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A. Tugas Teori
Perintah : Jawablah soal di bawah ini
Waktu Penyelesaian : 60 menit
Soal :

1. What did you know about the business memo? At what time do we need to
use memo?
Business memo is a business memo is a short document that is usually used to
communicate internally between company employees containing information
related to the company. When we want to inform important internal company
information in a situation where it is not possible to write a letter because
there is not enough time
2. According to you, what are the things we need to pay attention to when
making an effective business memo?
That must be considered, namely
1. Write a short and concise message, try to stick to only the heart of what you
want to say
2. use standard language
3. Include name, address, telephone number
3. What are the advantages of using a memo?

Jawaban: More practical and communicative, Not wasteful of paper, because it

only requires small pieces of paper, There are no secrets to being informed,
Can be used by anyone
4. What are the disadvantages of using a memo?
The size is too small, difficult to archive and difficult to find, Cannot write in
many sentences, because the fields are small, They are more open, so when
the boss writes a message, all fields read the message.
` Memos are used only
inside the company
To : Charles Stancombe
From : Maria Castellano
They should include the
Human Resources
following headings:
Date : 15 July 200.
Subject : Appointment :
Commercial Manager, France

I have interviewed three candidates for this position and They should be short
recommend the appointment of Tim Skooba. My reason are as and include only useful
follows : information

1. He has the required qualifications

2. He has a lot of experience with the products we sell in Points should be
the French market arranged in logical
order, in longer memos
3. He speaks French fluently it is normal to number
the different point
4. His removal expenses will be minimal as he has no
family at present.
If you approve our recommendation, I will prepare the contract
for signature. Please let me know your decision as soon as
possible. Memo style is formal or
Cc : Thierry Baptiste

CEO You can end with your

initials or a signature

A. You are the chairperson of Sanlito Inc, a computer software company based in Madrid.
You want to call a meeting to discuss your investment options and to draw up an
investment plan.
Write a memo to all directors including the date and venue of the meeting, and the
purpose of the meeting. The memo should be 30-40 words long.

Useful Language
Our next meeting is/will be on ...
This is to inform you that ...
Please note that ...
The purpose of the meeting is for us to ...
The main objective of the meeting is to ...


To : All Directors
From : Raoul Gomez
Date : May 30
Subject : Board Meeting

B. The directors of Sanlito Inc. Had a meeting to discuss their investment options. Look at
these notes, then tick the five statements below which are true.

Options Decisions
Set up a subsidiary in Austria ✖
Close down our subsidiary in Belgium ✖✖
Buy more modern equipment ✔✔
Extend the main factory ✔
Set up online sales ✔✔✔

True or False
1. We agree that it is a better idea to extend the main factory
than to set up a subsidiary in Austria. ✔
2. The best option would be for us to set up online sales. ....
3. We would rather set up a subsidiary in Austria than extend
the main factory. ....
4. We have decided to set up online sales. ....
5. We have decided not to close down our subsidiary in Belgium. ....
6. We have decided against setting up a subsidiary in Austria. ....
C. Study the useful language box. Then write five true statements about Sanlito’s investment
plan, using some of the phrases from the box and some of the phrases in bold from exercise
Useful Language
As an alternative, we could ...
An alternative is to ...
Another option is to (do) ...
(Doing X) is probably (not) the best option/alternative.
(Doing X) would be a more profitable option/alternative.

1. We have decided to buy more modern equipment.

2. ............................................................................................................................................
3. ............................................................................................................................................
4. ............................................................................................................................................
5. ............................................................................................................................................
6. ............................................................................................................................................

D. Read the text below about a company’s performance.

 In each line 1-6 there is one wrong word.
 For each line, write the correct word in the space provided.
Sanlito Inc. Experienced a very good year. The combined revenue from all there
operations is up 6%.
Their earnings before insterest and tax is up 8% over last year, and their after-tax
earnings are up for the forth consecutive year, with an increase of 20%.
They are in solid shape: their balancing sheet is strong and their business units are
healthy. So they will be able to survive any possible downturn for international markets,
and to take advantage of any improve as well.

1. Their
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...
6. ...
Gerund :
1. They are used after school. (play)
2. She is terrible at made pancake. (make)
3. Your teacher has been looking forward to meeting you soon. (meet)
4. cooking is my favourite thing to do with my mom every weekend. (cook)
5. We are considering not .... to the party this Sunday. (go)
6. According to the diet procedure, ...... tomato everyday will decrease our fat (Eat)
7. Our new English teacher, who be ..... glasses and good looking, is Ms. Alexa. (Use)
8. My daughter has looked forward to ..... a graduation gift from her elder brother in
another country this week (Get)
9. We hope....... Canada next month (Visit)
10.This place is so comfy. I don't want......yet (Leave)
11.The table is way too heavy. Do you mind..... me a hand? (Give)
12.He avoided.....his mother about his plan. (Tell)
13.My nephew is afraid ship (Go)
14.When Alexa finished.....the floor, she washed the dishes. (Sweep)
15.Sometimes students put off.....their homework (Do)
Lembar Evaluasi Tugas Teori Unit 1
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Bagian Benar Salah


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Catatan Penilai:
B. Tugas Praktik
a. Waktu Penyelesaian : 90 menit
b. Capaian Unjuk Kerja :
Setelah menyelesaikan Tugas Unit 1, peserta mampu:
1. Memahami korespondensi dalam dunia bisnis.
2. Menejelaskan bentul-bentuk korespondensi, yaitu email dan memo.
3. Menyampaikan informasi melalui email dan memo.


Valentino Chocolates are made in Turin, Italy. They are recognized as luxury products
with a delicious and unique taste. Some of Valentino’s finest chocolates are handmade
and have won many international awards.

The company started by selling raw chocolate to other chocolate manufacturers.
These manufacturers then used it to make their own products. Later, Valentino began
selling packaged chocolates directly to the public and created the Valentino brand.
The company expanded fast. It now has almost 300 employees, 75 company-owned
shops, and a turnover of €90 million. However, in the last two years, sales growth has
slowed down and costs have risen. This has caused a fall in profit (see chart 1)

Chart 1: summary of the last three years’ result

Last Year Two Years Ago Three Years Ago

Turnover €90.5m €87.3m €62.6m
Pre-tax profits €6.4m €8.2m €8.9m

Reasons for falling profits:

 Prices
There is widespread price cutting in the industry.
 Production
Factory machines often break down.
 Demand
Demand for its Classic Bar is falling. Valentino’s new products, biscuits and
cakes, are not selling well.
 Staff Moral
Sales staff are becoming demotivated.

Chart 2: Valentino’s main products 9 (as a % of turnover)

6 1


Valentino Classic Bars Raw Chocolate Packaged Chocolate

Exclusive Handmade Chocolate Chocolate Drinks Biscuits and Cakes

The Future
The company’s owner want Valentino to become an international business. They
believe it makes the finest chocolates in the world. This year they have set aside €1.5
million to invest in their company. Their problem is to decide how to spend the money
so that company will continue to expand. Recently, a well-known business journal did
a profile of the company. It ended as follows:

Valentino can continue to grow, but only if it develops new

products and finds new market.

The ways in which Valentino could invest the €1.5 million are listed in Chart 3.
Chart 3: Investment options

Options Cost Benefits

1. Extend the factory €500,000 Increase the factory’s capacity by 30%

End the delays caused by the

2. Buy new machinery €200,000
old machines breaking down
3. Invest in more research and Develop new products such as a low-
development fat chocolate drink, new biscuits/cakes

4. Buy out a local competitor €1.5 million Reduce local competition

Manufacture chocolates in a major

5. Establish a factory in the US €1.3 million
new market

6. Launch a marketing campaign €500,000 Increase sell of all products

7. Finance a market survey and €100,000 Assess the market potential for
research trips to the US Valentino products. Contact agents
8. Invest in an existing group of Become a partner in cafés which
cafés sell and promote Valentino
9. Set up online sales €150,000 Increase sell and profits

10. Buy a new fleet of cars €500,000 Increase motivation of the sales staff


You are directors of Valentino. Meet to discuss your investment plan.

1. Work in pairs. Decide how to spend the €1.5 million. Prepare a presentation of
your investment plan, with reasons for your choices.
2. Meet as one group and present your ideas.
3. As one group, agree on a final investment plan.
As a director of Valentino Chocolates, write a memo to your CEO outlining your
investment plan. Give reasons for your choices. Begin like the example.
C. Work in pairs. Role-play this situation. Take it in turns to show each
other around your company. Say what happens in each area and what is
happening now.

Student A


This is the main hall.

We serve customers here.
At the moment, a cashier is talking to a customer.

Area What happens What is happening now

Main hall Serve customers Cashier / talk / to a customer
Customer / change / dollars into
Currency section Exchange foreign currency
Assistant Manager arranges Assistant Manager / talk / to
Loans section a loans for customers customer on the phone
Manager / meet / an important
Manager’s office Manager works
Staff answer questions from Receptionist / listen / to
Reception desk a customers customer’s complaint

Student B

Goldcrest Hotel

This is the kitchen.

We prepare and cook meals here.
At the moment, the chefs are preparing today’s lunch.

Area What happens What is happening now

Kitchen Prepare and cook meals Chefs / prepare / today’s lunch
Serve breakfast, lunch and
Restaurant Waiter / clear / the tables
Reception Welcome guests, answer calls Receptionist / talk / to a guest
Sales assistant / help /
Gift shop Sell souvenirs a customer
A bedroom Guests stay Maid / clean / the room
Daftar Cek Unjuk Kerja Tugas I

Pencapaian Penilaian
No. Daftar Tugas/Intruksi Poin yang Dicek
Ya Tidak K BK
1. Task Answer to the questions.

2. Writing (make a memo)  Information

 Correctness
3. Role-play  Respond
 Fluency
 Turn taking

Apakah semua pertanyaan Tugas Teori Unit 1 dijawab dengan benar dengan waktu
yang telah ditentukan?
Ya Tidak



Catatan Penilai:
Pengamatan Sikap Kerja

Welcome to the first meeting of the English Practical Class. In this first meeting, you are expected
to be able to do the roleplay according to the situation in proper English.

1. Pre Activities Introduction

 Work individually for Part A and you are asked to answer all the questions in Theory Task.
 Work in groups. A group consists of 2 to 3 people and you are asked to do the Case Study and
the Roleplay.

2. Roleplay on Business Conversation

Instructions :
1. Work in pairs (Student A and Student B)
2. You are asked to elaborate the situation about your company and you can add some pictures in your
script to make it clearer. One person works in the Bank and another one works in the Hotel and they
both will be doing a conversation to each other.
3. Submit your script on E-Learn (PDF file only). The due date is on .... at ....

4. You will do the roleplay with your partner and you’re asked to present it on Zoom.

5. If you have any questions, just feel free to ask your lecturer or the assistant directly or chat via
whatsapp group.

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