Who Are The Others in My Life Valed 2

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Our school - Our part is to give them our

- When we began schooling, we cooperation, respect, and
realized that there are other obedience.
people around us who are not - Relating with them positively will
part of our family. somehow contribute to creating
- We were expected to relate well a peaceful community.
with classmates, the teacher, the - can be important resources for
school nurse, the school janitor, our learning about their line of
the security guard, and other expertise. They can even inspire
school staff. us in our choice of career.
- Every school strives to offer a 3. Friends
holistic formation where - We start gaining friends
students are not only especially at this time in our life,
intellectually developed, but also when we are in our growing
formed in character in order to years. We are adolescents, and
be well-rounded citizens of the this creates the ambivalence
country. that makes us feel
2. Community Helpers uncomfortable.
- Outside of school, we began to - This is the time when we want to
notice these community helpers distance from our family and be
in their natural work independent. Friends and peers
environment become a stronger influence.
- the policeman on the street, the Outside the family, friendships
doctor in her clinic, the fireman contribute in our process of
in the speeding fire truck, the maturity.
street sweeper, the priest in the 4. People in the Neighborhood
church, or the businessman in - Beyond making friends in school,
his store. we also face the challenge of
- The same people continue to be forming circle of friends in the
part of our social lives. neighborhood. We want to be
- Their presence reminds us to assured that we have some
appreciate the different but friends with us when we jog
valuable services they offer to around, play basketball or
the community. badminton, or simply to listen to
our stories.
- Often times, it is through the requirement for becoming truly
influence of friends that we get religious.
involved in community projects, - As the Dalai Lama says: “Love
or it is with friends that we truly and compassion are necessities,
enjoy doing community work. not luxuries. Without them,
5. Our nation humanity cannot survive.”
- Young people need to be 7. The Global Family
empowered through exposure to - With the aid of modern
small social involvements before technology and the
they can join more serious establishment of the social
involvements in nation building. media networks, it has been
Examples are joining a marathon more convenient to share news,
along with our circle of friends or ideas, and a lot of things with
a tree-planting activity for a more people.
greener and cleaner air. - “Globalization is not just about
- The possibilities are endless for economic markets, technology,
learning social responsibility and comparative advantage, but
while we are young. also about human relations
- The Filipino nation from the time across nations, religions, and
of Rizal up to the present, look cultures,” as stated in Cory
up to the youth as the “hope of Aquino’s article, “Family,
the fatherland.” Spirituality, and the Filipino
- Relating with other nation in this sense of Nationhood in the
way contributes to our becoming Filipino Spiritual Culture: Social
a worthwhile citizen and Transformation and
enhances our development in Globalization”.
the political sense. 8. The material world
6. The Marginalized in the Society - Environmental justice is defined
- The poor, the weak, the elderly, by United States (US)
the handicapped, the sick, the Environmental Protection
prisoners – these are the Agency (EPA) as the “fair
“others” in our life that we need treatment and meaningful
to extend our hands to. involvement of all people
- They are the ones whom we can regardless of race, national
address as “kapwa ko” because origin, or income, with respect
they are the ones who are most to development,
in need of help and do not have implementation and
the capacity to help themselves. enforcement of environmental
- Nearly all of the world’s religions laws, regulations, and policies.”
focus on caring for poor as a
- We all need to enjoy a healthy
environment. Care for the
environment is part of working
for social justice because we are
the ones who destroy the
environment, and it is usually
the poor people who take the
brunt of the social sin. Protecting
it benefits the common good.
9. God, Creator and Supreme
- Relating with a Transcenent
Being who is believed to have
been given different names by
different people, but is the same
God, is necessary for all people.
- According to Abdullah Nasih
Ulam, author of Child Education
in Islam, “the common ailaments
of humans ocieties, personal as
well as societal, find their
remedy in monotheism (belief in
one God) and justice.”
We make relationships in different
situations. No relationship should be taken
for granted, especially the one we have
with God. We have seen how our various
relationships promote our development as
persons intellectually, socially,
economically, and politically.

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