Microanatomy of The Digestive System of Supachai's Caecilian, Ichthyophis Supachaii Taylor, 1960 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona)

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Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) doi: 10.1111/azo.


Microanatomy of the digestive system of Supachai’s

caecilian, Ichthyophis supachaii Taylor, 1960 (Amphibia:
Itsares Muikham,1 Nopparat Srakaew,1 Kannika Chatchavalvanich1 and Pramote Chumnanpuen1,2

Department of Zoology, Faculty of Muikham, I., Srakaew, N., Chatchavalvanich, K. and Chumnanpuen, P. 2016.
Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok Microanatomy of the digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian, Ichthyophis supachaii
10900, Thailand; 2Computational Taylor, 1960 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00: 1–19.
Biomodelling Laboratory for Agricultural
Science and Technology (CBLAST), The gross anatomy and microanatomy of the digestive system of Ichthyophis
Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, supachaii were investigated. The microscopic structures of the digestive system
Thailand are similar to those in other caecilians. Functional and developing teeth are pre-
sent in adults. The tongue contains the genioglossus muscle. The digestive tract
Keywords: is elongated and consists of the mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and adventitia/
microanatomy, histochemistry, digestive serosa. The oesophagus contains longitudinal folds and lacks oesophageal
system, caecilian, amphibian
glands. We report for the first time the caecilian gastric rugae and specific local-
Accepted for publication:
ization of oxynticopeptic cells in the anterior gastric region. The intestinal
22 July 2016 folds are exclusively present in the anterior intestinal region. The liver comprises
30–40 incomplete hepatic lobes, lying in an imbricate manner. Each lobe is
enveloped by haematopoietic tissue that produces and delivers blood cells into
sinusoids. Hepatic parenchyma is organized into anastomosing, two-cell-thick
plates, having sinusoids at the basal domain and bile canaliculi at the apical
domain of hepatocytes. Pigment cells are scattered inside sinusoids. The
pancreas contains pancreatic acini interspersed with islets of Langerhans. The
gallbladder proper is thin and continuous with the cystic duct wall. Neutral and
carboxylated acid mucosubstances are secreted along the digestive tract, while
sulphated mucosubstances are not produced by the stomach and anterior
intestinal regions.
Nopparat Srakaew and Pramote Chumnanpuen, Department of Zoology,
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. E-mails:
fscinrsr@ku.ac.th (NS) and pramote.c@ku.ac.th (PC)

The caecilian digestive system comprises the digestive tract

and organs associated with the digestive tract (Exbrayat and
Caecilians (order Gymnophiona) are the least studied of the Estabel 2006). Basic knowledge on the microscopic structures
three lineages of extant amphibians primarily because almost of the caecilian digestive system has been gathered from sev-
all caecilians have a subterranean lifestyle and they are geo- eral studies of various species (Wiedersheim 1879; Sarasin
graphically restricted to the tropics and subtropics (Kamei and Sarasin 1887; Chatterjee 1936; Junqueira et al. 1999;
et al. 2012; San Mauro et al. 2014). Consequently, many Exbrayat and Estabel 2006). However, histological descrip-
aspects of the caecilian biology are poorly understood, includ- tions of the whole digestive system from a single species are
ing the digestive system that contributes to body homoeostasis still not available.
with major functions of transporting food along the digestive The goal of this study was to describe the microanatomy
tract, mechanically and enzymatically digesting food, absorb- of the digestive system of Ichthyophis supachaii (Supachai’s
ing water and nutrients derived from digested food and elimi- caecilian), which is distributed in southern Peninsular Thai-
nating indigestible residues as faeces. land and probably Malaysia (van Dijk et al. 2004; Kupfer and

© 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1

Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian  Muikham et al. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016)

M€ uller 2004). Improved fundamental knowledge on the with the oral mucosa. Teeth are organized into four U-shaped
structures of the caecilian digestive system will contribute to a dental rows: two rows (premaxillary–maxillary and vomeropa-
better understanding of the digestive system of caecilians in latine tooth rows) in the upper jaw and two rows (dentary and
comparison with other amphibians. splenial tooth rows) in the lower jaw. Teeth within the same
dental rows and among the dental rows are of similar size.
Each tooth has a pointed crown that curves posteriorly. It is
Materials and Methods
difficult to determine the dental cusps via macroscopic obser-
Wild I. supachaii (three males and two females) were captured vation due to the limited magnification and resolution. The
on Phra Thaew mountain, Phuket Province, southern pharynx communicates with the oral cavity anteriorly and
Thailand. Species identification was based on Kupfer and with the oesophagus posteriorly. There is no sharp demarca-
M€ uller (2004). The animal use protocol for small, non- tion between the oesophagus and the stomach. The stomach
laboratory animals was not required by Kasetsart University is dilated and lies parallel to the liver (Fig. 1). The gastroin-
at the time of the study. Specimens were immediately trans- testinal junction is the approximate area posterior to the stom-
ported to the laboratory without feeding and euthanized using ach where the wider gastric calibre becomes relatively
0.1% tricaine methanesulfonate (MS222) in sodium bicar- narrower. There is no distinct constriction of the digestive
bonate buffer (pH 7.0) according to Summers and O’Reilly tract at the junction area. The pancreas is bilobed. The ante-
(1997). Animals were weighed, and their body lengths were rior pancreatic lobe is adjacent to the spleen, while the poste-
measured. They were decapitated and the abdomen incised rior lobe is close to the anterior region of the intestine
midventrally from the cloacal orifice to the anterior aspect of (Fig. 1). The liver is elongated at the dorsal region, while it
the body. The digestive organs were examined for their gross has incomplete 30–40 hepatic lobes (leaflets) at the ventral
morphology. The digestive tract (mouth, pharynx, oesopha- region (Fig. 1). These hepatic lobes are arranged in an imbri-
gus, stomach and intestine) and organs associated with the cate manner in the anteroposterior direction (Fig. 1). The
digestive tract (liver, pancreas and gallbladder) were removed most anterior hepatic lobe is at the level of the heart, while the
and placed into Bouin’s solution for 24 h. Tissues were pro- most posterior lobe is close to the gallbladder (Fig. 1).
cessed according to the standard histological protocol for Numerous black melanized spots are scattered throughout the
paraffin embedding (Bancroft and Gamble 2008) and cut into liver (Fig. 1). The gallbladder is ellipsoid, dark green and
5-lm-thick slices. Paraffin sections were stained with haema- located just anterior to the most posterior hepatic lobe
toxylin–eosin (H&E), Masson’s trichrome for collagen fibres, (Fig. 1). The anterior region of the intestine appears relatively
periodic acid–Schiff–haematoxylin (PAS-H) for neutral convoluted compared to the straight posterior intestinal
mucosubstances/glycoproteins, alcian blue (AB) pH 1.0 for region, the latter opening into the cloaca.
sulphated acid mucosubstances/glycoproteins and AB pH 2.5
for carboxylated acid mucosubstances/glycoproteins (Bancroft
Microanatomy of the digestive tract
and Gamble 2008). In a separate study of the carbohydrate
histochemistry, paraffin sections were pretreated with diastase Oral cavity. The anterior regions of the oral floor and of the
in phosphate buffer saline for glycogen digestion prior to palate are covered by stratified squamous non-keratinized
PAS-H histochemistry (D-PAS; Luna 1968). Histological epithelium (Figs 2A, 3A and 5A,B), while the posterior
sections were viewed under a light microscope, and photomi- regions of the two structures are lined by stratified cuboidal
crographs were taken. epithelium with unicellular goblet cells (Figs 2, 3 and 5A,B).
In addition, simple tubular mucous glands open into the pos-
terior oral and palatine regions (Figs 2 and 3). These glands
are composed of basal cells and mucous cells with spherical or
Gross anatomy of the digestive system Table 1 Body size of Ichthyophis supachaii

Animals designated as C1–C5 have mean body length (SD)

Body size
of 21.32  3.20 cm and mean body weight of 7.28  2.52 g
(Table 1). The digestive system of I. supachaii is composed of Animal Sex Weight (g) Length (cm)
the digestive tract (oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach,
intestine and cloaca) and accessory digestive organs (liver, C1 M 8.78 23.50
pancreas and gallbladder; Fig. 1). Almost all parts of the C2 M 8.25 21.80
C3 M 8.32 23.10
digestive tract appear as a straight tube except the anterior
C41 F 8.26 22.50
region of the intestine, which is slightly convoluted. The
C51 F 2.78 15.70
mouth of I. supachaii is anteroventral. The oral cavity contains Mean  SD 7.28  2.52 21.32  3.20
the oral floor, palate, teeth and tongue. The tongue is rela-
tively flat and appears as a small appendage attached to the 1
Animals C4 and C5 are animals F1 and F2, respectively (see table 1 in
posterior region of the oral floor and continuous anteriorly Pewhom et al. 2015).

2 © 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016) Muikham et al.  Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian

epithelium, consisting of prismatic cells, goblet cells and basal

cells (Fig. 4B). Lingual glands are scatted throughout the lin-
gual mucosa (Fig. 4A,C–F). These glands contain mucous
cells and basal cells (Fig. 4B). Goblet cells and glandular
mucous cells are reactive to PAS, AB pH 2.5 and, to a lesser
extent, AB pH 1.0 (Fig. 4C–F; Table 2), suggesting that
these cells produce a mixture of neutral, carboxylated acid
and sulphated acid mucosubstances. PAS reactivity of the lin-
gual tissues treated with diastase is similar to that of the
untreated tissues (Table 2). In addition, melanocytes are pre-
sent in the lamina propria of the tongue (Fig. 4B–F). Embed-
ded in the lamina propria is an extrinsic musculature, the
genioglossus, which is the main structure of the tongue pad
(Fig. 4A). This muscle originates from the inner side of the
lower jaw and fans out to insert between adjacent lingual
glands, thus forming periodically disposed bundles of skeletal
muscle fibres, which are separated by collagenous connective
tissues with venous sinuses (Fig. 4A–C,E).
The terminology for the microscopic structures of devel-
oping and functional teeth of I. supachaii follows that previ-
ously described for Hypogeophis rostratus and Grandisonia
sechellensis (synonym of Grandisonia diminutiva; Lawson
1965a,b; Casey and Lawson 1981). Early tooth development
involves extension of the oral epithelium into the underlying
connective tissue to become a dental lamina (Fig. 5A). An
enamel organ, a tooth primordium, is formed as cellular thick-
ening at the base of the dental lamina. Cells in the enamel
organ are arranged into a bilaminar structure, consisting of
the inner and outer dental laminae (Fig. 5B). Subsequently,
the base of the enamel organ becomes concave in conjunction
with protrusion of the mesenchyme into the enamel organ to
become a dental papilla (Figs 2C and 5C). At this stage, the
enamel organ appears as a cup-like structure enclosing the
Fig. 1—Gross morphology of the Bouin-fixed digestive system of mesenchymal dental papilla (Figs 2C and 5C). The outer-
Ichthyophis supachaii. most mesenchymal cells of the dental papilla differentiate into
odontoblasts, which are organized into a single-cell layer
ellipsoid shapes and the basally located nucleus (Figs 2B and immediately subjacent to the inner dental lamina (Figs 2C
3B). The supranuclear cytoplasm of the mucous cells is dis- and 5C). Cells in the inner dental lamina become ameloblasts,
tended due to congregated mucinogen granules that cause the which produce an enamel (Fig. 5C). Deposited between the
slightly acidophilic cytoplasm (Figs 2B and 3B). These cells odontoblastic and ameloblastic layers is a conical uncalcified
produce neutral, carboxylated acid and sulphated acid muco- predentine, which is a collagenous matrix and positive to ani-
substances, as demonstrated by carbohydrate histochemistry line blue upon Masson’s trichrome staining (Fig. 5C). The
(Figs 2C–F and 3C–F; Table 2). Pretreatment of the oral tis- predentine is further mineralized to become the dentine
sues with diastase does not change PAS reactivity, compared (Fig. 5C). In the course of tooth development, a tooth germ
with the untreated tissues (Table 2). The lamina propria of elongates bidirectionally towards the oral cavity and dentiger-
the oral floor and of the palate contains loose connective tis- ous bones (Fig. 5D). The mineralized enamel is formed on
sue, extensive blood sinuses and developing teeth (Figs 2A– top of the dentine (Fig. 5C,F).
C,E,F and 3A–E). In this study, several histological sections Functional teeth of I. supachaii are composed of two dis-
of the oral, lingual and pharyngeal mucosa from all specimens crete regions (crown and pedicel) that are separated by an
were carefully investigated for the presence of taste buds. The indented area, called the annular dividing zone (Fig. 5D–F).
taste buds were not observable. The crown protrudes and curves posteriorly into the oral cav-
The muscular tongue pad is flat and short in the floor of ity, while the pedicel is embedded in the oral floor and the
the mouth (Fig. 4A). The anterior and lateral margins of the palate where it is ankylosed to dentigerous bones (Fig. 5D–
tongue are free and continuous with the oral mucosa overlying F). Dental substances contain the acellular dentine and
the lower jaw. The tongue is lined by stratified columnar enamel (Fig. 5F). In the crown, the bilaminar dentine consists

© 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 3

Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian  Muikham et al. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016)


Fig. 2—Microanatomical structure of the oral
floor. —A. Oral mucosa showing two distinct
epithelia: stratified squamous epithelium
(SSE) and stratified cuboidal epithelium
(SCE) at the anterior region and the posterior
region of the oral floor, respectively. —B. The
posterior region of the oral mucosa showing
goblet cells (GC) and oral mucous glands
(OG) composed of mucous cells (MC) and
basal cells (BC). —C–F. Glycoconjugate his-
E F tochemistry showing neutral (C), carboxy-
lated acid (D) mixed (neutral and
carboxylated acid) (E) and sulphated acid (F)
mucosubstances in goblet cells and oral
mucous glands. Ab, ameloblasts; BV, blood
vessel; De, dentine; DP, dental papilla; DT,
developing teeth; LP, lamina propria; Ob,
odontoblasts. —A and B, H&E staining; C,
PAS-H staining; D, AB pH 2.5 staining; E,
PAS-AB pH 2.5 staining; F, AB pH 1.0

of an inner circumpulpar layer, which is adjacent to the pulp neutral mucosubstances are not sensitive to diastase treat-
cavity, and an outer pallial layer, which is closely apposed to ment, as determined by PAS staining (Table 2). The lamina
the enamel (Fig. 5F). The circumpulpar layer is penetrated propria comprises vascularized loose connective tissue with
by numerous dentinal tubules that lie perpendicularly to the scattered melanocytes (Fig. 6). The muscularis houses longi-
dental surface (Fig. 5F). These tubules are fewer in the pallial tudinal bundles of skeletal muscle fibres (Fig. 6A–C). The
layer than in the circumpulpar layer (Fig. 5F). The dentine of adventitia is not distinctive due to its continuation with dense
the pedicel is similar to that of the crown except for the irregular connective tissue of the dermis.
absence of the dentinal tubules (Fig. 5F). The dividing zone
at the anterior aspect of the tooth consists of a single bundle of Oesophagus. The oesophagus is constituted by three tissue lay-
fibrous tissue, while two fibrous bundles are observed at the ers from the inside to the outside: mucosa, muscularis and
posterior aspect of each tooth (Fig. 5E,F). The pedicel is cov- adventitia (Fig. 7). The oesophageal mucosa consists of pseu-
ered by a layer of cementocytes (cellular cementum; Fig. 5F). dostratified ciliated columnar epithelium and lamina propria
The pulp cavity contains loose connective tissue, which is that contains highly vascularized loose connective tissue
overlain by an odontoblastic layer (Fig. 5F). (Fig. 7). Three cell types are identified in the oesophageal
epithelium, namely ciliated cells, goblet cells and basal cells
Pharynx. The pharyngeal region close to the tongue is lined (Fig. 7B). The oesophageal goblet cells exhibit similar histo-
by stratified ciliated columnar epithelium, while the region chemical reactions to those in the oral and pharyngeal mucosa
near the oesophagus is covered by pseudostratified ciliated (Fig. 7C,D; Table 2). Pretreatment of the oesophageal tis-
columnar epithelium (Fig. 6). The pharyngeal epithelium sues with diastase has no effects on PAS reactivity, compared
possesses ciliated cells, goblet cells and basal cells (Fig. 6A). with the untreated tissues (Table 2). It is noted that numer-
Goblet cells secrete a mixture of neutral, carboxylated acid ous blood vessels in the lamina propria reveal intimate associa-
and sulphated acid mucosubstances, all of which are liberated tion with the oesophageal epithelium (Fig. 7B). There are no
into the pharyngeal cavity (Fig. 6C–F; Table 2). These oesophageal glands in the mucosa. The oesophageal lumen is

4 © 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016) Muikham et al.  Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian



Fig. 3—Microscopic structure of the palatine

region. —A. Palatine mucosa showing strati-
fied squamous epithelium and stratified
cuboidal epithelium at the anterior and poste-
rior palatine regions, respectively. —B. Pala- E F
tine mucous glands (PG) at the posterior
palatine region. —C–F. Carbohydrate histo-
chemistry showing neutral (C), carboxylated
acid (D), mixed (neutral and carboxylated
acid) (E) and sulphated acid (F) mucosub-
stances. Bo, bone; L, glandular lumen; OE,
olfactory epithelium. —A and B, H&E stain-
ing; C, PAS-H staining; D, AB pH 2.5 stain-
ing; E, PAS-AB pH 2.5 staining; F, AB pH
1.0 staining.

corrugated as a result of the projection of several mucosal lon- The surface epithelium is formed by surface mucous cells,
gitudinal folds (Fig. 7). Diffuse lymphatic tissues are found in while the gastric pits are lined by foveolar mucous cells
the lamina propria (Fig. 7C,D). The submucosa is not pre- (Figs 8B–F and 9B–D). The surface and foveolar mucous
sent due to the absence of the muscularis mucosae. The mus- cells have the basal, oval nucleus and supranuclear mucinogen
cularis consists of two muscular tunics: the inner circular and granules, thus creating a mucous sheet of cells (Figs 8B–F
outer longitudinal smooth muscles (Fig. 7B). The outermost and 9B–D). Both cell types are intensely stained with PAS,
adventitia contains thin layers of loose collagenous connective but weakly stained with AB pH 2.5 (Figs 8D–F and 9C–D;
tissue (Fig. 7A). Table 2). At the anterior region of the stomach, the lamina
propria possesses vascularized loose connective tissue and a
Stomach. The stomach has a larger calibre than any other number of simple tubular gastric glands (Fig. 8B–D,F). Few
parts of the tubular digestive tract. It is histologically divided gastric glands open into a single gastric pit. These glands are
into the anterior and posterior regions (Figs 8 and 9). The not present in the posterior region of the stomach (Fig. 9).
gastric wall consists of four tissue layers: mucosa, submucosa, The gastric glands are divided into the upper neck region and
muscularis and serosa. We report for the first time the caecil- the lower region. Mucous neck cells are found at the neck por-
ian gastric rugae, which are formed by elevation of the mucosa tion of the gastric glands (Fig. 8B–F). These cells are spheri-
and submucosa into the gastric lumen (Figs 8A and 9A–C). cal with a basal, flat nucleus (Fig. 8B,C). The mucous neck
The posterior gastric region contains more prominent rugae cells are reactive to both PAS and AB pH 2.5, but not reactive
than the anterior gastric region (Figs 9A–C versus 8A). In to AB pH 1.0 (Fig. 8D–F; Table 2). There are no changes in
addition, the mucosal surface invaginates to become several PAS reactivity of the gastric tissues following diastase treat-
furrows, called gastric pits (Figs 8B–F and 9B–D). The gas- ment, compared with the untreated tissues (Table 2). The
tric mucosa is composed of simple columnar epithelium, lam- lower part of the gastric glands contains oxynticopeptic (chlo-
ina propria and muscularis mucosae (Figs 8B,C and 9A,B). ridropeptic) cells that are characterized by their polymorphic

© 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 5

Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian  Muikham et al. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016)

Table 2 Glycoconjugate histochemistry of the digestive tract in epithelium (Figs 10 and 11). Two main cell types constitute
Ichthyophis supachaii the intestinal epithelium: columnar absorptive enterocytes
and goblet cells (Figs 10B,F and 11). Absorptive enterocytes
Histochemical method
have basal, ellipsoid nuclei, and the apical striated border is
reactive to PAS, but negative to AB staining (Figs 10D,F and
Digestive tract/cell PAS D-PAS pH 1.0 pH 2.5 pH 2.5 11). In the anterior intestinal region, goblet cells are stained
magenta with PAS and blue with AB pH 2.5, and costaining
Oral cavity (oral floor, palate and tongue) the intestinal tissues with PAS-AB pH 2.5 results in purplish
Goblet cells ++++ ++++ ++ +++ ++++ blue colouration (Fig. 10C–F; Table 2). However, these cells
Glandular mucous cells ++++ ++++ ++ +++ ++++ are not reactive to AB pH 1.0 (Table 2). The lamina propria
of the intestinal folds contains loose connective tissue with
Goblet cells ++++ ++++ ++ +++ ++++
blood vessels. There are no lymphatic central lacteals in the
Goblet cells ++++ ++++ + +++ ++++ folds. The posterior intestinal region has more goblet cells
Anterior region of the stomach than the anterior intestinal region (Figs 11 versus 10). These
Surface mucous cells ++++ ++++ – ++ ++++ cells reveal histochemical reactions with PAS, AB pH 1.0 and
Foveolar mucous cells ++++ ++++ – ++ ++++ AB pH 2.5 (Fig. 11B–D; Table 2). Pretreatment of the
Mucous neck cells +++ +++ – ++ +++
intestinal tissues with diastase does not interfere with PAS
Posterior region of the stomach
reactivity (Table 2). The intestinal wall lacks the muscularis
Surface mucous cells ++++ ++++ – ++ ++++
Foveolar mucous cells ++++ ++++ – ++ ++++ mucosae and plicae circulares. The inner circular and outer
Anterior region of the intestine longitudinal smooth muscles constitute the intestinal muscu-
Goblet cells ++++ ++++ – +++ ++++ laris (Figs 10 and 11). The serosa consists of thin connective
Posterior region of the intestine tissue covered externally by the mesothelium (Figs 10A and
Goblet cells ++++ ++++ + +++ ++++ 11A,B,D).
–, no reaction; +, weak reaction; ++, moderate reaction; +++, strong reaction;
++++, very strong reaction. Microanatomy of accessory digestive organs
Liver. Almost the entire hepatic lobe is encapsulated by loose
shape, cytoplasmic eosinophilic granules and concentric connective tissue, which is further invested by the mesothe-
spherical nucleus (Fig. 8D–F). The oxynticopeptic cells are lium (Fig. 12A,E). Some areas of the hepatic lobes are in
negative to PAS and AB staining (Fig. 8D–F; Table 2). Nota- direct contact with the mesothelium (Fig. 12A). Embedded
bly, these cells are exclusively localized to the anterior gastric in the capsule is the perihepatic subcapsular haematopoietic
region (Figs 8 versus 9). The muscularis mucosae separate tissue that circumscribes the hepatic parenchyma (Fig. 12A,
the lamina propria from the submucosa (Figs 8B,C and 9A, C,E). The haematopoietic tissue houses numerous developing
B). The submucosa contains loose collagenous connective tis- blood cells. Mitotic activity of developing blood cells is fre-
sue interspersed with blood vessels (Figs 8B,C and 9A,B). quently found in the perihepatic subcapsular haematopoietic
The muscularis comprises an inner circular smooth muscle tissue. Mature blood cells leave the perihepatic subcapsular
and an outer longitudinal smooth muscle (Figs 8B–D,F and haematopoietic tissue, enter sinusoids and are further trans-
9B). The muscularis of the posterior gastric region is thicker ported to the central veins. The hepatic parenchyma consists
than that of the anterior gastric region (Figs 9A–C versus 8B– mainly of hepatocytes that are organized into anastomosing,
D,F). The serosa is thin and covered by the mesothelium two-cell-thick hepatic plates (Fig. 12B,E,F). Hepatocytes
(Figs 8D and 9B). have a polygonal shape and the spherical nucleus at the basal
domain (Fig. 12B,E,F). These cells exhibit polarity in the
Intestine. The transition between the stomach and the intes- way that the basal domain is in close contact with sinusoids,
tine is marked by abrupt histological changes from the gastric while the apical domain of opposing cells in a bilayer hepatic
mucosa with a mucous sheet of cells to the intestinal mucosa plate faces each other with bile canaliculi located in the middle
with numerous intestinal folds. There is no distinct muscular of the opposing cells (Fig. 12B,E,F). The hepatic parench-
sphincter at the transition area. The intestine is divided into yma is not organized into distinct hepatic lobules. The sinu-
the anterior and posterior intestinal regions, both having three soids are irregularly disposed and vary widely in size
tissue layers without submucosa (Figs 10 and 11). There are (Fig. 12A,B,D-F). Hepatic pigment cells are scattered in the
no submucosal (Brunner’s) glands and glandular crypts sinusoids (Fig. 12). These cells contribute to numerous black
(crypts of Lieberk€ uhn). The mucosa of the anterior intestinal spots on the liver surfaces (Fig. 1). The portal area consists of
region extends into the intestinal lumen and becomes several the hepatic vein and the bile duct (Fig. 12C). The bile duct is
intestinal folds (Fig. 10A–C,E,F). Interestingly, the posterior lined by simple cuboidal epithelium (Fig. 12C,D). Several
intestinal region is devoid of the intestinal folds (Fig. 11). The bile ducts drain into a hepatic duct, which is located at the
luminal surface of both regions is lined by columnar peripheral area of the hepatic lobes (Fig. 12D). The lining of

6 © 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016) Muikham et al.  Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian



Fig. 4—Microanatomy of the tongue. —A.

Longitudinal section of Ichthyophis supachaii
head showing the muscular tongue pad (TP)
supported by the fan-shaped genioglossus
(Ge). —B. Lingual mucosa composed of
stratified columnar epithelium and lamina E F
propria with lingual glands (LG) and
genioglossus muscle. —C–F. Glycoconjugate
histochemistry showing neutral (C), carboxy-
lated acid (D), mixed (neutral and carboxy-
lated acid) (E) and sulphated acid (F)
mucosubstances. LE, lingual epithelium; Me,
melanocytes; PC, prismatic cells; S, skin. —A
and B, H&E staining; C, PAS-H staining; D,
AB pH 2.5 staining; E, PAS-AB pH 2.5 stain-
ing; F, AB pH 1.0 staining.

the hepatic duct is of simple cuboidal epithelium (Fig. 12D). spherical or ellipsoid nucleus situated at the basal region of
Pretreatment of the liver tissues with diastase results in a slight the cells (Fig. 13C–D). Numerous eosinophilic zymogen
reduction in PAS reactivity of the hepatocytes (Fig. 12F), granules are found in the cytoplasm of acinar cells (Fig. 13C).
compared with the tissues without enzymatic treatment The acinar lumen is occupied by centroacinar cells
(Fig. 12E), suggesting that these hepatocytes accumulate a (Fig. 13C). Pancreatic ducts are lined by simple cuboidal
small amount of glycogens. epithelium and are found at the border between the pancre-
atic tissues and the intestine (Figs 10C and 13B). The apical
Gallbladder. The gallbladder wall is thin, compared to other border of these ducts exhibits PAS reactivity (Fig. 10C).
parts of the digestive tract. The lumen is lined by simple Endocrine cells, also called islets of Langerhans, are smaller
cuboidal epithelium overlying the lamina propria (Fig. 13A). than exocrine cells and scattered among the pancreatic par-
The muscularis consists of smooth muscle cells (Fig. 13A). enchyma (Fig. 13D). Small blood vessels are found inside the
The gallbladder is covered externally by the adventitia, which endocrine tissue.
is composed of thin layers of loose connective tissue
(Fig. 13A). The cystic duct proper is continuous with the gall-
bladder wall (Fig. 13A). This duct is lined by simple cuboidal
epithelium (Fig. 13A). The digestive tract and liver of I. supachaii are elongated as is
the body, similar to other caecilians (e.g. Delsol et al. 1995;
Pancreas. The bilobed pancreas consists of exocrine and Junqueira et al. 1999; Exbrayat and Estabel 2006). In the oral
endocrine pancreatic tissues (Fig. 13B–D). Exocrine acinar cavity, the lingual surface of I. supachaii is non-keratinized
cells are organized into acini that are enclosed by connective and moistened by mucus secreted from surface goblet cells
tissue (Fig. 13B–D). Several acini form a pancreatic lobule. and lingual glands, thus preventing the tongue from being
Pancreatic acinar cells have a pyramidal shape with the dehydrated. The lingual glands of I. supachaii are distributed

© 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 7

Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian  Muikham et al. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016)


Fig. 5—Histology of the oral apparatus show-

ing odontogenesis of Ichthyophis supachaii at
the oral floor (A, C and D) and the palate (B,
E and F). —A. Early odontogenesis showing
a dental lamina (DL) derived from ingrowth
of the oral epithelium. —B. Bilaminar struc-
ture of a tooth primordium comprising the
inner dental lamina (IDL) and the outer den-
tal lamina (ODL). —C. Formation of acellu-
lar dentine produced by odontoblasts and
acellular enamel (E) from ameloblasts. Miner-
alization of the tooth primordium to form
E F dentine. —D. More advanced odontogenesis
showing erupting tooth linked to the dentiger-
ous bone (DB). —E and F. Functional
erupted tooth showing the bipartite dental
structure: crown (Cr) and pedicel (Pe), both
divided by the dividing zone (DZ). CL, cir-
cumpulpar layer; Ce, cementocyte; T, denti-
nal tubules; P, pulp cavity; Pd, predentine;
PL, pallial layer. A, E and F, H&E staining;
B, PAS-H staining; C and D, Masson’s tri-
chrome staining.

throughout the lingual mucosa, as in other caecilians, such as (Hraoui-Bloquet and Exbrayat 1997) and S. annulatus (Jun-
Ichthyophis glutinosus (Teipel 1932), Dermophis mexicanus queira et al. 1999). While the anuran tongue is extensible to
(Bemis et al. 1983), Siphonops annulatus (Junqueira et al. capture prey partly due to the activity of the genioglossus
1999) and Boulengerula boulengeri (Budzik et al. 2013), but (O’Reilly and Nishikawa 1995; Meyers et al. 2004), the cae-
different from Hypogeophis rostratus in which the lingual glands cilian tongue is not protrusible, suggesting that the caecilian
are localized to the median region of the lingual mucosa (Mar- tongue does not directly participate in predation (Bemis et al.
cus 1932). The presence of surface goblet cells and glandular 1983; Wake 1992). However, it was suggested that contrac-
mucous cells in the tongue of I. supachaii is similar to several tion of the caecilian genioglossus results in (i) constriction of
caecilians, including I. glutinosus (Zylberberg 1972, 1977), the basal region of the lingual glands, thus facilitating glandu-
D. mexicanus (Bemis et al. 1983), I. kohtaoensis, Typhlonectes lar secretion; and (ii) compression of the tongue pad, thus
compressicauda (Zylberberg 1986) and S. annulatus (Junqueira enabling food swallowing (Bemis et al. 1983).
et al. 1999). These cells reveal similar histochemical reactions Teeth of I. supachaii are a bipartite structure consisting of
to carbohydrate moieties, as in I. glutinous, some urodeles the crown and the pedicel, both of which are separated by the
(family Salamandridae) and some anurans (family Alytidae, annular dividing zone, as in other caecilians (Oltmanns 1952;
Bufonidae, Hylidae and Ranidae; Zylberberg 1977). It is sug- Parsons and Williams 1962; Wake 1976; Casey and Lawson
gested that the short lingual glands of caecilians are less devel- 1981; Hraoui-Bloquet and Exbrayat 1996). The morphology
oped than the long tubular lingual glands found in anurans of the tooth crown in adult caecilians reveals interspecific vari-
and urodeles (Zylberberg 1977). ation (Taylor 1968; Wake 1978; Wake and Wurst 1979; Gre-
The muscular tongue of I. supachaii consists of a single ven 1984, 1986; Wilkinson 1991). Although the dental
type of the voluntary protractor muscle, the genioglossus, as cuspedness was unable to be determined in the present study,
described in other caecilians, including H. rostratus (Teipel it appears that all species of the genus Ichthyophis possess
1932), D. mexicanus (Bemis et al. 1983), T. compressicauda pointed, recurved and bicuspid teeth (Mark Wilkinson,

8 © 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016) Muikham et al.  Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian



Fig. 6—Microscopic structure of the pharynx.

—A and B. Pharyngeal wall showing pseu-
dostratified ciliated columnar epithelium E F
(PCE), lamina propria and muscularis (M).
Note the presence of melanocytes in lamina
propria. —C-F. Carbohydrate histochemistry
showing neutral (C), carboxylated acid (D),
mixed (neutral and carboxylated acid) (E)
and sulphated acid (F) mucosubstances. CC,
ciliated cells. A, H&E staining; B, Masson’s
trichrome staining; C, PAS-H staining; D,
AB pH 2.5 staining; E, PAS-AB pH 2.5 stain-
ing; F, AB pH 1.0 staining.


Fig. 7—Microanatomical structure of the

oesophagus. —A. Transverse sectional view
of the oesophagus showing several longitudi-
nal folds, formed by the mucosa. —B. Oeso-
phageal epithelium consisting of ciliated cells, C D
goblet cells and basal cells. Note the presence
of numerous subepithelial blood vessels. —C
and D. Carbohydrate histochemistry showing
neutral (C) and mixed (neutral and carboxy-
lated acid) (D) mucosubstances. Ad, adventi-
tia; CM, circular smooth muscle; LM,
longitudinal smooth muscle; LT, diffuse lym-
phatic tissue; Muc, mucus. —A and B, H&E
staining; C, PAS-H staining; D, PAS-AB pH
2.5 staining.

© 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 9

Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian  Muikham et al. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016)



Fig. 8—Microscopic structure of the anterior

region of the stomach. —A. Cross-sectional
view of the anterior gastric region showing
rugae (R), formed by elevated mucosa and
submucosa. —B and C. The gastric proper
E F showing gastric pits (GP) and gastric glands,
the latter housing mucous neck cells (MNC)
and oxynticopeptic cells (OC). —D–F. Pres-
ence of neutral (D), carboxylated acid (E)
and mixed (neutral and carboxylated acid)
(F) mucosubstances. FMC, foveolar mucous
cells; MM, muscularis mucosae; Se, serosa;
SMC, surface mucous cells; Sub, submucosa.
—A. and B, H&E staining; C, Masson’s tri-
chrome staining; D, PAS-H staining; E, AB
pH 2.5 staining; F, PAS-AB pH 2.5 staining.



Fig. 9—Microanatomy of the posterior region

of the stomach. —A. Cross-sectional view of
the posterior gastric region showing promi-
nent rugae. —B. Gastric pits without gastric
glands. —C and D. Glycoconjugate histo-
chemistry showing neutral and carboxylated
acid mucosubstances, respectively. —A and
B, H&E staining; C, PAS-H staining; D, AB
pH 2.5 staining.

10 © 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016) Muikham et al.  Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian



Fig. 10—Histology of the anterior region of

the intestine. —A. Transverse sectional view
of the anterior intestinal region showing
intestinal folds (IF). —B. Magnified image of
A, showing goblet cells and absorptive entero-
cytes (Ec) with apical striated border (SB). — E F
C. Carbohydrate histochemistry of the pan-
creato-intestinal junction showing neutral
mucosubstances in goblet cells and apical
domain of pancreatic ducts (PD). —D. Car-
boxylated acid mucosubstances in goblet cells.
—E and F. Coproduction of neutral and car-
boxylated acid mucosubstances in goblet cells.
Pa, pancreas. —A and B, H&E staining; C,
PAS-H staining; D, AB pH 2.5 staining; E
and F, PAS-AB pH 2.5.

personal communication). In addition to erupted functional et al. 2001; Liquori et al. 2002, 2005, 2007; Exbrayat and
teeth, there exist various stages of developing teeth in mature Estabel 2006; Machado-Santos et al. 2014). In addition, high
I. supachaii, as seen in other caecilians, including D. mexi- vascularization at the subepithelial region of I. supachaii
canus, H. rostratus, G. larvata, G. multiplicata, G. seraphini oesophagus may supply oxygen to the epithelial cells for their
and T. compressicauda (Reuther 1931; Wake 1976; Casey and cellular respiration, thus providing energy and driving cellular
Lawson 1981). Dental development and replacement in activities, such as ciliary movement and exocytosis of the
amphibians are continually dynamic processes occurring mucus.
throughout the life (Gillette 1955; Kerr 1960; Wake 1980). Pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid are two major gastric
While the taste buds are present in the oropharyngeal juice components in vertebrates. In amphibians, three secre-
mucosa of several caecilians (Wake and Schwenk 1986; tion patterns for the two components have been categorized
Junqueira et al. 1999; Budzik et al. 2013, 2015), these struc- based on the regional distribution of secretory cells. (i)
tures were not detectable in the present study. However, it Pepsinogen is mainly produced by peptic cells in the oesopha-
remains unclear whether the taste buds are absent in the adult geal glands, whereas hydrochloric acid is mainly secreted from
I. supachaii. Alternatively, more sample size of the animals oxyntic cells in the gastric glands, as seen in the frogs Pelophy-
may be required for investigation of these structures in adult lax kl. esculentus (formerly Rana esculenta; Bani et al. 1992)
I. supachaii and more research on the presence and absence of and Rana aurora aurora (Ferri et al. 2001). (ii) Pepsinogen is
taste buds in caecilians would be useful. produced by oesophageal peptic cells and oxynticopeptic cells
The oesophagus of I. supachaii is lined by pseudostratified in the gastric glands; the latter also secrete hydrochloric acid,
ciliated columnar epithelium with different cell types, a typical such as in the frog Lithobates pipiens (formerly Rana pipiens;
characteristic of the oesophagus found in three amphibian Gallego-Huidobro et al. 1992; Gallego-Huidobro and Pastor
orders (Norris 1959; Suganuma et al. 1981; Setoguti et al. 1996) and the toad Rhinella marina (formerly Bufo marinus;
1987; Gallego-Huidobro et al. 1992; Delsol et al. 1995; Gal- Ruiz et al. 1993). (iii) Both pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid
lego-Huidobro and Pastor 1996; Junqueira et al. 1999; Ferri are synthesized from the oxynticopeptic cells in the gastric

© 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 11

Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian  Muikham et al. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016)

glands due to the lack of the oesophageal glands, as observed intestinal folds increase the intestinal surface areas for enzy-
in anurans, including Bombina variegata (Bani et al. 1992) matic digestion and nutrient absorption, like the mammalian
and Bufo (Pseudepidalea) viridis (Liquori et al. 2002); urodele intestinal villi (Ross and Pawlina 2015). However, the intesti-
Triturus carnifex (Liquori et al. 2005); and caecilians, such as nal folds of I. supachaii are structurally different from the
S. annulatus (Junqueira et al. 1999), M. unicolor (Exbrayat avian and mammalian villi of which the lamina propria pos-
and Estabel 2006) and likely I. supachaii in the present study. sesses the central lacteal and the base leads into the intestinal
However, further study is needed to determine coproduction tubular glands (crypts of Lieberk€ uhn; Andrew and Hickman
of pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid from the oxynticopeptic 1974; Ishikawa et al. 1985; Chikilian and de Speroni 1996;
cells in I. supachaii, for example using an immunohistochemi- Reynolds and Rommel 1996; Zaher et al. 2012). The intesti-
cal approach to detect pepsinogen and H,K-ATPase, an inte- nal folds of I. supachaii are present in the anterior intestinal
gral protein localized to the oxynticopeptic cells and region and absent in the posterior intestinal region, while in
responsible for gastric acidification (Liquori et al. 2005). T. compressicauda, the folds become shorter in the posterior
Specifically, the oxynticopeptic cells are present exclusively in region than in the anterior region (Martınez-Leones et al.
the anterior region of the stomach of I. supachaii, suggesting 2004). The complete absence of the intestinal folds and a
that proteolytic digestion for food materials initially occurs in decreased number of absorptive enterocytes in the posterior
this gastric region and the process may continue in the poste- intestinal region of I. supachaii suggest that this region has
rior region of the stomach. reduced nutrient absorption and enzymatic digestion in com-
There are mucosal and mucosal–submucosal projections parison with the anterior intestinal region.
towards the lumen of the oesophagus, stomach and intestine, Mucosubstances are present throughout the digestive tract
thus creating the longitudinal folds, rugae and intestinal folds, of I. supachaii from the oral cavity to the intestine, as
respectively. The gastric rugae have been shown in the stom- described in this study, and in the cloaca, as reported in previ-
ach of anurans, including L. pipiens (Gallego-Huidobro and ous studies (Pewhom et al. 2015, 2016). The distribution pat-
Pastor 1996) and Hyla orientalis (Akat et al. 2014), and are terns of glycoconjugates along the digestive tract of
reported for the first time in a caecilian here. It is possible that I. supachaii exhibit regional variation and possibly interspecific
upon relaxation of the circular musculature of the oesophagus variation, compared to other caecilians, including I. glutinosus
and stomach, the longitudinal folds and rugae become (Zylberberg 1977), Caecilia gracilis, H. rostratus, M. unicolor,
unfolded, thus providing a potential space for the organs to T. compressicauda (Exbrayat 1996, 2003), S. annulatus (Jun-
accommodate food passage, a similar suggestion by Budzik queira et al. 1999) and I. cf. kohtaoensis (Kuehnel et al.
et al. (2015) on the pharyngeal expansion in the caecilians 2012); anurans, such as Duttaphrynus melanostictus (formerly
during food swallowing. While the oesophageal longitudinal Bufo melanostictus; Loo and Wong 1975), Bufo viridis and
folds and gastric rugae do not seem to alter the total surface Rana graeca (Carmignani and Zaccone 1977), Alytes obstetri-
areas of the oesophagus and the stomach, respectively, the cians, Bufo bufo, Discoglossus pictus, H. arborea, P. ridibundus


Fig. 11—Histological structure of the poste-
rior region of the intestine. —A. Transverse
sectional view of the posterior intestinal region
showing intestinal proper. —B–D. Carbohy-
drate histochemistry showing neutral (B), car-
boxylated acid (C) and mixed (neutral and
carboxylated acid) (D) mucosubstances in
goblet cells. A, H&E staining; B, PAS-H
staining; C, AB pH 2.5 staining; D, PAS-AB
pH 2.5 staining.

12 © 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016) Muikham et al.  Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian


Fig. 12—Microanatomical structure of the

liver. —A. Organization of the liver showing
hepatic parenchyma enveloped by perihepatic
subcapsular haematopoietic tissue (PSH).
Note the presence of pigment cells (Pi) in
sinusoids (Si) and transport of mature blood
cells from perihepatic subcapsular
haematopoietic tissue to sinusoids. —B.
Organization of hepatic parenchyma into two-
cell-thick hepatic plates, having sinusoids at
the basal domain and bile canaliculi (BC) at
the apical domain of opposing hepatocytes. —
C. Portal area showing the bile duct (BD)
and hepatic vein (HV). —D. The peripheral E F
zone of the liver showing the hepatic duct
(HD) lined by simple cuboidal epithelium. —
E and F. PAS histochemistry showing glyco-
gen granules (GG) accumulated in hepato-
cytes (E) as confirmed by a decreased PAS
reactivity following diastase treatment (F). *,
area of hepatic parenchyma without perihep-
atic subcapsular haematopoietic tissue; He,
hepatocytes. —A, C and D, H&E staining; B,
E and F, PAS-H staining.

(Zylberberg 1977), Hyla japonica, Pelophylax nigromaculatus number of I. supachaii also reveals interspecific variation,
(formerly Rana nigromaculata), Xenopus laevis (Suganuma compared to other caecilians, such as I. glutinosus (38 lobes),
et al. 1981), R. aurora aurora (Ferri et al. 2001), P. viridis and U. narayani (as many as 40 lobes; Ahmad 1943) and S. annu-
Rana temporaria (Liquori et al. 2002) and Rhinella icterica latus (approximately 20 lobes; Junqueira et al. 1999). The
(Machado-Santos et al. 2014); and urodeles, including structural organization of the amphibian hepatic parenchyma
Calotriton asper (formerly Euproctus asper), Lissotriton helveticus, is categorized into three patterns: one-, two- and multilay-
Pleurodeles waltii, Salamandra salamandra, Triturus cristatus, ered-cell-thick hepatic plates (Akiyoshi and Inoue 2012). It is
T. marmoratus (Zylberberg 1977), Ambystoma mexicanum suggested that the two-cell-thick and multilayered-cell-thick
(Suganuma et al. 1981) and T. carnifex (Liquori et al. 2007). plate types are of the primitive forms, while the one-cell-thick
In general, these mucosubstances serve to lubricate the diges- plate type, as seen in the mammalian liver, is a more advanced
tive lumen, thus allowing smooth passage for food and pro- characteristic (Elias and Bengelsdorf 1952; Akiyoshi and
tecting the mucosal surfaces from mechanical abrasion Inoue 2004). In the majority of anurans, the liver contains
(Gallego-Huidobro et al. 1992). A good example of this is an only the one-cell-thick hepatic plates, but a combination of
increase in the mucous cell density in the posterior intestinal the one- and two-cell-thick plates is observed in X. laevis,
region of I. supachaii compared with that of the anterior X. tropicaris and Microhyla ornata (Akiyoshi and Inoue 2012).
region, suggesting that mucosubstances in the posterior In urodeles, the hepatic parenchymal arrangement exhibits
intestinal region aid transport and coat faecal materials for interspecific variation, in having the one-cell-thick plate type,
their ejection, as in the anuran Hyla orientalis (Akat et al. combined one- and two-cell-thick plate type and combined
2014). two- and multilayered-cell-thick plate type (Akiyoshi and
It is stated that the caecilian liver comprises 20–40 hepatic Inoue 2012). The liver of I. supachaii is constituted by the
lobes (Delsol et al. 1995). Intraspecific variation in the num- anastomosing, two-cell-thick hepatic plates, consisting of
ber of the hepatic lobes is observed in five mature I. supachaii, polygonal hepatocytes, as described in other caecilians
ranging from 30 to 40 lobes. In addition, the hepatic lobe (Exbrayat and Estabel 2006), but different from the aquatic

© 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 13

Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian  Muikham et al. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016)


Fig. 13—Microanatomy of the gallbladder

and pancreas. —A. Histological structure of
C D the gallbladder and cystic duct (CD) lined by
simple cuboidal epithelium. Inset showing the
gallbladder proper. —B. Pancreato-intestinal
junction showing pancreatic acini (Ac) and
pancreatic ducts. —C. Pancreatic acini show-
ing pyramidal acinar cells and centroacinar
cells (Ca) in acinar lumen. —D. Pancreatic
acini interspersed with islets of Langerhans
(IL). Ad, adventitia; CE, simple cuboidal
epithelium; I, intestine; ZG, zymogen gran-
ules. H&E staining.

Typhonectes sp., which has one-cell-thick hepatic plates not accumulate glycogen. In addition, hepatic pigment cells
(Akiyoshi and Inoue 2012). In addition, the hepatocytes of are found in hepatic sinusoids of I. supachaii, as in other cae-
I. supachaii are the major epithelial cell type of the liver and cilians including M. unicolor (Delsol et al. 1995) and T. com-
exhibit cell polarity by forming the apical and basal poles, as pressicauda (Exbrayat and Estabel 2006); anurans, such as
observed in other vertebrates (Hua et al. 2012; M€ usch 2014). X. laevis (Spornitz 1975a; Zuasti et al. 1998), P. kl. esculentus
This cell polarity is related to functional compartmentalization (Guida et al. 1998; Barni et al. 1999), Physalaemus nattereri
of the hepatocytes in the way that bile is secreted into bile (synonym of Eupemphix nattereri; Franco-Belussi et al. 2012)
canaliculi at the apical region, while bile acids, glucose, amino and Rhinella marina (Silva et al. 2013); and urodeles including
acids and plasma proteins are transported between the hepa- Ichthyosaura alpestris apuanus (formerly Triturus alpestris apua-
tocytes and sinusoids at the basal region of the hepatocytes nus), T. carnifex (Barni et al. 1999), Necturus maculosus, Pro-
(Mescher 2013). teus anguinus (Prelovsek and Bulog 2003; Prelovsek et al.
The liver of some amphibians, likely including I. supachaii, 2008), Cynops orientalis (Xie et al. 2011), Lyciasalamandra ari-
also serves as a functional haematopoietic organ in adulthood kani (Akat and G€ ocßmen 2014) and Lissotriton italicus
(Akiyoshi and Inoue 2012). However, some adult anurans are (Bernab o et al. 2014). These hepatic pigment cells, aka mela-
devoid of the haematopoietic tissues in this organ (de Abreu nomacrophage centres, are also present in the liver of teleosts,
Manso et al. 2009; Akiyoshi and Inoue 2012). The presence such as gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass
of haematopoietic cells in the perihepatic subcapsular (Dicentrarchus labrax; Meseguer et al. 1994) and Prochilodus
haematopoietic tissue of I. supachaii is similar to other caecil- argenteus (Ribeiro et al. 2011) and the mud turtle (Kinosternon
ians (Zapata et al. 1982; Delsol et al. 1995; Paillot et al. flavescens; Christiansen et al. 1996). The presence of the hep-
1997a,b; Bleyzac et al. 2005; Akiyoshi and Inoue 2012); atic pigment cells results in black speckled pigmentation on
urodeles (Jordan and Speidel 1924; Campbell 1969; High- the liver surface upon gross examination, similar to the anu-
tower and St. Pierre 1971; Hightower and Haar 1975; Henry rans Dendropsophus nanus, Physalaemus cuvieri and Rhinella
and Charlemagne 1977; Xie et al. 2011; Akat and G€ ocßmen schneideri (Moresco and de Oliveira 2009) and urodeles C. ori-
2014; Lopez et al. 2014); and anurans (Spornitz 1975b; entalis (Xie et al. 2011) and L. italicus (Bernabo et al. 2014).
Hadji-Azimi et al. 1987). However, I. supachaii lacks the Accumulated evidence has indicated that these extracuta-
haematopoietic tissue at the periportal regions, unlike Typhlo- neous pigment cells arise from Kupffer cells that belong to a
nectes sp. in which haematopoiesis also takes place in these mononuclear phagocytic system of the mesodermal origin
regions (Akiyoshi and Inoue 2012). The liver of I. supachaii (Guida et al. 1998; Corsaro et al. 2000; Gallone et al. 2002;
also serves as a storage tissue for glycogen, similar to that of Sichel et al. 2002). Therefore, the origin of pigment cells is
the caecilian T. compressicauda (Hraoui-Bloquet and Exbrayat different from that of integumentary melanocytes; the latter
1992) and of anurans and urodeles (Spornitz 1975a, 1978; are derived from an ectodermal neural crest cell lineage (Gal-
Delsol et al. 1995; Barni et al. 1999; Xie et al. 2011; Akat and lone et al. 2007). Nonetheless, the hepatic pigment cells in
G€ocßmen 2014), while the digestive tract of I. supachaii does amphibians, such as melanocytes, are capable of synthesizing

14 © 2016 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 0: 1–19 (August 2016) Muikham et al.  Digestive system of Supachai’s caecilian

Fig. 14—Schematic microscopic organization

of the tubular digestive tract in Ichthyophis

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acknowledge Mr Watcharapong Hongjamrassil and Mrs 19–25.
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