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Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100053

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Technical note

3D surgical planning of neonatal mandibular distraction osteogenesis in

children with Pierre-Robin sequence
rez Ferna
Eduardo Pe ndeza,*, Marta Ayats Solerb, Marta Go
mez Chiaric, Irene Martínez Padillad,
d d
Albert Malet Contreras , Josep Rubio-Palau
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital de Cruces, Spain
3D for Health Department (3D4H), Hospital Sant Joan de Deu (HSJD), Spain
Department of Pediatric Radiology, HSJD, Spain
Division of Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Pediatric Surgery, HSJD, Spain


Article History: Mandibular distraction osteogenesis (MDO) is a surgical procedure that can successfully treat the microgna-
Received 8 November 2021 thia in neonates with Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS), avoiding glosoptossis and airway obstruction. While vir-
Revised 9 February 2022 tual surgical planning (VSP) and three-dimensional (3D) printing is a common technique in Oral &
Accepted 19 February 2022
Maxillofacial Surgery, it has not been widely used in neonates with this condition. The objective of this study
Available online 21 February 2022
is to describe how we employ 3D technology on MDO for neonates with mandibular hypoplasia.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Distraction osteogenesis
Pierre Robin sequence
3D surgical planning
3D printing

Introduction Preoperative planning and preparation improves accuracy and

reduces intraoperative bleeding and surgical time, which is especially
Described by French stomatologist Pierre Robin in 1923, the important in infants with PRS that are small and poorly developed
Pierre-Robin Sequence (PRS) consists of the clinical triad of micro- because of malnutrition. Three‑dimensional (3D) planning is a stan-
gnathia, glosoptossis and airway obstruction [1]. The incidence of dardized technique in other maxillofacial fields like dental implants
this congenital condition ranges from 1/8000 and 1/14000 births or orthognathic surgery. Some of its advantages are better precision,
[2,3]. Although PRS can be an isolated finding, nearly 50% are associ- simulate different approaches or procedures; compare different vec-
ated with a genetic syndrome, the most common being Stickler, tors and hardware in DO; avoid damage of neurovascular structures
22q11.2 deletion and Treacher-Collins syndrome [4−6]. Cleft palate and teeth; reduce complications and reoperations; lower surgical
is frequently associated with PRS due to the malposition of the and hospitalization time; precision and predictable results. Moreover,
tongue, which prevents the descent and fusion of the palatal shelves 3D printing of anatomical models allows better diagnosis, surgical
[7]. The mechanical upper airway obstruction can lead to hypoxia training, and awareness of the patient’s anatomy [9]. The aim of this
and apnea, and feeding is compromised by the hypoplastic mandible, article is to present how we use 3D surgical planning and printing in
the cleft palate and the airway obstruction. MDO in children with PRS and explain the step by step of our surgical
Mandibular hypoplasia can be treated with distraction osteogene- technique.
sis (DO). This technique was firstly described in 1905 by Codivilla,
and it is based on new bone formation between two bony fragments
under gradual tension [8]. Nevertheless, MDO can be technically diffi-
cult, and the procedure is not without risk of complications.
CT scan
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
* Corresponding author at: C/ Gregorio de la Revilla, 14, 7° Derecha, 48011, Bilbao,
The CT protocol was performed on a Brilliance 256channel iCT
Vizcaya, Spain. (Brilliance iCT, Philips Medical Systems, Haifa, Israel), following imag-
E-mail address: (E. Pe rez Fernandez). ing parameters with dose reduction, limited FOV and Idose
2666-9641/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
ndez, M. Ayats Soler, M. Go
E. Perez Ferna mez Chiari et al. Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100053

reconstruction protocol: 100 kV, 87 mA, 4 cm x 4 cm collimation. step is the definition of the ideal final position of the mandible, by
Radiation dose: DLP: 82.5 mGy*cm; CTDI vol (mGY): 7.2. (Fig 1) defining the wanted relation between the maxilla and the mandible
in the final position. This ideal final position will define the position
Virtual surgical planning (VSP) of the osteotomy and the distraction vector. The next step then, is the
simulation of the osteotomy, that should be perpendicular to the dis-
The general 3D VSP and 3DP process is shown in Fig. 2. traction vector and positioned taking into account the relative posi-
The first step of the process is the image acquisition, which, in tion of the teeth and the needed space in each side of the osteotomy
most of the cases will be the same image used for diagnostic pur- so that the distractor can be positioned (Fig. 4). After the simulation
poses. A CT is used for surgical planning. of the osteotomy is performed, a 3D volume of the distractor that will
Once the CT is performed and the quality of the image is analyzed, be used during surgery is imported in the software to be used for sur-
the next step of the process is image segmentation. This part of the gical simulation. The distractor is then positioned considering the
process consists of converting a group of 2D images from the CT ideal angle of the distraction to be performed and the distance
series into a 3D volume of the anatomical structures that will be between the distractor and the teeth (Fig. 5). Finally, a simulation of
needed for the surgical planning. Different segmentation techniques the mandibular distraction is done to ensure that the final position of
are available in the different software for image postprocessing. Usu- the mandible for the defined distraction vector is creating a proper
ally these techniques are: final result (Fig. 6). VSP takes approximately 4 h, not including the
segmentation processes, and it is performed completely in house by
Manual segmentation: it is usually used for soft tissues that are the 3D Unit of the Hospital (3D for Health Department (3D4H), Hospi-
segmented from a CT or an MRI and for every tissue segmented tal Sant Joan de De u).
from an MRI. Once the virtual simulation process is finished, a 3D Printing of
Semiautomatic segmentation: it is the one that is done by thresh- the mandible is performed so that the surgical team can practice the
old of Hounsfield Units (HU) and is basically used to segment positioning of the Kirshner wires and the distractors before surgery.
structures that have HUs considerably different from the struc- In this case, since no patient specific surgical instruments such as cut-
tures near them. ting and positioning guides were used, the anatomical model was
Automatic segmentation: This is the most used to segment bony printed using a Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). A replica of the
structures from CT series. It is mainly used to hyperdense struc- initial mandible of the patient and a second replica of mandible with
tures from a CT, such as bone or teeth. the osteotomies performed and the Kirschner wires positioned were
printed using Polylactic acid (PLA). EPSILON printer from BCN3D
For the described case, the software IntelliSpace Portal from Phil- Technologies was used.
lips is used for both, manual and automatic segmentation. Segmenta-
tion was done automatically for the bone and teeth, as the medical
image was a CT and the desired structures were hyperdense struc- Results
tures. Regarding to the dental nerve, the segmentation was manual
and from the same CT scan. In total, the segmentation process takes Surgical technique
approximately 60 min and was done by the engineer responsible for
surgical planning and reviewed by the specialized radiologist of the We perform MDO in neonates under general anesthesia and naso-
Hospital. A 3D volume of the cranium, mandible, the teeth, and skin tracheal intubation. After intraoral infiltration with lidocaine and
contour of the patient is obtained (Fig. 3). adrenaline at 1:100.000, we raise an intraoral mucoperiosteal flap at
When the segmentation is done, the surgical virtual simulation each mandibular body. Mandibular body is exposed and osteotomies
starts. The aim of this process is to simulate all the steps of the sur- on buccal and basilar mandibular cortex are performed using piezo-
gery to be able to detect the main difficulties and define some param- electric surgery device (VarioSurg3, NSK. Nakanishi Inc. Japan). The
eters such as the angle of position of the distractors or the position of osteotomy path line and the position of the needles are carefully
the osteotomy in this specific case. For surgical planning, the first determined in the virtual planning in order not to damage dental

Fig. 1. Ten-month-old infant who has isolated Pierre Robin sequence. (A) Preoperative 3DCT showing retromicrognathic mandible and abnormalities of the mandibular condyle and
coronoid process. (B) Sagittal CT scan demonstrating glossoptosis. (C) Coronal and (D1 − D2) parasaggital CT scan shows bilateral abnormal TMJs with dysplastic condylar processes.

ndez, M. Ayats Soler, M. Go
E. Perez Ferna mez Chiari et al. Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100053

Fig. 2. 3D Virtual Surgical Planning and 3D Printing process.

germs and neurovascular structures (i.e., inferior alveolar nerve). We Postoperative care & follow-up
use two mini-Molina unidirectional external distractors (KLS-Martin.
Ludwigstaler Str. 132. D-78,532 Tuttlingen, Germany) and two After the operation, the patient is hospitalized intubated in the
Kirschner needles 1.5 mm diameter (Fig. 7). No surgical splints or neonatal intensive care unit. Antibiotics, corticosteroids, and analge-
positioning guides are used in these patients, as there are no teeth to sic treatment is administrated. We start the distractor activation on
fix them. The needles are inserted percutaneously in a parallel posi- the 2nd or 3rd postoperative day at a rate of 1 mm per day. If good
tion, passing through buccal and lingual cortex on each side. Anterior evolution, activation can raise to 2 mm daily separated into morning
traction of the tongue is performed when the posterior needle is and evening activations. Intubation is usually maintained for 3
inserted, relieving the glossoptosis. The osteotomy is completed on −4 days after the surgery to ensure the airway until the swelling is
the lingual cortex. Separation between the two bone fragments must resolved. Distraction is continued until the mandibular alveolar ridge
be accomplished after untensional activation of the device; if not, is 2−4 mm anterior to the maxilla. Resolution of OSA is performed
osteotomies are reviewed with osteotomes and piezoelectric. The with a PSG. Adequate nutrition is ensured with an enteral nutrition.
device is deactivated until a distracted distance of 2 mm on each side. A percentage of nutrition is orally administrated to stimulate suction
The wound is irrigated and closed in layers with resorbable monofila- reflex. Parents are instructed to correctly activate the distractors at
ment 5/0. MDO surgical time takes approximately 60 min, depending home. The patient is followed ambulatory every week. At 6th-8th
on the complexity of the case. week postoperative we extract needles and the distractors in the

Fig. 3. STL file obtained from CT scan. Initial situation with open mouth (A) and closed mouth (B).

ndez, M. Ayats Soler, M. Go
E. Perez Ferna mez Chiari et al. Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100053

Fig. 4. Osteotomy design regarding erupted and included teeth.

office. The procedure is unpainful so there is no need of general or associated with high morbidity and mortality rates [11]. Tongue lip
local anesthesia. adhesion (TLA), which consists of the adhesion of the ventral tongue
to the lower lip, was later popularized as an effective alternative to
Discussion tracheostomy, with high rates of success and a simple surgical tech-
nique. However, complications as dehiscence and the need of extra
The management of PRS children depends on the severity of the procedures have been described, since TLA does not treat the micro-
airway obstruction. For mild to moderate, conservative therapy for gnathia [12].
PRS include lateral or prone positioning, placement of nasopharyn- DO was introduced in the craniofacial skeleton by McCarthy in
geal airways and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) [10]. 1992 [13] and mandibular distraction osteogenesis (MDO) two years
Severe neonatal upper airway obstruction that fails conservative later by Molina [14]. An osteotomy in the mandibular body, angle or
management demands surgical intervention. Tracheostomy has been ramus is performed and external or internal distractors are placed
traditionally the most effective and definitive treatment, but it is and activated to length the mandible. This way, the floor of the

Fig. 5. Mandibular distractor positioning over the mandible (A) and on the soft tissues (B).

ndez, M. Ayats Soler, M. Go
E. Perez Ferna mez Chiari et al. Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100053

Fig. 6. Mandibular distraction of 7 mm simulation (A) and final results (B).

mouth and the tongue is moved anteriorly, improving the airway which the stretched callus mineralizes [15]. The MDO is considered
obstruction. DO procedure is divided in three phases. Latency period successful if apnea resolves, index apnea-hypopnea decreases, decan-
is the time needed for fibrous callus formation, between 2 and nulation or avoidance of tracheostomy and breathing improvements
7 days. Distraction period when the mandible actively lengthens [16]. Nevertheless, MDO can be technically difficult, and the proce-
around 1 mm/day. Consolidation period lasts some weeks, time in dure is not exempt of complications such as surgical site infection,

Fig. 7. Neonate with PRS sequence and micrognathia in the operating room, before (A) and after (B, C) the surgical procedure.

ndez, M. Ayats Soler, M. Go
E. Perez Ferna mez Chiari et al. Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100053

scars, facial or mandibular alveolar nerve damage, fracture accidents, edentulous bone surface make difficult the exact placement of a cut-
teeth injury, bone nonunion, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylo- ting guide. Furthermore, Kirschner needles have some flexibility,
ses, dental injury or malocclusion [17]. which makes it difficult for a perforating guide to lead the exact vec-
Virtual surgical planning has improved the accuracy in many cra- tor through both mandibular bodies.
nio-maxillo-facial procedures. However, its use in mandibular dis- Although further clinical data and research is needed, we think
traction in neonates with PRS has been rarely reported in the that VSP in these patients would present several benefits: customized
literature [18,19,20]. In those papers, VSP is applied to plan the osteotomies can potentially avoid damage to dental structures; it
osteotomies, the growth vector of DO, and the placement of internal would shorten intraoperative time; it can help to obtain the correct
semi-buried distractors using, in some cases, custom cutting guides. direction for distraction vector; 3D printing of the hypoplastic mandi-
In our experience, we prefer external distractors since the hypoplas- bles would improve the recognition of the patient’s anatomy. We can
tic mandible in PRS patients can present insufficient bone support to trace the surgical steps over the anatomical model and predict the
place a device, and use internal distractors in older patients with technical challenges. It enables surgical training to surgeons of any
hemifacial microsomia or bilateral mandibular hypoplasia [21]. The experience: drilling, cutting, and manipulating the mandibles
technique with external distractors results in little tissue dissection improves the surgeon’s knowledge of the technique (Figs. 8-9). 3D
and short operation time, minimal skin scars and the avoidance of a printed models are useful in counseling and explaining the parents
second surgical intervention to explant the distractors, since the the pathology and the intervention; understanding the procedure
Kirschner needles and the mini-Molina external distractors are may increase the acceptance of the treatment. On the other side, VSP
removed unpainfully in the office with no need of local nor general has some disadvantages in this population such us the exposure to
anesthesia. In our experience, the design of a cutting and positioning ionizing radiation. However, in our opinion, the benefit that VSP
guide has been tested in simulation models but its application is diffi- could offer and the screening for other associated malformations jus-
cult in the clinical practice. The small mandible and the flat and tifies the radiation.

Fig. 8. 3D printed facial skeleton and soft tissue for surgical training.

ndez, M. Ayats Soler, M. Go
E. Perez Ferna mez Chiari et al. Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 6 (2022) 100053

Fig 9. 3D printed simulator for surgical training.

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