2020 Annual Report

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2020 Annual Report

Fostering Generations of Purpose

Mission: To promote
meaningful relation- Flourishing in 2020
ships between young Our Adult Family Home has flourished teer days, and direct connections with ex-
and old, empowering during the 2020 pandemic by fostering tended family and friends, but we are
individuals to serve all the elements of a healthy lifestyle-
and strengthen one exercise, interesting, creative, and fun
another in a diverse, activities, and meals that feel like a
faith-based, green party! We worked hard to stay connect-
community. ed and tend to our shared space, keep-
ing our home fresh and beautiful. We
Vision: To develop a Updated draft plan for program expansion
Therapeutic Interac-
tive Intergenerational
Neighborhood (TIIN) Fun with staff and residents

that is sustainable
grateful that to date our home has re-
and replicable.
mained COVID-Free. Scientific guidance
helped us to keep everyone safe and in
contact by using tech-
Inside this issue: Outdoor picnic time nology and windows,
Personal Protective
Flourishing in 2020 1 also enhanced our performance review Equipment, and out-
process, so it is self-initiated and goal- door visits. Winter
Sustaining Community 1 directed. The end result has been hap- presented a new
During COVID-19
py and healthy people facing life and challenge, so we cre-
Impact through the Arts 2 challenges together! We have missed ated a...
our monthly potlucks, our large volun- Window Visits
Flourishing (continued) 2 (continued pg. 2)
Sustaining (continued) 2
Financial Update 3
Sustaining Community During COVID-19
Founders & Board of 3 We are grateful for our community of
Directors supporting volunteers, businesses,
churches, community organizations, and
Staff and Resident 4
Gratitude generous sponsors.

Hope & A Future 4

Program Model
Grateful for all working to maintain our home and yard

Due to COVID-19, we had to be creative

and engage our volunteers in outdoor,
small teams where they could practice
social distancing. We are grateful to vol-
unteer individuals and small teams.
So thankful for all our community volunteers (continued pg. 2)

Impact through the Arts
We enjoyed many virtual concerts with the Krause
Family Band and other musicians in our community.
We also were enriched by volunteers sharing their
many artistic talents in creative virtual or socially
distanced activities for residents and staff.
Art for all Musical Community

Sustaining Community (continued)

...from local business such as Exact Sciences, lo-
cal churches, such as High Point Church, City
Church, and Blackhawk Church

Fresh air on our wonderful porch!

Community volunteers maintaining the outdoor space

Flourishing in 2020 (continued)
...safe indoor space to keep visitors out of the cold, while
Throughout this challenging year, you helped us keeping a safe barrier of protection. Ultraviolet lights, san-
to stay connected and to know that we are sup- itizing wipes and fresh air keep this space safe.
ported. Many thanks also to our Board of Direc-
tors, and extended community of Lawyers, archi- Our founding values
tects, and other consultants who have helped us and program design
to move forward with our vision and prepare for have also helped us
expanding our programs and services. through these tumul-
tuous times as hav-
Our amazing volunteers have once again helped ing mostly live-in
us to maintain our property and many businesses staff has created sta-
have provided discounted services that have bility and added safe-
helped us to develop and thrive. Thank you! ty for both staff and
residents.. It has also
created a foundation Indoor window visits
for meaningful con-
versations as we have learned from each other in our di-
verse community. We respect each person’s right to priva-
cy while creating opportunities to interact and celebrate
life. We have met the challenges of this year through
shared strengths and responsibilities, where we are all
growing and flourishing together.

We were highlighted in the book “Neighbors, the Power of

the People Next Door”, by Brenda Eheart, and our pio-
neering journey has included major development steps in
2020. We look forward to sharing more on the next steps in
Community volunteer leading socially distanced Tai Chi completing the first Therapeutic Interactive Intergenera-
tional Neighborhood (TIIN), so stay tuned.

Financial Update
Special thanks to our monthly donors and to
those who give annually for your support and
partnership, helping us to finish strong this year.

2020 Financials: Total Revenue: $289,681

Total Expenses: $261.002
Our Adult Family Home Thank you!

Founders & 2020 Board of Directors

Executive Leadership
Mark Barnard, Paula Reif, MS,
Karin Krause, RN
MSc, MBA, PhD- H&F Cofounder
H&F Cofounder Business
Project Director-
Small Business Management,
RSVP of Durham
Owner, Nursing Business Professor
County, certified Fami-
Supervisor, C.N.A
ly Life Educator, Facil-
Instructor, and
itator with Intergener-
ational Leadership
Institute and Getting
Executive Director President Vice President Ahead

Jean Collins, BS in Derek Kraemer, MBA,

Environmental CPA
Engineering, Lead Financial
Director of Admin- Analyst at M3
istration of the Insurance
Stephen & Laura
Brown Foundation

Secretary Treasurer

Ann Shade, BS, Terri Alexander, Terri Buechner,
Semi-retired, with BA, Special Educa- Relationship
prior Leadership in tion Assistant at Manager/Long
Headstart, domestic Memorial High Term Care Con-
violence prevention School sultant at-Dahl
and education, work- Volunteer coordina- Financial Group,
force development, tion, Gardener & 500 hr certified
training and adminis- outdoor space vision- Yoga instructor,
trative support at UW ary at Hope & A Founder of Happy
Future Hope Yoga

Tammy Taylor, BS in Carrie Rice, BS-

Angeline Mboutngam,
Business Administra- Early Childhood Spe-
BS in Community &
tion cial Education,
Nonprofit Leadership
Founder/President, Senior Quality
Engagement Program
of Crossgen Solutions, Assurance Officer at
Coordinator at UW
experience in project Covance
Foundation & Alumni
management, Experience in Leader-
Association, experience
consulting and ship and Nonprofit
and skills in community
management of large Management serving
development, leader-
scale operations and at risk children and
ship, technology and
government contracts families


3440 S. High Point Rd.

Madison, WI 53719
Phone: 608-831-0243
Email: TIIN@hopeandafutureinc.org

The cornerstone couple

The household gathered

Hope & A Future
Strengthening the generations Staff and Resident
by bringing them together Gratitude
We are so thankful for your
We’re on the web: resiliency through all of
the challenges of 2020.
Together we were able to
make it through and we
http://www.hopeandafutureinc.org/ were so glad to add baby
Leon to our life together!

Ruthie and Leon

Hope & A Future Program Model

Therapeutic-The detrimental effects financial background together with
of loneliness and isolation are re- intention. Intergenerational volun-
placed with purpose and belonging in teers from the greater community
the staffed intentional neighborhood. add richness to the life of the TIIN
Hopelessness is replaced with goal and the greater community. Interac-
directed living. Stress and trauma are tive classes for people interested in
alleviated with social support and TIIN living set the stage. Together
staff and participants explore diversi-
ty awareness and inclusion, goal di-
rected living, the sharing of gifts and
talents as well as requesting and of-
fering help and support where need-

Intergenerational-TIIN Programs
Community volunteers in the garden
are built around the notion that older
adults and young families have the Neighborhood-Independent Housing
Intergenerational activities
potential to help each other flourish. for Older Adults and young families is
trauma informed care, which have Older Adults bring a lifetime of wis- connected to shared indoor community
been scientifically shown to improve dom and the young bring energy and spaces and surrounded by shared green
both physical and mental health. the joy of learning. Life is enriched space. The neighborhood nurse & some
with meaningful intergenerational support staff reside in the neighborhood
Interactive-A unique combination of relationships, and Generations of Adult Family Home. Life is genuinely
housing, services and programs bring Purpose are the result. shared by a welcoming extended family
people of diverse ages, cultures and of friends.

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