contractile state in infusion should be stopped
smooth muscle, and promptly
Drug result in 4. Assess for headaches.
Classification: vasodilatation. ▪ Only the smallest
Nitrates/Anti-angina dose required for 5. Assess ambulation as
effective relief of the needed, especially with
Dosage: acute anginal attack older adult or debilitated
50mg to run at 1- should be used. patients.
hour IV OD Excessive use may 6. Take baseline BP and
lead to the
heart rate with patient in
development of sitting position before
tolerance. initiation of treatment with
transdermal preparations.

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▪ The drug should be 7. Assess for and report

discontinued if blurred vision or dry
blurring of vision or mouth.
drying of the mouth 8. Assess for and report
occurs. Excessive the following topical
dosage of reactions. Contact
nitroglycerin may dermatitis from the
produce severe transdermal patch; pruritus
headaches. and erythema.
9. Nitroglycerine should be
kept in the original glass
container and must be
tightly capped after each
use to prevent loss of
tablet potency.
10. Advice patient to
change position slowly and
avoid prolonged standing.

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Generic Name: Digoxin induces an - Indicated to treat Contraindicated for ▪ Dizziness or 1. Review Doctors order
Digoxin increase in heart failure and persons having: lightheadedness. before administration.
intracellular sodium abnormal heart ▪ Ventricular fibrillation ▪ Drowsiness. 2. Check dosage and
Brand Name: that will drive an influx rhythms preparation carefully.
Lanoxin of calcium in the heart (arrhythmias). It ▪ Wolff-Parkinson- ▪ Vision changes
and cause an helps the heart White syndrome (blurred or 3. Monitor apical pulse for
increase in work better and it yellow) 1 full min before
▪ Hypersensitivity to
contractility. Cardiac helps control your administering. Withhold
the drug. ▪ Trouble in
output increases with heart rate. dose and notify health care
breathing; and
a subsequent ▪ Hypomagnesemia. professional if pulse rate is
Client is given ▪ Rash
decrease in ▪ Hypokalemia <60 bpm in an adult, <70
Digoxin because
ventricular filling bpm in a child, or <90 bpm
the ECG result of
pressures. in an infant.
the client shows a
narrow QRS Cautions: 5. Notify health care
complex Avoid rapid IV professional promptly of
tachycardia with an administration in any significant changes in
irregular rhythm. A digitalized patients; rate, rhythm, or quality of
diagnosis of Atrial may produce serious pulse.
Fibrillation with arrhythmias. 6. Monitor BP periodically
Drug rapid ventricular in patients receiving IV
Classification: response. digoxin.
glycosides/Cardiac 7. Monitor ECG during IV
Glycosides administration and 6 hr.
after each dose. Notify
Dosage: health care professional if
250mcg/ml PO or bradycardia or new
via NGT OD arrhythmias occur.

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8. Avoid giving with meals;

this will delay absorption.
9. Monitor the patient’s
serum potassium level
because a decreased
potassium level places the
patient at increased risk of
digoxin toxicity.

10. Have emergency

equipment ready; have K+
salts, lidocaine, phenytoin,
atropine, and cardiac
monitor readily available in
case toxicity develops.

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Generic Name: Metoprolol is a beta-1- September 11, Metoprolol is CNS: 1. Check doctors order
Metoprolol tartrate adrenergic receptor 2021 @09:00H contraindicated for Fatigue, before administration.
inhibitor specific to clients Blood persons having: weakness, 2. Take apical pulse before
Brand Name: cardiac cells with pressure still anxiety, administering. If <50 bpm
Lopressor negligible effect on increases ▪ Asthma attack depression, or if arrhythmia occurs,
beta-2 receptors. This 180/120mmHg. As dizziness,
▪ Low blood pressure withhold medication and
inhibition decreases well as the pulse drowsiness, notify health care
cardiac output by rate of the client is ▪ Sinus bradycardia insomnia, memory professional.
producing negative increases to 140 ▪ Myasthenia gravis loss, mental
chronotropic and bpm. Moreover, status changes, 3. Monitor BP, and pulse
inotropic effects clients ECG shows ▪ Liver problems; and and nervousness, frequently during dose
without presenting diagnosis of Atrial ▪ Peripheral vascular adjustment and periodically
activity towards Fibrillation with disease CV: Bradycardia, during therapy.
membrane rapid ventricular pulmonary 4. Assess frequency and
stabilization nor response. edema, characteristics of anginal
intrinsic Cautions: hypotension, and
- Metoprolol is Beta blockers, like attacks periodically during
sympathomimetics. peripheral therapy
indicated for the Lopressor, can cause vasoconstriction
treatment of angina, depression of 5. Monitor vital signs and
Drug heart failure, myocardial contractility ECG every 5–15 min during
Classification: GI:
myocardial and may precipitate and for several hrs. after
Beta blockers Constipation,
infarction, atrial heart failure and parenteral administration. If
diarrhea, drug-
fibrillation, and cardiogenic shock. If
Dosage: induced hepatitis, heart rate <40 bpm,
hypertension. In signs or symptoms of especially if cardiac output
100mg PO or via dry mouth,
result it slows down heart failure develop,
NGT OD flatulence, gastric is also decreased,
the heart rate and treat the patient pain, nausea, and administer atropine 0.25–
makes it easier for according to 0.5 mg IV.
the heart to pump vomiting

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blood around the guidelines. It may be 6. Administer metoprolol

body. necessary to lower the with meals or directly after
dose of Lopressor or to eating.
discontinue it. 7. Instruct patient to take
medication as directed, at
the same time each day,
even if feeling well; do not
skip or double up on
missed doses.
8. Advise patient to change
positions slowly to minimize
orthostatic hypotension.
9. Ensure that patient
swallows the ER tablets
whole; do not cut, crush, or
10. instruct patient to do not
stop taking this drug unless
instructed to do so by a
health care provider.

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Generic Name: Atorvastatin is a statin September 11, Atorvastatin is CNS: 1. Review Doctors order
Atorvastatin calcium medication and a 2021 @09:00H contraindicated in Headache and before administration.
competitive inhibitor of client’s lipid profile patients with active asthenia 2. Advise patient that
Brand Name: the enzyme HMG- results manifest hepatic disease this medication should
Lipitor CoA abnormality. Total (including cholestasis, GI: be used in conjunction
(hydroxymethylglutaryl Cholesterol 250 hepatic Flatulence, with diet restrictions.
coenzyme A) mg/Dl (high); LDL encephalopathy, abdominal pain,
reductase, which 90 mg/dL(high); hepatitis, and jaundice) cramps, 3. Instruct patient to
catalyzes the HDL 30 mg/dL or unexplained constipation, take drug at the same
conversion of HMG- (low); and persistent elevations in nausea, dyspepsia, time each day to
CoA to mevalonate. Triglycerides 200 serum heartburn, liver maintain its effects.
Atorvastatin acts mg/dL (high) aminotransferase failure 4. Monitor liver function
primarily in the liver, concentrations tests prior to initiation of
- It is given to the
where decreased because all statins are Respiratory: therapy and as clinically
client to prevent
Drug Classification: hepatic cholesterol hepatically cleared and Sinusitis, indicated.
Hydroxymethylglutaryl- concentrations can cause elevations pharyngitis
events and with 5. Instruct patient to
CoA (HMG-CoA) stimulate the in liver biochemistries,
abnormal lipid take medication as
reductase inhibitors upregulation of there is a concern that Other:
profiles. directed. If a dose is
(statins) hepatic low-density patients with Rhabdomyolysis
lipoprotein (LDL) underlying liver with acute renal missed, omit and
Dosage: receptors, which disease may be at failure, arthralgia, resume usual schedule
40mg PO or via NGT increases hepatic increased risk for myalgia with next dose. Do not
OD @ bedtime uptake of LDL. hepatotoxicity. double up on missed
6. Check lipid panel at
baseline, 6–8 weeks
after starting or
adjusting the

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medication/dose, and
then every 4–6 months.
7. Check LFTs at
baseline, approximately
12 weeks after starting
therapy, then annually
or more frequently if
8. Advise patient to
avoid drinking more
than one quart of
grapefruit juice or 2
glasses of alcohol per
day during therapy.
9. Instruct female
patients to notify health
care professional
promptly if pregnancy is
planned or suspected or
if breastfeeding.
10. Instruct patient to
notify health care
professional promptly if
unexplained muscle
pain, or weakness

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Generic Name: Nicardipine inhibits the September 11, Atorvastatin is Cardiovascular: 1. Check doctors order
Nicardipine transmembrane influx 2021 @ 08:00H contraindicated in Angina pectoris, before administration.
hydrochloride of calcium ions into Dr. Loot ordered patients with: atrioventricular 2. Inspect Cardene I.V.
cardiac muscle and Nicardipine since block, ST segment
▪ Severe narrowing of Premixed Injection
Brand Name: smooth muscle without client’s blood depression, inverted
the aortic heart valve visually for particulate
Cardene changing serum pressure increases T wave, deep-vein matter and discoloration
calcium 180/120mmHg. ▪ Chronic heart failure thrombophlebitis prior to administration,
concentrations. The ▪ A hemorrhage in the whenever solution and
contractile processes -Nicardipine brain Digestive: container permit.
of cardiac muscle and hydrochloride dyspepsia
vascular smooth injection is ▪ Low blood pressure 3. Administer Cardene
muscle are dependent indicated for the ▪ Liver problems; and Body as a Whole: I.V. by a central line or
upon the movement of short-term fever, neck pain through a large
extracellular calcium treatment of ▪ Liver problems peripheral vein.
ions into these cells hypertension when 4. Change the infusion
through specific ion oral therapy is not site every 12 hours if
channels. The effects feasible or administered via
of nicardipine are more desirable and to peripheral vein.
selective to vascular control angina
Drug smooth muscle than (chest pain). 5. Check the container
Classification: cardiac muscle. On the for minute leaks prior to
Dihydropyridine other hand, nicardipine use by squeezing the
calcium Channel produced relaxation of bag firmly; ensure that
Blockers coronary vascular the seal is intact.
smooth muscle at drug 6. Do not add
Dosage: levels which cause supplementary
50mg @ 25cc/hr IV little or no negative medication to the bag.
inotropic effect.

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Protect from light until

ready to use.
7. Do not combine
Cardene I.V. Premixed
Injection with any
product in the same
intravenous line or
premixed container.
8. Monitor blood
pressure and heart rate
continually during
infusion and avoid too
rapid or excessive blood
pressure drop during
9. Assess episodes of
angina pectoris at rest
and during exercise.
10. Watch for signs of
hyperglycemia, including
confusion, drowsiness,
flushed/dry skin, fruit-like
breath odor, rapid/deep
breathing, polyuria, loss
of appetite, and unusual

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Brand Name: It is for the dietary It is indicated for ▪ Not to be used 1. Check the doctor’s
Glucobest management of the dietary for parenteral order.
patients suffering from management of (intravenous)
protein-energy protein-energy use. 2. Ask the patient if he
malnutrition malnutrition with
▪ Not for use in or she has an allergy.
associated with type II diabetes. children unless 3. Check the blood
diabetes or glycemic recommended by
disorders. It provides sugar regularly as
a physician or
the following: healthcare directed by the doctor.
▪ Low lactose, professional.
▪ Low Glycemic index, 4. Make sure the client
▪ Has fiber from FOS
consumes it within 24
and dextrin
▪ Gluten-free hours.
▪ Sucrose-free 5. Refrigerate the
▪ Fructose-free
▪ Trans fat-free unused portion of the
▪ Has 28 Vitamins and powder.
▪ Source of Omega-3
acid); and
▪ High in Chromium

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Nutrition Therapy

➢ DASH. Dietary Approach to stop hypertension.

➢ Eat more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods.

➢ Cut back on foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fats.

➢ Increase intake of soluble fiber such as whole-grain foods. Also include intake
of high in omega oil.

➢ Encourage patient to reduce sodium intake and eat a variety of foods rich in
nutrients that help lower blood pressure, such as potassium, calcium and

➢ Use oils that contain monounsaturated fatty acids and n-3 fatty acids (such as
canola and olive oil).

➢ Decrease intake of saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and trans fatty acids; in
particular, follow these guidelines:

• Decrease consumption of butter and margarine.

• Decrease consumption of fatty meats.

• Decrease consumption of dairy products made from 2% or whole


➢ Avoid sweets, alcohol, and carbonated drinks.

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117
Fluid Balance Sheet
8 120 25
9 120 25 200
10 120 25
11 120 25 1000
12 120 25
1 120 25
2 120 250 200
3 120 25 50
TOTAL 960 425 200 1250
TOTAL per shift: 1585 cc TOTAL per shift: 1250 cc
NOD: Balance per shift: +335 cc
TOTAL per shift: TOTAL per shift:
NOD: Balance per shift:
TOTAL per shift: TOTAL per shift:
NOD: Balance per shift:

24 hour total
NOD: 24 hour total INTAKE OUTPUT
24 hour

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

Surgical Management

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery

If coronary arteries (arteries that supply blood to the heart) become blocked or

lined with plaque causing less-than-normal blood flow through them, the heart muscle

can’t get the right amount of oxygen-rich blood to work properly. The heart cannot

pump normally, and this can lead to heart failure.

Coronary artery bypass surgery

reroutes the blood supply around a

blocked section of the artery.

During this procedure, surgeons

remove healthy blood vessels

from another part of the body, such

as a leg or the chest wall. They

then surgically attach the vessels to the diseased artery so that the blood can flow

around the blocked section. After a bypass operation, it’s especially important for you

to reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol you eat, because these substances cause

the arteries to clog. Doctors also recommend increasing physical activity to strengthen

the heart muscles.

Valve Surgery

Heart valve surgery is a procedure to treat heart valve disease. Heart valve

disease involves at least one of the four heart valves not working properly. Heart

valves keep blood flowing in the correct direction through your heart.

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

As heart failure gets worse,

changes in the left ventricle

(lower chamber of the heart) may

cause the papillary muscles to

stretch out of shape. The

papillary muscles support mitral

valve leaflet function to keep

blood flowing in only one

direction. When the papillary muscles get weak, they can’t properly support the mitral

valve leaflets, and the valve starts to leak. Mitral valve repair usually involves

reshaping the leaflets and supporting the mitral valve with a ring.

Mitral valve repair surgery helps to: Preserve the natural anatomy of the heart, improve

the heart’s ability to pump properly, decrease heart failure symptoms, and improve

survival. Heart failure can be caused by aortic valve stenosis (stiffness) or regurgitation

(leaky valve). If the valve cannot open fully, or if blood leaks backward into the left

ventricle, the heart must pump more strongly to meet the body’s needs for oxygen-rich

blood and heart failure can occur.

Heart Transplant

Heart transplant is recommended

only when necessary and when all other

treatment options have been tried or

considered. Patients who are considered

for a heart transplant must not have other

medical conditions that would prevent a

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax: (082)
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/300-0647 Local 117

successful surgery and recovery, and there must be an excellent chance of long-term

transplant success. Some people have severe, progressive heart failure that can’t be

helped by medications or dietary and lifestyle changes. In such cases, a heart

transplant may be the only effective treatment option.

Nursing Management
Nursing Care Plan
Name: L.P Age:55 Sex: Female Address: Barangay 23-C, Davao City
DOB: 10/7/1966 ID #: 54675 Allergy: None
Attending Physician: Dr. Loot & Dr. Cabahug Chief Complaint: Dyspnea associated with palpitation and headache
Admitting diagnosis: Congestive heart failure due to untreated hypertension with atrial fibrillation

Date: 9/11/21 Ineffective That within my 2 Independent: Goal met.
Time: 8:00 am breathing hours span of my 1.Monitor VS. 1. To gain baseline data
“Maglisod kog pattern related care, the client 2. Position patient in optimal 2. To breath efficiently After 2 hours span
ginhawa nars.” as to decreased will have normal body alignment in semi- of my care, the
verbalized lung expansion breathing pattern fowler’s position. client will have
and pulmonary as evidenced by: 3. Auscultate breath sounds 3. This is to detect normal breathing
Objective: congestion at least every 4 hours. decreased or adventitious pattern as
• Dyspnea secondary to breath sounds. evidenced by:
• Labored Pleural Effusion a) Respiratory 4. Observe breathing pattern 4. Identifies increased
Breathing rate within for SOB, nasal flaring, work of breathing
• (+) Respiratory normal range pursed-lip breathing or a) Respiratory
Distress An ineffective (12-20 cpm) prolonged expiratory phase rate of 14 cpm
breathing b) Absence of and use of accessory b) Absent of
Vital signs: pattern is a labored muscle. labored
RR – 35 CPM condition of breathing 5. Utilize pulse oximetry to 5. Utilize pulse oximetry to breathing
O2 sat: 88% room inadequate c) SpO2 within check oxygen saturation and check oxygen saturation c) SpO2 of 90%
air ventilation due normal range pulse rate. and pulse rate. d) Absent of
to an (90-100%) 6. Measure tidal volume and 6. Indicates volume of air respiratory
Diagnostic & Lab impairment in d) Absence of vital capacity moving in and out of lungs distress
test: the mechanism respiratory 7. Assist patient to use 7. Determines adequacy of
• C-X-ray: Pleural of inspiration distress relaxation techniques breathing 9-11-21 @10 am
Effusion and expiration. 8. Inspect thorax for 8. Reduces muscle
Prolonged symmetry of respiratory tension, decreases work of
inadequate movement breathing

ventilation may Dependent:
lead to 9. Provide respiratory 9. Aid in relieving the
compromised support. Oxygen inhalation is patient from dyspnea.
respiratory given as ordered.
function 10.Hook patient to 10. To monitor patient’s
performance, mechanical ventilator. respiratory status.
such as
oxygen for the
tissues, and
removing waste
alteration may
also transpire in
from Congestive
Heart Failure.

Name: L.P Age:55 Sex: Female Address: Barangay 23-C, Davao City
DOB: 10/7/1966 ID #: 54675 Allergy: None
Attending Physician: Dr. Loot & Dr. Cabahug Chief Complaint: Dyspnea associated with palpitation and headache
Admitting diagnosis: Congestive heart failure due to untreated hypertension with atrial fibrillation

Date: 9/11/21 Alteration in That within my 1-2 Independent: Goal Partially met.
Time: 8:00 am comfort: Chest hours span of care, 1. Monitor vital sign. 1.To have a baseline
Subjective: Pain related to client will able to data. After 1- 2 hours
“Sakit akong tissue ischemia free from chest pain 2. Monitor and document 2. To monitor span nursing care,
dughan nars.” as secondary to as evidenced by: respirations since it may client was partially
characteristic of pain.
verbalized. Hypertension. increase as a result of free from chest pain
a) Pain score of 0 pain. as evidenced by:
Objective: from 8/10 3. Place client in position
3. To alleviate pain by
• (+) chest pain Ischemia is any b) Heart rate within of comfort. her comfortable a) Pain score of 3
noted reduction in normal range positioning. b) Heart rate of 110
• (+) tachycardia blood flow (60-100bpm) 4. Encourage patient to do 4. To minimize stressful c) Blood pressure
with irregular resulting in c) Blood pressure relaxation technique. stimuli. of 120/80 mmHg.
rhythm noted decreased within normal 5. Use a pain rating scale 5. To monitor pain
• Pain score of 8/10
oxygen and range to assess the patient's score.
nutrient 120/80mmHg
perception of the pain's
supplies to a
tissue. Ischemia severity.
Vital signs:
BP- 180/120 mmHg may be 6. Consider healing touch 6. Healing touch is a
HR – 150 bpm reversible, in if the patient doesn’t form of alternative
RR – 35 cpm which case the tolerate any other form medicine that derives
affected tissue of stimuli such as back from the thought of
Medication: will recover if rubs or ROM. human touch lowering
Nitroglycerine blood flow is cortisol levels in the
50mg to run at 1- restored, or it body. Healing touch
hour IV OD may be

Metoprolol 100mg irreversible, may, therefore, lower
PO or via resulting in stress and anxiety.
NGT OD tissue death. 7. Instruct patient to report 7. To aid discomfort.
Pain is a pain immediately.
symptom 8. Administer supplemental 8. Increases amount of
associated with oxygen by means of nasal oxygen available for
ischemia. cannula or face mask, as myocardial uptake
indicated. and thereby may
relieve discomfort
associated with
tissue ischemia.
9. Administer 9. To treat patient’s
Nitroglycerine 50mg to chest pain.
run at 1-hour IV OD as
10. Administer Metoprolol 10. Important second-
100mg PO or via NGT line agents for pain
OD control through
effect of blocking
stimulation, thereby
. reducing heart rate,
systolic BP, and
myocardial oxygen

Name: L.P Age:55 Sex: Female Address: Barangay 23-C, Davao City
DOB: 10/7/1966 ID #: 54675 Allergy: None
Attending Physician: Dr. Loot & Dr. Cabahug Chief Complaint: Dyspnea associated with palpitation and headache
Admitting diagnosis: Congestive heart failure due to untreated hypertension with atrial fibrillation

9-11-21 @ 8am Fluid volume That within my 2- INDEPENDENT Goal met.
excess related to 3 days span of 1) Monitor vital signs and 1) To have baseline date and
Objective: accumulation of nursing care, patient’s weight. weight monitoring. After 2-3 days span
• Bilateral ankle fluid in the client will achieve 2) Monitor for jugular vein 2) To evaluate the presence of a of my nursing care
edema interstitial space fluid balance as distension with the head serious underlying causing the, client achieved
• (+) neck as evidenced by evidenced by: of bed elevated 30 to 45 the pressure in the veins to fluid balance by as
distention edema secondary degrees. rise. evidenced by:
• Excessive to Congestive a. Reducing or 3) Monitor I & O every 4 3) To enhances compliance with
intake Heart Failure absence of hours. the regimen. a. Absent of edema.
(1, 585 mL) edema. 4) Elevate, compress, and 4) Elevation increases venous b. Absent of neck
• Balance fluid b. Absence of reposition the return to the heart and, in distention
shift +335 mL Fluid volume neck edematous extremities. turn, decreases edema. c. Reduced fluid
excess or distention 5) Change position every 2 5) Repositioning prevents fluid intake
Medication: hypervolemia is c. Reduce fluid hours. accumulation in dependent
• Enalapril an excessive fluid intake areas.
20mg PO BID in the 6) Educate patient to 6) Restriction of sodium aids in
extracellular restrict fluid intake and decreasing fluid retention.
compartment; it sodium intake.
does not shift 7) Explain the need to use 7) To help promote venous
between anti-embolic stockings. return and minimize fluid
compartments. accumulation in the
Fluid overload extremities.
cause like DEPENDENT 9-13-21 @ 4 pm
interstitial edema 8) Administer ACE inhibitor, 8) ACE inhibitors, which help to
and circulatory Enalapril 20mg PO BID reduced sodium and water
overload and as prescribed. retention.

when it becomes 9) Report to the physician 9) To prevent fluid overload from
severe, it causes to reduce IV flow rates. IV therapy.
Congestive Heart COLLABORATION
Failure 10) Plan and approach 10) To monitor patient’s diet
patient’s diet to the and collaboration to NDs.
nutritionist and dietician.

Discharge Plan


• Encourage the patient to adhere to the home medication prescribed by the


• Educate the patient with the purpose of each drug and side effects.

• Instruct patient to take medicine at the exact time and the prescribed dosage.

• Instruct to take prescribed medication such as antihypertensive drug with the

prescribed duration.

• Take medicines as prescribed by the doctor and do not self-medicate.


• Ten minutes of brisk or moderate walking three times a day.

• Flexibility exercises include stretching and yoga.

• Strength training usually involves lifting weights


• Comply with the treatment regimen.

• Emphasize rehabilitation through enough rest and proper diet.

• Regular monitoring of blood pressure.

• Instruct patient to keep updated with any follow-up examinations/therapy

checkups after discharge.

Health Teachings:

• Explain the importance of medication compliance.

• Compliance to follow-up examinations.

• Eat more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods

• Cut back on foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fats

• Eat more whole-grain foods, fish, poultry, and nuts

• Reduce the amount of salt in the diet.

• Lose weight if you are overweight or have obesity

• Avoid drinking too much alcohol

• Stop smoking

Out-patient follow up:

• Instruct the patient to return to their attending physician for scheduled checkup

and consultation or possible return after 1 week of discharge.

• Stress out to the patient to seek immediate consultation if the adverse reaction

of the drug occurs.


Meal Plan -DASH Diet

30 - Day Hypertensive Plan Cycle Menu
(1500 kcal per day)

Week 1
Sunday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup of rice 130
1 cup of kamote tops salad 123
½ cup mashed potato 88
1 cup skim milk 80
Lunch 3 oz. fish 175
1 cup green beans 31
2 bread thin sliced 139
1 cup slice boiled okra 33
Afternoon Snack 1 avocado (medium, 250
Dinner 4 oz. lean pork chop 133
1 large baked sweet potato 210
1 small 6’’-6-7/8” long 90
banana 80
1 cup skim milk

Total 1,562 kcal

Monday Calories
Breakfast 2 slice light whole wheat 138
1 cup cold cereal 307
1 cup skim milk 80
Lunch 2 oz. grilled chicken 128
1/2 slice, large pita bread 165
1 cup of lettuce salad with 22
assorted green
3 pieces of rambutan fruit 69
Afternoon Snack ½ boiled sweet potato 86
6 oz. orange juice 77
Dinner ½ cooked cup brown rice 111
1 cup shrimp sinigang 148
2 cups stewed tomatoes 132
2 cup of cucumber salad 104
Total 1,567 kcal
Tuesday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup of rice 130
1 cup ampalaya con 450
4 oz grapefruit juice 44
Lunch ½ cooked cup brown rice 111
2 oz. fresh tuna 66
1 cup stir fried spring 122
Afternoon Snack 2 tbsp. mixed nuts 102
Dinner ½ slice large pita bread 165
6 oz. roast chicken 276
3oz baked orange fish 65
Total 1,532kcal
Wednesday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup fried rice 228
2 cups of 44
lettuce salad with
assorted green
1 cup skim milk 80
Lunch 1 cup mashed potato 214
1 cup peppers, sweet, 30
2 cups chopped broccoli 62
1 medium orange 62
Afternoon Snack 2 cookies 80
1 cup grapes red/ green 104

Dinner ½ cup rice 111
1 and ½ ginisang 240
ampalaya with egg)
½ cup beef stew 250
Total 1,505kcal
Thursday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup mashed potato 88
2 slices of apple 18
1 cup green beans 31
2 slices toast loaf bread 132
Lunch ½ cooked cup brown rice 111
1 cup stir fried spring 122
2 cups boiled okra 66
Afternoon Snack 1 slice tuna sandwich 287
1 cup orange juice 111
Dinner 1 cup ampalaya con 450
4 slices thin pineapple 122
Total 1,538 kcal
Friday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup cooked rice 200
1 cup adobong kangkong 84
2 cups Stewed tomatoes 132
1 cup of skim milk 80
Lunch 3 oz. fish 175
2 cups slice Okra, Boiled 66
2 cups cucumber salad 104
Afternoon Snack 1 large apple 166
Dinner 1 large baked sweet 210
1 cup ginisang cabbage 150
3 oz. baked orange fish 65
1 cup chopsuey 102
Total 1,534 kcal
Saturday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup cooked oatmeal 140
1/2 slice, large pita bread 165
2 cups chopped broccoli 62
1 cup skim milk 80
Lunch 2 oz. grilled chicken 128
2 cups of 44
lettuce salad with
assorted green
2 oz. fresh tuna 66
2 cups cucumber salad 104
Afternoon Snack 1 avocado (medium, 250

Dinner ½ cooked cup brown rice 111
1 cup shrimp sinigang 148
½ cup beef stew 250

Total 1,548 kcal

Week 2
Sunday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup skimmed milk 80
½ cup brown rice 108
1 cup steamed broccoli 80
1 cup grilled salmon 280

Lunch 1 cup shellfish soup 156

1 slice wheat bread 70
1 glass banana smoothie 176

Snack 1 whole star fruit 28

1 medium size papaya 138
Banana medium size 105

Dinner 1 cup sauteed cabbage 87

½ cup pork chop 250
Strawberries, 5 pieces 29
Total 1,587 kcal
Monday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup of rice 121
1 glass skimmed milk 50
1 cup ginisang ampalaya 226
with egg

Lunch 1 cup steamed broccoli 80

1 glass apple juice 114
1 cup chopsuey 502

Snack 1/2 slice mango 54

Grapefruit red or pink (2 208
Dinner ½ cup mashed potato 88
1 cup boiled Okra 68
1 cup cucumber salad 52

Total 1,563 kcal

Tuesday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup brown rice 248
3-ounce fish 175
1 cup green beans 31

Lunch 1 cup stewed chicken 258
Large baked sweet potato 210
Lean pork chop (4 oz) 133

Snack 3 pieces dates 60

1 slice papaya 15
Dinner 2 sliced bread 139
1 cup spinach salad 183
1 cup carrot soup 69

Total 1521 kcal

Wednesday Calories
Breakfast 1 large baked sweet 210
potato 123
2 cups camote tops salad 80
1 cup skimmed milk
Lunch ½ cup rice 150
1 cup cauliflower salad 393
1 Guava 40

Snack Banana medium size 105

1 whole tangerine 53
½ slice mango 54
Dinner 1 cup cabbage salad 220
Orange juice (250ml) 110
Total 1,538 kcal
Thursday Calories
Breakfast 2 slice bread 133
1 glass apple juice 114
1 cup Spinach salad 107
Lunch 1 cup adobong kangkong, 84
½ cup pork chop 250
Snack 1 cup avocado 250
2 slice watermelon 171
½ cup mashed potato 88

Dinner 1 slice tuna sandwich 287

1 glass lemon juice 41
Total 1,525 kcal
Friday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup chicken porridge 170
1 cup skimmed milk 80
1 cup sauteed cabbage 87
2 small bananas 180

Lunch Steam tilapia (100g) 129

1/2 mashed squash 44
1 cup steam camote tops 123
1 glass calamansi juice 80

Snack 1 slice pineapple 51

1 whole pear 100
1 cup cucumber salad 52

Dinner 1 cup pinakbet 110

Steam tuna (100g) 130
Sweet baked potato 210
Total 1,546 kcal
Saturday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup sinigang shrimp 148
½ cup brown rice 108
1 glass tomato juice 41

Lunch 1 slice tuna sandwich 287

1 cup chopsuey 502

Snack 1 whole peach 59

Orange juice (250ml) 110

Dinner 1 cup cabbage salad 220

1 glass low fat milk 110

Total 1,585 kcal

Week 3

Sunday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup fried rice 228
2 cups of 44
lettuce salad with
assorted green
1 cup skim milk 80
Lunch 1 cup mashed potato 214
1 cup peppers, sweet, 30
2 cups chopped broccoli 1 62
medium orange 62
Afternoon Snack 2 cookies 80
1 cup grapes red/ green 104
Dinner ½ cup rice 111
1 and ½ ginisang 240
ampalaya with egg)
½ cup beef stew 250
Total 1,505kcal

Monday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup cooked rice 200
1 cup adobong kangkong 84
2 cups Stewed tomatoes 132
1 cup of skim milk 80
Lunch 3 oz. fish 175
2 cups slice Okra, Boiled 66
2 cups cucumber salad 104
Afternoon Snack 1 large apple 166
Dinner 1 large baked sweet 210
1 cup ginisang cabbage 150
3 oz. baked orange fish 65
1 cup chopsuey 102
Total 1,534 kcal
Tuesday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup of rice 130
1 cup of kamote tops 123
½ cup mashed potato 88
1 cup skim milk 80
Lunch 3 oz. fish 175
1 cup green beans 31
2 bread thin-sliced 139
1 cup slice boiled okra 33
Afternoon Snack 1 avocado (medium, 250
Dinner 4 oz. lean pork chop 133
1 large baked sweet 210
1 small 6’’-6-7/8” long 90
1 cup skim milk 80
Total 1,562 kcal
Wednesday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup cooked oatmeal 140
1/2 slice, large pita bread 165
2 cups chopped broccoli 62
1 cup skim milk 80
Lunch 2 oz. grilled chicken 128
2 cups of 44
lettuce salad with
assorted green
2 oz. fresh tuna 66
2 cups cucumber salad 104
Afternoon Snack 1 avocado (medium, 250

Dinner ½ cooked cup brown rice 111
1 cup shrimp sinigang 148
½ cup beef stew 250

Total 1,548 kcal

Thursday Calories
Breakfast 2 slice light whole wheat 138
1 cup cold cereal 307
1 cup skim milk 80
Lunch 2 oz. grilled chicken 128
1/2 slice, large pita bread 165
1 cup of lettuce salad with 22
assorted green
3 pieces of rambutan fruit 69
Afternoon Snack ½ boiled sweet potato 86
6 oz. orange juice 77
Dinner ½ cooked cup brown rice 111
1 cup shrimp sinigang 148
2 cups stewed tomatoes 132
2 cup of cucumber salad 104
Total 1,567 kcal
Friday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup mashed potato 88
2 slices of apple 18
1 cup green beans 31
2 slices toast loaf bread 132
Lunch ½ cooked cup brown rice 111
1 cup stir fried spring 122
2 cups boiled okra 66
Afternoon Snack 1 slice tuna sandwich 287
1 cup orange juice 111
Dinner 1 cup ampalaya con 450
4 slices thin pineapple 122
Total 1,538 kcal
Saturday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup of rice 130
1 cup ampalaya con 450
4 oz grapefruit juice 44
Lunch ½ cooked cup brown rice 111
2 oz. fresh tuna 66

1 cup stir fried spring
Afternoon Snack 2 tbsp. mixed nuts 102
Dinner ½ slice large pita bread 165
6 oz. roast chicken 276
3oz baked orange fish 65
Total 1,532kcal

Week 4

Sunday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup sinigang shrimp 148
½ cup brown rice 108
1 glass tomato juice 41

Lunch 1 slice tuna sandwich 287

1 cup chopsuey 502

Snack 1 whole peach 59

Orange juice (250ml) 110

Dinner 1 cup cabbage salad 220

1 glass low fat milk 110

Total 1,585 kcal

Monday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup chicken porridge 170
1 cup skimmed milk 80
1 cup sauteed cabbage 87
2 small bananas 180

Lunch Steam tilapia (100g) 129

1/2 mashed squash 44
1 cup steam camote tops 123
1 glass calamansi juice 80

Snack 1 slice pineapple 51

1 whole pear 100
1 cup cucumber salad 52

Dinner 1 cup pinakbet 110

Steam tuna (100g) 130
Sweet baked potato 210
Total 1,546 kcal
Tuesday Calories
Breakfast 2 slice bread 133
1 glass apple juice 114
1 cup Spinach salad 107

Lunch 1 cup adobong kangkong, 84
½ cup pork chop 250
Snack 1 cup avocado 250
2 slice watermelon 171
½ cup mashed potato 88

Dinner 1 slice tuna sandwich 287

1 glass lemon juice 41
Total 1,525 kcal
Wednesday Calories
Breakfast 1 large baked sweet 210
potato 123
2 cups camote tops salad 80
1 cup skimmed milk
Lunch ½ cup rice 150
1 cup cauliflower salad 393
1 Guava 40

Snack Banana medium size 105

1 whole tangerine 53
½ slice mango 54
Dinner 1 cup cabbage salad 220
Orange juice (250ml) 110
Total 1,538 kcal
Thursday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup brown rice 248
3-ounce fish 175
1 cup green beans 31

Lunch 1 cup stewed chicken 258

Large baked sweet potato 210
Lean pork chop (4 oz) 133

Snack 3 pieces dates 60

1 slice papaya 15
Dinner 2 sliced bread 139
1 cup spinach salad 183
1 cup carrot soup 69

Total 1521 kcal

Friday Calories
Breakfast 1 cup skimmed milk 80
½ cup brown rice 108
1 cup steamed broccoli 80
1 cup grilled salmon 280

Lunch 1 cup shellfish soup 156

1 slice wheat bread 70
1 glass banana smoothie 176

Snack 1 whole star fruit 28

1 medium size papaya 138
Banana medium size 105

Dinner 1 cup sauteed cabbage 87

½ cup pork chop 250
Strawberries, 5 pieces 29
Total 1,587 kcal
Saturday Calories
Breakfast ½ cup of rice 121
1 glass skimmed milk 50
1 cup ginisang ampalaya 226
with egg
Lunch 1 cup steamed broccoli 80
1 glass apple juice 114
1 cup chopsuey 502

Snack 1/2 slice mango 54

Grapefruit red or pink (2 208
Dinner ½ cup mashed potato 88
1 cup boiled Okra 68
1 cup cucumber salad 52

Total 1,563 kcal

Health Teaching

Lifestyle changes

▪ Maintaining a healthy weight by exercising. Start slowly exercising within 5-10

mins a day of walking and increased a minute by week until the client achieved

the ultimate goal for a total of 30mins of activity a day.

▪ Monitor pulse rate while the client is exercising and after the client cooled down.

▪ Monitor blood pressure at home. Sit and rest for 5 minutes before taking the

blood pressure.

▪ Encourage client to check blood pressure 2 times, 1 minute apart, before taking

a medicine in the morning. Also check blood pressure before evening meal.

Keep a record of readings and bring it to follow-up visits.

▪ Encourage patient to eat a well-balanced diet that's low in fat and salt. Stay

away from fast-food restaurant.

▪ Instruct client to avoid stressful situations.

▪ Encourage client to limit the amount of caffeine intake and restrict alcohol


▪ Encourage client to drink plenty of water and have a regular check-up.

▪ Encourage client to reduce sodium intake and eat a variety of foods rich in

nutrients that help lower blood pressure, such as potassium, calcium and


▪ Take medicine as prescribed. If there is an unpleasant side effects, contact the

physician immediately.

▪ Keep the client medical appointments. Close follow-up is important to stroke

rehabilitation and recovery.

▪ Instruct the client to never stop any of the medicines without first talking to the

physician. Encourage client to not skip a dose unless the client is told to.

Evidenced-based Research Findings related to the Disease/Illness

1. A New FDA Approved Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation

January 3, 2018; Yun Qiu Jiang

The FDA approved the Hybrid AF Therapy using the EPI-Sense System

to treat patients diagnosed with long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation. This

approval significantly expands atrial fibrillation treatment options for long-

standing persistent patients. The advantages of this therapy it has a minimally

invasive pericardioscospic epicardial ablation and Endocardial radiofrequency

(RF) catheter ablation. The Epicardial ablation aims to create durable and

contiguous lesions while reducing risk of injury to the adjacent structures of the

heart. It uses RF energy that applied to the posterior left atrial wall, distal from

the esophagus. On the other hand, Endocardial RF ablation it employs mapping

and ablation to target the regions requiring additional treatment, as well as

those areas impeded by pericardial reflections during the epicardial procedure.

Pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) completes the lesion set. People undergoing

Hybrid AF report feeling better, both physically and emotionally and the

procedure is safe and effective.

2. FDA Approves Treprostinil for Pulmonary Hypertension Linked to

Interstitial Lung Disease

April 1, 2021; Kevin Kunzmann

The supplemental for Tresprostinil (Tyvaso) Inhalation Solution has

been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the

treatment of patients with pulmonary hypertension associated with interstitial

lung disease (PH-ILD) to help improve exercise ability. This indication is the

second granted by the FDA for the United Therapeutics drug, following its

approved as a pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) therapy in July 2009.

Investigators reported outcomes including significant improvement of PH-ILD

in adult patient in a six minute walk distance when treated with Treprostinil as

well as improvements among patients with differing PH-ILD etiology, disease,

age, gender, baseline hemodynamics, and dose differences for treatment. A

Treprostinil dose is of 12 breaths per session, 4 times daily, was well tolerated

and associated with a safety profile consistent in previous trials. According to

Rothblatt M, PhD, the FDA approval of Tyvaso for patients with pulmonary

hypertension associated with ILD is landmark treatment advancement for this

vulnerable patient population.


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StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-.
Available from:
American Heart Association (2017). Devices and Surgical Procedures to Treat Heart
Failure. Retrieved from:
Belleza, R. M. N. (2021, April 22). Hypertension. Nurseslabs.
Bliss, R.Ph. (2018). Medical News Today: Metoprolol, oral tablet. Retrieved from
Blumenthal, R. and Jones, S. (n.d). JOHN HOPKINS MEDICINE- Congestive Heart
Failure: Prevention, Treatment and Research Retrieved on November 21, 2021
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ACTIVITY: Oral Case Presentation
TASK: Students work cooperatively and present the case clearly understood
GOAL: At the end of the oral case presentation the learner are expected to:
1. demonstrate good communication skills throughout the case presentation.
2. enhance their knowledge and have an in-depth understanding on the disease process and its causes.

Type of Assessment: ( ) Self ( ) Peer ( ) Group ( ) Teacher

Criteria Expert Proficient Developing Novice Total
4 3 2 1 Points
• Thoroughly explains and All elements are Two of the Only one of the None of the ___x4___
covers in depth all points. evidently elements are element is elements is
• Presents clear, concise included evidently evidently evidently
and relevant relationship included included included
to the case
• Clearly presented
material and traces the
diagram of the
pathophysiology of the
• Completeness of the data

• Discusses the relevant All indicators 2 indicators are Only 1 indicator No indicator is ___x4___
topics accurately and are manifested manifested is manifested manifested

Delivery / Vocal Projection

• Uses correct grammar All measures Two of the Only one of the
and English in the entire are evidently measures are measures is None of the ___x4___
presentation. presented evidently evidently measures is
• Exhibits no haling and presented presented evidently
repetition of words (ah, presented
uh, um)
• Exhibits a well-modulated
• Uses correct
• Shows confidence
• Receptive to criticism

Visual Aid All of the Two of the Only one of the none of the
• Uses clear and attractive features are features are features are features are ___x4___
materials clearly clearly clearly clearly
• Presents readable fonts, perceptible perceptible perceptible perceptible

• Manifest punctuality in All 4 indicators 3 indicators are 2 indicators are 0-1 indicator is ___x4___
submitting the output as a are demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
group demonstrated
• Well groomed
• Shows confidence
• Receptive to criticism
Total Score: _______
No. of Items: 80


NAME: _______________________________________________________ Period: _____________________________

Year Level: ______________________ Date: ______________________________

Criteria Poor Good Very Good Excellent Score

1 2 3 4
1. Cues & Evidences ● Not related to topic ● Somewhat related to ● Related to topic, with ● Clearly related to topic,
topic but feels some development, but well-developed and
incomplete. could be more specific. nicely detailed ______ x 4= ______
2. Nursing Diagnosis and ● Not related to topic ● Somewhat related to ● Related to topic, with ● Clearly related to topic,
Related Factors topic but feels some development, but well-developed and ______ x 4= ______
incomplete. could be more specific. nicely detailed
● Not related to the ● Somewhat related to ● Related to topic, with ● Clearly related to topic,
3. Nursing Objectives identified Nursing identified Nursing some development, but well-developed and
Problem / Diagnosis Problem / Diagnosis could be more specific nicely detailed
to the identified ● Able to follow the ______ x 4= ______
Nursing Problem / “SMART”
● Able to follow the
● Nursing Interventions is ● Nursing Interventions ● Related to topic, with ● Clearly related to topic,
4. Nursing Interventions NOT related to the are SOMEWHAT some development, but well-developed and
& Rationale identified Nursing related to identified could be more specific nicely detailed
Problem / Diagnosis Nursing Problem / to the identified ● Able to provide nursing ______ x 4= ______
Diagnosis Nursing Problem / interventions
● Nursing Interventions is Diagnosis. appropriate to the
not specific to the ● Some Nursing identified nursing
identified nursing Interventions is not needs.
needs. specific / appropriate
to the identified
nursing needs.
5. Nursing Evaluations ● Goal unmet ● Goal Partially met ● Goal Partially Met ● Goal Met
● Unable to evaluate the ● Able to evaluate the ● Able to evaluate the ● Able to evaluate the
effectiveness of the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the ______ x 4= ______
given nursing given interventions but given interventions but given interventions
interventions. not specific to the needs re-evaluation clearly related to topic,
identified nursing well-developed and
needs. nicely detailed

● Not related to topic, ● Somewhat related to ● Related to topic, with ● Clearly related to topic,
6. Content very simple and topic, but feels some development, but well-developed and
undeveloped incomplete or overly could be more specific nicely detailed ______ x 4= ______
general or more fully developed
● Does not follow ● Some limited ● Good expression of ● Clear and effective
7. Organization organizational organization, but needs main idea, supporting organization; follows
guidelines; feels to be structured more ideas; with some guidelines carefully ______ x 4= ______
haphazard fully inconsistencies which
may distract
● Numerous errors in ● Frequent errors in ● Occasional errors in ● Only few minor errors
8. Mechanics spelling, capitalization, spelling, capitalization spelling, capitalization in spelling,
punctuation make this and punctuation but and punctuation which capitalization and ______ x 4= ______
difficult to understand. not difficult to are noticeable but do punctuation
understand not inhibit

Raw score
Total Score 128

Final Grade: __________
Name & Signature of the Supervising Clinical Instructor:

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